Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Carnac Stones in France. Long Rows of Giant Standing Rocks. A Mystery Similar to Stonehenge, Easter Island, The Pyramids, Nazca Lines or Crop Circles... No Reason for Them But... There They Are! WHY?


The Carnac Stones in France. Long Rows of Giant Standing Rocks. A Mystery

Perhaps these Long Straight Rows were Markers to Show 
Where a Landing area was for UFOs.
Go to the End and Set Down the Flying Saucer.
Like Airport Runway Lights... 

The Carnac Stones in France. Long Rows of Giant Standing Rocks. A Mystery

It is composed of 13 lines with a total length of 
about 2,600 ft, ranging in height 
from 2 ft 7 in to 13 ft. Twice as tall as a Person!

The Carnac Stones in France. Long Rows of Giant Standing Rocks. A Mystery

What would Motivate a Person to Move 
a Giant Boulder? or 3,000?
No One Knows but there are Legends...
Some Say it was Done by Merlin, 
Magician for King Arthur of England.

Map of France - Carnac Marked
Map of France - Carnac Marked
Not a Long Way from England...
Especially Close to the River near Stonehenge.

The Carnac Stones in France. Long Rows of Giant Standing Rocks. A Mystery
This One Looks Like a House...
Could be a Fine Place to Live...
But No Evidence of FIREPLACE...

Carnac as Viewed from Above - Straight Lines - rocks in France
Carnac as Viewed from Above -
Straight Lines - Giant Rocks in France

a view from above of Carnac, France - Standing Rocks
another View from Higher Above.

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on a different subject...
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My Digital Paintings of Ezekiel's Wheel - Was it a UFO or Did He Eat Magic Mushrooms? The Bible Has Quite a Few Mentions of Aliens...and Flying Saucers... ExtraTerrestrials... Like: The Book of Enoch, Where "Angels" Mated with Humans and Created Giants...

If You Want ANY of my Art Printed on Some Product
 EMAIL ME... and Make Your Request!

LINK to My Store:

Ezekiel's Wheel flying over Clouds of Fire... as Spoken of In The Bible
Ezekiel's Wheel flying over Clouds of Fire... 
Wheels Within Wheels and Eyes All Around...

LINK To this Artwork Printed on T-Shirts, Buttons, Glass Paperweights, Coffee Cups...

LINK to Popular UFO Artwork:

Ezekiel's Wheel on a Cloudy Day by gvan42

I have never had The Collage below Printed on a Gifts... Because THAT would be Violating the Space of The Burning Man People... Not EXACTLY Copyright Infringement BUT... Totally Un-Cool... 

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel's Wheel was Piloted by a Four Headed Creature...
The head of a Man, an Ox, an Eagle and a Lion
In the Bible there is a description of a UFO. 
Or was he tripping on Magic Mushrooms?
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel said: The Heavens Opened and I Saw Visions of God
MORE Merchandise at my Zazzle Webstore With Ezekiel Art...

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan - Flying Spaghetti Monster
Tales of Flying Carpets in Arabia?

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

LINK to All My Rainbow Gifts:
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Link to all my Spiral Gifts: 
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
A Close Encounter with Extraterrestrials

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - and the Science Fiction Story "Alien Socket Wrench" by Gregory Vanderlaan

 Feel Free to Copy and Paste these Images into Your Own Blog, Webpage or Social Media Post... OR... Use this art to Manufacture Decorated Gifts... Like Coffee Cups, T-Shirts or Buttons! I DID: 

Link to My Webstore:

Grey Alien - FREE Coloring Book Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42

Flying Saucer With a Friendly Alien by gvan42

WINPLOT Spaceship designs - FREE Clipart for you to enjoy - 3D graphics - Magic Mushroom Visions by gvan42 - Use these in Your Own Potatoshop Collages...

WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO

WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO
Snail Spaceships

WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO
Double Dome
WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO
WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO

WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO

Spaceships - free Coloring Book art by gvan42 - UFO

Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO

Rainbow Mushroom - free art by gvan42

WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO

WINPLOT Spaceships - free art by gvan42 - UFO

More Free Art at Google Image Search - 
Keywords: "gvan42 Space"

Let's REVERSE ENGINEER UFO Technology... Use the Extra Terrestrial Power System to Replace Fossil Fuels Entirely... WHAT IF... We Had a Way to Create Electricity... and a Way to Power Cars, Trucks, Vans and Airplanes... that was Totally Different? Alien!

A Way That Would Allow the Human Race to KEEP THE OIL IN THE GROUND... Simply REVERSE ENGINEER UFOs

Reverse Engineer UFO Button - zazzle gregvan
LINK to All my UFO Merchandise:

Suppose that YOU are one of those TOP Secret Scientists that is Studying the Flying Saucers at Area 51... Well, NOW Would be a Great time to COME OUT and Reveal to the People of the World How Those UFOs Actually Work! We Are In Desperate Times RIGHT NOW and We Could REALLY Use some Help! 

Please Publish Schematics or Technical Documents Online... It CAN All be Anonymous... 

While The Stockholders of EXXON, Mobil, Shell, BP, and All Those Other Businesses would Lose all their Money... Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Texas, Qatar, UAE and Iran Would Simply Have to Earn Their Living as Camel Herders... or Cowboys!

BUT... The Human Race COULD PREVENT CLIMATE CHANGE... and As We All Know... It's Real and It's Causing Wildfires... Hurricanes... Tornadoes... Flooding... Worldwide Disasters! Perhaps Billions of People Will Die due to Starvation! We Can't Grow Rice or Corn WITH NO WATER... 

REVERSE ENGINEER Merchandise For Sale!

CE5 Protocol - Extraterrestrials: COME ON DOWN! - a Movie about Inviting Aliens to Make Friendly Contact... by Dr. Steven Greer and Mark Sims (of the Harmonic Convergence - ET Contact Event)

Great Movie: "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun"

It Documents The Real Effort to Make Friendly Contact With Aliens... The Exact Opposite of the US Government and the Mainstream Media. 


Interview with Dr. Steven Greer from the Movie CE5

This Movie was Remade as a Fiction "Docudrama" Called "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" Starring Richard Dreyfus, Teri Garr and the Devils Tower...  AND... 

J. Allen Hynek, The Real Man Who Worked as the Head of Project Bluebook... the US Government Investigation of UFOs... and The Man that Coined the Term "Close Encounter" - of Many Different Kinds... He's The Pipe Smoking Man in the Last Scene of the Movie when the Spaceship Lands... and Technical Consultant... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Keywords for More Research: FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, DARPA, NRO, DIA, NRO, EIEIO, THE FARM, Fort Meade, Weather Underground, SDS, LSD, JFK, LBJ, G. Gordon Liddy, Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, Ken Kesey, Grateful Dead, MKULTRA, Project Blue Book, The State of Jefferson, Airplane, Stealth Bomber, TEMPEST, Mil-D-1000, Mil-TFD-41, Pentagon, Pentagram, Armies of the Night, Yippie, Hippy, Haight Ashbury, San Francisco, Mateel District of Humbldt County, DMT, STP, DIY, Freedom, Liberty, #Think4Yourself, #QuestionAuthority, Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace, John Perry Barlow, EFF, Owsley, Brotherhood of Love, Laguna Beach, Rainbow Gathering, Burning Man, Ezekiel's Wheel, UFO, Roswell, Flying Saucer, Monty Python, Holy Grail, #RUNAWAY, Mystic Crystal Revalations, Mind's True Liberation, Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, Harmonic Convergence, Firesign Theater, Temporary Humboldt County, HSU, CCAT, NO NUKES!, ELF, ALF, Earth First! ----> and It Goes On and On and On... 

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