Remember: The Canadian Healthcare Costs People Less Money Than the American Healthcare System... and People Live Longer...
Let's Replace our Broken System...
Our Plan: "Get Sick, Die, Loser."
is NOT the best Idea.
England, Scandinavia, Australia, Europe... They ALL HAVE BETTER HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS... Let's Learn from Them.
For many critics of U.S. health care, the Canadian system of universal health care has long been viewed as an alternative, superior model for the U.S. to follow. Canada’s single-payer system is mostly publicly funded, while the U.S. has a multi-payer, heavily private system. While dissatisfaction with the U.S. health care system is widespread among Americans, Canada’s health care system enjoys high levels of satisfaction among its own population.
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Shredded Rainbow Spiral Business Cards For Sale. <--- Click on the Link!
Link to Spiral Art Painted on Bling:
Link to Rainbow Art Painted on Bling:
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
On the Other Hand,
Looking at Psychedelic Art
has Known Healing Power!
Link to All My Medicare For All Merchandise:
On FaceBorg: MN Said...
I'm going to explain why we need Medicare-for-All. When J.F.K. was calling for Universal Healthcare, he said at the time we were not providing the same level of care as other countries.
In the 1990s I saw a woman testifying in Congress that her job working for an insurance company was to take high dollar claims that were coming in and pull the paperwork the patient signed while getting insurance, look for a mistake that had been made by the patient and use that mistake to deny coverage. She said she knew people had died as a result of her actions. The question we need to ask ourselves is does it make sense to give trillions of dollars each year to insurance companies that work hard to avoid paying for healthcare? The most obvious example of this is pre-existing conditions which came into play only in the U.S. so insurance companies could avoid paying for medical expenses. Those with pre-existing conditions had their medical expenses paid for by state aid, if they were lucky. This means we were giving trillions of dollars to insurance companies for the express purpose of paying medical expenses while also paying millions in taxes to cover the expenses the insurance companies refused to cover.
In 2020 millions of people in this country lost jobs because of the pandemic. A high percentage of those also lost insurance coverage because they could no longer afford to pay premiums. So there are those who lost their jobs, then lost insurance coverage, then got sick and went to the hospital ending up tens of thousands of dollars in debt. This happens every time we have a serious economic downturn. It's cruel and oppressive...people are dying in the name of corporate profits. The U.S. is the only country that allows people to go bankrupt because they got sick or injured. The number one reason citizens of this country file for bankruptcy is medical debt.
In Germany, single payer healthcare is working so well that a person feeling stress can have a doctor write a prescription for a free three week stay at a spa. Germany has a healthcare system that reduces stress while we have a system that CAUSES stress.
Recent studies have indicated that Medicare-for-All would save billions each year. The most recent that I'm aware of was done by Yale University. It concluded that Medicare-for-All would save approximately $500 billion dollars and 30,000 lives every year.
Medicare-for-All (or single payer) has the approval of nearly 70% of U.S. citizens. We won't have justice or democracy in this country until the government starts working for the people instead of working for corporations.

Link to Buy This Hat and All Other MFA Gifts!
Vote for Freedom 2024 - Trump is ANTI-CHOICE - He Wants to Force Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Babies. THAT'S Q-CRAZY! Remember: Trump Appointed the Corrupt Supreme Court that Overturned Roe V Wade!
#Runaway from the GOP! Millions of Former Republicans FLEE the Madness... "They Never Get Anything Done!" Says Marge S. of Springfield... "Can You Name Anything That Republicans Have Done to Make Your Life Better? NO YOU CANNOT! Total Failure!"

Promises Made, Promises Broken button for sale...
Trump's Top 10 Failures:
#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.
#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House.
#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!
#4 Trump's Trade War With China. That Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Russia Benefited by Selling Soybeans to China.
#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...
#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans...
#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!
#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History.
#9 Massive Unemployment - 14.7%
#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries...
Trump Received Money From Roman Vasilenko (a Russian Businessman) for His 2016 Campaign. GOP operative Jesse Benton was convicted of funneling Russian donations. The "Russia Hoax" was Not a Hoax After All. Trump Actually Got Rubles to Help Him Campaign AND HE KEPT THEM!
Why Hasn't Trump Been Arrested and Convicted for This Crime?
Republican political operative Jesse Benton was convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Taylor Swift says VOTE 4 JOE - "I will proudly vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this year's presidential election. Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs."
Please Share These Memes Nationwide!

Taylor Swift explained why she's 'proudly' voting for Joe Biden for president...
"The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included," she said.

A Taylor Swift Instagram post helped drive a surge in voter registration...
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