Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump Says He'll "End" Inflation... He can't possibly do that Because Jeff Bezos sets the prices on Amazon... And the Walton family sets prices at Walmart... And Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell and Mobil all set their own prices... OPEC does not obey Trump either...

Trump just said groceries will be more affordable ‘very soon.’ He’s also said that might be very hard to achieve...
Trump is a Weirdo... 
Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump!  

Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide!

Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

Donald Trump falsely suggests Kamala Harris ‘turned Black’

“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?” the former president said.

BOTH... You Weirdo... A Black Father and an Indian Mother... DUH!
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Millions Will Be Imprisoned If Trump Wins. Trump is unfit for public office. Trump’s decisions are based only on what is good for Trump, and not what is good for America. Trump is so unfit he does not know the difference between an “Insurrection” and a “Protest.” January 6, 2021 thousands of armed attackers stormed the US Capital while Congress was in session confirming the 2020 presidential election. Screaming “Hang Pence,” they battered down walls attempting to overturn the election was an Insurrection. Burning an American flag by Gaza war protestors is wrong, but only a breach of disrespect. Trump promises to imprison millions of immigrants. Citizen immigrants? Amnesty immigrants? DACA immigrants? Trump would imprison everyone with whom he has a disagreement. Meanwhile, millions of Americans may go to prison, be injured or die because Trump is confused and unfit for public office. We can’t allow a dummy like Trump to hold our lives in his unfit hands. Vote Democracy, vote blue, vote Democrat to elect people who protect your values.
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Q: Was Jesus an Outer Space Alien?
A: The Bible does not specifically says that Jesus was an outer space alien. However, it does not rule out that possibility... According to the "Official Story" of Christian theology, Jesus is considered the Son of God, who was born of a virgin woman, Mary, through divine intervention. The accounts of Jesus' life in the New Testament describe him as a human being, born in the town of Bethlehem, and raised in Nazareth. He lived and taught in the region of Judea, and his life, death, and resurrection are central to Christian belief. While there are various interpretations and theories about Jesus' nature, the idea that he was an outer space alien is not supported by the biblical texts or mainstream Christian theology.

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POWERFUL SPEECH from my GA Sen Jon Ossoff at Kamala Harris’ rally in Atlanta:
THIS IS SO GOOD: OSSOFF : “Apparently , Donald Trump is too scared to debate the VP, too scared. [crowd chants, “He’s scared!”] I don’t if you remember this back in 2020, but I know about having an opponent [Sen Perdue] who is too scared to debate. And let me tell you, Atlanta, a candidate dodging debates is a candidate who is losing. Right now, Donald Trump is imaging how it will feel to stand up to a formidable, prepared, tough as nails prosecutor, US Senator and the next POTUS! [loud roars] He not prepared to defend his record because he can not defend his record. Atlanta, can he defend overturning Roe v Wade? [“No!”] Can he defend disparaging and belittling American veterans and POWs? [“No!”]. Can he defend being found liable by a jury for sexual abuse? [“No!”] Can he defend raising a mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol? [“No!”] Can he defend trying to discard the votes of millions of Americans?” [No!] [The crowd chants “Lock him up!”].
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Keywords for Further Research: #DumpTrump, weird, weirdo, freak, lose, wanker, Donald, fail, failure, CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, DARPA, EIEIO, qanon, #ArrestTrump, Mar-A-Loser, Insane, #Trump5150, Treason, Project 2025

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Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

PETE BUTTIGIEG destroying MAGA talking points: “We are all aware of how he’s doing. Our country has watched our president lead. And also, we’ve seen that fact that he’s 10 years older than he was 10 years ago. But unlike Republicans who in Trump’s personality cult will take a look at Donald Trump and say he’s perfectly fine even though he was unable to tell the difference between Niki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. Even though he’s rambling about electrocuting sharks and Hannibal Lecter. Even though he’s clearly older and stranger than when America first got to know him. They say he’s strong as an ox, leaps high buildings in a single bound. We don't have that kind of warped reality on our side."
FOX HOST: “But the voters…”
BUTTIGIEG: “On the contrary, the president confronted that reality and did one of the most difficult decisions for an American president to ever make. And he did something I don’t think Donald Trump could even conceive of doing which is putting his own interests aside for the good of the country.”

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Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

Pilliard Dickle

PUIM. (That’s my new acronym for Popped Up In Memories)
I am becoming increasingly aware of my awareness. It’s like I’m not entirely ensconced in what is generally considered reality, rather it's as if I'm watching a movie. In 3-D and Dolby stereo, but a movie nonetheless.
In my peripheral vision, I can make out a little sign just off the edge of the movie screen that says EXIT, in glowing red letters.
Exit, huh? Hmm... It'd be interesting to open that door and step out of the darkened theater into the sunlight and see what's going on out there.
Oh wait – it doesn't say EXIT. It says EXIST.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

In this digital age, it’s beginning to feel like this is my primary contact with other human beings. Not complaining—it’s my own doing for not getting out there in the real world more. It might apply to a lot of us today.

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Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

Trump is Weird... Please Share these MEMES Nationwide... Worldwide! We MUST Beat Trump! More at

Weirdo? JD Vance Was a Hairy KRNSA... Red Dot on Forehead Means: "My Wife Told Me To Do This!" and I'm a WIMP... When He Says Hillbilly, He's Talking About People That Live Near MT EVEREST...

Red Dot Weirdo JD Vance

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Q: Was Jesus Gay? No Wife. No Children...

A: The Bible does not explicitly state that Jesus was not gay. Jesus' marital status and lack of children is not a definitive indication of his sexual orientation. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus was unmarried and had no biological children, but this is not unusual given the cultural context of his time. Many Jewish religious leaders, including John the Baptist and the apostle Paul, were also unmarried and childless. In the case of Jesus, his singleness was likely due to his commitment to his ministry and his unique role as the Son of God. The Bible does not offer any information about Jesus' romantic relationships or sexual orientation, and any assertions to that effect would be speculative and not based on biblical texts.

Gov Tim Walz (D-MN):
Tapper: “You’ve legalized recreational marijuana, you’ve passed universal backgrounds checks on guns, expanded LBGTQ protections, you implemented college for low income Minnesotans, there’s free breakfast and lunch for school kids. Do you think your record is an asset to the ticket or would it risk fueling Trump attacks as you being a big government liberal?”
THIS : Gov Tim Walz (D-MN) chuckling “What a monster, kids are eating and having full bellies so they can go learn, and women are making their own health care decisions. We’re a top 5 business state and we also rank in the top 3 of happiness.”
Walz continues, “Look, they’re going to label whatever they’re going to label. He’s going to roll it out, mispronounce names to try and make the case. The fact of the matter is where you see the policies that VP Harris was a part of making, democratic governors across the country executed those policies, the quality of life is higher, economies are better, all those things. Educational attainment is better. So yea, my kids are going to eat here, they’ll have a chance to go to college, they going to have an opportunity to live while we’re working on reducing carbon emissions. By the way, you’re going to have personal incomes that are higher and health insurance. If that’s what they want to label me. I’m more than happy to take the label.”

Andy's Pet Shop. The Alameda. San Jose. Opened in 1950.
Andy and his wife Geraldine Camilleri opened a pet shop on The Alameda (between Race and Julian) in what used to be California Highway Patrol headquarters. CHP cruisers were parked in the old garages out back.
Andy's Pet Shop was known for exotic animals and customers who today are parents and grandparents recall seeing the monkeys and rare birds when they were children.
Andy, who was a Scarlett MaCaw just like the neon sign.

Andy's Pet Shop San Jose, CA
We Bought a Parakeet there... 
It Would say the Phrase "Brush Your Teeth"

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