I'm in Favor of Millions of People Immigrating to the USA from Mexico. We Will Need Them to Pay into the Social Security System... It Depends on Young People Paying for Old People's Retirement.

and Baby Boomers DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH CHILDREN to Make the System Work. We Had THE PILL and Millions of People Voluntarily Selected to Have Smaller Families. 

However, In Mexico and Central America... Most People are Catholic and That Religion OPPOSES Birth Control. Therefore those People Have MUCHOS NIÑOS! 

Here in the USA We Can Use Them to Do Legal Jobs and Pay Social Security Taxes... and Income Taxes... The Current System Uses Illegal Aliens and Employers Pay Cash... and NO TAXES ARE COLLECTED... also... No Health Insurance So When those People Get Sick, they Just Go To The Emergency Room and The TAXPAYERS Pay for Their Doctor Bills... REALLY!

Another Little Know Fact... I Grew Up in San Jose, California and Vast Quantities of The Residents are Hispanic... and We All Get Along Just Fine! There are Many Different Races and In General... No Troubles! All That FEAR That Trump Was Selling JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN IN REALITY!

I Remember that when I Worked as a Commissioned Salesman at Radio Shack... My Ability to Speak Both Spanish and English Meant BIGGER PAYCHCKS... 

TrumpFAIL - Idiot Wall that You Can Cut Thru With a Saw...
#TrumpFAIL - The Idiot Built a Wall
that You Can Cut Thru With a Saw...