Showing posts with label massive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label massive. Show all posts

What Can We Do to Prevent "The End of Civilization?" - Campaign for Democrats in the 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024 Elections, Take Back Congress, Impeach Trump ( Did That!) AND... March in the Streets...

Yes we are in a classic battle between good and evil... Like a Tolkienesque epoch... We the People need to band together to defeat MORDOR and the ORCS...

Trump and his Mind Controled Congress are doing all they can to do harm to America and The World... Trump might wait and ask Vladimir Putin for advice on who to pick for Supreme Court.

Soon their Supreme court will:
1.OUTLAW Homosexuality
2. Remove the right to Vote for Women and Blacks...
3. Make Abortion Illegal...
4. Repeal the First Amendment so freedom of speech and assembly is a crime...
5. Make Christianity the Official State Religion...
6. Make English the Official State Language...

There are dark times ahead...
Obama says that "Civilization is Collapsing" so get busy...

Ezekiel's Wheel visits Arcata California

"The Path Forward" - 20 Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live... 

#1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy; Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits...EVERYBODY WINS!

2. OUTLAW GERRYMANDERING: That way We Could Have Majority Rule in the USA. In Fact, Most People Prefer Majority Rule... We Tried Corporate Rule and That Was a Disaster!

3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let's FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment; 

4. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All Cannabis Prisoners; We Will NEED Empty Jail Cells to House TRAITOR TrumpNiks!

5. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics; Let Doctors and Patients Decide What the Best Medicine Is... DUH...

6. End The Electoral College; Let The People Decide Who Becomes President. 

7. Overturn Citizens United; Get Corporate Bribery OUT of Politics. 

8.Cut Pentagon Spending in Half; Why Pay for BOGUS WARS?

9. Build Solar Powered Desalination Plants - We Need Fresh Drinking Water!

10. Wear a Mask, Practice Social Distancing and GET a Vaccine. Let's End Trump's Coronavirus!

11. Medicare for all. Costs Less, Works Better! Just Look At CANADA, They Pay Less Money and Live Longer... DUH... 

Medicare For All Costs Less Works Better - Banger Typeface - gvan42

If YOU Have Any Ideas, Tell Me and I'll Include them in this eBook. gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]com

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I Have a Bachelor's Degree and That is Proof that I'm Tolerant with a Lot of CrazyTalk® and Nonsense... I Remember writing a Term Paper about Internet Service in Africa. Every student did a Different Country... and Then The Professor Had a Book! All Written Automatically. He Just Used a Word Processor and Copied and Pasted Each Student's Term Paper as a Chapter... Humboldt State University: Dr. Guy Alain Ammousou... No Longer There...

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Links to My Wordpress Blog:

“Lessons Learned” by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial and Error Yielded These Words of Wisdom…

It’s Important That We #DumpTrump Now. He Helped the Democrats Win in 2020 by The ENDLESS FAILURES During His Years as President.

NO NUKES! We REALLY Need to Guard the Atomic Waste at PG&E’s Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant Near Eureka California

AWAKEN! You Giant Made of Sand… [FICTION] by Gregory Vanderlaan

“IMPEACH BIDEN” TRUCKER HAT for sale… It’s Not Too Early to Start the Campaign… Kamala for President! Buttons! Stickers! Coffee Cups! T-Shirts!

Trump Is Right. Bring American Soldiers Home From Iraq and Afghanistan. There is NO VALID MISSION. VETO The NDAA. #DefundThePentagon — Refund That Wasted Money to the Taxpayers.

“Doing Evil for Money – a Novel” by Gregory Vanderlaan [another NSA Kiss and Tell Book]

The Path Forward… Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live… Let’s Heal America…

Top Ten ART Gifts on My Zazzle Webstore – The People Have Spoken! With Their Wallets – All Royalties Donated to Charity – Psychedelic Art

The COSTS of all those TV Advertisements for Prescription Medicines are PAID FOR BY THE PATIENTS.

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics – Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves What is the Best Treatment.

gvan42 – Free Coloring Book… Print as Many Copies as You Like and Share With Friends… BIG FUN for the Whole Family!


Trump's Plan is to CUT Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Environmental Protection and Public Schools in order to give Another Massive Tax Cut to the Rich...

If Trump Overturns the Election of 2020, His First Mission is to Make Abortion Illegal... Forcing Women to Have Unwanted Babies!

Then... Steal All Social Security Money and Give it to His Billionaire Friends... Letting Your Grandmother Starve... He Already Cut FOOD STAMPS for 700,000 People... WE SHOULD FEED AMERICAN CHILDREN NO MATTER WHAT THEIR PARENTS DO... 
It's Not The Children's FAULT if their Parents Have a Horrible Job that Can't Pay For Food... Trump Is Evil...

!OFTG .msicroxE nA gnimrofreP esuoH etihW eht gnidnuorruS stoirtaP noilliM A .worgrevO teloiV si rewoP fo refsnarT lufecaeP ot evitanretlA ylnO ehT ,noitcelE ehT snrutrevO yllautcA pmurT fI

VW Bus - Flower Power drawing - free coloring book by greg vanderlaan - gvan42
VW Bus - Flower Power drawing - free coloring book by gvan42

A great book documenting Charles Koch's campaign is "Democracy in Chains" by Nancy MacLean.

He founded The CATO Institute in order to publish Libertarian Propaganda, Influence Political Thought and Legislative Action. They write what they are told to write no matter what Actual Reality is. Corporate Whores... 

Koch opposes Majority Rule in the USA as that leads to Laws funding programs that are popular with the Majority. Wealthy people are a minority group so their desires are under represented.

For example: Why should wealthy people pay taxes to fund Public Schools when their children go to Private Schools? Trump's appointment of Elizabeth Devos as Secretary of Education enables the mission of School Vouchers to proceed... Cutting funding for Public Schools.

Obscuring census data to give "conservative districts more than their fair share of representation." Preventing access to the vote. Decrying "socialized medicine." Trying to end Social Security using dishonest vocabulary like "strengthened." Lionizing Lenin. Attempting to institute voucher programs to "get Government out of the business of public education." Increasing corporatization of higher education. Harboring a desire, at heart, to change the Constitution itself.

This unsettling list could be 2017 Bingo. In fact, it's from half a century earlier, when economist James Buchanan — an early herald of libertarianism — began to cultivate a group of like-minded thinkers with the goal of changing government. This ideology eventually reached the billionaire Charles Koch; the rest is, well, 2017 Bingo.

IS TRUMP TOO INSANE TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT? Does his danger to the Human Species warrant a 25th Amendment removal?

Would a war with North Korea or Iran trigger GLOBAL ANNIHILATION by Nuclear Weapons? End Human Life on this planet? Extinction Forever? That's what we have with a Madman in the White House... He Believes That Jesus Will Save Him Before The Atom Bombs Explode! Rapture will BEAM HIM UP!
psychedelic art by gvan42 spaceships

psychedelic art by gvan42 spaceships

psychedelic art by gvan42 Boats and Mushrooms

psychedelic art by gvan42 op art self portrait

psychedelic art by gvan42 Free Mushroom Clip Art

One Problem with BELIEVING LIES is that Corrupt People Will Take Advantage of You. For Example: Trump's Fake University - He Had to Refund $25 Million Dollars to Students for FRAUD... A Simpler Way To Live is to REFUSE TO BELIEVE LIES... Think For Yourself!

Remember Trump's Fake Charity? He Had to Pay a $2 Million Dollar Fine for FRAUD and Cannot Operate a Charity in New York State Ever Again... BUT... That Does Not Prevent Him From Founding a Fake Charity in Florida... Where He Can Steal From Veterans AGAIN... An Alternative to BEING a GULLIBLE FOOL is to WAKE UP! It's FUN, It's FREE and Everybody's Doing It! 

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

psychedelic art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
My Music Videos:

My Store Where I Sell Art:

My Facebook Page


Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Massive Donation Increase To Biden Campaign After He Named Kamala Harris. THE PEOPLE LOVE HER! Smart - Tough - Honest

Even Clippy is Campaigning - Vote4Joe - gvan42
#Vote4Joe - Free Coloring Book Art by Gregory Vanderlaan - MORE at Google Image Search using the Words "gvan42"
Free Coloring Book Art by Gregory Vanderlaan
MORE ART at Google Image Search
Using the Word "gvan42"

The Republicans Are in a PANIC! She is a Fighting Tiger and Trump Will Get Shredded By Her... Then #ArrestBarr and #ImpeachKavaKavaNOOGIE

Her is a typical GOP Rant: 

Ok, looking at the record of Kamala Harris you can find.
Introducing identity because you liberals always love that, she was the first black woman to be elected as a district attorney in the history of California along with being the first woman attorney general in California.
Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about some actual stuff that catches peoples attention way more if we are going to be extremely honest and blunt about that. She claimed that she was doing what she could to reform the justice system in the state. I'll allow the residents of California to make up their mind on that and tell the rest of us what they think.
In her last year being the district attorney for San Francisco, one the crime labs was subject to skimming some cocaine they were supposed to test and in the process many results were contaminated. Several in her own staff at the time had expressed their concerns but the cases were still ordered to continue in prosecution based on this failed lab work. After someone got upset with her for not disclosing this information she was pressured into dismissing 1,000 drug cases. In other words, Harris was very slow on admitting in fault in what had transpired.
Going further, we all know how much liberals hate the death penalty. Well, wouldn't it be nice to tell you all that when a case came up regarding such a sentence with hopes from some overturning it based on DNA that Harris blocked some DNA testing? This is after the death row inmate had insisted that they were frames for something they hadn't done. The new DNA testing wasn't even ordered until the governor decided to step in. In addition, her office defended many convictions with many other problems and holes in them. One such instance was where false testimony was allowed to be heard in a court room. Due to that, federal appeals court caught onto them and basically forced Harris to change her position.
Going onto inmate labor, let's call it what it is. Inmate labor is pretty much systemic slavery. September 2014, attorneys under Harris argued a court filing that California should not free some prisoners as part of an effort to reduce prison crowding due to negatively impact programs that forced inmates to fight wildfires. However, Harris said in the fall of that year once headlines were out that she didn't know about this and that the case did not reflect her priorities. Inmate wages in California for indentured servitude can be as low as 8 cents an hour and the highest being only 2 dollars a day. (Even Democrats running a state government can make indentured servitude happen.)
In her second year as district attorney, Harris argued at a Commonwealth Club forum that people come to the city of San Francisco to commit crimes because it is cheaper to do so due to the city setting lower rates for bail than surrounding counties. She specifically called for higher bail in gun cases and the city hiked the rates for this the following month over objections of defense attorneys. The argument was that cash bail allowed the rich to stay out of jail and make it easier for poorer folk to be put in even if later found innocent.
There is probably more and I will surely post about it but this is what people should know of her record there to start.

#TrumpHasFailed EBOLA, SARS and AIDS Did NOT Cause Massive Unemployment... BUT tRUMP'S CORONAVIRUS DID... Why Didn't Trump Make America Great?

This is What Real Leadership Looks Like...
MEME - Obama War Room - Killing Osama bin Laden - Joe Biden - Hillary Clinton - gvan42
Thank You! President Obama... 
Great Job!
The Hunt for Osama bin Laden.

HEADLINE: Donald Trump destroyed the economy... The relatively strong economy of 2019 is not coming back for a good long while because Donald Trump is an incompetent oaf who has failed spectacularly at his job. 

#Vote4Joe MEME - Like and Share Worldwide - WE Must Beat Trump Like a Pinata!

The epic failure of Donald Trump Letter To the Editor: Wisdom Here! Thanks Chuck Petty... #TrumpMustResign

The Trump presidency has been an abject failure from the very beginning and history will prove his tenure as the leader of the free world to be the worst in the annals of our democracy.

He has repeatedly failed to bring our country together as a nation by his inability to provide any leadership whatsoever when it was so desperately needed. He has failed the world when he walked away from NATO. He failed again when he said climate change is a hoax, solely blaming the Chinese and dropped out of the world organization. His failed trade wars and tariffs has had a very detrimental effect on many segments of our population, especially farmers and in particular beef farmers by importing 3.7 billion pounds of beef from 19 countries last year resulting in many struggling to survive.

While taking an $18 per head loss, the beef processing companies turn a profit of $600 a head. He failed us when he did not put together a national plan of action against the COVD-19 emergency. He failed us when he stopped funding to the WHO when it is most needed to fight the pandemic. He has failed to protect the American people from the current pandemic by refusing to listen to the advice of his own health experts and the dire consequences that would result from doing nothing. He actually stated “It will go away, it will be like a miracle it will just disappear. “ It is nothing but a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats.” He has failed us when he ignored the facts and refused to take any action in the fight against the pandemic until it was too late, costing untold thousands of lives.

He has failed us in trying to place the blame on anybody or anything but himself. The truth is, those thousands of lost lives lay only at the feet of the President of the United States. The blame cannot be cast elsewhere. The facts are not fake news. He has tried desperately to hide facts from the American people that might be detrimental to the health of the economy and his re-election. It is obvious his only concern is for himself and not anyone or anything else. He is willing to trade lives for the Dow Jones.

Be a responsible citizen and vote in the November presidential election to remove this inept and corrupt despot and return respect, sanity and dignity to the office and to us, the American people.

— Chuck Petty

The Idiocy of Donald Trump Letter to the Editor. 

The Mirriam-Webster definition of the word idiocy is as follows: Extremely stupid behavior, notably stupid or foolish-madness-lunacy-insanity. The definition for inept is as follows: Not suitable to the time and place-unfit-bungling- lacking sense or reason-generally incompetent. This accurately describes the personality and mental state of the man currently the leader of the free world, and reminiscent of a man of insanity from the past: Adolf Hitler.

The threat to the USA, our democracy, freedoms and liberty is not Russia and Putin, nor North Korea and Kim Jung-Un, nor China and Xi Jinping. The real and present danger sits in the White House as Donald Trump. The American Psychiatric Association classifies Trump as suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. He exhibits a preoccupation with power, prestige, and vanity. This condition is also characterized by exploitative behavior to achieve personal gain, exaggeration of skills, and accomplishments and intolerance of the views of others. Pathological narcissism personalities insult others constantly and cannot tolerate criticisms. He is also characterized as a sociopath and pathological liar with repeated lying, and manipulation of others with aggressiveness and consistent irresponsibility. American mental health professionals have long warned us Trump exhibits signs of clinical insanity and we haven’t listened.

In September 2017, a mere eight months in office, 60,000 mental health professionals crafted and signed a petition stating that he has serious mental illness and requested Congress remove him from office, according to article four of the 25th amendment to the constitution that states the president will be replaced if he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. That call has gone unheeded in Congress where Republicans habitually turn a blind eye to Trump’s insanities.

Politifact named Trump the winner of its annual “lie of the Year” award in 2015 with 72 percent of Trump’s public remarks about factual circumstances as false. To date there has been in excess of 18,000 documented and proven lies from this mentally disturbed despot.

Is this who we want as our president? I hope not. I pray not. A June 4 poll showed that only 26 percent of the respondents viewed the US going in the right direction. Most people now understand what we have is not what we want or need as our leader. Do your patriotic/civic duty and vote in November to remove this sick man from office.

— Chuck Petty

New Music Video: "The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key,  tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150 Blues"

#ImpeachBarr - He is a Menace to Society.

Skolstrejk för klimatetat #ClimateStrike - Protest Online Using "digital strikes" Instead of Mass Rallies in the Streets - Take Worldwide ECO-ACTION! - Greta Thunberg says: “We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”

WHY HAS tRUMP FAILED TO GET ANYTHING DONE? Except, Of Course, He Did Sign the "Help Crazy People Buy Guns" Law...

Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide!

Music Video: "The Everybody's Laughing at Trump, He's a Dumpster Fire Blues"

Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG by Gregory Vanderlaan

MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - Upside Down American Flag - gvan42

TODAY: Massive George Floyd Memorial Protest March - NATIONWIDE - Bring a Whistle - tRUMP LOVES Whistle Blowers - 6/6/2020 - Assemble Peacefully At Lafayette Park in Washington DC


MEME - 140 dB Personal Alarm - Protest at the White House - gvan42
You Might Want to SET OFF a 140 dB Personal Alarm
That Way tRUMP Will Be Sure To Know You Are There!

How to Get There. Park at a Metro (subway) Station in the Suburbs and Ride the Train Into Town. 

Main Event at the St John's Church Near Lafayette Park. (H and 16th Streets) - Use The McPherson Square Metro Stop.


MAP of the Metro System:

Google Map of Where the Metro Stations Are: (so you know where to park)

If you are Flying In, There is a Metro Station at National Airport... Ride the Blue Line to McPherson Square... 

Proof of tRUMP's FAILED ECONOMY... JC Penny Goes Bankrupt... Dang! Wasn't He Going to Make America Great Again?

JC Penney, the more than 100-year old US department store chain, filed for bankruptcy on Friday, making it the latest business to hit bottom amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The chain, known for selling family apparel, cosmetics and jewelry, is the latest in a series of victims of the pandemic-induced economic downturn. With its 850 stores and almost 90,000 workers, it is also reportedly the largest retail casualty so far.


tRUMP's Coronavirus Has Killed 88,237 Americans as of 5/16/2020.
And There Is NO END In Sight...

More Americans Dead than The Vietnam War, 
9/11 and Charles Manson COMBINED.

and his New Plan of 
"Opening the Country"
is Likely to Increase Fatalities! 

MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - on an Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

ANTI-tRUMP Protest at the White House - Set Off a Few 140dB Personal Alarms - Let's See If tRUMP Can Pretend Shrieking Alarms are A Show of Support... and Love...

Anti-tRUMP Protest at the White House - 140dB Personal Alarm

The Reason I Teach American History on the Internet is... I hope to AWAKEN People. For decades I have expressed my opinion in public and the Majority of people said "You're Wrong, Greg!" and then ten years Later the Majority CHANGED THEIR MINDS and they say "You're Right, Greg!"

For the Good of Humanity. My Words can be used to make people THINK... and once they start THINKING, they QUESTION the Lies told them... It Takes TWO to make a Lie Effective... the Teller of the LIE and the Believer of the LIE. I often see Blatant falsehoods posted by TrumpNiks... It's my Civic Duty to do a FACT CHECK and Publish TRUTH.

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and Now for Something Completely Different!
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My Favorite Beautiful Nude Women Dancing GIFs

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Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
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During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


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Military Death Chart USA

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics