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Taylor Swift says VOTE 4 JOE - "I will proudly vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this year's presidential election. Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs."
Please Share These Memes Nationwide! Taylor Swift explained why she's 'proudly' voting for Joe Biden for president... https://...

Campaign Songs! MUSIC VIDEOS: "Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane. #RUNAWAY from Trump. He's Got Dementia Brain!" Please Share this with Campaign Staff and Volunteers... Button 4 Sale at Zazzle Gregvan Chorus: Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane. Vote 4 Joe. He's Not Insane. #RU...

The US House HAS that Authority To IMPEACH THE CORRUPT SUPREME COURT... Please CONTACT YOUR REP and Tell 'em to End the Q-Madness!
LINK: Trump Did a Horrible Job as President. Unemployment Went to 14.7% and there were Massive Lines at the FREE FOO...
Swifties Arise! Please Share these Vote 4 Joe Memes Nationwide. Taylor Swift Backs Biden/Harris. Copy and Paste 'em Everywhere! This Is Our Year!
Remember: In 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works! His Puppet Won the Electoral College... Campaign Song! MUSIC VIDEO: "Vot...
TRUMP LOST IN 2020 and That's Why He Lives at Mar-A-Loser, Florida... and Joe Biden Lives in The White House... DUH... and Repeating a Lie One Million Times FAILS to Change That!
If Elected in 2024, Trump Will Cause Global Economic Collapse. He Plans to Declare Bankruptcy for the Entire USA So We Won't Have to Pay...

What IF Someone Shined a Laser Pointer at Trump at a Campaign Rally? Would the Secret Service Assume that it was a Rifle Sighting Laser? Would He "Hit The Dirt?"
Mad Panic on TV News? Absurdist Street Theater or Civil Disobedience ? Popular Posts Taylor Swift says VOTE 4 JOE - "I will proudly ...

Are the Corrupt Supreme Court Justices In Danger? It's a Lifetime Appointment but... How Long is a Lifetime? Just Asking the Obvious Question...
"The Future's Uncertain and the End is Always Near..." - Jim Morrison Someone in...

What's the Difference Between Trump and Hitler? Serious Question. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? Inquiring minds want to know!
Trump's Favorite Book Is: "My New Order" by Adolf Hitler... When Trump says he has NOT read "Mein Kampf" ... That Co...

GTFO! "Catch and Release" Border Solution. What if We Give Them a FREE One Way Bus Ride Right Back to Mexico? FREE Airplane Rides to Venezuela? Afghanistan? Gaza? Or Anywhere? IT WORKED GREAT FOR HAITI!
and Deportation for people that overstay their Student Visas! Like Melania Trump and her "Chain Migration" Parents. She had a &quo...
Drumpf Uber Alles! The Trump NAZI Occult Connection: A Search for Magic Powers that will let him and his sons Rule the World Forever...
The Black Sun is a type of sun wheel symbol originating in Nazi Germany and later employed by neo-Nazis and other far-right individuals ...