On a Different Subject...
Governor Newsom is Doing a Great Job... Remember to Reject the Republicriminal Recall Effort... They are Just Sore Losers... https://news.yahoo.com/california-recall-enough-signatures-ballot-222405217.html
HEADLINE: Effort To Remove Calif. Gov. Newsom Collects Enough Signatures To Force Recall Vote... The announcement kicks off a 30-business-day period in which those who signed the recall petition may withdraw their names. County election officials will then have 10 business days to report how many signatures have been withdrawn. If the threshold is still met, a recall election would take place after a budgetary review and scheduling process expected to last several months.
Hate Freaks are Using "Humor" Websites to Broadcast Insane Concepts while Basking in the Protection of Plausible Deniability... Like "The Turner Diaries" are Just Fiction Not a Plan for the Overthrow of the US Government... Really... It's a Joke! Similarly, the far-right, pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is often so over the top on his InfoWars broadcasts that his own attorney likened him to a "performance artist" during a court hearing about Jones' divorce. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/26/990274685/how-extremists-weaponize-irony-to-spread-hate
HEADLINE: 1st-Time Gun Buyers Help Push Record U.S. Gun Sales Amid String Of Mass Shootings... Setting the Stage for a Massive increase in Gun Accidents, Suicides and Family Members Shooting Each other During Arguments...
First-time gun owners, young and old from across the country, are helping to push record levels of gun sales for what looks like the second year in a row. "My gun store has had a run like I've never seen before," said Todd Cotta, the owner of Kings Gun Center in Hanford, Calif., in the state's agriculturally rich Central Valley. "It was just an avalanche of new gun buyers for the first time." These buyers are white, Black, Asian and Latino and come from all political beliefs. And they're being driven by uncertainty, fear and a need to feel safe. A FALSE BELIEF - OWNING A GUN MAKES YOUR FAMILY LESS SAFE.
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Photo of Pretty Clouds at Home |
HEADLINE: White House Is Preparing To Give Back California's Smog-Busting Powers... Wonderful! We Do Need to Prevent Air Pollution... It's Causing Climate Change... and Massive Wildfires in the Western USA... and This Summer is Set to Be The Worst Yet... Thankfully, We Banished Trump to Mar-A-Loser and All his Evil Henchmen are Unemployed... That Coal Lobbyist is OUT at the EPA and Now We Can Put Some Effort into Protecting the Environment instead of Enabling Polluters... https://www.npr.org/2021/04/26/990939823/white-house-is-preparing-to-give-back-californias-smog-busting-powers
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More Pretty Clouds at Home |
HEADLINE: Ex-Trump adviser Larry Kudlow mocked for claiming Biden's Agenda is pushing ‘plant-based beer’ - Just another Example of an Idiot TrumpNik® Doing the CrazyTalk® on Fox News... Larry got a Job doing Economic Advise on TV... Only a Total Idiot Would Listen but... We Have Millions of Total Idiots Alive Today in the USA... Remember: Mockery of Larry ALWAYS NEEDS to include an Explanation that All Beer is Plant Based... Because TrumpNiks® are Often so Freaking Stupid that They Just Wouldn't Know... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/26/trump-larry-kudlow-biden-plant-based-beer
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Even More Pretty Clouds at Home |
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It was a Great Day for Photographing Clouds No Rain But an Epic Sunset... Remember: Intentionally Seek Beauty. |
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420 Here is that Turtle on the Grateful Dead Record Cover with a Cactus - gvan42 |
Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Incarceration and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.
I'm a Big Fan of the First Amendment... Free Speech, Right to Assemble... Great Ideas! Headline: Florida Passes "Anti-Riot" Law. Would This Law Have Stopped the 1/6/2021 Riot at the US Capitol? REALLY? They Didn't OBEY LAWS... Did They?
An Often Overlooked Blessing of the First Amendment is The Rainbow Gathering. Every July Fourth 10,000 Hippies Go Backpacking in a National Forest... The Locals always try to Shut Down The Gathering but they always Fail... Because the First Amendment Guarantees the Right to Assemble Peacefully... READ MORE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2019/10/my-journey-to-rainbow-gathering-in.html
What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it is Woodstock with amateur musicians and I’m in the band…
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