Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Donald Trump IS NOT as Bad as Charles Manson. Similar, but... Charlie's Angels Murdered Nine People and Donald's Flying Monkeys Only Had Two Whacked... DO THE MATH!

In Fact, Charlie's Angels Committed Murder in order to Trigger "Helter Skelter", a Race War in the USA... and... NOW We Have People Promoting "The Boogaloo", a Race War in the USA... History Repeats Itself... 

Read More: Get Yourself Educated... 
That Way You Won't Be Fooled by Fraudsters...

Original Art For Sale...
and there is a different picture on the back of the Greeting Card... a Rainbow Spiral...

Frank Zappa - 1966 - Freak out! - Trouble every day... Video:

Trump DID sell weapons to Saudi Arabia That They Used to Murder Thousand of People in Yemen... There is Blood on Trump's Hands...
Trump DID sell weapons to Saudi Arabia That They Used to Murder Thousand of People in Yemen... There is Blood on Trump's Hands...

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Letters to the Editor: Chico News and Review:

Keeping Trump in check: Re “What concerns you most this election season?” (Streetalk, Feb. 13):

There are other important elections that have barely been mentioned, by the media and the politicians themselves.

This year, as usual, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be chosen. Let’s start by replacing incumbent Doug LaMalfa with Audrey Denney. Hopefully a couple other bad apples (Devin Nunes) will also be replaced, and the House will maintain its Democratic majority.

The Senate will have 35 elections this year. There are 22 Republican and 13 Democratic seats being contested. After watching the impeachment debacle, it will be imperative for the Democrats to also take control of the Senate. There is a lot of potential to flip the Senate, the way the House was in 2018. Among the Republicans running are a few notables that probably wouldn’t be missed: Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Joni Ernst (Iowa), and Susan Collins (Maine).

Having a Democratic majority in both chambers of Congress would keep Trump in check with issues like military actions, health care, tariffs, the wall, environmental decisions and Supreme Court appointments.

Dave Kanak, Chico

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 Not so miniscule... Re “Hysteria on both sides” (Letters, by Lucy Cooke, Feb. 13):

The writer is mistaken when she describes Russia’s social media activity in 2016 as “miniscule.”

According to The Washington Post, Russian agents infiltrated Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and even Pokémon Go. Russia-linked Facebook pages, with names such as “Secure Borders” and “Being Patriotic,” garnered hundreds of thousands of followers and generated tens of millions of interactions.

Remember, Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. It was only by dint of the Electoral College that Trump won the election, which hinged on fewer than 80,000 votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan (less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the total ballots cast). As detailed in the Mueller Report, Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort shared polling data with the Russians so they knew where to concentrate their activity.

Trump apologists argue, “There’s no proof that anyone’s vote was influenced by Russian interference,” and that may be true. But there’s also no proof that a Super Bowl ad will influence anyone’s decision on which brand of beer or tortilla chips to buy, yet advertisers spend a fortune on the assumption that millions of viewers will be so influenced.

Scott Paulo, Chico

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Differing on endorsements:

With all respect for the CN&R, your endorsement of Elizabeth Warren is disastrously wrong. We are watching the corporate takeover of our country, exactly as those who signed our Declaration of Independence and Constitution warned.

Under Warren, nothing will change. The only person talking about real things and offering solutions is Sen. Sanders. He has been an effective legislator and he has been right about many issues for many years. His policies are popular throughout our nation. He polled higher against Trump than Clinton did in 2016, he has by far the most individual contributors, he attracts by far the biggest crowds, and he is now leading the pack (“clown car” would be an appropriate term), so that the electability canard does not apply.

Here is the deal: Economic power is political power, there is no way to separate them. When we see the entire wealth of our nation controlled by a handful of men, we are watching the destruction of government by and for the people. This is the last chance we have to leave that track and choose something better. Any candidate not advocating significant change is simply another corporate tool. Sen. Sanders is the only rational choice for president.

Nelson H. Kaiser


CN&R’s endorsement of Elizabeth Warren makes complete sense if you are looking for an impeccable résumé and a sincere, intelligent fighter against Wall Street and big business. Unfortunately, beating Trump will require much more than a strong résumé, and, for whatever reasons, Warren is starting to plummet in the polls—the pundits say she is not far enough left for liberals but still too far left for the moderates.

So the fight will be for the middle—mostly independents. If it is Bernie, then Trump will ride the socialist label he puts on Bernie all the way to another four years in office. One more Sanders heart attack would also ruin his chances.

I love Warren’s energy and ethics, as well as Mayor Pete’s intelligence. Imagine a president who could travel on our behalf speaking five languages?

But I just mailed in my ballot and marked Bloomberg down as my choice. I believe he is an experienced fighter from a city that knows how to breed fighters—New York—and has the best chance to beat Trump. And beating Trump is the only thing that matters.

Jim Elfers, Paradise

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