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GOP HOUSE FAILS AGAIN! "Pathetic Losers" - The Time has come to #RUNAWAY from the Republican Party... Trump is Anti-Choice. He Wants to Force Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Babies. That's Q-CRAZY®

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Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42

Anti-Trump Memes - Please share them worldwide... Just Copy and Pate into Social Media... and VOTE 4 JOE! gvan42
Movie Sequel: "Who is Killing the Evil Billionaires of America?" A Remake of the Film "Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?" Hollywood! WAKE UP! This Could be Big!

Tucker Carlson Says: ‘Obviously’ We’re ‘Speeding Toward Assassination’ of Trump. Is Tucker Trying to Motivate a Madman to Pull the Trigger? Revenge for Trump Getting Him Fired at Fox?

According to Carlson, “both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

Vote 4 Joe memes and Merch... VOTE BLUE in 2024... It Might Be Your Last Chance... Once Trump Crowns Himself King... NO MORE ELECTIONS! 

LINK: Vote 4 Joe American Flag button

LINK: Zazzle Gregvan Store


VOTE 4 JOE The Economy is Doing Great! Jobs are UP, Wages Are UP, Stock Market is UP... Vote for Democrats Everywhere... Protect Social Security, Medicare. Fund the Police and The US Military.

Trump is Terrified of being Executed for Treason. That's Why He Wants Absolute Immunity... He Knows He's GUILTY and He Knows He's Going to Hell... and That's Frightening!

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Om Mani Padme Hum Song... Chords: Em, D
My Music Video:

A jewel in the lotus flower unfolding, deep within my soul.

the jewel in the lotus flower unfolding, is the highest goal.

Om mani padme, Om mani Padme, Om mani padme hum. 

Other People Singing this Song:



I came into Yuba as soon as I read
Of all of those twenty-five hobos found dead
I came in to find out if one of the slain
Could have answered to my brother's name
It might be your brother, I just couldn't say
We hire lots of floaters who work by the day;
Now I see his photo they might be the same
But I never did ask him his name
Chorus: If I had a list and if I only knew
I'd write down their names and sing them to you
And when I got done, I'd sing them again
So you'd all know each one had a name
He had a room and ran out on the rent
Hired on a crew, I don't know where he went
If I knew his boss, I might make a claim
But I never did write down his name
He stopped for a drink every now and again
Didn't look no different than hundreds of men;
You know these old b__s, they all look the same
No reason to ask him his name
It might have been Shorty, a feller I knew
We bunked in the empties when the season was through
You know, I been thinking, it sure is a shame
I never did ask him his name
We always abandon the old for the new
And second-hand people get thrown away, too;
I know it won't help, but still it explains
Why no one remembers their names

Who was the serial killer in Yuba County?
Juan Vallejo Corona (c. 1934- March 4, 2019) was a spree killer who served a life sentence in Corcoran State Prison for raping and murdering 25 vagrants and migrant farm workers with a machete in 1971. The killings took place at the Sullivan Ranch, located near Lomo Crossing, which is between Yuba City and Live Oak.
Victims (charged)
NumberNameAgeDeath DateMethod of Killing
1John Joseph Haluka52February 25, 1971 – May 11, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
2Sigurd E. "Pete" Beierman62February 25, 1971 – May 11, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
3John Doe (4th victim found)UnknownFebruary 25, 1971 – May 11, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
4John Doe (7th victim found)UnknownFebruary 25, 1971 – May 11, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
5William Emery Kamp62February 26, 1971 – May 12, 1971Shot in the head w/ a 9 mm.
6Clarence Hocking53February 26, 1971 – May 12, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
7John Doe (10th victim found)UnknownFebruary 26, 1971 – May 12, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
8John Doe (12th victim found)UnknownFebruary 26, 1971 – May 12, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
9Albert Leon "Scratchy" Hayes58February 27, 1971 – May 13, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
10Warren Jerome Kelley62On or around March 30, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
11John Henry Jackson64May 3, 1971 - May 14, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
12Joseph J. Maczak54April 26, 1971 – May 21, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
13Mark Beverly Shields56On or around April 28, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
14Donald Dale "Red" Smith60April 30, 1971 – May 11, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
15James Wylie Howard64May 1, 1971 – May 13, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
16Sam Bonafiede (a.k.a. Joe Carriveau)55On or around May 6, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
17Edward Martin Cupp43May 9, 1971 – May 13, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
18Charles Levy Fleming67On or around May 11, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
19Jonah Raggio Smallwood56On or around May 12, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
20Elbert J.T. Riley45On or around May 12, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
21Lloyd Wallace Wenztel60May 14, 1971 – May 22, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
22Paul Buel Allen59On or around May 15, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
23Raymond Reand Muchache47On or around May 18, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
24Kenneth Edward Whitacre40On or around May 19, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.
25Melford Everett Sample59On or around May 21, 1971Stabbed/slashed w/ a knife or machete.

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