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The US Civil War was a Big Mistake. We Would Be Better Off If The South Was a Foreign Country. They Got Problems? Awww... That's Sad... But... We Just Don't Care!


map: The US Civil WAR was a Big Mistake. We Would Be Better Off if The South Was a Foreign Country. They Got Problems? Awww... That's Sad... Sure Hope You Solve Them!
The Area in White is Another Third World Country 
in Trouble all the Time... We Could Ignore Their Problems
Like We Ignore Haiti...

The USA Spends a Lot of Taxpayer Dollars Solving the Disasters in Our Southern States... FEMA... Hurricanes, Floods, Tornadoes..

and the South Pays Very Little in Taxes because the People are Poor... and there are Very Few Businesses... 

Abe Lincoln regretting the Civil War...

Electronics is Centered in California and Washington State... Biotech is In Massachusetts and San Francisco... Airplanes are Built in Seattle and Los Angeles... and what Does the South Have? Coca-Cola, Disney World, Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton!

Did you Notice That their Governors Are insane? Just Look at Gov Greg Abbott and Gov Ron Death Santa! If They Ruled a Foreign Country Their Madness Would NOT Be Important! 
After All... North Korea has had a Lunatic for Decades... 

~~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Of Course the Problem of SLAVERY Would have to be Solved using a different method... Since Slavery Happened in all the Countries of the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and South America... SOME OTHER SOLUTION WOULD HAVE HAPPENED BY NOW... Frankly, I Like the Slave Revolt of Haiti and the Murder of All the White Plantation Owners... but there are Other Methods...

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