January 6th Was Not JUST an Insurrection, It Was a FAILED Insurrection... Trump FAILED to Crown Himself King... and We Banished Him to MAR-A-LOSER...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab, Social1776 and FaceBORG...

VP Harris on SCOTUS reform: “There is a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long-standing precedent… These popular reforms will help to restore confidence in the Court, strengthen our democracy, and ensure no one is above the law.”
Biden and Harris are calling for l8-year term limits and for an enforceable code of ethics for the court. They are also pushing for the “No One Is Above the Law Amendment,” which will enshrine the idea that there is “no immunity for crimes a former president committed while in the White House.”
People shouldn’t be serving lifelong appointments on the bench, and Justices should be held to the highest standards–not the lowest.

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

anti-trump meme - he's weird!

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab, Social1776 and FaceBORG...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab, Social1776 and FaceBORG... anywhere that Republicriminals Gather... Remind 'em that TRUMP IS WEIRD! 

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Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

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Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...

Please Share these Anti-Trump Cartoons on TwitterX, Tooth SoCal, Gettr, Gab and FaceBORG...  anywhere that Republicriminals Gather...
Everybody Sing... Hare KRSNA, Hare KRSNA, KRSNA KRSNA, Hare Hare... Hare Rama, Hara Rama, Rama Lama ding Dong... Walla Walla Bing Bang! a Hillbilly from the Himalayans?

Hey BingBot! Please Crawl my Blog... Yahoo and Duck Duck Go also Do Not Show my Content... Why? I'm Listed With the CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ, DARPA and EIEIO...

MEME - Trump is Insane - lock him up. gvan42

MEME - Trump is Insane - lock him up. gvan42

MEME - Trump is Insane - lock him up. gvan42

Last night I tried to lull myself asleep by visualizing that I was luxuriating on a grassy knoll beside the ocean, but the incessant squawking of seagulls made it impossible to drift off. Then I thought “Hmm, I haven’t written a book in a while,” so I decided to start working on a new novel, in my head.
I didn’t get very far though. I did manage to come up with the first two words: “Chapter One.“ Which I thought was a pretty good start. Then I thought of the first two opening lines. The first one went: “It was the breast of times.” The second one went: ZZZZZ….
Wait. That could be a good tactic for getting to sleep. I just start working on my novel. And if it doesn’t work…I end up with a book!
Of course, a book that puts its author to sleep might not bode well for what a page-turner is supposed to be. Nonetheless, I will have written a book. I can’t lose. I’m either asleep, or I’m justified in telling women I'm an author.
Well, here I am again, under the covers, trying to woo that nebulous state. So back to the novel.
So…what can this book be about? How about a guy who walks around the park telling people he’s God. But the thing is, he really is.
I mean, he came down here once. Why couldn’t it happen again?
OK, so far so good, but why is God sauntering around a park telling strangers who he is?
Wait, I know. Because God, from time to time, manifests himself as one of his creations, to experience what life is like from the point of view of, say, a bird, or a hedgehog or an ant. In fact, that’s why he created all these creatures in the first place—so he could experience being them.
But if he's going to have a truly immersive experience, he has to forget he’s God during that time. Flying around being a bird and thinking, “Man, this is really cool, here I am God ‘n all and I’m soaring over buildings and eatin’ bugs” wouldn’t exactly replicate the essence of being a bird. So he programs himself to forget his Godness while he’s being something else. He just sets the universe to auto-pilot. (Which could explain the current state of affairs these past few years.) Then when the thing he’s being dies, he becomes God again.
No wait, let’s say he doesn’t have to ride out the entire lifespan. We gotta keep this book moving. How about if he programs himself to remember who he is at some predetermined time. When the timer goes off, he jumps back out of whatever he was being and is God again.
One day he decided to become a cosmologist for a while, to look back out at the universe through the eyes of a human who was peering out at the universe trying to figure out what the heck was going on. But he accidentally became a cosmetologist. So this beautician from New Jersey named Sylvia was doing a lady’s nails one day when the timer went off. A weird feeling washed over her, and she he stood up and blurted “Oh my God! I just remembered who I am!” Then the Lord exited her body and she sat back down and resumed being Sylvia.
Of course, she had some explaining to do to the startled customers. She blamed it on Ambien.
But I digress. Let’s get back to this guy wandering around the park. We’ll call him Hiram. Or maybe Hubert. Yeah, Hubert, that’s better. Hubert repairs vacuum cleaners. Or he did. Now he’s walking up to passersby telling them he’s God.
What happened was, God set his timer to remind him he was God, but it somehow got out of synch with his ability to exit his host. So now he was stuck being a vacuum cleaner repairman from Poughkeepskie named Hubert Schwelb.
Wait, I’m already using Schwelb in another story. How about…hmm. Can’t be Humphrey.
Or could it? Why not?
“One day a vacuum cleaner repairman named Hubert Humphrey suddenly remembered he was God.”
Now THERE’S an opening line! Blows “Call me Ishmael” out of the water.

MAIN PAGE = https://gvan42.blogspot.com/

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