Showing posts with label welfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label welfare. Show all posts

The Super Rich Own Congress and That's Who Votes for Funding Corporations Owned by the Super Rich. #FRANCE1789 What is the Solution? #ClassWar

Your Tax Dollars Paid for These Abandoned Airplanes.

Your Tax Dollars Paid for These Abandoned Airplanes. meme gvan42 - Read America's Bogus Wars - a Step By Step Guide to Disrupting The Military Industrial Complex - Using Psychedelic "Regrooving" of Executives and Engineers in Corporations That Feed Off The Pentagon... Simply Feed Evil People Cannabis Cookies - Hopefully They Will Have a REVELATION and Stop Doing Evil For A Living!
 Read "America's Bogus Wars" - a Step By Step Guide to Disrupting The Military Industrial Complex Using Psychedelic "Regrooving" of Executives and Engineers in Corporations That Feed Off The Pentagon... Simply Feed Evil People Cannabis Cookies - Hopefully They Will Have a REVELATION and Stop Doing Evil For A Living! Might Work! Simply Place Cookies on the Buffet Table at a "Corporate-Corporate" Hotel... Like the One Right Next to The US Capitol Building in Washington, DC... "Dose" The Lobbyists and Congressional Aides... Remember: Every Mind You "Waste" is another Soldier in the War on Poverty... 

Let's Cut The Pentagon Budget In Half. Not Only is BogusWar® a Waste of Money, It's a Waste of Lives!

Let's Cut The Pentagon Budget In Half. Not Only is BogusWar® a Waste of Money, It's a Waste of Lives! There are Employees of Defense Contractors That Spend All Day Every Day Designing and Building Weapons... Making the World a Worse Place to Live... That's The Exact Opposite of "Right Livelihood."

End Corporate Welfare... Does Boeing REALLY Need To Make So Many Abandoned Airplanes?
End Corporate Welfare... Does Boeing REALLY Need To Make So Many Abandoned Airplanes?

B-52 Storage Area, Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona, USA: The Cold War spanned four decades and several continents, so it's unsurprising that relics from this era remain dotted around the world. In Tuscon, Arizona, the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is home to some 4,000 dormant aircraft.

Why would anyone volunteer to go halfway around the world in order to kill people for corporate profit? and Risk your life in POINTLESS ADVENTURES? Almost Everyone Comes back with PTSD and That's NO Freaking FUN!
Why would anyone volunteer to go halfway around the world in order to kill people for Corporate Profit? and Risk your life in POINTLESS ADVENTURES? Almost Everyone Comes back with PTSD and That's NO Freaking FUN!

LINK TO BUY THE "Make America Groovy Again" EMBROIDERED HAT:

"Make America Groovy Again" Embroidered Hat

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Here is a Link to Another Website of Mine: Google Sites...

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Fun Photos Of Abandoned Military Airplanes... OK, We Made a Mistake Building Them... Let's Not REPEAT The Same Mistake By Building More!

abandoned helicopter in the dirt - Graffiti Magnet - meme gvan42
Well, At Least This Helicopter Won't Be Used to Kill People... Wonderful! It's Much Better to Be Used as a Graffiti Magnet...

Go to Your Window and Scream... "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore!" - Still Valid Today
Go to Your Window and Scream... "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore!" - Still Valid Today - Instead of Hannity, Try Sanity!

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On the Other Hand... Here are Some Jokes... To Relax Your Mind... Too Much CrazyTalk® is Not Good for Your Mental Health... 

Benjamin Ghazi Said: "I'm Was Tired of Being Laughed at By My Neighbors for Being a Brainwashed TrumpNik® - So I FLED The Republicrime Party! #RUNAWAY #RUNAWAY" --- and You Can TOO! If You are A QAnon FREAK, Just Unplug that Sucker Tucker and Set Yourselves FREE! 


I Love Funny Hats meme gvan42

I Love Funny Hats meme gvan42

Blog Archive: MANY More Posts!

Elizabeth Warren has some GREAT Ideas: Tax the Rich... Prison for Corporate Executives that Break The Law... Legalize Voting for ALL... End Corporate Welfare for Oil, Gas and Coal AND DEFENSE Companies...

Elizabeth Warren Two Cent Wealth Tax - Makes Sense - Fund America - meme- gvan42
Elizabeth Warren Two Cent Wealth Tax -
It Just Makes Sense - Fund America

Instead of having two systems of Justice, One for the Rich and a Different One for the REST of US... Why not have Equality? The Executives at Wells Fargo might have NOT DONE the CRIME if they knew that Prison Awaited them... What about the Makers of Oxycontin? They caused thousands of deaths... What about Cigarettes? Millions Died... 

EW MEME - Elizabeth Warren for President 2020 - Word Art

FYI: Before she was elected to the Senate, Warren convinced congressional Democrats and President Obama to create the agency now known as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Warren supports the Buffett Rule, which would restore the Clinton tax rates on the top income bracket. She believes that the added revenues should be used to make college more affordable and help students pay off their student loans.

As part of her presidential campaign, Warren proposed an annual wealth tax ("ultra-millionaire tax") in January 2019. The proposal would levy a 2% annual tax on household net worth above $50M, and a 3% annual tax on net worth above $1bn. 

Warren supports investing in renewable energy rather than "handing out massive tax breaks to [nonrenewable] energy companies that are among the most profitable corporations in the world." She says that "as long as we subsidize dirty sources like oil, gas, and coal, we threaten the air we breathe and the water we drink."

Warren claims to oppose continuing the war in Afghanistan and support withdrawing U.S. troops as quickly as possible...

Green New Deal - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art - by Gregory Vanderlaan

Promises Made, Promises Broken - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art - by Gregory Vanderlaan

Sanders - Warren 2020 - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art - by Gregory Vanderlaan

Wake UP! MEME - gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art - by Gregory Vanderlaan

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire MEME - gvan42 - by Gregory Vanderlaan

Wind Power on my Farmville Farm - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

EW4POTUS - MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Ten Commandments Forbid Adultery MEME - Just a Joke? MOE? - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Generals, Defense Contractors Unite to Beat Trump... "He Threatens To Cut Off Our Corporate Welfare!" --- Headline: President Trump says top Pentagon brass seek wars to keep defense contractors ‘happy’ - Fox News.

Since 1945 The Us Military Has Never Defended The Country. All Wars in My Lifetime Have Been Bogus Marketing for the Military Industrial Complex to Help Them Sell Weapons, Boots, MREs and Bandages. 

"Plenty Good Money To Be Made Supplying The Army With The Tools of The Trade..." - Country Joe McDonald

Everybody Sing! "And it's One, Two. Three What Are we Fighting For? Don't Ask Me, I Don't Give a Damn... Next Stop is Vietnam... And It's Five, Six, Seven Open Up The Pearly Gates... Well, There Ain't No Time to Wonder Why... Whoopie! We're All Gonna Die!"

White House tries to walk back Trump attack on Pentagon chiefs as beholden to arms dealers... "They want to do nothing but fight wars," Trump said of top Pentagon officials.

Donald Trump attacks his own generals saying they are warmongers...

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and then JJ Jim Johnson Said on FacebOOb...

Fox Nation host Lara Logan says: “Antifa violence, backed and funded by powerful political entities needs to be exposed in order for it to stop.” 

I Replied: FUNDED? All Those People Are VOLUNTEERS!
Jefferson Airplane Song...

Wait a damn minute Lara and followers: Is this claim exactly the same as wealthy, right wing fascists empowering the GOP and followers to commit the same agitation from the other perspective? Or even more so, the constant flow of lobbying money to raise their wealth and disable the effects of actual votes by the people?
It could just have easily read, “Right wing fascist violence, backed and funded by powerful political entities need to be exposed in order for it to stop.”, and been just a valid.
Is it beyond your comprehension Lara that both sides are being manipulated to their own agendas by wealth and greed? Does it not occur that one would not necessarily exist or be tolerated if the other did not exist? A horrible Yin Yan social experiment?
This is what’s wrong with FOX and CNN and the rest, they completely fail in analysis of the root causes, and serve only to fan the flames closest aligning to their management’s political agenda.
That’s not news, that’s network driven reality TV.
And it what’s wrong with news, government, and humans.
When you read the headlines, read through the bullshit from both sides.
What you will find is that:
- One side cannot exist without the other.
- Both sides really want to move from the extreme to a more centrist position.
- When one side chooses a path that is not sustainable, they begin to hollow, to form a party that is without substance, without progress, without improvement, and that leads to the party being easier to be overtaken by entities that corrupt.
- When that happens, the trend is for the extremists on that side to assume a more powerful position.
- And when that happens, the opposing view tends to follow suit, their extremists take the floor, their political entities begin touting extreme positions, such as the nationalist movement, removing social security, free healthcare for all, the need to protest, the need to riot, the need for huge tax breaks that benefit only the uber wealthy.
The truth is that…
- We need leadership that is more centrist. When the “other side” is not seeing a hard left or an equally hard right, they have fewer major arguments to fight.
- We have too many politicians that feel it is a fight to the death and they do more damage to the American democracy by fighting for a hard position that is not in anyone’s best interest, only to strongly oppose the “other side”.
- My position is that we do not need or want any of these types politicians in office.
The solution:
- an agreement that extremist positions that advocate any of the following must be filtered and removed from the political arena.
o Lobby money and influence must end.
o Extreme positions such as racism, violence.
o Extreme positions such as medicare for all without a “real” plan to show how it would be funded and actually be more efficient than the current system.
o Vetting for morals, ethics (as mentioned in a previous message)
o Truth. Candidates must tell the truth, any candidate that cannot separate opinion from truth cannot be allowed to retain an office.
o Elitism. Representatives that have first rate, public funded healthcare, incredible, public funded retirement and other perks that are far beyond what the public is allowed must be changed.

o True public servants that actually want to change, repair and work together.

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and Then Gigi Said on FacebOOb:
I don't care what you call me. You can call me Snowflake. You can call me Demoncrat. Names are childish.
I have a Voice. I Demand Change. I tried, but I cannot comprehend how there is anyone left that has heard the words come out of Donald Trumps Mouth, listened to his childish name calling and continues to support. He is an ugly human. He will denigrate anyone who simply disagrees with him or that he doesn't understand.
You have heard the horrible things he's said, and you choose to ignore it.
He has Raped Little Girls. Solid Intelligence Confirms it. He has disparaged Disabled and an awful lot of Women.
He's belittled our Military.
He's made friends with foreign leaders that we should be condemning.
You know it now. You've heard it from his own mouth. You're choosing to ignore it. God help you.
I will Not. I have a voice. I Demand Change.
That Rapist is Out of our White House.
There are no longer excuses to support the kind of behavior he displays. If you are continuing to do so, you need to question exactly why that is.
You know it now. You've heard it from his own mouth. You cannot keep denying what is true.

#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpisTheDeplorable

The USA is Now a Failed Socialist State. CDC Eviction Ban = Free Rent, Free Food at Feeding America Pantries, Free Money: $1,200 Check From the Government - BUT STILL NOT ENOUGH To Make Up For ACTUAL JOBS...
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, also known as the CARES Act, is a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 116th U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020 in response to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Find Your Local Food Bank: FEEDING AMERICA

Federal Register Notice: Temporary Halt in Residential Evictions to Prevent the Further Spread of COVID-19.

$100 Dollar Bill with Ben Franklin in a Trump's Coronavirus Mask

Let's Cut Defense Spending in Half and Use The Money Currently Wasted to Pay for Medicare for All and Free College... Since the Military Has NOT ACTUALLY DEFENDED The USA since 1945, Why Spend Billions on Something we Do NOT USE?

Since August 15th, 1945 [Victory in Japan Day] ALL WARS HAVE BEEN BOGUS... We have Invaded Foreign Countries and Taken Sides in THEIR Civil Wars. Remember Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan? Why Did We Spend Taxpayer Dollars to Blow Those Countries UP?

There was an ACTUAL NEED to Defend the USA on 9/11/2001 But the Military FAILED COMPLETELY... Civilians took down the Hijacked Airplane in Pennsylvania...

All those Bogus Wars Have Just Been Marketing Tools to Sell Weapons. Corporate Welfare... The Worst Example is Lockheed Missiles and Space... They Used to Build Spaceships but NOW they Build Bombs to Kill Children in Yemen... What a Tragic Waste... Not only a Waste of Civilian's Lives but a Waste of Engineering Talent... Imagine What Could Have Been if Lockheed Hadn't Turned to the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE? 

Chart of US Military Deaths from all our wars... Massive Decrease right after the 1960s... we woke up! - gvan42

Republicans are a Minority Group and their Numbers are Getting Smaller Every Day. Made up of Old White People, they are simply Dying... Young People, Minorities, College Graduates and Women tend to Vote Democratic.

and That's Why Republicans are working so very hard to prevent "Certain" people from Voting... That's why Republicans are So interested in Gerrymandering... and The Electoral College... It's a tool for MINORITY RULE... Most People Prefer Majority Rule...

Years ago there was a Group Called "The Silent Majority" that was IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War. Thankfully, most of them are dead now. They were not very smart... in general, The Republican Party is very popular with uneducated people. College Graduates Vote Democratic... I hear "Conservatives" complain that there are not enough Republicans teaching College... Well, Of Course! It Takes some Smarts to Be a Teacher! Republicans use more WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS AND UNEMPLOYMENT... 

and then I saw a HAT with the Slogan: "GREAT AGAIN FOR WHOM?" on Spike Lee... 

Half of Trump's Voters are Below Average Intelligence. The Other Half are Just PRETENDING... Republicans get more Welfare, Unemployment and Food Stamps than Democrats. BUT THERE IS HOPE!

 Learn to Read, Go to College and Get a Great Job... No excuse for being Leeches... Just Read Ayn Rand and Put The Fountainhead's Ideas into Action. Can't Read? Never Heard of Ayn Rand? Books just too Damn Difficult? SIMPLY FIND A DEMOCRAT AND WE WILL READ IT OUT LOUD TO YOU! 
Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

Use the Words: "gvan42 MEME" in Google Image Search to find more MEMEs!

This is what Socialism Looks Like: Trump announced $16 Billion in WELFARE PAYMENTS to Farmers That are Harmed by His Insane Trade War.

When Obama was President, Farmers earned a living by Growing and Selling Crops. 

People ask: Where will all this Money come from? Well, from MORE Deficit Spending! Since Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law is Currently Failing to Collect Enough to Pay for the Cost of the US Government, we are Increasing the National Debt in Hopes that YOUR Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and Great-Great Grandchildren will pay for it all... This Year had the Largest Deficit in History... and Now Trump wants to Make a $16 Billion Welfare Payment to Farmers and a $19 Billion Dollar Payment for Disaster Relief... The Midwest is experiencing Record Tornado Damage and Flooding due to Climate Change... and The West needs help for Wildfires... and and and... This Summer we Expect More of the Same! More Wildfires, More Tornadoes, More Hurricanes and More Floods...   

MEME gvan42 Trump's Trade War

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and now for something completely different.
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I already own all the Cheap Chinese Junk I will ever Need. I have a Laptop and a TV and I'm going to keep them and use them for another decade. They work fine and there is no need to buy a BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE! because the one I already own is great... So the Chinese plan to stop selling RARE EARTH MINERALS that are required to make Electronic Gizmos... Well, so Freaking What! From now on I'm buying used... Used Clothes totally undermine the Chinese Fabric Industry... I find it INSANE that we Import Cotton Fabric... Why not GROW COTTON IN THE AMERICAN SOUTH? and Weave it in places like Burlington, Vermont... We did that Years ago... Why not Now?

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and now for something completely different.
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Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg says Trump was a Draft Dodger during the Vietnam War because he Bribed a Doctor to write a FAKE Medical Deferment... Well, That was a Smart Move by Trump. Only an Idiot would Go to Vietnam unless he was Forced to... Everyone who had a Rich Daddy Dodged the Draft. It was a Totally Insane War... History has proved it to be a Horrible Waste of American Lives and Taxpayer Dollars. So Mayor Pete went to Afghanistan... Well, What The FORK did he Accomplish? The only thing we have done in Afghanistan is INCREASE THE OPIUM CROP YIELD... Thanks, Pete...

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and now for something completely different.
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Little Stevie Mnuchin Warns of ‘Late Summer’ Default If No Debt-Limit Increase.

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and now for something completely different.
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Trump's Family, Staff Should Stage an Intervention for the good of the country. "Just because I have a hotel in my foot doesn't make me a boogily-moogily-moogily!"

Mitch McConnell Russian Bribery Scandal - Sanctions were lifted on Oleg Deripaska and then he decided to build a $200 Million Dollar Aluminum Factory in Kentucky. Quid Pro Quo? Obvious Payback?

Little Stevie Munchkin, Treasury Secretary, and Mitch McConnell both Lobbied for the US Senate to Remove sanctions on Oleg Deripaska... The House had voted in a Bi-Partisan way to Keep Sanctions...  and then SURPRISE SURPRISE Mitch Benefits...


Congressional Leaders Seek Investigation into Russian Investment in Ky. Aluminum Mill.

Wife of lobbyist for Russian plant in KY got boost from McConnell...
Rachel Maddow notes how the dots connect awkwardly for Mitch McConnell after the wife of the lobbyist who alerted McConnell to a huge Russian investment in Kentucky was suddenly processed for a federal judgeship for which she is not qualified.

Rachel Maddow connects the dots on an epic financial scandal involving Mitch McConnell and Russia...

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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


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Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics