Showing posts with label World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World. Show all posts

Instead of America First! why not Earth First! ??? Remember: Stop Flying in Jet Airplanes... Drive Cars Less or Not at All... Protect Trees...Ride a Bike... Free All Cannabis Prisoners and Use the Empty Jail Cells as a Homeless Shelter...

It's troubling that our Glorious Leaders fail to comprehend that we are all one... Ecology is important to everyone... even Billionaires were like, totally inconvenienced by Hurricane Sandy in New York City. When the streets flooded "Limo Man" couldn't ride... Just like the Subway Riders...

Great Book "The Monkey Wrench Gang" by Ed Abbey... 

One simple thing you can do is attach a Furnace Filter to the Back of a Box Fan. That way you can remove smoke particles from the air you breathe indoors. With the Massive Fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia pumping Megatons of Smoke into the Air... Wind blows all that pollution everywhere... Including inside your own home... 

simple invention to remove air pollution indoors - duct tape a Furnace Filter to a Box Fan - removes smoke from wildfires

American History: The Humboldt County Timber Wars... A Hostile Takeover of Pacific Lumber and Extreme Logging of Old Growth Redwoods in Northern California.

In 1985 Charles Hurwitz borrowed money (Junk Bonds) from Michael Milken and bought the company Pacific Lumber, located near Eureka, California. Then Hurwitz increased the rate of logging in the Redwood Forest and cut down all the highly profitable trees. Then he split his corporation MAXXAM into two divisions. One division was used to do actual logging and sawing of boards and the other division was used to hide the profits. When the bill came due on the Junk Bonds, Hurwitz declared bankruptcy and took the money back to Texas. Including the pension funds that paid retirement benefits for employees...

Then the Pacific Lumber Company was purchased at a foreclosure sale by The Fisher Family. They had made a fortune selling clothes at a chain of stores called "The Gap". They reintroduced the business plan called "sustainable logging" where the Lumberjacks would only cut down as many trees as grew during the year. This plan was invented by the original owner of Pacific Lumber, Simon J. Murphy... The concept was to cut 1% of the forest every year and plant new trees so that in a hundred years the new trees would have grown big enough to harvest.

Earth First!

During this time there were many ecology protests in Humboldt County. Including "Tree Sits" where forest protectors would build a treehouse in the upper branches of a giant Redwood in order to prevent Lumberjacks from Chainsawing the tree down. It would be possibly fatal for a tree sitter to be in a tree that was falling and the corporations were not willing to risk actual Human Life for profit. (Bad Publicity)... At the Tree Sit I attended MAXXAM Hired a Local man to "Evict" the Tree Sitters by climbing the tree and wrestling with the people... eventually carrying them to the ground where the Police arrested them.

Others committed "Tree Spiking" where large metal nails were driven into the wood of a tree and then the heads of the nails were clipped off. That way, if a tree was at the sawmill and the blade hit the metal, the blade would explode killing millworkers. Once again the corporation was not willing to risk people's lives and so trees that were spiked, were not cut down. The Forest Protectors spray painted the spiked trees so that the Lumberjacks would be aware of the danger.

Still others went to the Offices of Political Leaders and staged "Sit-Ins" where they would handcuff themselves to each other and chant/sing songs while being filmed by TV Cameras... At one of these events the local police used pepper spray on the protestors who were young women. The young women screamed loudly... and it was filmed by TV Stations. When this was broadcast on the TV News it outrages the citizens of California... There is a biological reaction to young women being harmed... This Media Event lead to a massive protest Statewide and the California Legislature Bought a Large Tract of Land and created the Headwaters Forest Park... The park protecting a stand of Old Growth Redwoods near Fortuna, California. It is a pretty park with a paved trail that is popular with people that have wheeled vehicles like bicycles, wheelchairs, skateboards and baby buggies. The hike from the parking lot to the Giant Redwood Trees is about five miles and simply too far for most people to walk but it's easy for people on wheels.

Another technique used to stop the logging was Scientific Ecology Studies that concluded that the Spotted Owl was losing it's habitat and it was in danger of going extinct. See Illustration below...

Two members of the Ecology Group Earth First! were bombed by the FBI in Oakland. There was a Trial and the FBI agreed to award the Survivor a large cash settlement but denied doing anything wrong. Judi Beri died and  Darryl Cherney Survived. He has retired from Activism but still performs as the leader of a musical group. They sing satire protest songs...

Full Text of a Newspaper Article I wrote for The Humboldt State University Lumberjack Newspaper about a Tree Sit in Freshwater, California
Link to the Headwaters Forest Coloring Book.
Photographs and Description of events at the Dedication Ceremony of the Mill Creek Park with the Save the Redwoods League.
Photographs of a Hike in the Headwaters Forest.
Photographs of Clearcut Logging in Arcata, California on Fickle Hill Road up in the mountains behind town... 

MEME - Satirizing Republicans - Read a Book! If you can't read,  find a Democrat to Read a Book  out Loud TO YOU.
Read a Book! If you can't read,
find a Democrat to Read a Book
out Loud TO YOU. 

gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK art - MEME - Tesla's Energy Tower
Tesla's Energy Tower

at Google Image Search
using the Keywords: gvan42 free coloring book 
or click on this link!

Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Emotional Freedom Technique Webinar - Sonya Sophia Leads a Online Group Where We Speak Positive Messages while Tapping on Our Body's Acupressure Meridian Points...

"I've Found That This is a Valid Way to Improve My Health." - Gregory Vanderlaan 

Sonya Sophia World Tapping Circle Session
'From Anxious to Ahhhh' 
a Relaxing Nano Tap.

Sonya Sophia Love Tapping Session

LOVE - The Energy That Heals Us: 

Mini EFT Tapping Session

In 2012, American researchers assessed 238 first-year college students using the Beck Depression Inventory and found 30 students met the criteria for moderate to severe depression. They were randomly assigned to either an EFT treatment or control group. The EFT group received four 90-minute group sessions of tapping, whereas the control group received nothing. Those who received EFT were found to have significantly less depression three weeks later, with an average depression score in the non-depressed range following treatment, compared to the control group who demonstrated no change in depressive symptoms.(...)
The 11 adults then attended an eight-week, 16-hour group treatment program. This was two hours per week. (...)
The first hypothesis asked whether Clinical EFT resolved major depressive disorder as a diagnosis. The data revealed that while the diagnosis was not completely resolved immediately after eight weeks for everyone, two members no longer met criteria. In addition, all 11 adults no longer met diagnosis for one or more other disorders they had when they started. These were disorders such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. So EFT impacted those diagnoses through OUT program too. The second hypothesis asked whether Clinical EFT was effective at reducing the symptoms of major depressive disorder. In several cases individual adults reported clinical differences in symptoms. That is, the difference was enough so that if measured in a clinical setting, it would indicate treatment was successful. Therefore a clinically valid difference was achieved. The third hypothesis asked whether the treatment effects of Clinical EFT were sustained after three months. Improvements were maintained, and many of the group members experienced continual improvement in their symptoms over time.
– The Science Behind Tapping: A Proven Stress Management Technique for the Mind and Body.

The Video Above is a FULL Tapping Session Plus a Description of What Tapping IS and How It Works... An Introduction for Newcomers... 

Let's Suppose That You Truly Believe that Tea Exists... and That Tea Cups Exists... Well, You are Much More Likely to Get a Cup of Tea than Someone who Refuses to Believe in the Possibility of Tea. and...Well, EVERYTHING IS LIKE THAT... Believe that it's Possible for You to ______________ (fill in the Blank) and you have Started on the Path to Achieving _____________ (fill in the Blank) - Teachings of Sonya Sophia

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
How I Met Sonya Sophia
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

At the Rainbow Gathering in Utah, 2014... I walked from the Welcome Home Kitchen (where I was Staying) to the The Big Shady Spot at Main Meadow. At high elevation, sunburn is a major problem so our campsite was the very best!

I saw a group of people congregating at the Smaller Shady Spot at Main Meadow and I wondered... "What are those people doing?" and Then they all came over to our campsite... A Lady asked me if she could teach a healing seminar at our location... I said "SURE, have fun. I was wondering what the crowd of people was for, and was considering walking over there to find out but you came over here..." and she said: "Sometimes Mohammad goes to the Mountain and sometimes the Mountain Comes to Mohammad." Her name is Sonya Sophia and she taught a seminar of Self Help - Acupressure. We put pressure on locations of out body by tapping lightly with our fingers while she told us reassuring statements and we would all repeat what she said... Like: "I Love and Respect Myself." It was a good seminar and I enjoyed it so much that I took her business card and attended once a week internet sessions. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

July 4th OM Chant at California Rainbow Gathering in Modoc County 2004
July 4th OM Chant at California
Rainbow Gathering in Modoc County 2004
Near the Town of Likely...
Marimba Tent at The California  Rainbow Gathering in Modoc County 2004 Near the Town of Likely...

Marimba Tent at The California  Rainbow Gathering in Modoc County 2004 Near the Town of Likely...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

How to Become AWARE...
Easy Step by Step Instructions.
Go Outdoors and
Find 5 Things You Can See,
Four Things You Can Hear,
Three Things You Can Smell,
Two Things You Can Touch
and One Thing You Can Taste.

Notice That None of these Things
are on Your Computer Screen,
Phone or TV...
Reality Exists...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Burning Man Wisdom Tale: "The Canteen" - Traditionally, 
at Burning Man, You Share Water with People You Meet. 
Hand the Canteen to a Person and They Hand it to Another 
Person and ALL THE TIME, You are Worrying... "Will there 
Be Enough Water FOR ME?" Well, What if YOU DRINK 
FIRST and Then Pass the Canteen to Your Friend... That 
Way, All that Time You are Enjoying the Pleasure You Gave 
Others Without Worrying about Running Out of Water and 
Dying of Thirst in the Desert. Remember: Take Some ME 
Time First. You deserve it. - Story by Sonya Sophia

Just Bliss Out - MEME by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Just Bliss Out - MEME 
Portrait of an Alien by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Portrait of an Alien 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
You may Read More Blog Posts by Clicking on the Handy LABELS Below!

Mary Pinchot Meyer gave LSD to JFK and Then He Decided to End the Vietnam War in 1963. Defense Contractors had him Assassinated to Protect their Profits. Mary was a Girlfriend of JFK and...

She was part of a movement to give LSD to the Leaders of the World. The top scientists, business leaders, artists, poets, actors, politicians, writers, musicians and athletes were to be given LSD and then they would use what they learned while high to rebuild society. The cosmic knowledge was to be distributed from the top down in order to create a better world.

We Will Never Know If This Is True or Just a Conspiracy Theory... Mary did keep a diary and right after she was assassinated, her friend Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee took the diary to The CIA and they gave it to Mary's Sister and She BURNED IT! One of The Many "Summertime Bonfires" that Year...

I've always wondered about the MOTIVE for JFK's Assassination... Dow Chemical and Hughes Aircraft Made a Fortune selling Supplies to the US Military during the Vietnam War... a Newly Enlightened JFK was a "Problem" - Solution? Have a Patsy "Hit" Him... The "Hit" the Patsy... 

Goofy Art - Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics by gvan42

Great Books: Project MKULTRA: 
CIA/LSD American History
"The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" 
by John Marks
MKULTRA: Was a CIA Mind Control Project in the USA during the 1950's and 1960's. They were looking for a way to use drugs as weapons of war. For example: LSD as a way to simply get the "enemy" to lay down their arms, voluntarily... like, too stoned to fight...

The project conducted tests on college students at Stanford University. Ken Kesey and Robert Hunter both were employed. Later, Ken started having "ACID TEST" parties where the participants took LSD and danced to the Music of the Grateful Dead. Robert Hunter wrote lyrics for the Dead. and The "Whole Earth Catalog" was Written by Stewart Brand... His Book was Useful for Hippies that wanted to Go Live Off The Land and become Subsistence Farmers... or Marijuana Farmers... He was Also a Test Subject for MKULTRA. 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - Swirling Colors

psychedelic art by gvan42
The notion that JFK experimented with LSD has many intriguing implications, highlighted here by Dr Ben Sessa:
‘JFK had close relationship with socialite painter Mary Eno Pinchot Meyer and she was also in close relationship at the time with Tim Leary. Mary’s friendship with the president was intimate, and, meanwhile, her regular visits to Leary in Harvard made sure that plenty of cannabis and LSD found its way into the Whitehouse during 1962 and 1963. Mary considered herself on a secret mission to propagate LSD to as many powerful members of the government as possible in order to spread the love and avoid nuclear war. Leary confessed that he felt Mary was at least partially successful in encouraging the president to take a few steps closer to nuclear disarmament because of the transformative influence of LSD. But we may never know the truth of what went on between Mary Eno Pinchot Meyer and Kennedy, as she was mysteriously murdered – a year after Kennedy – in 1964.’

In his 1983 autobiography, Flashbacks, Leary himself refers to a plan amongst Meyer and her socialite friends to give LSD to influential government officials and thereby direct the superpower away from the Cold War and a nuclear Armageddon. He also mentions a phone call from Meyer soon after the JFK assassination, during which she allegedly blurted:

“They couldn’t control him any more. He was changing too fast… They’ve covered everything up. I gotta come see you. I’m afraid. Be careful.”

ask your doctor - are Magic Mushrooms Right for Me?

"Conspiracy Theories" that are ACTUALLY TRUE. MKULTRA, Cointelpro, CIA-Contra-Cocaine, Donald Rumsfeld Selling Weapons to Saddam Hussein, UFOs are Real... Sometimes people dismiss Truth as "Just a Conspiracy Theory" because they Don't Want to Debate the Facts...

50th anniversary of the Summer of Love... The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain...

The culture of the United States was 
radically different After the 1960's... 
LSD Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan vandergreg gvan42 purple64ets gregvan

The conformism of the 1950's was blown away when LSD became widely available. Owsley made the chemical and made it available at Acid Tests with Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead. He also gave it to the Beatles for their Magical Mystery Tour. The spirit lives on in a yearly camping trip called The Rainbow Gathering. It's like Woodstock but the performers are not paid and I'm in the Band.

Here is a conspiracy theory that was published in 1995 in an underground 'zine...

"The High and the Mighty: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA"
Steamshovel Press #12
by G.J. Krupey

:: I Get High with a Little Help from My Friends... ::

As recorded in a report prepared for a congressional committee
investigating the CIA's mind control experiments (171), among
the goals of the MK-ULTLTRA project were to develop:

o  "substances which will promote illogical thinking and
   impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be
   discredited in public"

o  "materials to render the induction of hypnosis easier" -
   "substances which will produce 'pure' euphoria with no
   subsequent let-down"

o  "materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia
   for events preceding and during their use"

o  "substances which alter personality structure in such a way
   that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon
   another person is enhanced"

o  "substances which will lower the ambition and general working
   efficiency of men."

As examined above, the CIA planned to use LSD as an aid in the
interrogation of captured enemy agents, as well as a sort of
prophylactic for training American agents in resisting
interrogation in the event of capture.  Another usage of the
drug planned by the Agency was as a clandestine confusion agent,
to be slipped in food, drink, or whatever to foreign leaders and
politicians of a leftist slant in order to reduce them to
quivering, hallucinating blobs of flesh, gibbering deranged
nonsense in public speeches, embarrassing and disgracing
themselves before the public and in the eyes of the world.

Of course, the CIA claims that such a use of LSD was never
contemplated against domestic targets.  But the Agency, in
violation of its own (pre-Reagan) charter, gathered domestic
intelligence right from the start, and during the height of the
anti-war movement, coordinated Operation CHAOS with the FBI,
military intelligence, and various police departments, to
infiltrate and disrupt those pesky peaceniks. (173)  The CIA
intercepted and opened mail, tapped phones, ran smear campaigns.
(174)  As we have already seen, during the heyday of MK-ULTRA,
the Agency tested LSD on unwitting-US citizens, in conditions
that were far from clinical and in ways that were nowhere near
being "scientific."  They even used each other as guinea pigs.
And there are still unanswered questions about what role, if
any, the CIA might have played in inundating the 1960s counter-
culture with LSD and other drugs during a crucial period, or
even if they possibly created the counter-culture, through
unforeseen circumstances, or even as the ultimate MK-ULTRA
experiment in mass psychological control and manipulation
through drugs.

Too absurd to even consider?  Then stop reading now, you won't
be able to take what's coming next...

There is something about the story of Mary Meyer-as-JFK's LSD-
mistress that, if true, is naggingly bothersome.  Like the
assassination itself. it demands clarification, insists on being
solved.  Recall the plans of Al Hubbard and Humphry Osmond to
make the world a better, more peaceful place with the
application of psychedelic chemical therapy to certain hand-
picked politicians, and their claims of some success.  All this
quite a few years before Mary Meyer's similar campaign: was it a
case of like thinking evolving from acid insight happening in
two different places and times, or was Mary Meyer possibly
acting as an agent for Hubbard and Osmond, or someone who was
their direct agent?  Consider the Leary connection to Mary Meyer
in light of his connections to Hubbard, Osmond, and Aldous
Huxley.  Consider Hubbard's career as an undercover agent for
various government agencies and defense related industries,
including his connection to the CIA.  Consider his later career
spent fighting against the youth counter-culture that one would
otherwise think he would have been proud of as being the fruit
of his labors.  Then consider Mary Meyer herself, estranged wife
of one of the CIA's seminal top operatives, and her affair with
a president who developed a mutual distrust for the CIA, a
president who swore he would shatter the CIA into a thousand
pieces and scatter the remnants to the wind.  A president
believed by many to have been assassinated by that same CIA.
Consider the CIA sex and drugs safehouse experiments conducted
by George Hunter White.  Consider the proposed use of LSD as a
means of discrediting foreign leaders.  Consider the list of
substances developed by the CIA, or attempted to be developed by
the CIA listed above.

Now consider this: was John F. Kennedy, president of the United
States, the ultimate MK-ULTRA guinea pig?  Was Mary Pinchot
Meyer playing some sort of clandestine game, was she some sort
of Mata Hari?  Or was she perhaps unwittingly being used by
someone in that capacity?

After all, if we can seriously consider a CIA ready, willing,
and able to assassinate a president they came to see as a threat
or a traitor, why not a CIA willing to dose a president with LSD
and study him as a test subject?  What other world leader could
they try their theories out on while observing him in closely
monitored, intimate situations?

Still too absurd to consider?  Probably.  I hesitate to even put
it on paper myself.  But that isn't even the most bizarre
possible theory...

While LSD is not guaranteed to permanently alter the thought
processes of those who experience it, despite the frequent
claims to the contrary often made during the 1960s, it certainly
will give those individuals possessed of some intelligence and
discernment a lot to think about.  During the time period when
CIA agents were furthering the scientific testing of LSD by
dosing each other without warning, most agents had their already
well-entrenched paranoid worldviews reinforced: to them, LSD was
a nightmare experience, one to be avoided at all costs.  But to
some it was truly a revelation.  One agent, after coming down
from the peak of a trip, broke down and wept in front of his
fellow spooks.

"I didn't want to leave it.  I felt I would be going back to a
place where I wouldn't be able to hold onto this kind of beauty.
I felt very unhappy.  The people who wrote the report on me
said I had experienced depression, but they didn't understand
why I felt so bad.  They thought I had had a bad trip." (173)

He was lucky they didn't slap a straight jacket on him and cart
him away for good!

Another operative who came away from his trip without the usual
paranoid residue common to spooks on dope had found himself with
"A more global view of things.  I found it awfully hard when
stoned to maintain the notion: I am a US citizen- my country
right or wrong ... You tend to have these good higher feelings.
You are more open to the brotherhood-of-man idea and more
susceptible to the seamy sides of your own society...I think
this is exactly what happened during the 1960s, but it didn't
make people more communist.  It just made them less inclined to
identify with the US.  They took a plague on both your houses
position." (174)

Certainly, this is a self-defeating philosophy for a spy to
adopt.  Did such experiences tempt any CIA agents to chuck it
all, or to stay only to subvert from within?  It's a farfetched
speculation, with little evidence to support it.  While there
were several notable CIA renegades who would come to public
knowledge with horrible tales to relate of their activities as
covert operators, such men as Phillip Agee, John Stockwell,
Ralph McGeehee, George O'Toole, and David MacMichael seem to
have been impelled more by the resolution of their own troubled
moral dilemmas than by psychedelic insight.

However, one obscure theory, most likely, implausible yet
fascinating, comes from Lawrence Livermore, North California
punk rock luminary best known for his column in punkzine Maximum
Rock 'n Roll.  Livermore claims to have once met a fellow who
claimed to be the son of "a high level CIA operative who had
inside knowledge of the Kennedy assassination" which he
described as "a power struggle between the liberal and
reactionary wings of the CIA."  This fellow ran away from home,
went to the Haight-Ashbury and blew his mind on ... well, you
know what by now (as well as the irony of the situation ... ),
but by the time Livermore met him, he was "in the process of
drinking himself to death."  The gist of this wretched fellow's
tale was that:

"Within the CIA there were good and evil factions, and when the
bad group ("the dark ones"...) threatened to gain complete power
via the Kennedy assassination and the escalation of the Vietnam
war and its related heroin trade, the CIA's white knights struck
back with LSD." (175)

It should be noted that Livermore's informant wove a tale that
"tied together Tibetan monks, Hitlerian mystics, secret
brotherhoods dating back to the days of Atlantis, and the
manipulation of white and black magic in the name of saving or
enslaving the human race, and would hiss at the televised image
of Henry Kissinger and say, "He's one of them..look at his eyes."

It's hard enough to believe merely when it's a tale of black and
white "knights" of the CIA jousting over control of the nation
and the minds of the human race, when the other elements are
added to it, it sounds more like an episode of the continuing
saga of Indiana Jones, or maybe one of Trevor Ravenscroft's
satanic fantasies.

Livermore himself gives the impression that he finds the story
"far-fetched-sounding, yes, but minus the quasimystical
elements, by no means preposterous." (177)  Could it have been
possible that some faction of CIA agents, their typical cold war
super-patriot minds blown by acid, indeed flooded the country
with LSD, not as part of some plot to forestall change or stifle
rebellion, but to encourage it, especially in the aftermath of
Kennedy's assassination by their dark counterparts within the
agency?  It would not be entirely improbable, if we remember
Captain Al Hubbard and his plans to foster world peace by
turning on world leaders even before Mary Meyer.  And if Kennedy
and Mary Meyer were pursuing an acid dalliance, with crucial
repercussions for foreign policy, would it be too hard to
believe that possibly it was due to the influence of somebody or
something else, some self-appointed clique of mystic
manipulators, perhaps, denizens of the clandestine world and
adepts of its covert activities yet ultimately rejecting the
goals of that world, running their own program and agenda
beneath the cover of something much more banally insidious, like
the CIA's MK-ULTRA program?

Well, it would make a good novel anyway...

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - Swirling Colors
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - Swirling Colors

A CIA Employee Spoke to Millions of Americans and said: "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out." - Was That the DEPLOYMENT of Project Mkultra?

That's Exactly What Happened in the Late 1960s... Dr Timothy Leary (Author of the CIA's Personality Test) Went Coast to Coast Encouraging Young People to Eat The CIA's Miracle Drug, LSD and... 

Stop Protesting Against The War in Vietnam... 

because They Were Too Busy Being Holy Men, Saints... and Wanted to Play the Guitar all Day... and Go Live in the Country and Grow Vegetables, Weed and Children...  and Make Paintings, Pottery and Tie Dye T-Shirts... Write Poetry... Etc, Etc, Etc...

and All of those Interests Added Up To NOT Being a Menace to The Military Industrial Complex... Dropping Out...

SO... Was "The Sixties" part of the CIA Project Mkultra? The Part Where they Actually USED LSD as a "Weapon" Against "Enemies" in the Hope that We Would Simply Lay Down Our Arms and Surrender... In a Way They Were Successful BUT... They Had Not Taken Into Account People Like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Country Joe McDonald and Grace Slick... Who Used LSD to Promote The Protest Against The War in Vietnam (and The 1950's American Culture In General.)

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best... I Just Emailed My Representative and Senator. HERE IS HOW To Find Your Own! Click on this Link and Type In Your Home Address... in California... Your State Might have a Similar Way to Contact Your Elected Representatives... 

I Said: "Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Treatment is Best... Legalizing Recreational Psychedelics is a Great Idea TOO. 

Legal LSD Would Be Manufactured by High Quality Scientists and PURITY, QUALITY and ACTUAL DOSE would be Regulated. Often ILLEGAL ACID is Not LSD at all but some other chemical, Like DOM (STP) a Three Day Nightmare Trip... People That Buy Ecstasy Often Do Not Get Actual MDMA but get A Bizarre Combination of Methamphetamines and WHO KNOWS WHAT!

Legalize Psychedelics For the Public's HEALTH...  Criminal Chemists Pose a Hazard To The People's Sanity! FDA Approved Psychedelics Would Be Better... Do It For The Kids!"

Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Treatment is Best - meme - gvan42

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*Numbers have Cultural Meanings... A list from Zero to Infinity and Beyond... For example: 007 Means James Bond. 420 Means Marijuana. 5150 means Insane... and... 420 + 5150 = REEFER MADNESS!

*"Conspiracy Theories" that are ACTUALLY TRUE. MKULTRA, Cointelpro, CIA-Contra-Cocaine, Donald Rumsfeld Selling Weapons to Saddam Hussein, UFOs are Real... Sometimes people dismiss Truth as "Just a Conspiracy Theory" because they Don't LIKE THE TRUTH.

1967: The Summer of Love... San Francisco, Hippies, Flower Power, Peace, The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain...The culture of the United States was radically different After the 1960's...

*American History: "The Thunder Machine" was a Giant Sheet Metal Sculpture that you Got Inside and Played like a Drum. Made by Ron Boise and used at Ken Kesey's Acid Tests.

For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own! --- "Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial, Error and Survival Yielded These Words of Wisdom...

My Biff Rose Trip: Driving To a Cabin in the Woods - down The Coast of California from Arcata thru Ft Bragg to Mendocino... An Excellent Adventure!

How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics