Hurricane Harvey says "Global Warming is Real." The temperature of the ocean gets hotter and more water evaporates... then we have more rain.

Where will all those people go live now that Houston is uninhabitable? Will they move to California? A friend of mine was living in New Orleans when Katrina hit and he ended up living in Grass Valley, California.

I wish you kids good luck in solving the question of Global Warming... Our Generation (the baby boomers) have left you with a mess.  Sorry...

1. We should close all coal fired power plants and replace them with solar or wind. Coal air pollution causes global warming...

2. We should move our office buildings closer to where we live so the daily commute to work is shorter. That way people will burn less gasoline in their cars...

3. Maybe we will all have to move to Canada because the American South has become a jungle... mangrove swamps everywhere...

Netroots Nation Conference - Al Gore Speaks about Global Warming - Climate Reality Project dot org

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power documents Climate Reality Founder and Chairman Al Gore’s fight to solve the crisis as he travels the Earth, witnessing a planet transformed by rising temperatures and inspiring the next generation of citizen activists trained as Climate Reality Leaders.
Watch the trailer at link above...

This Summer Seattle had temperatures above 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. Only about 1/3 of the homes owned air conditioners... None of the trees in the forests have air conditioners... We also saw a green algae bloom in Miami Florida... This is creepy... Go Solar and Wind. Stop burning OIL, coal and gasoline... Electric cars are the future.
A decade after AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH brought climate change into the heart of popular culture, comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes - in moments both private and public, funny and poignant -- as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.

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Interesting TV I've seen recently:
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Thomas Linzey spoke at  Earth at Risk 2014 - He is an Environmental attorney - He recommends that local governmental organizations like towns or counties pass laws prohibiting fracking... That gives people local control of polluters, factory farms - preventing fracking, oil and gas drilling...

"We the People 2.0" documentary American citizens challenge the oligarchy - community bill of rights. Pittsburg Community rights ordinance 2010.
rights of nature ordinance. Broadview Heights.
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Gar Alperovitz: author - alternatives to corporate capitalism - plural commonwealth -
example: Cleveland hospital - worker owned - democracy
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Richard Wolff: Mondragon alternative to Corporate Capitalism -
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Odyssey in Two Biospheres: Ecological sealed terrarium simulator of the entire world.
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Documentary Movies:
Plutocracy II Solidarity Forever.
Plutocracy III Class War
IWW Industrial Workers of the World - aka - The Wobblies
U. Utah Phillips - singer of labor songs

Impeach Trump. 25th Amendment. Emoluments Clause. Three ways to save the USA.

If Three Hundred Million of us Protest we have a chance to get Donald Trump OUT of the White House. While Robert Mueller and the FBI, the Senate and the House are working on their investigations WE THE PEOPLE can help by contacting our representatives. OR... If you are able... March in the streets! We saw that the Trumpcare Bill was defeated by overwhelming rejection by the people. We can do it again.

25th Amendment - How to replace a president who has health problems
There are a few ways to remove Trump from office... Impeachment is the obvious first choice but Disability has potential... If he becomes bored with being 'resident he can voluntarily step down. He has a history of declaring bankruptcy in business deals, would this be any different? If his cabinet agrees that he can't do the job they can force him to quit. If he goes to a hospital for example... Not that unlikely as he is older than dirt and lives a high stress lifestyle...  Even a MENTAL HOSPITAL... and He cannot serve if he is locked up in Jail...

If it can be proved that Trump is being PAID by Foreign Governments he is in violation of the Emolument Clause of the US Constitution. For Example: If he is being PAID by the Russians...
Here are the exact words... "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the US Constitution

Trump thanks Putin for expelling Diplomats. Bizarre False Statement by Trump. No Actual Payroll Savings.
In fact, Putin does not sign the paychecks of American Diplomats and they all continue to be paid. It appears that Trump is weak and appeasing Putin because he has no choice. Like an abused wife, Trump defends his master.

Trump fails to deliver "Fire and Fury" after North Korea continues to threaten the USA.
I guess Guam doesn't really count as a threat... It's not a state... We won't be starting WW3 over a Territory... Rex Tillerson, our secretary of State, says we all should sleep well and not worry... It's just Trump Talking Tough... No REAL action planned.

Be Aware of Propaganda: "The Bottom Line with Boris" and Trump TV "Real" News. They are lying to you.  Sinclair Broadcasting forces their Stations to play Boris. Sinclair is a giant media conglomerate and they own 70% of the local TV Stations.

FBI Raids Paul Manafort's House [Trump's Campaign Manager] looking for evidence in a criminal case.. In order for the FBI to make a raid they must get a search warrant signed by a Judge stating that there is probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime is located at the residence.

Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses. The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it...

Trump's Place in History is Now Secure. He signed the Russian Sanctions Bill despite Putin's Anger. Great Job, Donald. Like JFK and going to the Moon or MLK and the "I Have a Dream Speech", Donald Trump will forever be remembered for the Russian Sanctions Bill that punishes them for meddling with our Presidential election in 2016.

Trump's "base" is the 1% [the super rich]. They pretend that his "base" is uneducated white people but that's a misdirection. Like a magic act, they use misdirection to keep our attention focused on what they want us to see, not what they are really doing.

Tax Cuts for ALL! It can be paid for by debt and letting our great grandchildren worry about the bill later. That's Trumps Plan. Coming soon to Congress:

"Make America Hate Again" - It's ABSURD to Blame Immigrants for all our troubles....
The Federal Police force called ICE is stopping and questioning anyone who looks like an illegal alien. That means Latinos... Including people that were born in the USA. Including people who's Great Great Great Grandfathers were born in the USA.

Donald Trump: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. CAUGHT on tape. Verified by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The President of Mexico says he didn't call Trump at all last week. Trump claimed he called and congratulated Trump for the great job Trump was doing on illegal immigration. The Head of the Boy Scouts says he didn't call Trump at all Last Week. Trump says the boy scout called to tell Trump that Trump gave the greatest speech ever at the jamboree.

Trump thanks Putin for expelling Diplomats. Bizarre False Statement by Trump. No Actual Payroll Savings.

In fact, Putin does not sign the paychecks of American Diplomats and they all continue to be paid. It appears that Trump is weak and appeasing Putin because he has no choice. Like an abused wife, Trump defends his master.

Trump Praises Putin Instead of Critiquing Cuts to U.S. Embassy Staff.

“I want to thank him because we’re trying to cut down on payroll, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m very thankful that he let go of a large number of people, because now we have a smaller payroll,” Mr. Trump told reporters at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J. “There’s no real reason for them to go back. So I greatly appreciate the fact that we’ve been able to cut our payroll of the United States. We’ll save a lot of money.”

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and now for something completely different...
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Think for Yourself and Question Reality

FBI Raids Paul Manafort's House [Trump's Campaign Manager] looking for evidence in a criminal case..

In order for the FBI to make a raid they must get a search warrant signed by a Judge stating that there is probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime is located at the residence. The Trump=Russia investigation has increased intensity to a whole new level.

FBI raid on Manafort's home shows Russia probe ramping up.
Manafort's lawyers have said he is cooperating with congressional probes and special counsel Robert Mueller, but the FBI raid indicates that Mueller's office may not believe it is getting full cooperation.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat who this week got into a public spat with Trump, called the Manafort search “a significant and even stunning development.”
“This kind of raid — in the early morning hours with no advance notice — shows an astonishing and alarming distrust for the president’s former campaign chairman. It seems to decimate his claim that he is cooperating with law enforcement,” Blumenthal said.

Feds sought cooperation from Manafort's son-in-law.
The former Trump campaign chairman is the focus of inquiries into his business dealings as well as Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
Federal investigators sought cooperation from Paul Manafort’s son-in-law in an effort to increase pressure on President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, according to three people familiar with the probe.
Investigators approached Jeffrey Yohai, who has partnered in business deals with Manafort, earlier this summer, setting off “real waves” in Manafort’s orbit, one of these people said. Another of these people said investigators are trying to get “into Manafort’s head.”

Be Aware of Propaganda: "The Bottom Line with Boris" and Trump TV "Real" News. They are lying to you.
Sinclair Broadcasting forces their Stations to play Boris. Sinclair is a giant media conglomerate and they own 70% of the local TV Stations. They engage in Brainwashing so "Conservative" Candidates will be elected and appointed.
Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses.
The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it...

Trump fails to deliver "Fire and Fury" after North Korea continues to threaten the USA.

I guess Guam doesn't really count as a threat... It's not a state... We won't be starting WW3 over a Territory...

Rex Tillerson, our secretary of State, says we all should sleep well and not worry... It's just Trump Talking Tough... No REAL action planned.

"Tillerson: Trump's Tough Talk Aims to Send Message to North Korea "

Why not use EMAIL if we want to send a message? or Pick up the phone? What if our Ambassador made arrangements for the two leaders to mud wrestle instead?

The stock market goes down due to Trump's "Goofball Antics" and Threat of Nuclear War. The adults that own America are not amused by puffed up Yadda Yadda Yadda...

"Trump promised 'fire and fury' for North Korea if it continued threats — hours later, it threatened strikes on Guam...  Hours after President Donald Trump said he'd respond to more North Korean threats on the US with "fire and fury" unlike the world had ever seen, North Korea responded Tuesday with a threat, saying it was considering a missile strike on Guam."

I read twitter for the first time and it seems like everyone is arguing and calling each other names... Gee, I'll never look at that again...

It's unpleasant and pointless. They were refighting the Vietnam War and ridiculing Senator Blumenthal for joining the reserves... Who could possibly care 50 years later? Why can't we all get along? I guess that twitter is designed to be used by Generation X people... I'm glad that I'm old and won't have to live in a world run by them. I don't like their RAP Music either.

Here, you can see what I mean by following this link. It's all just Yadda Yadda Yadda...

I oppose the US war against the Philippine Islands. Bombing people causes the survivors to join anti US groups.

Why don't we just let those people over there solve their own problems? We don't need to help ISIS with their recruiting drive... DUH.

It reminds me of Endless War in George Orwell's book 1984. We already have Endless War in Afghanistan already, why start another futile bombing crusade? It's all just a marketing trick to help defense contractors sell useless stuff to the Pentagon. That's why we armed ISIS in the first place. OOPS, it was an accident. Now we can bomb people in the name of Freedom. What a racket.

Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses.

The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it... Trump is Right - We are Losing the War. We ought to simply surrender just like we did in Vietnam and Nicaragua. That would reduce US deaths from Heroin and Soldier Suicide.

As you can see from the UN Chart above our war has increased the crop yield: Up to the year 2000 the Russians were at war in Afghanistan. Then in 2001 the people of Afghanistan ruled their own country. Then the USA invaded and crop production increased. Most of that Opium eventually comes to America and kills people here.

Americans Use 80% of the World’s Opioid Supply

The Stock Market is at an all time high. That's fantastic for people rich enough to have money to invest.

The top 20% of the people in the USA are reaping the rewards of Trump's Bubble. The bottom 80% are struggling to make ends meet working at low paying jobs. Trump's Stock Market Bubble is all based on the expectation of Giant Tax Cuts for the Rich. I hope he get's that law passed before he is impeached. There is no guarantee that President Pence has the same agenda. Trump's "base" [the top 1%] is not necessarily the same as Mike Pence's.

I wonder how people are supposed to protect their invested money during the inevitable crash that will follow the bubble... Will the government have to bail out the Bank of America again like it did at the end of the Bush Presidency?

Trump's Place in History is Now Secure. He signed the Russian Sanctions Bill despite Putin's Anger.

Great Job, Donald. Like JFK and going to the Moon or MLK and the "I Have a Dream Speech", Donald Trump will forever be remembered for the Russian Sanctions Bill that punishes them for meddling with our Presidential election in 2016.

History is sometimes like this... The Magna Carta was Signed by King John and has turned out to be one of the best documents in the History of the world. King John didn't want to sign the Magna Carta and Donald Trump didn't want to sign the Russian Sanctions Bill but both were faced with a power greater than themselves forcing correct action.

Let's get out of Afghanistan. Trump's Right, we're losing... just like we lost Vietnam and Nicaragua...

If we leave Afghanistan, those people over there will figure out solutions to their own problems. OR... Maybe they won't. How could we possibly care? We have problems of our own and the era of the USA being the Daddy of the world is over. Those people over there have to get along without our help... We went to war in Afghanistan because the Afghan people needed our help fighting the bizarro-world Islamic FUN-da-Mental-Twists... As it turned out, dropping bombs on their country did not help at all and actually helped recruit people to Freedom Fighter [Terrorist] organizations. Who wouldn't want to fight against destructo robots in the sky [drones] raining death? If some foreign country bombed MY home town, I'd be angry too. Have you seen photographs of Mosul? If freedom=devastation, most people would decline. The wars in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan are simply evil marketing schemes to sell weapons to the Pentagon... Big profit for easy work.  I read now that ISIS has spread to the Philippine Islands... This war between the Christianity and Islam has been going on for a Thousand years and is likely to continue for a thousand more. It's a waste of taxpayer dollars and American lives to continue this pointless fight.

Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome CAN BE CURED.

While the historical solutions of the USA in 1776 and France in 1789 appear appealing on first glance, they would simply not work in a global economy of 2017. A 12 step program might be more efficient. Greed Freaks Anonymous can help the most absurdly addicted capitalists.

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