Showing posts with label flying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flying. Show all posts

Donald Trump IS NOT as Bad as Charles Manson. Similar, but... Charlie's Angels Murdered Nine People and Donald's Flying Monkeys Only Had Two Whacked... DO THE MATH!

In Fact, Charlie's Angels Committed Murder in order to Trigger "Helter Skelter", a Race War in the USA... and... NOW We Have People Promoting "The Boogaloo", a Race War in the USA... History Repeats Itself... 

Read More: Get Yourself Educated... 
That Way You Won't Be Fooled by Fraudsters...

Original Art For Sale...
and there is a different picture on the back of the Greeting Card... a Rainbow Spiral...

Frank Zappa - 1966 - Freak out! - Trouble every day... Video:

Trump DID sell weapons to Saudi Arabia That They Used to Murder Thousand of People in Yemen... There is Blood on Trump's Hands...
Trump DID sell weapons to Saudi Arabia That They Used to Murder Thousand of People in Yemen... There is Blood on Trump's Hands...

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Letters to the Editor: Chico News and Review:

Keeping Trump in check: Re “What concerns you most this election season?” (Streetalk, Feb. 13):

There are other important elections that have barely been mentioned, by the media and the politicians themselves.

This year, as usual, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be chosen. Let’s start by replacing incumbent Doug LaMalfa with Audrey Denney. Hopefully a couple other bad apples (Devin Nunes) will also be replaced, and the House will maintain its Democratic majority.

The Senate will have 35 elections this year. There are 22 Republican and 13 Democratic seats being contested. After watching the impeachment debacle, it will be imperative for the Democrats to also take control of the Senate. There is a lot of potential to flip the Senate, the way the House was in 2018. Among the Republicans running are a few notables that probably wouldn’t be missed: Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Joni Ernst (Iowa), and Susan Collins (Maine).

Having a Democratic majority in both chambers of Congress would keep Trump in check with issues like military actions, health care, tariffs, the wall, environmental decisions and Supreme Court appointments.

Dave Kanak, Chico

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 Not so miniscule... Re “Hysteria on both sides” (Letters, by Lucy Cooke, Feb. 13):

The writer is mistaken when she describes Russia’s social media activity in 2016 as “miniscule.”

According to The Washington Post, Russian agents infiltrated Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and even Pokémon Go. Russia-linked Facebook pages, with names such as “Secure Borders” and “Being Patriotic,” garnered hundreds of thousands of followers and generated tens of millions of interactions.

Remember, Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. It was only by dint of the Electoral College that Trump won the election, which hinged on fewer than 80,000 votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan (less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the total ballots cast). As detailed in the Mueller Report, Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort shared polling data with the Russians so they knew where to concentrate their activity.

Trump apologists argue, “There’s no proof that anyone’s vote was influenced by Russian interference,” and that may be true. But there’s also no proof that a Super Bowl ad will influence anyone’s decision on which brand of beer or tortilla chips to buy, yet advertisers spend a fortune on the assumption that millions of viewers will be so influenced.

Scott Paulo, Chico

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Differing on endorsements:

With all respect for the CN&R, your endorsement of Elizabeth Warren is disastrously wrong. We are watching the corporate takeover of our country, exactly as those who signed our Declaration of Independence and Constitution warned.

Under Warren, nothing will change. The only person talking about real things and offering solutions is Sen. Sanders. He has been an effective legislator and he has been right about many issues for many years. His policies are popular throughout our nation. He polled higher against Trump than Clinton did in 2016, he has by far the most individual contributors, he attracts by far the biggest crowds, and he is now leading the pack (“clown car” would be an appropriate term), so that the electability canard does not apply.

Here is the deal: Economic power is political power, there is no way to separate them. When we see the entire wealth of our nation controlled by a handful of men, we are watching the destruction of government by and for the people. This is the last chance we have to leave that track and choose something better. Any candidate not advocating significant change is simply another corporate tool. Sen. Sanders is the only rational choice for president.

Nelson H. Kaiser


CN&R’s endorsement of Elizabeth Warren makes complete sense if you are looking for an impeccable résumé and a sincere, intelligent fighter against Wall Street and big business. Unfortunately, beating Trump will require much more than a strong résumé, and, for whatever reasons, Warren is starting to plummet in the polls—the pundits say she is not far enough left for liberals but still too far left for the moderates.

So the fight will be for the middle—mostly independents. If it is Bernie, then Trump will ride the socialist label he puts on Bernie all the way to another four years in office. One more Sanders heart attack would also ruin his chances.

I love Warren’s energy and ethics, as well as Mayor Pete’s intelligence. Imagine a president who could travel on our behalf speaking five languages?

But I just mailed in my ballot and marked Bloomberg down as my choice. I believe he is an experienced fighter from a city that knows how to breed fighters—New York—and has the best chance to beat Trump. And beating Trump is the only thing that matters.

Jim Elfers, Paradise

Everyone Ought to Just STOP FLYING IN JET AIRPLANES Because of the Global Warming Pollution they Cause... and... HEADLINE: Airlines cancel flights amid coronavirus outbreak...

 AND... Why are You Going Far Away From Home Anyway? Why not just Telecommute using a Picturephone? Simply Refuse to FLY. 

and Now, Just by Co-Incidence... Airlines are Refusing to Fly because of a Virus... Everyone Agrees: JUST STOP! SEE? The Universe is Aligning to Save the Human Race...

Three Way Wind Power Squiggle - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Free Coloring Book Art
 Three Way Wind Power Squiggle - by gvan42 -
Gregory Vanderlaan - Free Coloring Book Art
Six Simple Things We Can Do: 
1. Removing fossil-fuel subsidies and boosting incentives to move to decentralized energy systems and make clean energy production and storage systems more economically competitive.
2. Encouraging financial markets to divest of assets linked to fossil fuels, to divert investment towards less-polluting technologies, leaving investors keen to avoid the prospect of holding 'stranded assets' tied to fossil fuels.
3. Building sustainable cities powered by renewable energy.
4. Revealing the "moral implications" of fossil fuels.
5. Disclosing greenhouse gas emissions information.
6. Strengthening climate education and engagement.

Bernie 4 Pres cardboard sign. Make one Today! Supplies are UnLimited! It's a Movement! Bernie Sanders For President - Elizabeth Warren for Vice President - AN UNBEATABLE TEAM!

 Peace sign in felt pen on t-shirt pocket too...
Bernie for President Cardboard Sign

Make Your Own Today!

Bernie Sanders for President endorsed by Gregory Vanderlaan vandergreg
Bernie Sanders for President endorsed by Gregory Vanderlaan 


 Maybe the entire process is wrong... Why not an Internet Voting System for Decision Making? Eliminate The Elections for Office of the President Entirely. At the very least, the Electoral College System is ABSURD... and Vast Money for Campaign Advertisements? WTF? 


Album Cover from The Left Blank Intentionally
Album Cover from The Left Blank Intentionally- (anguished poetry and odd synthesizer noises)... A proposal for a new band.

Free Coloring Book - "Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute". Bernie Publishes Great Ideas, Informs Voters and Changes Minds. It Has A WEALTH of Interesting Information.

Black and White -  A Page From a Coloring Book...  Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute by Greg Vanderlaan
Title Page From a Coloring Book...
Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute
Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour Coloring Book Page
Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour
Coloring Book Page
More art at:

Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides. The U.S. gun suicide rate is 10 times that of other high-income countries. OWNING A GUN MAKES YOU LESS SAFE. Increased ACCIDENTS... Increased FATALITIES During Arguments.

Access to a gun increases the risk of death by suicide by three times. Gun suicides are concentrated in states with high rates of gun ownership. Most people who attempt suicide do not die—unless they use a gun. Across all suicide attempts not involving a firearm, less than five percent will result in death. But for gun suicides, those statistics are flipped: approximately 85 percent of gun suicide attempts end in death. White men represent 74 percent of firearm suicide victims in America.

Contact your Senators and Representatives... We need to BAN ASSAULT RIFLES and we need BACKGROUND CHECKS BEFORE PEOPLE BUY GUNS and we need RED FLAG LAWS to take Guns away from people that are a Danger to Themselves and Others...

A Friend of Mine Died from a Gunshot... Mike Johnson... DEAD because a Crazy Man Had a GUN.

Use this Link to Contact your US Senators... and use This one for Representatives in the House...

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and Now, on a Different Subject...
a Happier Subject...

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Here is some free ART Designed to Relax your Mind.

Flying Saucer drawn in WINPLOT - more art at Google Image Search Keyword gvan42
Flying Saucer drawn in WINPLOT
Link to a Google Image Search
for all my artwork!

LAYOFFS - Another Example of Trump's So Called "Booming" Economy... 99% of Americans were better off with Obama as President... Only the Super Rich benefit from Trump-0-Nomics.

Go Ahead... WAKE UP! It's Fun, It's Free and Everybody's Doing It!

HEADLINE: Lowe’s lays off thousands of workers. 

Trump Fails Again: North Korea Launches another Missile... 
The projectile is similar to the two launched by North Korea earlier this week which were assessed to be short-range ballistic missiles.

Air travel is a huge contributor to climate change. A new global movement wants you to be ashamed to fly. Greta Thunberg gave up flights to fight climate change. Should you? YES!

Why is there a Government Subsidy of the Fossil Fuel Industry? Isn't That Just Crazy? 

Bubble UP! Economics... Everybody Wins! - MEME - gvan42 - Feel free to like and share, copy and paste - Gregory Vanderlaan
Bubble UP! Economics...
Everybody Wins!

France Had FLYING SOLDIERS for it's Bastille Day Parade. AMAZING! Why was Our Fourth of July Parade SO FREAKING LAME?

 France's Flying Soldier - Why Don't We Have a Flying Soldier in the USA?
France's Flying Soldier...
Why Don't We Have a Flying Soldier in the USA? 

What's up with that Bulletproof GLASS BARRIER in front of Trump on July 4th at the Lincoln Memorial??? Doctor Martin Luther King didn't Have Bulletproof Glass when HE Spoke at the Lincoln Memorial...

"The president stood in front of a protective glass barrier that was dripping in raindrops and prevented a crystal clear view of the president."

I especially like visiting the Redwood Forests of Northern California. The Movie "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" was filmed near Crescent City.

The Ewok Villages and the Forest Moon of Endor. The flying motorcycle scenes were filmed by having the Stedicam Inventor, Garrett Brown walk thru the woods following the path they travel... and then Industrial Light and Magic bluescreened in the Actors and Flying Motorcycles...

On Highway 101 traveling North from Eureka, just past Trinidad, there is a rest stop with a paved footpath that looks just like the movie... A little imagination and you can hear the little teddy bear people singing and playing the drums...
Here is a link to many photographs I took... of that Beautiful Forest.

Forestwalk in Trinidad, CA - Near the Ewok Village filming location - Photographs of the Mighty Redwoods - as if you went there...

Welcome to Our Forestwalk.

Not the trail to nowhere, but the trail to Now Here.

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Secret Trick to Life: STOP BELIEVING LIES! People that Sell Guns Are LYING To You. They Say Guns Protect Your Family. However That's FALSE. Suicides, Accidents and Family Arguments Vastly Outnumber the Lives Saved Shooting Bad Guys.
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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

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Military Death Chart USA

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Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics