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Massive Donation Increase To Biden Campaign After He Named Kamala Harris. THE PEOPLE LOVE HER! Smart - Tough - Honest

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The Republicans Are in a PANIC! She is a Fighting Tiger and Trump Will Get Shredded By Her... Then #ArrestBarr and #ImpeachKavaKavaNOOGIE

Her is a typical GOP Rant: 

Ok, looking at the record of Kamala Harris you can find.
Introducing identity because you liberals always love that, she was the first black woman to be elected as a district attorney in the history of California along with being the first woman attorney general in California.
Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about some actual stuff that catches peoples attention way more if we are going to be extremely honest and blunt about that. She claimed that she was doing what she could to reform the justice system in the state. I'll allow the residents of California to make up their mind on that and tell the rest of us what they think.
In her last year being the district attorney for San Francisco, one the crime labs was subject to skimming some cocaine they were supposed to test and in the process many results were contaminated. Several in her own staff at the time had expressed their concerns but the cases were still ordered to continue in prosecution based on this failed lab work. After someone got upset with her for not disclosing this information she was pressured into dismissing 1,000 drug cases. In other words, Harris was very slow on admitting in fault in what had transpired.
Going further, we all know how much liberals hate the death penalty. Well, wouldn't it be nice to tell you all that when a case came up regarding such a sentence with hopes from some overturning it based on DNA that Harris blocked some DNA testing? This is after the death row inmate had insisted that they were frames for something they hadn't done. The new DNA testing wasn't even ordered until the governor decided to step in. In addition, her office defended many convictions with many other problems and holes in them. One such instance was where false testimony was allowed to be heard in a court room. Due to that, federal appeals court caught onto them and basically forced Harris to change her position.
Going onto inmate labor, let's call it what it is. Inmate labor is pretty much systemic slavery. September 2014, attorneys under Harris argued a court filing that California should not free some prisoners as part of an effort to reduce prison crowding due to negatively impact programs that forced inmates to fight wildfires. However, Harris said in the fall of that year once headlines were out that she didn't know about this and that the case did not reflect her priorities. Inmate wages in California for indentured servitude can be as low as 8 cents an hour and the highest being only 2 dollars a day. (Even Democrats running a state government can make indentured servitude happen.)
In her second year as district attorney, Harris argued at a Commonwealth Club forum that people come to the city of San Francisco to commit crimes because it is cheaper to do so due to the city setting lower rates for bail than surrounding counties. She specifically called for higher bail in gun cases and the city hiked the rates for this the following month over objections of defense attorneys. The argument was that cash bail allowed the rich to stay out of jail and make it easier for poorer folk to be put in even if later found innocent.
There is probably more and I will surely post about it but this is what people should know of her record there to start.

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