Hey Trump! Ever Heard of The 10 Commandments? "Thou Shalt Not Boink a Porn Star While Married." God Said That! REALLY!
And Now For Something Completely Different:
Trump's Trade War With China was a Disaster! Remember the Farmer Bailout Checks? Nowadays, Farmers Can Earn a Living by Growing Crops! Thank YOU, Joe Biden!
Trump's Trade War Harmed American Consumers, American Farmers and American Business But Helped Russian Soy Bean Farmers!
‘Here’s your check’: Trump’s massive payouts to farmers will be hard to pull back...
The president was already spending double his predecessor to spare farmers the cost of his trade war. Now the price is reaching unsustainable levels.
Despite Trump’s claim that “trade wars are good, and easy to win,” the ultimate results of the phase one trade deal between China and the United States — and the trade war that preceded it — have significantly hurt the American economy without solving the underlying economic concerns that the trade war was meant to resolve.
Trump's trade war on China was a failure in every possible way...
What really happened: "The trade war with China hurt the US economy and failed to achieve major policy goals," a recent study commissioned by the U.S.-China Business Council argues, finding that the trade war reduced economic growth and cost the U.S. 245,000 jobs.
Trump's Not Just a Loser, He' a MAGALOSER! (Oh No! Not a Metric Joke!) In Fact, Hillary Got More Votes, Joe Got More Votes and in 2024... HE'S Already Saying The Election Was Rigged!
They've been brainwashed with fear. Fear is a powerful drug. It penetrates the deepest parts of their brains. "Do you want your grandchildren to be black?" It grips their amygdala, the seat of instinct and fear of death. "They're sub-human; they will kill you." They tap into this deep realm of terror. "You're going to lose everything you've ever worked for." "They murdered your savior." "Do you want English replaced by Spanish? Jesus replaced by Allah?" "They're going to rape your wives and impregnate your daughters." "You will become irrelevant. Erased. Like you never existed." "Jews will not replace us." "They don't believe in God; not our God." "They are an abomination." "Your children will burn in hell." "Only I can save you."
Will the Corrupt Supreme Court Rule that CRIME IS LEGAL for Trump? Question: Would Total Presidential Immunity Allow Biden to Murder Trump LEGALLY?
Remember: The Reason Ford Pardoned Nixon was to Prevent Nixon's Arrest for Crimes Committed While President.
Throughout history the laws of physics have been considered perfect and eternal, but the more deeply physicists and cosmologists delve, the more they discover how messy it is. Universes simulated using computers are not created by perfect omnipotent beings, rather by imperfect people with kids and mortgages just trying to figure stuff out. Many of today’s hard-core, cutting edge scientists—including Alan Guth, the creator of inflationary theory—acknowledge that it might be possible to create a universe in the laboratory that would pinch off into its own space-time, and that this universe we find ourselves living in might be such a simulation. It might be a bunch of guys futzing around. If there is a master awareness to all this, it might turn out to be more like a Gary Larsen kid poking an anthill with a stick to see what happens. (Pictured Above: God)
Don't you just hate when
You compose a good haiku
And the last line comes out too long
I refuse to play by the rules... However... one time we were Camping in the Santa Cruz Mountains High on LSD and One Guy read a Haiku Out Loud... and POW! SHAZZAM! A Tsunami of Meaning Washed over us...
I'm Glad Someone Wrote Them...
As I was thinking of some of my favorite anagrams, I remembered one of my fav's for old Spiro Agnew. So if you take all the letters from his name and rearrange them you come up with Grow a Penis.
Agnew’s downfall began in the summer of 1973, when he was investigated in connection with accusations of extortion, bribery, and income-tax violations relating chiefly to his tenure as governor of Maryland. Faced with federal indictments, Agnew fought the charges, arguing that the allegations were false, that a sitting vice president could not be indicted, and that the only way he could be removed from office was by impeachment. After the solicitor general released a brief asserting that sitting vice presidents could be indicted, Agnew launched an attack on the administration and vowed not to resign. With Nixon in danger of impeachment for his role in the Watergate scandal, the administration sought to remove Agnew from the presidential line of succession, and secret plea bargaining took place between Agnew’s lawyers and a federal judge. Agnew resigned the vice presidency on October 10, 1973, and appeared in United States District Court in Baltimore on the same day to plead nolo contendere to a single federal count of failing to report on his income-tax return $29,500 in income that he had received in 1967, while governor of Maryland. Acknowledging that the plea amounted to a felony conviction, Agnew declared that he had resigned in the national interest. He was fined $10,000 and sentenced to three years of unsupervised probation.
Trump’s Magic Time Machine Doomed to Fail Again...
When President Ronald Reagan first spoke the words “Let’s Make America Great Again” He Implied that there was a time in the Past when America was Great… and we ought to return to that time… WHEN was That? the 1950s? The 1850s? 1776? 1066? 3,000 BC ?
I believe that Both Ronald Reagan and Copycat Donald Trump Feel that America in the 1950s was That Time!
Before Women’ Lib… Before Civil Rights… Before Gay Rights… Before Hippies! It was a time when Americans DID WHAT THEY WERE TOLD TO DO… and It was a Time When FRED TRUMP could FIX any Problems Donald Got Into…
I feel America was Greatest in 1969…
We went to the Moon, Danced at Woodstock, Rioted at Stonewall… and Most Importantly… We WOKE THE F*CK UP!
The Brainwashing of the 1950s was Repealed by the ACID of the Sixties… “Think for Yourself and Question Authority”
Remember: Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law… HJ RES 40… and now we have Madmen Committing Murder again and again and again… the Laws are Tragic… Insane!