Showing posts with label against. Show all posts
Showing posts with label against. Show all posts

Cause and Effect of the 1960s Hippie Movement - Written by Emily Marsden - A long thoughtful Article...

12 way kali art by gvan42

In the 1960s, a new group of young, long-haired and wild people began to form in San Francisco, California and soon spread throughout the rest of the country. These people were given the name hippies, defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as, “a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society and advocates a nonviolent ethic.” Hippies were young adults that derived from the middle-class, rejecting the older generation’s rules and rebelling against the ideal of work and ambition. The hippie movement started to form after President Kennedy’s assassination and became even more apparent because of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement and the surfacing of mind-altering drugs and a new kind of music. Because of the hippie movement, laws have been created banning illicit drugs and discrimination and more races, ethnicities and lifestyles are accepted.

Three Rings to Rule them All - gvan42

Hippies created their own counterculture that revolved around free love, peace, drugs and music. They were the anti-establishment, outraged by the Vietnam War and protested for peace. Hippies were non-violent and turned to drugs and music to rebel and to feel freedom and a new experience. They believed in expanding their sexual relations, encouraging any kind of sex and throwing all taboos out the window. They encouraged nudity, going against the old Puritan values of modesty and finding the beauty in the human body. Hippies wanted healthier, more organic food to eat, contrary to the manufactured, TV-styled dinners that many Americans had come to enjoy. The hippie movement was all about discovering new things, exploring new ideas and rebelling against society.

In 1963, the U.S. president John F. Kennedy was assassinated, thus beginning to alienate American youth from the government. After Kennedy’s murder, the ideas of conspiracy and government cover-ups gripped America and caused an epidemic of paranoia. The media helped to create the post World War II era a climate of fear of communism by emphasizing the growing strength of the enemy every day.

Roses - Flower Power - gvan42

Roses - Flower Power - gvan42

Roses - Flower Power - gvan42

In 1965, after the Vietnam War had been active for nearly ten years, Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, initiated a strong escalation of the American involvement in Vietnam. By 1968, there were massive anti-Vietnam War marches, protests, sit-ins and student strikes in major cities and on college and university campuses across the country. Young men were being drafted against their will to fight in the war and over time, their resistance grew stronger, leading up to even more protests. Leading most of these protests were hippies. Young adults had become disgusted with the war and the society they lived in and rebelled against the traditional American lifestyle, craving peace and happiness.

As the Vietnam War dragged on, the nation watched their world crash and their loved ones come home wounded or sometimes not even come home at all. Hippies, along with many others, grew dreary and just wanted everyone to get along, so they were directly affected by the Civil Rights Movement. Many hippies believed that everybody was equal and that everyone deserved the same right to go to school and vote. Along with war protests, they also took part in protests against discrimination. They did not just march and use their voices to protest against the war and racism, but they also used their appearance by growing out their hair, wearing colorful clothing and jewelry and patching up their jeans.

Along with their bold clothing choices, hippies, along with many others, took advantage of a new form of contraception that was being offered known as “The Pill.” Sex no longer meant having children, so it became more casual. Free love was a common concept at the time and hippies believed that one was free to love whomever they pleased, however and whenever they pleased. This philosophy encouraged young adults to explore their sexuality more than they had before. Sex became an open and accepted part of the hippie lifestyle and many explored non-traditional sex, including group sex, public sex and homosexual sex.

Hippies discovered new ways to express themselves through protests and sex; they also turned to music as a form of emotional, spiritual and political expression. Music was more than just a form of entertainment, but it also passed on a message and allowed people to explore their inner world and guide them on a quest for meaning. Along with music, hippies used drugs such as marijuana and LSD for self-exploration, freedom, rebellion and a new experience. At the time, people did not know the dangers of drug use and it was normal to smoke or swallow whatever was handed to them. The infatuation with LSD lasted for a number of years until it started to get negative publicity because of the traumatic trips and flashbacks that began to emerge. On October 6th, 1966, LSD was made illegal in the United States, although the prohibition did not lead to a lower consumption until years later. On October 27th, 1970, the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act was passed, fighting against drug abuse and preventing the possession of controlled substances

The hippie movement was a direct effect on the laws that were created to prevent drug use that still exist today. The hippie movement also affected the Civil Rights Movement, which eventually resulted in several laws giving African Americans and women the same rights and white men, including the equal rights to vote and to an education and work. Women are no longer expected to be housewives and it is accepted if a woman wants to have a job.

Distinct appearance and clothing was also one of the immediate legacies of hippies. Since that time, a wide range of personal appearance options and clothing styles, including nudity, have become more widely acceptable, all of which was uncommon before the hippie era. Hippies also inspired the decline in popularity of the necktie and other business clothing, which had been unavoidable for men during the 1950s and early 1960s. Additionally, the style of the 1960s hippies influenced clothing fashions and trends for decades after and some still exist among the teenage population today, especially the peace symbol and colorful jewelry.

Because of hippie’s sexual openness, alternative lifestyles such as homosexuality and transexuality are generally more accepted. Young adults have become more sexually active at a younger age because of the influence of past generations. Overall, the hippie movement was a time of not only exploring oneself and rebelling against society, but it was also a time of acceptance. After the hippie movement, African Americans, working women, homosexuals, nudity and non-traditional apparel all became generally more accepted. Without the hippie movement, the United States would not be as free and adoptive as it is today. The 1960s was a highly influential time and the hippies were highly influential people. Bob Dylan, a musical sensation and activist of the hippie movement said, “People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are still being passed around – the music and the ideas.”

More My Best Posts:

#RememberTheDeadWhenYouVote Over 115,000 Americans Have Died From tRUMP's Coronavirus.

Over 115,000 Americans Have Died From tRUMP's Coronavirus. MEME gvan42
and that's TODAY... Tomorrow Will Be Worse...
We Need Someone In The White House

"Make America Greta Again" Embroidered Baseball Cap FOR SALE! My Profits Donated To Charity.

VOTE AGAINST ALL OLD WHITE MEN... Including tRUMP - A Pathetic Failure. That ERA is Over... It Was A Disaster. #GTFOOWM!

Most Voters Are Young People, Minorities, Women or College Graduates! And We Vote Democratic... BUT IN 2020... Let's Set Aside Party Loyalty and Throw Them ALL OUT!

PATRIOTS AGAINST TRUMP. His Trade War is Dangerously Stupid. Could Cause Global Economic Collapse. Who will Bail Out The USA when Trump Drives the Entire Country into Bankruptcy?

This week the Stock Market WENT UP when Trump announced that He Would NOT be Doing Tariffs on China until December 15th... That way American Businesses Could Buy Christmas Presents without PAYING EXTRA. And then the Stock Market went down when they Noticed that The Basic Ideas of Trump-0-Nomics are Insane... He is an Idiot when it comes to Business... That's why he declared Bankruptcy FOUR (4) TIMES... and every time his Father would give him more money...

MEME - Trump5150 - gvan42

His Trade War has Caused China to Refuse to Buy any American Agricultural Products. A Disaster for Farmers... When Obama was President Farmers Earned a Living by Growing Crops and Selling Them. Now with Trump-0-Nomics... Farmers get a 16 Billion Dollar Welfare Payment and the Crops Rot in the Field... and it's not Just Farmers... John Deere Tractor Sales are Down... You don't need to buy a Tractor when there is no need to grow crops... Consumer Prices GO UP... Who do you think PAYS for the Tariffs? YOU & I Pay... Trump Lies again and again and again about how China Will Pay but DING DING DING! Reality says AMERICANS PAY... Believing Trump's Lies Does Not Change Reality... Prices are UP, Wages are DOWN, Layoffs, Bankruptcies... WAKE UP! It's FUN, It's FREE and Everybody's Doing IT!

Why Not Set Off a 130Db Personal Alarm at the White House? Let Mad King Donald Know that We Think He is Crazy... You could stand in Lafayette Park Right Across the Street and Create a Sonic Protest! Wait for a Day When Evil Trump is at Home... I remember we played the Drums during an Anti War Protest when George Bush was President... It Disturbed His Sleep and reminded him that he was doing evil... and we knew it.  It would be wonderful if another set of protesters set off Sonic Alarms on the Ellipse side of the White House... That way CZAR Donald would be Surrounded! 

Successful Logging Protest in Los Gatos, California... Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging Used Google Earth to Raise Awareness of Logging Plan. From Lexington Reservoir to Lake Ellsman on Los Gatos Creek.

2005-2009 The California Department of Forestry ruled the logging plan ineligible...
map of Los Gatos Lexington Reservoir on the Left - Blue... Red Area Logging Area - Upstream to Lake Ellsman
Town of Los Gatos and Lexington Reservoir on the Left - Blue...
Red Area Logging Area - Upstream to Lake Ellsman

Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging (NAIL) is a community group in California's Santa Cruz Mountains that formed after local residents received a legal notice in the mail about a proposed logging plan. The notice included the above black and white map which was prepared by a local logging firm and sent by the San Jose Water Company, which owns about 6,000 acres of watershed land in the region. The watershed provides drinking water to local residents as well as to over 100,000 Silicon Valley inhabitants. It also contains the county's largest remaining stand of coastal redwood forest.

Many residents were puzzled by the map, which offered no clear distinction between roads, topographic contour lines and the plan area. It was so difficult to understand that many people simply threw it away, but NAIL member Rebecca Moore thought that the community might better understand the potential issues if she remapped the key elements of the proposal on top of 3D high-resolution satellite imagery in Google Earth. The visualization that Rebecca created changed community and policymaker opinion about the logging plan and eventually helped to stop the plan completely.

Two years later, the California Department of Forestry ruled the logging plan ineligible. Rebecca's pioneering work was a victory for environmental advocacy, and also showed that Google Earth can increase public awareness of community issues and facilitate real social change.

Rebecca Moore - Google Earth and Using Big Data to Map Solutions | Bioneers
The Mountain Resource Group is a non-profit organization based in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California. 

Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging. 

SJ Mercury News: Neighbors use high-tech tools to challenge logging plan...

Armed with high-tech cameras, mapping software and a helicopter flown by a nemesis of Barbra Streisand, neighbors opposing a plan by San Jose Water Co. to log 1,000 acres in the Los Gatos Creek watershed claim they have found the plan's Achilles' heel.

Aerial photos and a detailed computer analysis show that the water company owns at least 2,754 acres of timberland containing redwood and Douglas fir trees, opponents said outside a public forum Wednesday.

That's a key number, because California law sets 2,500 acres as the maximum amount of forest land containing commercially viable trees that any landowner can own while remaining eligible for the kind of open-ended logging permit for which the water company has applied.

SJ Mercury Editorial Opposes Logging Plan
Logging plan excessive for future of watershed

L.G. Town Council Studies Dangers of Logging in Mountains

The town of Los Gatos has stayed out of the controversy surrounding a proposal to log 1,002 acres of redwood and Douglas fir trees above the Lexington Reservoir. As the California Department of Forestry comes closer to completing its review of the proposal, the town has decided to take a closer look.

The timberland in question lies outside the town's jurisdiction. Last month, the town retained an environmental consultant to review all reports on a Nonindustrial Timber Management Plan that, if approved, would give Big Creek Lumber the go-ahead to log in perpetuity nine units of timberland owned by the San Jose Water Co. The environmental consultant hired by the town has been asked to determine whether the proposed logging would have any impact on Los Gatos.
A flyover of the Area...

Sierra Magazine:

Eyes in the Sky and on Your Desktop
With Google Earth, satellite images become an activist's ally 
By Gregory Dicum
September/October 2007

LATE IN 2005, REBECCA MOORE WAS GIVING a presentation to a community group concerned about proposed logging in the Santa Cruz Mountains, south of San Francisco. In the darkened room, a large screen displayed an image of Earth floating serenely in space.

Los Gatos NAIL Lexington Reservoir - Blue Proposed Logging Area -  Red
Lexington Reservoir - Blue
Proposed Logging Area -  Red

Moore touched a key on her computer, and the planet expanded to fill the screen. As the view zoomed closer still, the more than 300 audience members were able to make out the California coastline, then their own region. The landscape tilted, and the flat imagery leaped up to form mountains and valleys. Finally, they could see detailed three-dimensional satellite images of the redwood-covered ridges above their homes.

Moore touched another key and added an overlay of the proposed logging plan. The audience gasped. Suddenly, the grainy sketch a timber company had presented as a fire-prevention measure was revealed for what it was: a commercial logging operation that would deplete the forests adjacent to the community's homes and schools and threaten the drinking water of more than 100,000 people.

"It electrified the room," recalls Moore, who had developed the presentation in just a few days using Google Earth, a free desktop application that lets anyone with a modern computer explore a breathtakingly detailed digital model of the planet.

~~~~~ On Facebook, a Friend stated: ~~~~~

Eric Elric Horton Hi Gregory, Rebecca was one of the early members if the steering committee. 

It actually went until 2008/2009. We ended up with a hearing in the Capitol at the Board of Forestry. It was amazing to be involved with such a dedicated group of people.

Here is the beginning of a documentary I started directing about it...

QAnon Sucks

Link to a Google Image Search
for all my artwork!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and Now, on a Different Subject... 
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Hexavalent Chromium - gvan42 free coloring book art

at Google Image Search
using the Keywords: gvan42 free coloring book 
or click on this link!

EPA Legalized Dow Chemical BEE Poison - gvan42 free coloring book art

Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Republicriminals are WAKING UP! They are Realizing that Being in Favor of EVIL is not Popular with Voters. HEADLINE: Signs Of Republican Movement To Support Gun Bills With New Restrictions... Well, isn't that SPECIAL?

However, Mad King Donald the Loser STILL thinks we should ignore His HATE SPEECH inspiring The El Paso #MAGAKiller... He says Beto O'Rourke should BE QUIET! Stop saying that the Emperor has no clothes!

Red flag laws often have bipartisan support. But do they stop mass shootings?
“Why the emphasis on red flag laws? It’s something we can do,” one researcher said of the gun-seizure laws.

MEME - Let's Get the Gun Nuts OUT of Congress! Vote Against All the Old White Men...
Let's Get the Gun Nuts OUT of Congress!
Vote Against All the Old White Men...

Max Keiser says: Vote Against Trump. "ORANGE COIN GOOD, ORANGE MAN BAD" It's Insane that Both Little Stevie Munchkin and Czar Donald are TOTALLY CLUELESS about Bitcoin... or ANY CryptoCurrency.

The Head of the FED (Jerome Powell) understands, Bitcoin is a way to store Value. While Paper Money like the US Dollar can Inflate Away to Nothing... Gold, Silver and CryptoCurrencies have a REAL VALUE. 

In The Real World, The US Dollar's Value is based on BELIEF, TRUST and MEN WITH GUNS. That's why we were able to transport PALLETS of Hundred Dollar Bills to Iraq during the War to pay Tribal Warlords and then... everything cost a Hundred Dollars! Want to buy a Cup of Coffee? Price=One Hundred Dollar Bill... Want to buy a goat? Price=One Hundred Dollar Bill... It's all based on Belief... Ones and Zeros in the Bank of America's Computers... and in 2008... it all vanished!

 When we started the NEW DEAL during the Great Depression of the 1930s, The US Government went OFF the Gold Standard. That Allowed the Bureau Of Printing and Engraving to Print INFINITE CASH to pay for all those WPA employment programs. 

We Could Do that Again! Print INFINITE CASH to pay for the GREEN NEW DEAL. Why Not? It's Just Paper... You can't Eat It... You Can't even use it to Roll a Cigarette... Frankly Speaking, A BIBLE is better for rolling Cigarettes... The Paper is thinner... The only valid use is in the Bathroom when you want to Wipe...

The REASON Munchkin and Trump oppose BITCOIN (and Facebook's Currency) is that It's a Valid alternative to the US Dollar and ECONOMIC SANCTIONS Do Not Work.

Keiser Report: Orange Coin Good, Orange Man Bad

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the fact that bitcoin has now hit the big time as the US central bank, the Treasury, the Congress and the President all start talking about it. In the second half, they talk to Craig Hemke of the about the return of the bull market in gold.


Sara Gideon is a Democrat Running for Senate in Maine. Challenging GOP Sen. Susan Collins in the 2020 race... SARA GETS THINGS DONE! Currently Speaker of the House in Maine's State Senate, Sara is NOW RUNNING to be Senator in the US Congress 2020. 

Her Accomplishments as State Senator: 



I Campaigned Against Hillary on Social Media in 2016. The Russians did too. Trump did too. I DID NOT CONSPIRE WITH TRUMP OR PUTIN. We all just came to the same conclusion that she was no good ON OUR OWN.

 I Campaigned for Bernie Sanders. Hillary used "Super Delegates" to STEAL the Democratic primary. It was obvious that VOTERS wanted Bernie but Wall Street and Corporations wanted Hillary. I have heard that the "Super Delegates" concept has not been destroyed entirely... The DNC needs to stop that insanity... and the entire election seemed like a tricky way to get BILL CLINTON Elected to a Third Term... He would run the country as "First Man" while she stood in the spotlight and talked to TV News Cameras... Sort of a "Lawyer's Technicality" to do a run around of election laws limiting a President to Eight Years. 
Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

We see in 2020 that ANOTHER CORPORATE STOOGE is leading the race... Sadly, Joe Biden has a History of BEING WRONG ON EVERY ISSUE for his entire LIFE! BUT, Credit Card Companies in Delaware Love Him... and are FUNDING HIM... I like Elizabeth Warren.

I did not Vote in 2016 and my absence did not make any difference at all... Hillary won all the Electoral College Votes in California. The Electoral College System in Insane and Was Intentionally Designed to be Corrupt. In the late 1700s our Founding Fathers wanted to KEEP Power in the hands of Rich White Men. They were afraid that poor people would select someone they didn't like to be President...  

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton JOKE MEME - satire silly insult - 2016 campaign against her gvan42

Hillary Clinton JOKE MEME - satire silly insult - 2016 campaign against her gvan42

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

PLEASE HELP CAMPAIGN FOR Steven Cox for Senate in Kentucky... A Democrat seeking to Beat Evil Mitch McConnell... Young and Smart an Alternative to Old and Corrupt. LIKE AND SHARE THIS LINK EVERYWHERE! 

When will TrumpNiks get Tired of SO MUCH LOSING?

TRUMP HAS FAILED: 1. He FAILED to Build the Wall when GOP Controlled Congress.  2. He Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare. 3. He Cut Taxes for the Super Rich and Increased the National Debt by one Trillion Dollars. 4. He has done Damage to American Farmers and Businesses with his Trade War. 5 He Failed to Reverse Roe V Wade.  6. He Failed to Denuclearize North Korea... and on and on and on...

Got a clue yet? Trump has Failed and it's Really Unlikely he will all of a sudden start Winning... He's a Lifelong Loser... Declaring Bankruptcy 4 times... 

His Plan is to Declare the 2020 Election Null and Void when he loses... It will take Armed Forces to Drag Him Out of the White House in Handcuffs... His Plan is to Declare Himself CZAR and Junior to be Prince... 

Yes, It's True That Suicide, Opioid Overdoses and Alcoholism have increased Dramatically in the Last Two Years.

Yes, it's True that The Quality of life has gone down since Trump became President. Prices have Gone UP and Wages have Gone DOWN... 

What to DO? IMPEACH!

Mom's Clean Air Force... A Citizens Group Dedicated to Closing Coal Fired Power Plants and Fighting Air Pollution in Every Way. End Fracking... Please Share This Information with Trump Supporters... Their Children BREATHE! and Trump is In Favor of Coal and Rolling Back Automobile Emission Standards... Increasing Air Pollution...
Moms Clean Air Force is a community of moms and dads united against air pollution – including the urgent crisis of our changing climate – to protect our children’s health. We arm members with reliable information and solutions through online resources, articles, action tools and on-the-ground events... a special project of Environmental Defense Fund.
The 1948 Donora smog was a historic air inversion that resulted in a wall of smog that killed 20 people and caused respiratory problems for 6,000 people of the 14,000 population of Donora, Pennsylvania,[2] a mill town on the Monongahela River 24 miles (39 km) southeast of Pittsburgh. The event is commemorated by the Donora Smog Museum.

An Air Inversion Traps Pollution in a Bubble... Killing People... Like the London Fog that Killed 12,000 People... Remember, The Entire Earth is a Bubble... When we Burn Coal and Gas and Oil the Air Pollution STAYS HERE until Rain washes the smog out of the sky and INTO THE CREEKS...
TELL CONGRESS: SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE TRUMP EPA POISONING OUR BABIES’ BRAINS. Trump’s EPA — under the leadership of acting head, Andrew Wheeler — has hit its lowest, most cynical level in its radical agenda to destroy protections against pollution.

EPA has launched a process to sabotage and ultimately destroy our Mercury and Air Toxics Standards. These are protections that keep a terrible poison from harming our babies' brains. This is a terrifying development because of what it means for our health. It’s also terrifying because it shows that Trump's EPA will stop at nothing to protect polluter profits.

This is an outrage — urge your representatives to speak out against EPA's attack on the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.

While the statement "Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply" is OBVIOUS Discrimination Against White Men, I'm Comfortable with Affirmative Action.

After All is Said and Done, Women and Minorities REALLY NEED HELP to succeed... and White Men can afford to let them GET help.

EXCEPT... Uneducated White Men are in Direct Competition with Women and Minorities for Unskilled Jobs and Women are Dramatically Better in Many Fields...

That's why Trump Voters are so worried about Immigrants Coming to America...  Survival... and That's why so many Trump Voters are Killing Themselves. Suicide and Opioid Overdoses are increasing in the same places that Trump Won. The Quality of Life for Uneducated White Men has gone down since Trump took Office and there is no Hope in Sight...

There is a SOLUTION... Go To College and Learn a Skill... Simply Take the Federal Loans for Education, study, graduate and SURVIVE. ANY SKILL helps... Auto Technicians are Thriving... Computer People are doing Great...

Miners Get "Black Lung" digging it out of the ground...
and then Everyone Suffers from Air Pollution when we Burn Coal.

Trump plans to Drill for Oil in Alaskan Wilderness Endangering Animals, People. EPA encourages Corporations to Pollute Water and Air. Interior shrinks National Monuments to allow Mining, Logging and Oil Drilling.

Unmistakable Trend, Up with Corporations, Down with People... AND WHY NOT? Corporations donate vast quantity of money to Trump and Republican Campaigns... and they are getting an EXCELLENT RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Corruption is Worse Than Ever... Swamp Creatures Thrive...

Vote Democratic and Throw OUT Trump's Swamp Creatures...

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49er Rose - gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics