Showing posts with label quack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quack. Show all posts

Republicans Start To Realize That The Public Isn't Buying Their Lies Anymore... #RUNAWAY from Trump. He's The Loser that Helped The Democrats Win in 2020. His Endless Failures and Lying Made Millions Desert the GOP.

Wearing a mask, Washing your hands and Social Distancing HAS CAUSED THE FLU TO VANISH... Amazing... SEE? Behaving Stupid Can Be Fatal! Simply Stop Believing GOP LIES and You Will Live Longer... 

I was Duped says the QAnon Shaman - meme - gvan42

Republicans have spent decades preaching, but never actually practicing, "Fiscal conservatism" where they constantly whine about government spending and debts and say that these things must be controlled. But today, those talking points are becoming fewer and further between as the public rallies behind Democrat proposals that call for massive spending and investment and increased taxes on the wealthy. In short, the public is moving on from fiscal conservatism because it is a death sentence for progress.

The Republican Party is now the Party Of Stupid, and there is no hope at all of salvaging the GOP. With their recent attempts to convince the public that President Biden was going to impose limits on meat consumption, Republicans proved that they don't actually want to talk about real issues and instead want to live in a fantasy world where everyone is an idiot who will believe whatever they say. This is dangerous for America, and the Republican Party needs to be left to wither away because of it.

AGAIN? Fire crews have contained what's being called the Basin Fire in the Santa Cruz mountains that began burning Sunday at Big Basin Redwoods State Park, according to Cal Fire. Cal Fire Santa Cruz-San Mateo's Twitter account said the fire grew to 6.7 acres. Fire crews will remain on the scene to monitor the fire overnight. The fire was first reported around 12:10 p.m burning in an area that was scorched by last year's CZU Lightning Complex fires.

CORRUPTION? In Trump's Court? What a Surprise! Supreme Court’s Ethics Problems Are Bigger Than Coney Barrett... Coney Barrett has wasted little time monetizing her new job... Unlike every other member of state and federal judiciaries, the Supreme court’s nine justices aren’t subject to an ethical code of conduct... As conflicts of interest accumulate, the justices need to embrace more stringent standards of conduct...

THE RAPTURE: It’s a fairy tale used to frighten children and a lullaby for grown adults, including my own parents. I’m no longer waiting for the rapture, and yet I see it everywhere...

Classic Example of "Over Thinking" Fairytales... Oh Well, WHINERS WILL BE WHINERS... 
 The new grand finale of Snow White's Enchanted Wish is the moment when the Prince finds Snow White asleep under the Evil Queen's spell and gives her "true love's kiss" to release her from the enchantment. A kiss he gives to her without her consent, while she's asleep, which cannot possibly be true love if only one person knows it's happening.

John Oliver Rips Into ‘F*cking Moron’ Joe Rogan Over COVID Vaccines... The “Last Week Tonight” host is sick of all the myths being pushed by bad-faith pundits about the remarkably safe COVID-19 vaccines...

"The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer-- Letters and Papers from Prison

Coronavirus Death Chart - Thanks Joe  -The Vaccine is Working - Get Your Shot Save American Lives - meme - gvan42

Popular Posts!

Tales of My Participation in the Sierra Club's Work Crew - Camping Trip. Two Months in the Sierra Nevada picking up trash in 1970...

My Parents Suggested that I Work for The Sierra Club during the Summer of my Sophomore Year in High School. Fortunately, The Sierra Club got Funding from the Federal Government to Clean up Trails near a Popular Dirt Bike area... and Those Dirt Bike People were Horribly Destructive of the Forest... Garbage Everywhere... I Guess they HAD NO CLUE about Ecology... 

We Got a Giant Dumpster and a Sign Explaining Who and What the "Action Clean Up" was and we Got to Work... We Were VERY LAZY... We were Volunteers... However, We DID Burn as Much Trash as we could find and then Backpacked the Remaining Burnt Garbage OUT... Years Later I Found Out That The Program Became MUCH more Organized and Serious and THE CAMPERS PAID THE SIERRA CLUB TO GO... 

I saw a Bear sleeping on a Jeep's hood at night... when I walked near the Bear jumped up and ran away... This happened in the Little Kern River Basin Near Bakersfield, California... That was the Big Thrill of the Summer... 

(~);-} and now for something completely different {-;(~)

I went to a Masonic Promotion Ceremony for My Boss. His name was Glenn MacLellan and he was the owner of the San Jose Art, Paint and Wallpaper Store. I worked there unloading trucks and putting merchandise on the shelves in the store. The ceremony was "Really Goofy" in my humble Opinion... Grown men wearing aprons and chanting in a candle lit room... Just Like George Washington Did... 

(~);-} and now for something completely different {-;(~)

My Cousin Gary Lea is a Mason also... They have a little village of wooden homes in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the San Lorenzo River. We went there when I was a child to someone's birthday party. The river enters the Pacific Ocean at The Boardwalk on Main Beach... Gary used hypnosis to quit smoking tobacco. He had a visual Mantra that he would remember whenever he wanted to smoke. It was the O'Neil's Surf Shop Logo... I used this trick myself... why not? Gary figured out how to quit and I can simply use his technique... 

Read More of my Autobiography at :

Share This TV AD That QUOTES TRUMP Word for Word... Transcript: The Corona Virus: "This is that new hoax. We have it totally under control. "

 "It's one person coming in from China One day. It's like a miracle. It will disappear when you have 15 people and within a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero. We really think we've done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum. I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. No, I don't take responsibility. Oh, priorities." USA Action is responsible for the content of this ad.


#TrumpMustResign: Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, the Stock Market Crash and TOTAL FAILURE TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM DISEASE... Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide!

When tRUMP CAUSES Global Economic Collapse,
You Won't Be Having Fun Either!

Remember: tRUMP is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER.


Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Really! I'm Not Making This UP!
Trump Signed the
"Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law"
H.J.Res 40

MEME - gvan42 - GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. PROTEST Gregory Vanderlaan
GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle.
Think for Yourself and Question Authority.

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word!

Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT...

MEME - Trump is Insane gvan42
If You Cannot Come To Washington DC,
Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.


MEME gvan42 Demand Trump Resign Now

MEME gvan42 Map of Arrest Trump Rally Exoricsm at White House
Ask Yourself: "What Would Abbie Hoffman DO?"
tRUMP has Started Calling Himself "Nobody."

"Art in the Time of Covid-19" Shirt For Sale. 

YOU MAY CHANGE THE WORDS IF YOU WANT TO... The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Knock Knock:" "Who's There?" "Whistleblower." "WhistleBlower Who?" "It Doesn't Matter... All the Evidence Says tRUMP's Guilty!" - Stephen Colbert Joke

#Colbert #Impeachment #Comedy

What Was Trump Doing While Congress Debated The End Of His Presidency?

#Monologue #Impeachment #Colbert

Bill Taylor's Testimony Closely Ties Trump To Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

#Monologue #Impeachment #Colbert

Something Is Seriously Wrong: Bill Barr Refused To Publicly Defend Trump On Ukraine

HEALTH ALERT! Prevagen: False Advertising... Insufficient Evidence for Claim to Improve Memory... Possible Side Effects NOT MENTIONED IN ADVERTISEMENTS. HOAX!

According to The Company Website itself: Note The Asterisk!

Prevagen Improves Memory*

Prevagen is a dietary supplement that has been clinically shown to help with mild memory loss associated with aging.* Prevagen is formulated with apoaequorin, which is safe and uniquely supports brain function.* * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

MEME - prevagen is bogus - false advertising - gvan42

HEADLINE: Jellyfish Memory Supplement Prevagen Is a Hoax, FTC Says...

The Federal Trade Commission and New York’s attorney general charged a company with fraud on Monday for selling a memory supplement based on a glowing jellyfish protein. Makers of a product called Prevagen are falsely advertising it as a memory booster, and falsely claiming the product can get into the human brain, the charges claim.

Memory. Early research shows that taking 10 mg of apoaequorin (Prevagen, Quincy Bioscience) daily for 90 days might improve forgetfulness, word recall, and the need for reminders in some people. But, this research is of lower quality. DONE BY QUINCY BIOSCIENCE THEMSELVES!

No clinical research has adequately evaluated side effects caused by apoaequorin. Some people who have taken apoaequorin have reported potential side effects to a manufacturer of the product. Some of the most commonly reported side effects were headachedizziness, and nausea.

The manufacturer, Quincy Bioscience, used in-house clinical trials to make its claims of memory enhancement, which were not verified by independent researchers, according to Janet, Jenner & Suggs LLC, a nationwide law firm not involved in the suit.

The FDA investigated the company in 2012 and found the supplement has serious side effects, including seizures and strokes, as well as worsening symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

QAnon Sucks!

Does Prevagen Really Improve Memory?
According to the company's website, people who use people Prevagen (Quincy Bioscience) can "experience improved memory, a sharper mind, and clearer thinking. However, a review of the evidence indicates that these effects are not well substantiated. In addition, the FDA has warned Quincy Bioscience in the past against claiming Prevagen could treat conditions such as head injuries and Alzheimer's disease and for failing to report adverse reactions. The FDA has also claimed that the key ingredient, apoaequorin, a synthetic protein, is not an acceptable ingredient in a dietary supplement. The FTC is also pursuing a lawsuit against the company regarding its promotion of Prevagen.

Jellyfish Memory Supplement Prevagen Called 'Clear-Cut Fraud'

Stop buying useless brain supplements, the Skeptical 

Cardiologist says...

Obviously BOGUS! Why are they Allowed to Advertise on TV?

One thing I really Liked about Jerry Garcia's Playing was the Use of an Envelope Filter Pedal. That's an Automatic Wah-Wah with the Center point of the Band Pass Filter set by the Volume. Louder=Higher. SO, it's like playing thru a Wah-Wah with Magic Feet...

I can't think of anyone else that uses an envelope filter on a Guitar. Many Bass Guitar Players use one for Funk Music. It makes the Bass Go Quack. 

I certainly did not use one with my own Electric Guitar. My Favorite was two Phase Shifters in Series followed by two Digital Echo Boxes in Series... This required that I sit down while playing because I had my feet on the two Morley Phase Shifters. Swinging the footpedals back and forth to give an unpredictable phase shift angle... Normally people use ONE Phase Shifter and it makes the sound go UP and then DOWN and then Back UP again and again and again... YES, it does make the guitar sound EPIC but TWO in series... was my thing... and all that echo allowed for dozens of repetitions on every note... and I often used my Pinkie to Rotate the Volume Knob on the Guitar to Swell the Sound... Like a Delayed Attack on a Synthesizer... 

A trick I invented was to drill a hole into the plastic time knob and insert a long screw... that way I was able to move the length of time in the echo box with my foot... One of the other guys in the band satirized me  about using two Phase Shifters saying: "What are You Doing, Playing Guitar or Driving a Truck?" Often in our Jam Sessions I would be playing One note at a time to DANCE BACKWARDS while the Main Guy played improvisational Synthesizer Jazz... He never told us what key he was paying in... but would just make interesting Noises and I would just do something that was appropriate... and if I played something that sounded horrible because it was in a different key, I would pretend that it was a GRACE NOTE and move my fingers to something More Consonant... Hey, that worked... and I usually did not play the discordant note again... Often I would use a Slide and Pluck a string and move the slide to a pretty sounding note... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and on a different subject... 
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I Like Watching Travel Shows on TV. That way, I get to see places without experiencing the Bugs or Heat or Dangerous Natives. For Example: I saw a Long Program about Visiting North Korea hosted by Michael Palen of Monty Python Fame. Never in a Million Years would I go to North Korea... or the Yucatan Peninsula or to the Bottom of the Ocean but... all of those places are available in the Comfort of my Air Conditioned Home... I often am on the Internet Writing Words or Drawing Pictures while looking at the Erupting Volcano or Whatever... 

It's especially fun to watch the NEWS while typing... One trick I have mastered is turning the volume OFF whenever Trump Speaks. Later on the Talking Heads will tell me what he said... and report LIES... There is NO NEED to Have Trump Actually Pour Poison Into My Ears... 

I always turn off the sound during Commercials. It's actually fun to try and guess what the product is or what it does... Obviously, they Cause Ecstatic Dancing but... I am often Uninformed as to the Disease the Drugs are Prescribed FOR. Take the Drug HUMIRA... That one Evidently Cures Nausea for the Lead Singer in a Grateful Dead Cover Band... I Guess... at least the Guitar Player is Playing a Jerry Type Guitar... and so we return to Jerry Garcia... 

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How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
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During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

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Military Death Chart USA

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics