The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many... according to corporate rule... Profit for Stockholders instead of for The Common Good.

Corporations will do anything to stay alive... Bribery, eco-disaster, murder, propaganda... anything.
During the last years of ExxonMobile, BP and Shell expect desperate measures to protect the profits of the shareholders (The Few)... Ignoring Climate Change ( the many)...

One propaganda machine is a TV commercial generator stating that the oil companies are making our wonderful life. Yes, it's true that I love driving my car... and I love all the plastic goods made out of petroleum... However, I'm not thrilled by Hurricanes and Wildfires, Droughts and Floods... and they are caused by oil...

So, what can a person DO to prevent Climate Change?

1. Stop Driving Cars...  OR... Drive Cars Less... Is there a real need to do all this traveling? Air Pollution from automobile exhaust is the main cause of global warming. Jet Airplanes are really bad.
Solar Powered Electric Cars would help. Motorcycles would help. Especially little scooters...
Shorter Commutes to Work Everyday is Essential. Choose jobs that are close to home. Make that a priority like high pay or benefits... consider your commute and what a waste of time it is... Ride the Bus, Light rail or commute by train.

2. Use less electricity generated by Natural Gas and Coal. Unplug your transformers that power computers, routers, printers and modems when not in use. Those little black boxes get warm... that's wasted electricity. Simply plug in all those transformers into one power strip and FLICK THE SWITCH when you are not actually using the computer. Stop farming marijuana indoors using grow lights. Simply plant gardens outdoors in the sunshine.

Use the air conditioner less. Sweat... Learn to become accustomed to hot weather. It's not fun but... people lived like this for millions of years... too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter... wear a sweater... turn off lights when not in use... switch to LED lamps...

3. Have fewer children. Pollution caused by automobiles is worse when there are 7 BILLION people polluting in comparison to 1 Billion... What will the world be like with 10 BILLION people? 15 BILLION? How Many is Too Many? Use Birth Control... 30 BILLION PEOPLE? Mass Starvation? It will become impossible to grow enough food...

4. Simply Run Away... Move to a cool and rainy climate while that's still an option. The Oregon Coast will be a wonderful place to live for the foreseeable future. Northern California and Washington State Coastal Towns also. Let FUTURE generations solve this problem...

Marijuana Tourism - my trip to Washington State, The Space Needle, The Experience Music Pavilion and then Oregon

As legalization spread across the USA I wanted to experience LEGAL weed as soon as possible. When I retired from work I did a lot of driving around sleeping in the back of my VAN... I was like a turtle with my home on my back. First I drove to Utah with my friend Mike Jensen to attend the Rainbow Gathering...

After we were done with that I took a drive to Washington State to experience the Legal Weed. On the first visit I was unable to find any... I asked some local kids and asked for directions but there were very few stores and they were often closed...

On the Second Trip I picked up a hitchhiker who had some hash oil and he gave me some as a thank you gift for picking him up in the rain... Later I decided to go home and attend the Kinetic Sculpture Race at home but... and this is a big but... I smoked some hash oil... then I got onto Highway #5 and   I accidentally put the van into gear #2 and turned on the radio... When I hit 70 miles per hour the transmission exploded and then the engine caught fire... OOPS! I pulled over to the side of the freeway and said the Serenity prayer... I walked down the freeway and over to a Lumber Mill. The security guard called me a tow truck and I was towed to a motel...

I had the van towed to an auto repair place where they said it would cost $8,000 to repair my Ford Windstar. I paid $3,000 to buy it used so I decided it was Uneconomical to repair... Eventually I gave it to the Humane Society as a donation to help animals.

I did not allow this disaster to interfere with my vacation. I rode the AMTRAK to Seattle, Bought and ate TWO Marijuana Cookies, drank some of that rocket fuel coffee and rode the Monorail to the Space Needle and the Jimi Hendrix Experience Music Pavilion. (also a Nirvana Museum) Both musicians lived near Seattle. They had a musical instrument for tourists to play... It was 20 Tubular Bells that random people could whack with pool balls hung from a wire. VERY popular with children. I loved it too.

Then I rode the Monorail to downtown Seattle Business District and arrived at Quitting Time on a Sunny Friday afternoon. The first big weekend of Spring. I was impressed with the JOY of the office workers and the BEAUTY of the Secretaries. One effect of a heavy Cannabis Dose is that it makes women appear more beautiful... I really had to piss and was in the center of the city with no public bathrooms... so I peed my pants... I didn't care.

I stayed at motels for a few weeks and walked, rode the train, rode the bus and taxi and eventually got home. Quite a tricky walkabout. I enjoyed the friendship of kids in Centrailia, Washington... Great People! Then I bought another Van for $3,000...

I wanted to not only experience LEGAL WEED but I wanted to Vote with my Money and reward Washington State politicians who voted for Legal weed. The next year Oregon legalized Marijuana, Then Nevada and California... Soon... the entire USA.

Translation of the song "Guantanamera" as sung by Pete Seeger... and Guantanamericano-the hidden verses…”

I always was confused by the verse:

“Yo soy un puto frijelero nacio en el este de Los Angeles,
Yo soy un puto frijelero nacio en el este de Los Angeles…
Tengo demasiados hijos, ¿de dónde provienen sus ojos azules?”

But Cheech and Chong sang it so I could understand it...
OR you could copy and paste it into Google Translate!
(It's really offensive)

Or is it One Ton of Marijuana? - sung by Darryl Cherney and the Chernobyls!

actual song...
Guantanamera : ( Lady from Guantanamo, Cuba)
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas
Y antes de morirme quiero
Echar mis versos del alma

(I am a truthful man,
From the land of the palm tree.
Before dying, I want to
Share these poems of my soul.)

[Chorus (after each verse):]
Guantanamera! Guajira!
Guantanamera! Guajira!

Mi verso es de un verde claro
Y de un carmin encendido
Mi verso es de un verde claro
Y de un carmin encendido
Mi verso es un ciervo herido
Que busca en el monte amparo

(My verses are light green,
But they are also flaming red.
My verses are like a wounded fawn,
Seeking refuge in the mountain.)

Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
El arroyo de la sierra
Me complace mas que el mar

(With the poor people of this earth,
I want to share my lot.
The little streams of the mountains
Please me more than the sea.)

Fantasy ART. Magic Airship. Dancing Friends, Tropical Phish... BoinkFest!

Tropical Phish
Click on the pictures to see them bigger!
A Zeppelin floating over Shroomville.
Three Aliens at the Sock Hop.
Time Machine.
Green Leaf on a Grey Mushroom.
Purple People of the Universe
Alice D.
click on pictures to see them bigger

Unite Celebrations: Worldwide 4/21 in City Centers. Music, Chanting, Celebration of Love

21st of APRIL ( it might be a different day this year... do research for where and when)
we will synchronize with
our brothers and sisters all around the world !

Israel, India, Brazil, Mexico, Marocco, Australia, England, Scotland, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Iran, US, Thailand, Turkey
we will gather to create powerful chanting-circles in the middle of the city !

Our vision
is to take the light we cultivated over the years in small circles, rainbow gatherings and chanting circles and bring it to the cities, out into the streets, where it's needed the most .....................

the bottom of our hearts
we invite you chanters, musicians and foculizers to join us ......
The more people we are the more wonderful the vibe gonna be

your love, other lovely people, your voice, instruments, tea, blankets, candles, and everything else you need to feel comfortable ..........
It's on us!


Facebook GROUP:

YOUTUBE Channel:

Big Wave Surfing ART... and Photos of Eureka's North Jetty

My interpretation of surfing done in the computer where 
there is an automatic math function that "waves" any image.

Inside the Tube
Organic Waves...
Splashing over the North Jetty of Eureka. 
Many days you may walk on this concrete...
Underwater after wipeout... looking up at the wave
Surf the Web
Fish Surfing a Wave
These waves destroyed the concrete jetty. 
Note that it is missing from right hand side... Swept Away...
This place is great for Jet Ski towing a Surfer and Board
out to the mouth of the Channel between the North and South Jetties.
It is a very long ride and paddling out would be just too much exercise.
Here is another day when it's a good idea to walk on the beach where it is safe.
That's me... My Friend took this photo and she was up 
on the SAND DUNES where you never are in danger. SMART!
Tsunami Tidal Wave Art
It's all done using MATH... 
The reason a breaking wave looks the way it does is PHYSICS... 
and one thing MATH does really well is describe PHYSICS. 
Seagull Wave Clouds
Tropical Flowers, a Tiki God and Sue Nami

Fish Swimming Against the School
MAO had a famous quote "The true revolutionary will swim thru the people like a fish in the sea." What I believe he meant was... While the revolution is being realized it would be best to stay low profile so the old regime's police force will not notice you and throw you in jail... 
Just the opposite of what this illustration shows.
I wonder what LMAO would say...

More Art at: 

Earth Day 4/22 Big fun for the whole family... and the PLANET TOO. eARTh First!

More info at:
and spread them worldwide
to do good.

Earth Day BUTTON
Earth Day BUTTON by gregvan

Kinetic Sculpture Race, Arcata, CA
Convert Human Fat into Electricity
Earthday Everyday

Great Book: "Jack and Jill" by James Patterson. A murder mystery contrasting the Assassination of the President and Murder of Black Children.

Detective Alex Cross has two serial killers loose in Washington DC. One is killing Famous Politicians and the other is killing poor black children. The interesting quality of this book is how the Police treat these two groups differently. A huge force of police try to prevent the murder of the President while the poor black children are almost completely ignored...

James Patterson writes about subjects that are relevant to today's news headlines... Black Lives Matter protests... Assassination of the President... He can write about these subjects but if I type a blog post... It's possible for me to be included in a List of Crazies to be watched by the FBI, NSA and CIA... I really enjoyed this book as it allows me to fantasize about a subject that is,,, shall we say... Verboten! (Forbidden!)

Trump has announced "It's Infrastructure Week" THREE TIMES but Absolutely NOTHING has been Done. NOW HIRING at CALTRANS.

Why not simply ask Governor Jerry Brown of California how it's done?

Gas tax revenue to fund I-5 construction from Elk Grove to Sacramento. $267 Million Dollars worth of Repair.

Now Hiring Construction Workers at CALTRANS.

One way we could fix Global Warming is to switch from Cars to Motorcycles... Like they do in ASIA.

They use Less Gas and Exhaust is the Main Cause of Climate Change.
Make gas powered Leaf Blowers Illegal, use a rake!

Lyrics to "Oasis" a song I wrote...

[D] Far away from the city
There [C] lives a girl.
She draws water from the [D] sand.

[D] Under a lonesome palm tree
she [C] rests her body
and there she waits for her [D] man.

[D] He rides a camel thru the desert
and [C] dreams of cool water
an Oasis never close at hand.

[D] Oh will he ever find her?
His [C] Arabian princess
and will she lead him to the land?
A land of many sorrows
of Sun and Death, companion to the band.
The Desert will never Answer
Though tears we cry, so we get by the best we can...

[E] Ride across the desert on a thousand horses.
Swords flashing in the Sun so very proud.
Ride 'till the sun turns your tongue to ashes.
Drink deep of water drawn from 'neath the ground.

and she waits for him patiently...
under the palm tree...
She waits 'though she cannot tell you why... [2X]

WAR IS OVER!... USA bombs Syria, declares victory. Trump makes "Heroic" Speech... and It's Mission Accomplished!

Remember: What people do in Washington DC has almost NO EFFECT ON MY LIFE. When the news makes me angry, I change the channel.

The only thing that had any effect on me is the Tax Cut for the Rich Law. BUT, since I have a TAX MAN do my taxes, I don't even know if I paid more this year or less...

Real life is my Wife, my Brother, my Nieces, The lady that drives the Senior Bus, the other Seniors that join me in our group sing along society... The "Off Key Singers"... My roommates, the Caregivers at my old folks home... That's REALITY!

I believe in The American River and Folsom Lake... I believe in Sunshine and Trees... Frogs, Creeks and the sound of a Harley Davidson driving away on the street where I live...

TV Shows are Trump, James Comey, The Russia Investigation, CNN,  MSNBC News, FOX News, The Turner Classic Movie Channel, The Rock concert channel (AXS TV), Perry Mason reruns, The Flying NUN, C-SPAN, Star Trek, Democracy Now!, Ancient Aliens, M*A*S*H, ... I don't worry to much about what happens on TV Shows as I often question... So What! How does Trump pardoning Scooter Libby have any importance in MY LIFE? If we go to war with Syria... SO WHAT? I don't know any soldiers... and anyone who VOLUNTEERS to go to war is a gullible fool... Remember, the US Military has NOT Defended the country since 1945. All the wars during my lifetime have been the USA attacking some other country for BOGUS Reasons... Think... Does anyone care who won the war in Nicaragua? Do you even know where Niger IS? Is joining the military a Brilliant Idea? Dying for Nothing? PTSD? WTF?

I did not vote in 2016 because both Trump and Clinton were HORRIBLE. I voted for Bernie Sanders and he wasn't even running... The primaries of the Democratic party were RIGGED with Super-Delegates and The Goldman-Saks Candidate won (Hillary).

I will vote in 2018 because we will have better candidates this time. I like Gavin Newsom, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris and Ami Bera (my Representative in the House)...

Think for Yourself and Question Reality

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