Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Hey, Hey, NRA... How Many Kids did you Kill Today? High school students stage ANTI-GUN protest in Florida. #OutlawAssaultRifles and here we are a year later and the Government Has DONE NOTHING TO PREVENT DEATHS BY GUNFIRE... TOTAL FAILURE...

Trump's plan of ARMING TEACHERS is astonishingly stupid. What happens when a student grabs the gun and takes it away from the teacher? The Teacher gets DEAD. Many High School boys are bigger and stronger than their teachers and could wrestle away a gun. This is a classic BONEHEAD TRUMP IDEA... The answer to gun violence is making guns illegal... FEWER GUNS lead to FEWER DEATHS. #OutlawGuns

MEME by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan - Crazy Guns

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Trippy Hippie Gifts for Charity. BENEFIT ART SALE!  Original COSMIC Designs Painted on Coffee Cups, Buttons, Earrings, Posters and BLING! zazzle/gregvan

A Worthy Charity. Helping a Retired Lady Living on Social Security Make Ends Meet. The Rent on Her Trailer Space Just Increased... For No Reason... Greedy Landlords... 

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Since the government has been bribed by the NRA to keep guns legal it falls to teenagers to rise up in revolt against mass murder by gun. Just like the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960's, today's youth are leading the country towards a brighter future. While Congress and Trump passed a law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to get guns, kids just don't buy that absurd behavior. We all are outraged... #MakeGunsIllegal I want you to get up and go to your window and scream: "I'm Mad as Hell and I Won't Take it Anymore." or... In 2018, post your feelings on Social Media...

Hey-Hey-NRA-How-Many-Kids-did-you-Kill-Today-gvan42 framed

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and now for something completely different...
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Trump FAILS to enforce Russian Sanctions Law. Congress passed it, Trump Signed it but NO ACTION HAS HAPPENED. The Deadline to impose sanctions to punish the Russian Government for Meddling in our Presidential Election was OCTOBER 2017... Trump  is behaving like a #PutinPuppet. Why does not the President defend our country from INFORMATION WARFARE? Because he has to do what Putin tells him to do. Like an obedient puppy. Let's Impeach Trump for Dereliction of Duty. He's in the Military [Commander in Chief] but he is refusing to follow orders... Lock Him Up, Jail Time in Leavenworth just like any other soldier that disobeys orders. #LockHimUp #BogusPOTUS

INFORMATION WARFARE: 13 Russians were indicted by Robert Mueller for meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election. They communicated with Trump campaign officials. Trump FINALLY admits Russian Meddling. Please be aware that BOGUS Russian Propaganda is being posted to Facebook and Twitter in the 2018 election. DO NOT be fooled... Wake UP America... Report Bots... Write your own INFOWAR... We need to fight back. Quoting George W Bush "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN." #BogusPOTUS #DumpTrump #Impeach 

MEME by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan - Crazy Guns
MEME by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan - Crazy Guns

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and Now, on a Different Subject... 
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Alien Writing a picture by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

Alien Writing a picture by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

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Music Video: The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key Blues (tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150...)

Music Video: Butterfly Freedom - Did You Ever Notice... Reality?  It's Right Outside Your Door... Take a Walk in the Woods... Unplug... and Experience Nature...

HOW TO Join the Global #DumpTrump Movement. Anyone, Anywhere in the World May Write to US Senators and House Representatives Using Their Online Contact Forms.

Let's Cut The Police Force in Half. How to Contact Your Senators and Representatives. Fewer Police = More Safety. Police Need MORE TRAINING About How to STOP MURDERING UNARMED CITIZENS

Absentee Ballots [vote by mail] are one way to make sure YOU CAN VOTE AT ALL. Republicans are putting a LOT of effort in preventing people from voting. Especially Black and Brown people.

If tRUMP Wins, He Will CAUSE Global Economic Collapse. Billions of People Will Die of Starvation. Remember That #TrumpHasFailed When You Vote.

Millions of Republicans #RUNAWAY from tRUMP... Everyone Has Realized... He's a Pile of _______ ! (Redacted - Community Standards) Did You Ever Notice That Republicriminals are trying to Destroy Democracy by Preventing People from Voting... Then, They Can Crown CZAR Donald Glorious Leader For Life!

tRUMP IS INSANE! A Call for Invoking the 25th Amendment. When He Causes Global Economic Collapse, Billions Will Die From Starvation. #LockHimUP in a Mental Hospital...

Jaime Harrison is Running for Senator against Evil Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. Jaime is Young and Smart, Lindsey is Old and Corrupt. Join the Campaign to throw the Insane TrumpNiks OUT! Register and Vote! 2020 is the Year we Win the Senate, The House and The Presidency!

Proof of tRUMP's Failed Economy... Obama Did Not Need Food Banks... People Bought Food With Paychecks From Jobs. Remember: You Can't Eat tRUMP's Lies! #DumpTrump #BillionDollarLoser #tRUMPisaFAILURE

Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG - Chords and Lyrics Provided So You Can Record This and Make a Hit Record!

Why Has tRUMP FAILED to Make America Great? - Remember the Dead When You Vote... #Purple64ets #PromisesMadePromisesBroken

Trump Says: "Windmills Cause Cancer" - Obviously, He Is WRONG. We Have been using Windmills Safely FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. #iDIOTbOYtRUMP


Trump's "base" is the 1% [the super rich]. They pretend that his "base" is Uneducated White Men but that's a Misdirection. Like a magic act...
... they use misdirection to keep our attention focused on what they want us to see, not what they are really doing. Note that the Environmental Protection Agency has switched mission from Protecting the Environment to enabling corporations to increase profits by reducing expenditures for cleaning up pollution caused by their factories.

The TRUMP Effect: US SUICIDE RATE HIGHEST SINCE 1945. If Our Glorious Leader is Doing Such a "Wonderful" Job, Why are So Many People Killing Themselves?
Think About This... The Quality Of Life For 99% of Americans is a LOT Worse Now Than It Was When Obama Was President.

Global Awakening is Real and Happening Now. All around the World People are Refusing to Believe the Corporate Brainwashing...

Much of what we see in the Media is Propaganda designed to make You and I Believe Whatever they are Selling... Be it a Presidential Candidate, a Drug, a Washing Machine, a Car, a Religion OR A WAR!

People That Have Had The Psychedelic Experience Are, In General, Nice. It’s The “Straights” That Are Destroying the World…

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Deal or No Deal Halloween Costume at Work

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