Showing posts with label survival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survival. Show all posts

Most Republicans Refuse to Take Coronavirus Vaccine. WONDERFUL! Your Death Will Make America Great!

COVID-19 has hit people in Republican-led states hardest, study finds.

The study suggests that policy differences between the two parties regarding safety measures, such as mask and social distancing policies, likely account for the disparity.

SEE? I Told You So... Just Like Smoking Tobacco, It'll Kill You!

MEME - i will survive - covid 19 shot gregory vanderlaan self
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On 12/21/2020 We Are Halfway thru the Winter and Halfway thru the Pandemic. We Have HOPE that We Will Survive the Winter Because The Days are Getting Longer... and We Will Survive Coronavirus because Pfizer and Moderna are Shipping Vaccines!

 JGC REPLIED: Receiving Vaccines will be a huge relief that will certainly help us to overcome this pandemic! We may be in a huge spike in numbers, but there is hope on the horizon. 🌟

AND I SAID: Just Like the Coldest Part of Winter is Late January and Early February... Because the Actual Weather Lags Behind the Winter Solstice... The Coronavirus Deaths Will be Highest in the Next Month or Two Because the Vaccine will not be preventing as many Infections as the CHRISTMAS PARTIES will be Spreading the Disease. 

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many Disclaimers... Was This Written by a Freaking Lawyer? "

Help Keep her off the streets GoFundMe Campaign. A Real Person Surviving on Social Security Checks While Experiencing Rising Rent... Click Here to Help...

Rainbow Spiral Decoration - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Rainbow Spiral Decoration 

Candlestick Park... It's Windy Because of all those Giant Fans...


Trump Plans to Wreck ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT... The Act that Saved the Bald Eagle... Republicans say that Corporate Profit is more important than animals or plants... PURE EVIL

The Trump administration is rolling back parts of the Endangered Species Act...

“This proposal turns the extinction-prevention tool of the Endangered Species Act into a rubber stamp for powerful corporate interests,” Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity

 The 1973 law was passed with strong bipartisan support and has an impressive record of bringing species like the bald eagle and the humpback whale back from the brink of extinction. Today it provides protections for more than 1,600 plants and animals, as well as the habitats critical to their survival.

Green Forest brand Toilet Paper is an alternative to Koch Brothers products. 100% recycled. Remember: Koch Brothers are In Favor of EVIL...

Sure, we may want to boycott Brawny and Angel Soft but... what are the choices?

It Seems Like Growing Your Own Food in a Small Cooperative Group... Way Out in the Country... May Be The Best Chance For Survival During The Upcoming Global Economic Collapse...

The City... As A Way Of Life... Is NOT Working. Did You Notice That There are Massive Protest Marches in Cities... Battles Between the Police and The Citizens... Disease... 

Organic Communes Ignore All That Madness... They Just Grow Food, Animals and Children... 

For Example: The Village of People that Like Paramhansa Yogananda Near Nevada City in California... I Read His Book a Long Time Ago and His Ideas Seem Valid.

Ananda Village is a cooperative spiritual community dedicated to the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, founded by his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda. One of the world’s most successful intentional communities, we celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2019.

Presently, over 200 residents of all ages live on 700 acres of land in the Sierra Nevada foothills of northern California. In joyful service and meditation, we share our devotion to God through the path of Kriya Yoga.

Map of How To Get There: 
14618 Tyler Foote Rd
Nevada City, CA 95959
Due to public health interest and safety Ananda Village is closed to the public at this time. This includes the Temple of Light, Master’s Market, The Expanding Light, Crystal Hermitage, Living Wisdom School, the Meditation Retreat, and the community grounds at large.

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As Our Civilization Becomes More and More Dependent on the Internet... a Computer Virus Could Wipe Us All Out in a Week... Or a Deliberate Attack by an Enemy Country... Imagine a World Without Electricity... Starvation in a Week...

I Experienced a Total Internet Failure for a Day When I Lived in Eureka, California. At That Time There was ONE Fiber Optic Cable that Connected Eureka with The Rest of The World... Someone Broke That Cable With a Backhoe and EVERYTHING STOPPED. No Using Debit Cards to Buy Food or Gasoline... No Automatic Reordering of Groceries at the Grocery Store... The Shelves Became Empty Quick... No Money from the Automatic Tellers... 

People Living on a Remote Commune Will Survive... 

Captain Trips and The Dragon on My Farmville Farm - gvan42
Captain Trips and The Dragon on My Farmville Farm

REFUSE to Send Your Children to Early Opening Schools. PROTECT THE CHILDREN. No Matter What Evil Betsy DeVos Does, SURVIVAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CORPORATE PROFITS.

U.S. Education Chief Betsy DeVos Downplays Risk of Opening Schools... "Let's Just Pretend Reality Does Not Exist."

MEME -Evil Betsy DeVos - Killing Children - gvan42

I Oppose Small PLASTIC Containers for Single Servings of Food. Since We Already Have the Technology to Make Milk Cartons, WHY NOT use Waxed Paper for Cheese, Coffee, Yogurt and Sliced Ham?

I keep on seeing TV advertisements for Keurig Coffee that puts ONE CUP Worth of coffee grounds in a little PLASTIC container... Ridiculous! We have been brewing coffee for Hundreds of Years without Little Plastic Cups! You buy a two pound Aluminum Can and scoop a few spoonfuls into your percolator... or your drip coffee machine... using brown paper filters... simple, easy, clean, ecological and NOW, ALL OF A SUDDEN, WE HAVE AN INVENTION THAT CREATES MILLIONS OF LITTLE PLASTIC CUPS!

and... I see advertisements for Sargento Cheese... Enough food for one snack enclosed in a LITTLE PLASTIC CONTAINER THAT WILL LIVE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Yogurt Cups... Oscar Meyer Ham slices, 8 rolled up slices in a "Handy" plastic box... AND... P3 a plastic box containing Cheese,, almonds and fruit.. just enough for lunch... AND... 

Boycott Plastic MEME - "Just Crack and Egg" - a tiny amount of chopped up vegetables that you can crack an egg into the PLASTIC container and Microwave to make an omelette... MICROWAVING PLASTIC? - gvan42

"Just Crack and Egg" - a tiny amount of chopped up vegetables that you can crack an egg into the PLASTIC container and Microwave to make an omelette... MICROWAVING PLASTIC? Doesn't that cause vaporized plastic to get into the food? Eating Poison!

I have been to the grocery store and can report that it is possible to walk right up to the deli counter and ask for a half pound of sliced ham AND THEY WRAP IT IN PAPER! I have seen two pound Bricks of Cheese encased in wax... I think it's the Tillamook Brand... I do buy some plastic wrapped food... a pound of hamburger is sold in a foam plastic tray wrapped in a thin clear plastic wrap... I feel certain we could use a cardboard tray... 

I believe the plan is to MAKE A TINY AMOUNT OF FOOD seem bigger so Corporations can charge more money per pound... In the mean time we are LAMINATING THE PLANET.

Great Movie! The Babuskas of Chernobyl [Grandmothers] - People Have Moved Back into the Radioactive Exclusion Zone and are Happy and Healthy...

Catching Fish and Eating Mushrooms from the Forest, Vegetables from their Gardens... Milking Goats...
Subsistence Farmers Just Like the Peasants of Russia Have Lived for a Thousand Years... 

Surprisingly, The People That Moved Back Into the Radioactive Forbidden Zone are Living Longer than The People that Relocated to KIEV, Ukraine... Because they are Happier... Deaths Caused by Despair are Killing Off the Relocated Residents... Alcoholism and The Lack of a Will to Live... Inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a defiant community of women lives on some of the most toxic land on Earth. They share this beguiling yet lethal landscape with an assortment of visitors: scientists, soldiers, and even ‘stalkers,’ young thrill-seekers who sneak in to pursue post-apocalyptic fantasies. The story of the self-described “Babushkas” who chose to return after the disaster, defying the authorities and endangering their health, speaks volumes about the pull of home, the desire for free will, and the subjective nature of risk.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is a first-person shooter survival horror video game... AND MANY PEOPLE CHOOSE TO ACTUALLY VISIT CHERNOBYL TO ACT OUT THE GAME IN REAL LIFE... The game is set in an alternative reality, where a second nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, causing strange changes in the area around it. The game features a non-linear storyline and includes role-playing gameplay elements such as trading and two-way communication with non-player characters.

The First Amendment to the Constitution Guarantees the Right to Peaceably Assemble... BUT... DON'T DO IT! Stay Safe! Stay Home!

Let THEM Infect Each Other and Die... "Live Free or Die!" is a Popular Slogan of "Right Wing" Republicriminals... Staging Protest Marches and Waving Guns... or is it really "Live Free AND DIE!"

Hopefully, These Idiots Will Self Exterminate and their Defective GENES Will Not Be Passed On to Future Generations... Darwin's Survival of the Fittest... Brainwashed Suicide Cult...

You Have to Disobey’: Protesters Gather to Defy Stay-at-Home Orders

As governors ponder reducing coronavirus restrictions, rallies largely spurred by talk radio and conservative social media reflect frustrations with limits on commerce.

Trump-0-Nomics FAILS... The Stock Market Crashed today due to the "Bonehead" Trade War. The DJIA is -961. Wall Street REJECTS Trump's Insane Tariffs with China...

 I saw an Interesting TV Show about the History of China. They are 4,000 years old and have had Countless Disasters, Famines, Revolutions, Invasions and They Keep on Surviving... They always felt that they were the Center of the Universe and Savages Lived Outside... Especially Mongolia and England... The USA has been OCCUPIED by Europeans for about 400 Years... and There is no reason to believe we will survive... Since we have built a Society that is totally dependent on the Internet and Computers... all it takes is an Electric Power Outage and we will all die... Maybe not all of us but... what if 98% of Americans Starved to Death? NOT to worry! The Rapture will Save US!

Mad King Donald spoke of the Shooting Disaster in Toledo today... The actual shooting happened in Dayton, Ohio. However, in his Dementia Damaged Brain the "Lookup" Function is Broken. He often shows Old Age "Brain Farts." Hey, it happened to me too... However, I Had the Brains that God Gave a Goose and I Retired. Now, young people do my Job... Obviously Trump, Pence, McConnell, Graham, Conyers, Kennedy, Biden and Sanders need to Retire. They are Just too Damn Old to Serve... Let Young People run the country...  It would be a FINE time for MICHELLE OBAMA to step up and Become President of the USA. 

Did you NOTICE that Mad King Donald Blames VIDEO GAMES for Mass Murder by a #MAGAKiller? He also says Mental Health is the Cause of the Slaughter... Does that mean that the Imaginary "TrumpCare" will be spending Money on Mental Health Healing? Does anyone know any details about the Imaginary "TrumpCare?" So far, all we know is that he won't tell us what it is until AFTER THE 2020 ELECTION... Well, isn't that Special? While the Democrats debate Medicare for All vs Improved Obamacare... the Republicrimes Just say "GET SICK? DIE, LOSER."

It's NOT NICE to Ridicule TrumpNiks for Being Easily Fooled BUT IT IS ACCURATE. 

GREEN NEW DEAL protest march today... 3/15/2019 Students walk out of class to lobby their governments to DO Something... Before we go extinct...

Remember, when the land near the Equator becomes uninhabitable, those people will walk towards the Poles... Millions of Central Americans will move to Texas... At the Same Time Millions of Americans will Move to Canada...

Trump is an Idiot - Green New Deal - Free Coloring Book Page by Greg Vanderlaan aka gvan42
Green New Deal - Free Coloring Book Page
by Greg Vanderlaan aka gvan42

American Rock Band "The Grateful Dead" raise $1 Million for Oceana Charity at Hollywood Fundraiser.

The Surviving Members of the Grateful Dead (Dead and Company) played benefit concert in order to raise funds for Oceana.

 “In general, you gotta defend the treasures. One of them is the oceans and you have to defend it however you can. You have to fight the evil that’s in the White House now with everything you have. So any night I can raise a million dollars is a good night.”   - Quote from Mickey Hart.

Half of Americans are of below average intelligence. They are in survival competition with immigrants for jobs.

 Due to factory work being shipped overseas, there are simply not enough jobs for both Americans and Immigrants. There americans will not be going to college nor will they be taking the millions of unfilled computer programmer jobs... These are the people that are killing themselves at record numbers. Suicide and Opioid overdoses are taking their lives. This concerns Blacks, Whites, Asians, Indians, men, women and other uneducated Americans. Often they take jobs as care givers in old folks homes... many immigrants both legal and illegal do the same work. Cooking and washing old people often pays minimum wage... or less... Cleaning office buildings, construction work, gardening, fishing, lumber mills, pizza delivery and UBER drivers are all types of work where the number of people applying for work is greater than the number of jobs available.

We ought to defend the survival of Americans by closing the door to immigrants. In the past, there was a need to import people to fill jobs. Factory work and farming allowed millions of Blacks, Mexicans, Irish and Germans to go to work and support their families. The world is not like that anymore. Times change and robots do a lot of the factory work. Steel mills simply do not hire as many people as they did. The cotton gin removed many jobs.  With most fabric and clothes made in Asia, the South is hurting for work... Giant industrial farms use machinery to plant and harvest crops. People are simply not needed.

While it is popular to ridicule uneducated people that voted for Trump, we ought to be helping them. So far, the failed Trump administration has done nothing to improve the lives of there voters. The tax cut for the rich law has not helped average Americans. The cost of health insurance has gone up due to Trump's refusal to use Federal Money to pay for Obamacare recipients. In general, We The People are suffering and the time to revolt is 2018. Vote against all Republicrimes. They are puppets of the rich and are ruining America.

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics