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How to Build a Better Rocket Ship to go to Outer Space.

Use an airplane to Take a Rocket Near Outer Space

Why Not Take the Rocket Far up into the Sky Using an Airplane? Then the Rocket wouldn't have to Burn So Much Fuel in order to Get to Outer Space. That Fuel is HEAVY and You Have to Burn More Fuel to Lift It... and Burn More Fuel to Lift THAT Fuel...

Better Rocket Ship to the Moon
Or maybe Helium Balloons?

I was watching a Launch from Cape Canaveral this Morning and was Amazed at all the FIRE Needed to Get to Space. Burning Fossil Fuel? Hydrogen? Causing Air Pollution and Climate Change... That ERA is OVER... Traveling Using Dead Dino Juice... 

Womanned mission to the moon - absurd!

If we sent Robots to the Moon they could dig 20 foot deep holes and find out what's down there. Metal, Water... Hollow? We Just Don't Know! and We have Barely Scratched the Surface... 

another thing Robots could do on the Moon is Build Houses, Factories and Clear Domes to Grow Food In. If We are Ever to Colonize the Stars, We will need to build a Rocket Ship Factory on the Moon. Starting at Earth is Difficult because of the Strong Gravity. Starting on the Moon is Much Easier because it has 1/6th Earth Gravity. 

Making Plans Using Facts or Thinking is a Great Idea... Just Making Whiners Happy Usually Doesn't Lead to Making the Best Plans... A Womanned Mission to the Moon is Absurd!
But, But, But All the People That Walked on the Moon Were White Men! When Will Women Get to Go? This Next Trip Has to have a Woman, a Person of Color, a GBLT+Q, a Native American, Sulu from Star Trek and an EYE OF NEWT!

Never Tried Thinking? Well, Today would Be a Great Day to Wake Up and Notice Reality! 
Divine Purpose Global Awakening - gvan42

Hey TrumpNiksĀ® Why Not Wake the F*CK UP?

Warrior Monk - Lt Jim Channon
I Want to Learn Telekinesis so I can Journey on a Magic Carpet and Sabotage Nuclear Power Plants. Vogtle, Diablo Canyon... Just MELT The Microchips in the Control Room...

Omni Directional Thought - Lt Jim Channon

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