Trump threatens to Sabatoge Healthcare in America. HHS Secretary says that this action will hurt people.

In a temper tantrum, Trump and the Department of Health and Human Services conspire to cause Obamacare to collapse. If the GOP "Total Quitters" in the Senate won't actually Repeal and Replace Obamacare, Trump plans to wreck healthcare in the USA.

Face reality: Trump will kill people in order to get his way. WAAAHHHH!

Will Trump ACTUALLY sign the Russian Sanctions bill? The White House SAYS he will but there have been so many lies... so many lies...

"President Donald Trump has reviewed the final version of Russia sanctions legislation and plans to sign it, the White House announced Friday night." -

"Senators confident they could override a Trump veto on bill upping Russian sanctions for election meddling."  "Republicans and Democrats reached agreement on legislation that allows new sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea in a bill that would limit any potential effort by Trump to try to lift sanctions against Moscow." -

Trump encourages police to break the law and beat suspects. AG Sessions should have broken the law too.

In a speech on Long Island, Czar Donald the Wimp stated that laws don't apply to certain people. Just like he continues to whine about Jeff Sessions' recusal from the Russian investigation that was clearly required by law. Remember, if someone is 'resident then they can share classified information with the Russians... and Declassify anything in real time! Sad day for America.

Donald Trump Endorses Police Brutality In Speech To Cops.

another article...

Trumpcare is finally dead. Senate votes against "skinny" repeal of Obamacare.

A huge win for the American People. Obamacare remains the Law of the Land.

Now the Senate will proceed to NDAA. National Defense Authorization Act... a giant military spending bill. Let's reduce spending on Defense... Especially the F-35 jet: Corporate Welfare for Lockheed.

It's good to see The Failed Trump White House attacking each other like Rabid Dogs. Are we having fun yet Trump Voters?

“Reince is a f------ paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci told New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza. Scaramucci was angry that Lizza found out he planned to dine with Trump, Fox News host Sean Hannity and former Fox News executive Bill Shine at the White House. Now THAT's a creepy dinner... When will Morning Joe get a breakfast with the 'resident?

Scaramucci, Scaramucci will you do the Fandango? Thunderbolts and Lightning, very very Frightening me! - Queen - Lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody

Great Movie: A Fierce Green Fire. A History of the Ecology movement.

Includes many films of Greenpeace saving the whales and the Brazilian rubber harvesters saving the Rainforest of the Amazon. It's an Optimistic movie showing that people can change the world.

We really need to fight the current President's destruction of the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump has appointed corporate lobbyists to head the agency and repeal environmental protection laws. Trump stands for more drilling for oil and gas in the USA, more fracking and more pollution of the air and water. The protection of the environment costs corporations money. It's far cheaper to simply dump toxic poison into the river... Dow chemical and Dupont are very happy to collect increased profits at the expense of the people of the USA.

AND... Trump sings the praises of "Clean Coal"... A fundamental lie... It's obvious that coal mining causes black lung disease and coal burning causes air pollution. Trump believes that speaking words can reverse reality and somehow make Coal Clean. Absurd.

Clearly we should Fix the problems with Obamacare. A bi-partisan bill that uses public input is the best way forward.

The Republicrimes need to simply give up on Repealing and Replacing Obamacare because they can't come up with a better plan. Total failure of their 7 years of whining. Their Trumpcare bill was so evil that they couldn't even get Republicans to vote for it. The overwhelming rejection of Trumpcare by the people of the USA caused Senators to question the wisdom of obeying their corporate masters.

Occupying the Senator's offices is a good way to get their attention. In theory, we have a Representative Democracy where the Senators are supposed to listen to the voters and relay our opinions. In actual practice we have a one dollar one vote system instead of a one person one vote system. Corporate lobbyists now dictate policy... So Sad...

However, sometimes the mass of voters protest loud enough to be heard over the bribes...

Republicans FAIL Again on Healthcare. Repeal and Replace Obamacare FAIL. Repeal only FAIL.

Tomorrow we will see what is called "Bizarro World in 3D" repeal of Obamacare... The 'resident continues to threaten Senators that refuse to obey him but they just don't care. Czar Donald the Wimpy is a toothless tiger. A load roar but no actual danger.

We the People need to keep on calling our Senators and Congressmen and patiently explaining that we want Single Payer Medicare for all OR To fix the problems with Obamacare.

"Eat my Shorts" Donnie... AND... Your trashing of the Energy Department, the EPA and Education is bad for America and the people. NO NUKES!

"Make America Hate Again" - Czar Donald the Wimpy speaks to the Young Pioneers.

Trump made a speech today in the rose garden to a crowd of teenagers in identical uniforms. That's the same brainwashing that the USSR used to raise up their children to become "Young Pioneers". It's creepy how much Trump likes the style of government they have in Russia. Trump wishes HE had power like Vladimir Putin. He wouldn't just Fire Robert Mueller, he'd ship him to Siberia...

What's up with attacking transgenders? is Donald secretly Gay and lashing out at public symbols to help hide his own tendencies? Why did he campaign as a champion of the GBLT community and then now attack them? Promises Made, Promises Broken.

and now for something completely different... ART

Trump threatens Republican Senators with unspecified revenge... a toothless Threat.

Unless they pass Trumpcare, he will... WHAT? Will they go swimming with the fishes in concrete shoes? WHAT exactly will be the consequences of disobeying their Czar?

Fortunately Trump Threats are generally toothless... He's always threatening someone with very little real action... ---> Trump says the repercussions from not repealing and replacing "Obamacare" will be "far greater than any of them understand!" <---

It's now a badge of honor to be on Thumps enemies list... congratulations to Senator Lisa Murkowski. Did you see that The Morning Joe TV Show host Mika Brzezinski just got a three book deal for her story? Big bucks in a book deal...  How can I get on Trump's enemies list?

His Attorney General Jeff Sessions stands up to Trump's Tweets and says UckFay OuYay OnaldDay.
I suppose he will keep his job until the Senate Recess so Trump can appoint someone new for Attorney General without asking the Senate's permission...

Today is a great time to Protest Trumpcare and Occupy your Senator's Offices.

The Senate is planning to vote on a number of bills this week. We the People need to rise up like a tidal wave of outrage against the evil... If you CAN occupy their offices, please do so... If you CANNOT go in person, send them an email... Here is the link to find your Senator...

It will take a seemingly Infinite Action to defeat Trumpcare.

How I Meditate. It's easy to do and It improves mental health... AND... It Accelerates Global Awakening!

I lie down and close my eyes in a quiet room. Then I focus my attention on my breathing. Slow deep breaths with a silent verbal statement during each breath. Hyperventilating to increase the amount of oxygen in my brain...

For Example:

[Inhale] My mind is completely relaxed  [Exhale] ... [Inhale] My body is completely relaxed [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] I'm going deeper and deeper into a Hypnotic Trance [Exhale] ... [Inhale] My mind is completely relaxed  [Exhale] ... [Inhale] My body is completely relaxed [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] I'm going deeper and deeper into a Hypnotic Trance [Exhale] ...[Inhale] God... [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] Make me a Channel of thy peace [Exhale] ... [Inhale] Where there is Sickness may I bring Health [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God, What should I do with my life? [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ...  [Inhale] God, what should I write? [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God... [Exhale] ... [Inhale] God, what should I create in Paint dot net? [Exhale] ...

and then repeat the entire prayer again and again...

Sometimes I ask God What I should write on my Blog... Looking for divine inspiration for these words... seeking a little wisdom to share... Then I type my Ideas into the internet for people to read and share...

other times I ask God What should I do with my Art programs? Looking for basic concepts to express using Potatoshop?

Sometimes I fall asleep and have Colorful Dreams where I go visit an Art Gallery and see Imaginary Paintings...

It is possible to do this style of Meditation while walking. Focus your attention on your breathing, think positive uplifting thoughts and thank God for this wonderful world. Choose your own God to thank. [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] Watch where you are going and observe the beautiful flowers and trees... they are your brothers and sisters... Observe the beautiful rivers, oceans and the morning dew on the trees... we are mostly water and it's healing to view water... or swim... Some people find the Mantra "OM" is a powerful word. It rhymes with HOME but it's a word in a language that's not English. Ram Dass recommends Mantras written in Sanskrit but I find that they are confusing... He meditates by repeating "RAM" while paying attention to his breathing... That doesn't work for me because RAM in English stands for Random Access Memory - a computer term or a Brand name of a TRUCK or a male sheep or goat... It doesn't do me any good to focus my thoughts on a BIG TRUCK... SO, I choose my own Mantra... "Thank You" works for me.

If your current God turns out to be a disaster then fire that God and find a different one that works! There are over one million different Gods in Hinduism alone. and... there are Many different Religions or lack of Religions in practice in the world today. Do you worship Money? Is that working out? Do you currently worship Jesus or Allah? Well, those paths work just fine for many people but... if they are leading you to chronic unhappiness then simply stop doing that. Just Stop with the self inflicted punishment and choose something else. What about worshipping a plant or worshipping ALL plants and ALL animals? We are all one big happy family... Try dancing around a campfire at night while playing the drums... Might work!

US Patent 6630507

Let's build a giant Solar Desalinization Plant near San Diego
in order to create clean drinking water

Trump voters are getting anxious as The Donald fails to do anything. They wonder when, if ever, he will Make America Great Again...

No Jobs, No repeal and replace of Obamacare, No Wall with Mexico, No Repair of Infrastructure... Nothing!  All he does is talk, talk, talk... We have a great need for better jobs that pay a living wage. We have a need to bring manufacturing factories back to America. We have a need to FIX the problems with Obamacare. We have a need to Cut Defense Spending and End these pointless Wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. We have a need to Cut Taxes for the Middle Class and Poor. Why can't the Republicrime Party Get to work?

Patented Trump Power Station

 Awakening is Happening Nationwide...

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics