Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Simple Solution: Inflation is a Voluntary Choice by Corporate CEOs. They Select to Raise Prices. Let's Make Them an Offer They Cannot Refuse. READ MORE:


Not One Word Is True.

Billy (Not His Real Name) Was Wondering: "What IF We Kidnapped the CEO of ExxonValdez and Held Him Until the Price of Gasoline Went Down. He Could Call his Second in Command and Tell Him to Roll Back The Prices... or the Kidnappers Would Cut Off One Finger a Day Until They Did... 
Make a Video of the CEO Begging and Publish it Online... Everywhere... Complete with a Newspaper with Today's Date... and then Tomorrow Publish a Video of the Same CEO with NINE Fingers... 

I Bet That Before that CEO Had Lost All his Fingers and His Penis, Prices Would Be Lower... and OTHER CEOs would have Gotten the Message! And Their Days of Playing the Piano Would Be Saved!"

and Sally Replied: "No! That's a Crazy Idea."

and Billy Replied: "I Agree Sally, But You Know It Would Work... Sigh... "

The Godfather - I'm Gonna Make Him An Offer He Can't Refuse... 

and Just For Deep Background: 
Darren Woods is the CEO of ExxonValdez... 

Accusation of lying to Congress

In 2021, Woods denied that Exxon had covered up its own research about Big Oil's contribution to the climate crisis. The chair of the Congressional committee taking Woods' testimony likened Woods' denial to the decades' long lies by the American tobacco industry denying that nicotine is addictive.[11] Woods also declined to make a pledge to stop lobbying against climate initiatives.[11]

Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law is Causing Inflation in 2022 - MEME - gvan42
When I Posted this Idea on FaceBORG
I Was Banished for a Day. 
Promoting Violence.
an Entire Day! 
What a Horrible Punishment!

BOYCOTT EVERYTHING UNTIL PRICES COME DOWN! ... Corporations Will Keep on Raising Prices Higher and Higher and Higher UNTIL PEOPLE STOP BUYING. They Would Charge You $100 for a Quart of Milk if They Could Get Away With It! READ MORE:

Prices are not Accidentally Set... Corporate Drones Do Careful Math to Determine the Highest Price the Public will Pay before Refusing to Buy... They Call It: "Whatever the Market Will Bear."

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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