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QAnon: Did Trump Get AIDS from Jim Jordan or Was it Matt Gaetz? One Thing Is For Certain... Everyone Has NOTICED The SPOTS on Trump's Skin... Uh Oh... Bad Sign...

It Is Important to Know Who Gave the Disease TO Trump So That Person Does Not Infect Others... 

MEME - Trump Spots Skin - gvan42

Headline: Photos of a scaly, discolored patch of skin on Trump's face have gone viral — here's what it is, according to a Yale dermatologist...

President Corleone:
Following a sham impeachment trial with the Senate packed with his enablers, President “Corleone” Trump, the Godfather, continues to trash the US Constitution. He makes a complete mockery of the critical clause, “equal justice under law,” to favor his friends and punish his enemies.
No longer can we claim to be a liberal democracy with respect for the law.
He exposed his authoritarian nature during his 2016 campaign mocking his opponent as “crooked Hilary”, smiling and clapping when his former national security advisor, Michael Flynn chanted “lock her up.” He ridiculed his first attorney general, Jeff Sessions because he recused himself and failed to protect him from the Mueller investigation. He pressured James Comey, the former FBI Director to drop criminal charges on Flynn. He pardoned the former racist Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio.
And now we are witnessing another blatant interference in the Justice Department overruling the prosecutors in favor of his friend and former campaign advisor, Roger Stone. The meek and compliant attorney general, William Barr readily agreed and overruled the prosecutors. A jury convicted Stone of obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and threatening a witness and the presiding judge with bodily harm, charges that should have condemned the unrepentant Stone to a life sentence. Kudos to the four courageous prosecutors who resigned in protest.
Contrast the treatment of Stone and Flynn with Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen who spoke the truth and is now languishing in jail.

ECLECTIC RANT: Trump: Acquitted but not Exonerated
As expected, the Republican Senators acquitted Trump at his impeachment trial. The acquittal will now be the centerpiece of Trump’s reelection campaign.
The difference between former president Richard Nixon and Trump when facing impeachment: Nixon accepted the validity of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law and a bipartisan Congress was poised to hold him accountable, whereas Trump views the Constitution and the rule of law as impediments to overcome and has the lockstep support of Congressional Republicans.
At the impeachment trial, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) gave the most honest Republican answer on why he voted against no witnesses and documents when he admitted that Trump committed all the acts set forth in the two Articles of Impeachment, but said these acts were not impeachable. And Defense Counsel Alan Dershowitz argued that a president can do almost anything because he is president and his personal interests are the nation’s interests. They have allowed Trump to turn the Constitution on its head and largely erased Congress’s oversight powers.
The Congressional Republicans have sold their souls for two conservative Supreme Court Justices, 187 other conservative federal judges and counting, a tax “overhaul” favoring the rich, and, possibly, the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

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