What We Can Do to Convince TrumpNiks to #Runaway from The Donald? Just Saying that They Are Stupid WILL NOT WORK. It's a Brainwashing Cult and...

The Same Techniques That are used with Scientology or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh should be employed with Followers of Our Glorious Leader. The Basic Plan for Trumpers is: "When You Make a Mistake, Do Not Repeat the Same Mistake Again." I Personally Did Not Vote for Hillary. I Couldn't Stand Her... I just Did Not Vote at All because the Democratic Primary Was Rigged. I campaigned for Bernie Sanders but Wall Street Stole the Nomination. 

Understand that Many of the people who voted for tRUMP are in Desperate Situations... Layoffs at the Factory Caused by Trump's Trade War... Failed Family Farms... Closing Coal Mines... Veterans Suffering From PTSD who Realize that the Wars In Iraq and Afghanistan Actually INCREASED THE QUANTITY OF TERRORISTS... Middle Aged White Men are in Direct Competition with Illegal Aliens for Unskilled Labor Jobs... Low Wages, High Prices... 

THAT'S why Life Expectancy has gone down in the Last Two Years. People are Dying Younger Due to Donald Trump Being President. Alcoholism, Drug Overdoses and Suicide have caused the Death of so many Middle Aged White Men Without a College Degree that the ENTIRE COUNTRY now has a Shorter Average Life. People Lived Longer When Obama Was President.  


Overcoming the charisma of cult leaders, such as Jim Jones or Donald Trump, is not an easy task.

Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult. For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service. It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars. After the forced removal, deprogramming mostly involves hours and hours of intense "debriefing," during which a team of deprogrammers hold the cult member against his will and use ethical psychological techniques to try to counter the unethical psychological techniques used by the cult. The goal is to get the cult member to think for himself and re-evaluate his situation. Debriefing methods can include:
  • educating the cult member on thought-reform techniques and helping him to recognize those methods in his own cult experience
  • asking questions that encourage the cult member to think in a critical, independent way, helping him to recognize that type of thinking and praising him for it
  • attempting to produce an emotional connection to his former life by introducing objects from his past and having family members share their memories of his pre-cult existence

What I say at Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings. My "Share." ---> Hi, I'm Greg and I'm and Alcoholic... and then I say...

I got into AA in the year 2000. I was living in Chico, CA at a Motel after getting fired from my job and getting evicted in San Jose. On New Years Eve, I was drinking heavily and watching VH1 Behind the Music for hours. There seemed to be a standard story... The Band practices for years, has a hit song, becomes Rich and Famous, Starts Drinking and Using Drugs, Some Members Die, others get Clean and Sober... So, I thought, maybe I should stop drinking before I die. I started going to three meetings a day. I ran out of money and had to go live in Bidwell Park. I ate at the Jesus Center Free Meal and rode my bicycle all over town. I sold my Stock that I had bought while working but it took months to actually get paid. Eventually I did get paid just before Winter... and I moved back in to a Cheap Motel. 

I met many interesting people at those meetings. Some had very worthwhile advice. I found that by Listening to the G. O. D. (Group of Drunks) my life became much better. They suggested I move into an apartment that a member of the group had a spare bedroom. They Suggested that I Get a Job at the Factory where a member of the group was supervisor. They suggested that I Take a student loan from FAFSA and go to college, In Arcata, California. They Suggested that I quit smoking Marijuana, do my homework and attend class every time. They Suggested taking a Job after Graduation at the Welfare Office as an Eligibility Worker... So I worked there for 7 years and Paid off my student loan. When my father died, I quit work. He and I had become friends after I sobered UP. One of the reasons I continued working while he was alive was to make him proud of me. I remember one time we were driving around the neighborhood and he pointed at a house and said... "See, I Raised You Boys Right, That Man's Son Became a Merry Prankster." (A reference to Ken Kesey's Band of Merry Pranksters - who promoted the use of LSD Nationwide.) My Father was proud that I had a Good Job Doing Useful Work. We sold his house in San Jose for a Fortune. I was given a Trust Fund because my family was afraid that I would Smoke My Inheritance...   

I retired and had the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do. My "roommate" is self-supporting and she wanted to stay at home, play with her cats, go on the internet, talk on the phone, take photographs etc etc etc. For a decade I have been traveling by myself and taking photographs, then showing them to her when I got home... I was her eyes... That allowed her to go visit events without leaving home. I drove over to Chico and found my friend Mike. We went to the Rainbow Gathering in Utah. We had a wonderful time. I met a woman who was selling Self Help Seminars on the Internet. I Bought Admission for $5.00 a Week for a year. By that time I had learned Everything She Had to Teach. 

I spent the next couple of years traveling and publishing my photographs on a Blog. I wanted to provide Driving Directions to interesting places and events so people could go visit... and if they couldn't go visit (because they lived in Australia or something) they could see what I saw online. 

When the State of Oregon Legalized Recreational Marijuana I drove North 112 Miles and Bought some. I spent the next 8 months stoned 100% of the time. I used my Crazy Mind to write Absurdist Fiction... It was very popular on the internet and My Blog started to have 1,000 visitors a day... I believed that the increase in traffic was because I was doing interesting art and fiction... What I have come to realize is that My Success was mostly because I had FOOLED THE GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE to display my webpage for almost any search term. GOOGLE NOTICED MY TRICK AND CHANGED THE ALGORITHM. It is true that I thought up the idea while stoned... Marijuana DID allow me to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. and fool myself into believing that my fiction writing was wonderful. 

In Alcoholics Anonymous There are Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Tradition TEN states that AA has no opinion on "Outside Issues." For Example: AA has no opinion about Smoking Marijuana. That's an "Outside Issue." I have attended countless meetings while stoned. HOWEVER, I Personally May Have an Opinion, and I Personally Can USE the Twelve Steps to Quit Smoking Tobacco, Marijuana and Sugar.... 

That's all for now... Thanks for Listening.   

I learned a LOT by Listening to my G.O.D. Group Of Drunks. 

Great TV Show: Samantha Bee - Full Frontal... Satire and Jokes, Ridicule... Poking FUN at Republicrimes.

If Mueller did set some sort of perjury trap for Trump, Bee said, “it is absolutely allowed,” adding, “Despite what you may have heard on Fox News, Mueller does not have to save Trump from incriminating himself.”
With that, Bee cut to a clip of Sean Hannity railing against what he is now referring to as “testi-lying.”
“No, testi-lying is how women have to pretend that balls aren’t gross,” she replied. “They look like Muppets and they taste like Muppets.”
“Anyway, what Hannity is talking about is lying to federal investigators and it is a crime,” Bee continued. “We don’t know if any of this will come back on Trump in the end, but at least a few more of the people who surround him will go to jail. And in the spirit of the holidays, let me just say, it is fun to watch these stooges squirm.”
Eric Trump says Kelly Anne Gets no Respect from her husband. Joke Satire picture Holding Blank Signs
Take Care T C B... Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Respect...
Just a Little Bit...  Sock it to ME!
Sock it to ME! Sock it to ME! Sock it to ME!

Why Fly All The Way To Europe or Hawaii For Your Vacation? We've Got It All Right Here in California... NOW WITH LEGAL WEED!

Sure, They Have Amsterdam, Rome, Liverpool and Copenhagen but We Have San Francisco, Arcata, Chico and LA... Sure, They Have The Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay in Hawaii... But We Have Maverick's, Blacks Beach and All those Surfing Spots in SoCal that the Beach Boys Sang About... 

If You Visit Humboldt County you can see the Tallest Trees in the Entire World, The Redwoods... and Smoke The Finest Marijuana... The Kind Bud is Legal for All Adults. 

But If You Can't Come Here in Person... Try These Links... 

Los Gatos
San Francisco
San Jose
Crescent City
Mount Shasta

It's a Good Idea to Get Your News From a Wide Variety of Sources. They All are Biased and They All Are Promoting Their Own World View... I get MY News From...

Google News, C SPAN, ACT OUT!, RT (Russian Television), Democracy Now!, PBS, DW News, NHK Newsline, 

Fox News (but rarely - their Marketing Model is Hate Speech - SHOUT Danger-Danger and People Want to Know What That Danger IS, It Might Be Important to Survival... ), 

CNN, MSNBC, Rising UP With Sonali, Bernie Sanders, Pirate Television (out of Seattle), ABC, CBS, NBC, CIA, NSA, EIEIO, DARPA, LINK TV, FreeSpeech TV, Facebook (my friends send me articles I should read). I DO NOT Read Twitter. I DO NOT Listen to Rush Limbaugh or any Other Right Wing Hate Speech. 

I Rarely Read The Washington Post or The New York Times because they want me to PAY MONEY to read their Papers Online... WTF!

I often use Google Search to find out about Specific Subjects... For Example: What IF I See a Post on Facebook that I QUESTION the ACCURACY OF... Many People Lie and Post Crazy Conspiracy Theories... Donald Trump Lies Every Day.  TrumpNIKS often Re-Post his Lies... Be Aware that The White House and The Republicrime Party PUBLISH FAKE NEWS Every Day.  

There are MANY Organizations that Publish False Stories in Order to Brainwash the Public into Believing that we should Do What Is Best for the 1%... The Super Rich Pay The Heritage Foundation to Make Up Stories Designed To Convince People That We Ought To Give More Money To The Super Rich. WTF!

Beware of Bright Bart News, The NRA, The Trump Administration's Cabinet (EPA, Interior, Dept of Education, Treasury... etc etc etc) and American Enterprise Institute... LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. Be Suspicious of Anything that Comes out of George Mason University. They are Funded by the Koch Brothers. Read "Democracy in Chains" by Nancy MacLean... 

Interesting Movie: The Brainwashing of My Father. 

  You Can Read MORE About Any Of These Subjects By Using The Handy Links Below... Google Calls Them Labels: And at the Absolute Bottom of this Page is My Computer Designed Art Program. Every Time you Reload The Page You Get a Different Abstract Art Pattern. 

Germany protests call for leadership on climate action From Berlin to Cologne, protesters have gathered to demand more from the government in the fight against climate change. Greenpeace said Germany must lead, and that means phasing out coal.

Thousands of protesters gathered on Saturday in Berlin and Cologne to demand bolder measures to combat climate change. Some 36,000 people joined the rallies.

Organizers said the protest aimed to pressure the government into ending Germany's reliance on coal for its energy needs and instead looking to renewable energies, such as solar energy and wind power.

"The point is that Germany must phase out coal by 2030," Jennifer Morgan, who leads Greenpeace International, told the Agence France-Presse news agency.
"What happens in high-tech Germany, how quickly the climate-damaging combustion of coal is replaced by solar energy and wind power, is very important, also for other countries."

Read More: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/10/tree-sitters-protest-lignite-coal-mine.html

Tree Sitters Protest Lignite Coal Mine in Germany - Hambach Forest - German Police Arrest Activists - Burning Lignite is the OPPOSITE of Energiewende. (Updated 11/28/2018)

Greenpeace activists climbed a 180-metre chimney at a power station in Belchatow, central Poland, on Tuesday to protest Warsaw's coal policies ahead of UN climate talks this month.


The state-run plant is Poland's biggest power producer, Europe's largest polluter and one of the biggest coal power plants in the world. Nine activists climbed an internal ladder to the top of the conical chimney at the plant, which is fuelled by lignite and belongs to PGE.

"I am from a mining family, we have been connected to coal mining for generations. There is no future in coal. What we need is a just transition from coal and fossil fuels to renewables," Marek Jozefiak, an activist climbing the chimney said. 

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

Greenpeace Energy Plans Takeover Bid For RWE’s Coal Business To Replace With Renewables... Tree Sitters Protest Lignite Coal Mine in Germany - Hambach Forest - German Police Arrest Activists - Burning Lignite is the OPPOSITE of Energiewende. (Updated 11/28/2018)

The End of Science: What are they doing at CERN and Why does it not have any value? They say they Found "The God Particle" but No One Cares.

BOOK: "Facing The End of Science." Physicists and others confront science’s limits. Quote: “Scientists, having inherited answers to most of nature’s big questions, are now constrained either to study increasingly insignificant details or to play with abstractions increasingly unlikely to be tested.” That reminds me of: Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899. Mr. Deull's most famous attributed utterance is that "everything that can be invented has been invented." Most patent attorneys have also heard that the quote is apocryphal. ( a story or statement of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.) https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/facing-the-end-of-science/

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide FOR THEMSELVES what the Best Treatment Is... Get POLITICIANS OUT of the Doctors Office. In General, They Know Nothing About Medicine. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/oregon-magic-mushrooms-psilocybins-trnd/index.html

Great Show: Pirate Television - The Real Agenda of the American Empire by Ray McGovern, a CIA Analyst turned political activist and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvsRAyOSYVw  Part 1 of 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3Lgn_SJ4kg Part 2 of 2
Ray McGovern is a former [Is anyone EVER former?] CIA Analyst who worked for the Agency for 27 years, spanning the terms of seven presidencies. As an analyst on foreign policy, McGovern was in charge of the daily briefings for senior White House officials. McGovern has just returned this week from a visit to Edward Snowden in Russia, delivering to him the Sam Adams Corner-Brighteneer Candlestick Holder Award, in recognition of his courage in shining light on the NSA. McGovern is well known for his attacks on what he sees as corruption in the CIA. He sees the damage done to the faith in intelligence work as profound, believing it will take years to correct. He hopes to see the CIA become again an entity independent from political administration. Since retiring, McGovern has become a constant presence on the national stage as an activist and renowned expert on the inner workings of American Empire.
Review by

This is a guy that you can count on to always tell the truth. There is sometimes a feeling I get that he may at times know more about a particular issue than he reveals but I feel this is only because of the line he is unable and unwilling to cross with his former intelligence agency oath and which I cannot blame him. His integrity and Patriotism to both his country and his former agency remain unblemished. A true Patriot of what remains of our Republic. Great two hour lecture and I strongly urge anyone who cares about where we are headed as a nation to watch both hours.

REOPEN THE GOVERNMENT - ZERO Money for tRUMP's Wall - We the People REJECT tRUMP and ALL his PUPPETS...

Please Email Your Senators: https://www.senate.gov/general/contacting.htm Tell them what you think or they will not know your opinion...

No Money for Trump's WALL - Plenty Money for Pink Floyd's Wall
No Money for Trump's WALL
Plenty Money for Pink Floyd's Wall

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide. Tax it, Use the Money on MEDICARE FOR ALL. Release All The Cannabis Prisoners. EVERYBODY WINS!

We Would Increase VOLUNTARY Taxes and Decrease Government Spending AT THE SAME TIME. I wouldn't Pay a Penny on the New Taxes Because I Don't Smoke it. Let the Reefer Puffers Pay...

Obviously, The "War on Drugs" has been a Failure. When you Make a MISSTEAK Do Not REPEET the AIR-ROAR... In States with Legal Marijuana, Death from Opioid Overdose is Less. The Lives You Save Could Be Members of Your Own Family. AND... Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients decide what drugs are best for their own treatment.

Medicare for All will COST LESS MONEY because we won't have to pay for Profits and Corporate Executive's Giant Salaries. We have seen that In Canada, people live longer and pay less. (and Australia, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden etc etc etc)

Impeach Donald Trump; CRIMINAL. He has Caused Vast Environmental Damage. Legalizing Air Pollution and Water Pollution... Drilling for Oil in National Land... Increasing Coal Mining leading to MORE Global Warming... Crippling the Endangered Species ACT. Pure Evil.

We Ought to End the War in Afghanistan. Bring the Soldiers Home. We Would Save a VAST amount of Money Currently Wasted on a Pointless Unwinnable War. Bring the Helicopters and Airplanes Home too. We Could use them FIGHTING WILDFIRES Out West.

We Should Teach "Critical Thinking" in High School. Knowing when someone is lying to you is a valuable survival skill. Especially When Republicriminals are LYING EVERY DAY.

We Should Build a Solar Power/Desalinization Factory. It Would Convert Sea Water into Pure Drinking Water, Salt and Electricity ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Simply focus sunlight onto a black pipe to boil seawater producing steam. Use the steam to spin a turbine creating electricity. We could build a freshwater factory at USMC Camp Pendleton to Supply Water to Los Angeles and San Diego... The Technology Is NOT Difficult but the FUNDING is Missing. ALSO USEFUL FOR CLEANING FRACKING WASTEWATER...

I saw an Inspirational Speech by Bernie Sanders on Democracy Now! TV Show. The Ideas he proposed Three Years ago were RADICAL but NOW they are Mainstream.


 Medicare for All, $15.00 Minimum Wage, Legalize Marijuana and FREE the Cannabis Prisoners... Reduce Spending for War (Like our helping to bomb YEMEN) and The Rich should Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes...

hand drawn Bernie for President sign felt pens by greg vanderlaan
hand drawn Bernie for President sign done with felt pens

hand drawn Bernie for President sign done with felt pens by greg vanderlaan
hand drawn Bernie for President sign done with felt pens

American Donut in Nano-Nano Land by Greg Vanderlaan... It's eARTh ART! ~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~ Teenage Alien Dance Party. Trippy Potatoshop Creations

original psychedelic art - American Donut in Nano Nano Land by Greg Vanderlaan
American Donut in Nano-Nano Land

original psychedelic art - teenage alien dance party by greg vanderlaan
Teenage Alien Dance Party

Free Clipart - Cosmic Donut by Greg Vanderlaan
Free Clipart - Cosmic Donut by Greg Vanderlaan

Wind Blows Coal's Air Pollution All Over The World Causing GLOBAL Warming. Australian Youth Protest Coal Fired Power Plants. China Funds Serbian Project.

KOSTOLAC, Serbia — A foul smell permeates the air in this gray mining town. People rarely open their windows as thick smoke billows from the huge chimneys of Serbia’s main coal-fired power station.
Things are only getting worse for residents living close to the Kostolac power plant complex in eastern Serbia, which is being expanded with a $715 million loan from a Chinese state bank and constructed by one of China’s largest companies.

Climate change: Australian students skip school for mass protest. 

Thousands of Australian school students have urged greater action on climate change in protests across the country.
The students skipped school on Friday to highlight what they say are inadequate climate policies by the Australian government.
On Monday, Australian PM Scott Morrison rebuked their plans for "activism" during school hours and insisted his government was tackling climate change.
Many students said his remarks had bolstered their resolve to protest.
"We will be the ones suffering the consequences of the decisions they [politicians] make today," protester Jagveer Singh, 17, told the BBC.
Organisers say they were inspired by Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old girl in Sweden who has undertaken similar protests


The Fifteen-Year-Old Climate Activist Who Is Demanding a New Kind of Politics.  

Greta Thunberg climate Change activist protests coal fires power plants in Sweden

Greta Thunberg’s protest outside of Sweden’s parliament building has made climate change a topic of that country’s daily conversation.

student protest in Sydney Australia climate change
Protest In Sydney, Australia

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How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...

READ MORE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2017/11/a-brief-history-of-vietnam-war-58000.html

Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

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Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics