Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides. The U.S. gun suicide rate is 10 times that of other high-income countries. OWNING A GUN MAKES YOU LESS SAFE. Increased ACCIDENTS... Increased FATALITIES During Arguments.

Access to a gun increases the risk of death by suicide by three times. Gun suicides are concentrated in states with high rates of gun ownership. Most people who attempt suicide do not die—unless they use a gun. Across all suicide attempts not involving a firearm, less than five percent will result in death. But for gun suicides, those statistics are flipped: approximately 85 percent of gun suicide attempts end in death. White men represent 74 percent of firearm suicide victims in America.

Contact your Senators and Representatives... We need to BAN ASSAULT RIFLES and we need BACKGROUND CHECKS BEFORE PEOPLE BUY GUNS and we need RED FLAG LAWS to take Guns away from people that are a Danger to Themselves and Others...

A Friend of Mine Died from a Gunshot... Mike Johnson... DEAD because a Crazy Man Had a GUN.

Use this Link to Contact your US Senators... and use This one for Representatives in the House...

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and Now, on a Different Subject...
a Happier Subject...

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Here is some free ART Designed to Relax your Mind.

Flying Saucer drawn in WINPLOT - more art at Google Image Search Keyword gvan42
Flying Saucer drawn in WINPLOT
Link to a Google Image Search
for all my artwork!