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President McKinley was Assassinated by a Man Who Lost His Job Due To Trickle Down Economics. Just Like NOW! --- "The History Book on The Shelf, Is Always Repeating Itself." Lyric from "Waterloo" by ABBA

I'm Doing Research for My Book "The Violet Overgrow" - Maybe a PLOT TWIST! Leon Czolgosz was The Man Who Assassinated McKinley... "Trickle-down economics" used to be known as the "Horse and Sparrow Theory" which was responsible for the "Panic of 1896"

Video of ABBA Singing Waterloo: Could It Happen That ANOTHER UNEMPLOYED MAN Assassinates The President? I Sure Hope NOT... tRUMP Needs to Spend the Rest of His Life INCARCERATED to Serve as an Example for Other Criminals...

Statue of President McKinley in Arcata, CA - and a UFO - Ezekiel's Wheel
Statue of President McKinley in Arcata Plaza 
on a Cloudy Day... During a UFO Visit!

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using the Keywords: 
"gvan42 coloring book" 
another text art guy with a spiral lightning bolt background - free coloring book by greg vanderlaan 
text art guy with a spiral lightning bolt background

The economist John Kenneth Galbraith noted that "trickle-down economics" had been tried before in the United States in the 1890s under the name "horse-and-sparrow theory", writing:

Mr. David Stockman has said that supply-side economics was merely a cover for the trickle-down approach to economic policy—what an older and less elegant generation called the horse-and-sparrow theory: 'If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.'

Galbraith claimed that the horse-and-sparrow theory was partly to blame for the Panic of 1896.[21]

It appears Possible to Build a PLASTIC GUN that fires PLASTIC BULLETS... Important to know for the Plot Twist I'm Writing for my FICTION BOOK "The Violet Overgrow" -

plastic bullet or plastic baton round (PBR)[6] is a less-lethal projectile fired from a specialised gun. Although designed as a less-lethal weapon, they have caused a number of deaths. Plastic bullets are intended to be shot directly at the subject, causing bruising, or even broken bones when used correctly. They are generally used for riot control. Plastic bullets were invented in 1973 by the British security forces for use against demonstrators in Northern Ireland. They were developed to replace their rubber bullets in an attempt to reduce fatalities. If misused they can still cause fatal injury.

and then on Facebook we were Discussing #TrumpsFailedEconomy

Mark Dias Said: Deflation Still Present

The debt problem exposes the Fed’s risk and why they have no choice but to monetize the Government’s debt issuance to keep interest rates suppressed. More importantly, the decline in monetary velocity clearly shows that deflation is a persistent threat, and one the Fed is most afraid of.

“It is hard to overstate the degree to which psychology drives an economy’s shift to deflation. When the prevailing economic mood in a nation changes from optimism to pessimism, participants change. Creditors, debtors, investors, producers, and consumers all change their primary orientation from expansion to conservation.

Creditors become more conservative, and slow their lending.

Potential debtors become more conservative, and borrow less or not at all. Investors become more conservative, they commit less money to debt investments. Producers become more conservative and reduce expansion plans. Consumers become more conservative, and save more and spend less. These behaviors reduce the velocity of money, which puts downward pressure on prices. Money velocity has already been slowing for years, a classic warning sign that deflation is impending. 

Now, thanks to the virus-related lockdowns, money velocity has begun to collapse. As widespread pessimism takes hold, expect it to fall even further.”

Ultimately, the Federal Reserve, and the Administration, will have to face hard choices to extricate the economy from the current “liquidity trap” with which we are now faced.   However, history shows that political leadership never makes hard choices until those choices get forced upon them.

and I Replied: I believe People are Buying Less... Who Has Money To Spend? Layoffs Really Make People Stop Buying Stuff. and Many People are Getting Food at FREE Pantries, Soup Kitchens. I Remember Living in Chico on Zero Dollars a Day. Going to The Jesus Center for Breakfast and Dinner and Drinking Coffee at the AA Meetings. Smoking Cigarettes That I Found in Ashtrays. Quite Often People Will Only Smoke Half a Cigarette and Then Put it Out Before Entering a Store. Then When I Got a Job and Could Buy My Own Food, The Lady That Ran The Place Asked Me to NOT Eat There... It Was For PEOPLE IN NEED..

Steve Burke Said: Trump keeps saying that Biden will raise taxes on the middle class, Biden says not on those making under $400,000. Little do we know that there are already, written in the 2017 tax cut, already tax increases starting in 2021 and going till 2027, every 2 years, already written in tax cut for everyone except the upper tax payers. Seems like it's NOT Biden raising any taxes, it's TRUMP. Bet most people didn't know that. What do you say about that, all you tRumpers? Three tax increases in the next 6 years on the middle class.

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