Medicare For All. COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER. Bernie Sanders for President 2020... Embroidered Baseball Cap for sale.

Bernie Sanders for President 2020.
You May Change the Words... and... 
You May Paint this White Hat With A Rainbow Of 
Acrylic Paints for that GROOVY Look...

"Medicare For All. COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER" Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan
Medicare For All. COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER. Bernie Button
Medicare For All. COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER. Bernie Button
by gregvan

Make as Many Copies as you Like
and Take Them to School or Work.
by gvan42
Bernie Sanders 2020 MEME - gvan42
Bernie Sanders 2020 MEME - gvan42
Bernie Sanders 2020 MEME - gvan42

MORE Free Coloring Book Art
at Google Image Search - Keywords:
"gvan42 coloring book"
Click Here... See The Show!

and the People on Facebook Say...

Jen Bailey: Just had a nice chat with one of the pastors in the bread line this morning (while we were freezing half to death lol)...he agrees on Bernie! He saw my buttons and went out of his way to come talk to me! So Jazzed! Told him we're going to Bernie's rally here in Jax Monday..he agrees Bernie is THE choice! Despite my arthritis shrieking at me, it was an awesome morning because of that!

Gregory Laan: Medicare For All. COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER. Bernie Sanders.

Jen Bailey: Florida seems to be a whole other animal as far as politics. We talked about the other candidates and their inconsistencies, and I spoke about how ONLY Bernie has been for the people, and common person, for 50 years now. He brought up debating tRUmp, and I illustrated that there's pretty much NO dirt to dig up on Bernie, he's been on the right side for all these years, and the few mistakes he's made he's owned up to. That he was the only candidate that really cared about the people like me standing in that bread line. Told him about the Rally here Monday. He said he was going to vote Bernie, that really made my day!

Jen Bailey: Florida is, how should I say it, almost VIOLENTLY Republican. And so, so many poor people here consistently vote against their best interest, because of tv and other factors. Every one I can reach, with the stickers on my car, my shirt, my buttons, I'm happy. And I'll take the time to stand and talk.

Stacey Jennings It's the same here in the Midwest, Jen. However I do meet ppl more and more who are for Bernie! I try to do what u do and take time with others to engage in conversation, but most have been so brainwashed are a waste of time. Stuck in their thinking and don't care about others who aren't going to be as fortunate. They just don't care because they were able to get these programs for themselves and are listening to 45 and his cult members.

Darleen Synnøve Berg: What bothers me is that most Republicans are older, white people. They have Medicare, Social Security and 401k. It is obvious that they support these programs as they provide financial security. Why wouldn't they want others to have it, too?

Jen Bailey: Darleen Synnøve Berg I've lived all over the country, born and raised in Ca originally (51 now, left CA at 27)...Florida, much like SC...the indoctrination to vote against your own best interests seems to be ingrained in people somehow. They don't teach people how to actually THINK for themselves any more. They teach people how to pass tests, but not critical thinking skills. That's why I talk to as many people as I can, and ask them questions like, why WOULDN'T you be as deserving of this?, etc. And illustrate why we CAN afford to make everyone's life better.

Darleen Synnøve: Berg Agree. I have read several books which focus on that contradiction, and I hear it from people. For example, with a M4A single-payer system, everyone will pay less and everyone will be included. How can you argue against it? But, it seems that many people would rather go without insurance, be underinsured, not get the help they need as a M4A would include "those" who would not contribute. One theory is that people (mainly whites) have an ingrained fear of losing their status in a hierarchical society.
I agree with you that as a whole the middle and lower classes are indoctrined to vote against their best interests. It is incomprehensible.

****** (~);-} ******

A Simple Solution 

"The health plan is unsustainable," says Lathe Gill in "The Quandary of North Coast Schools Medical Insurance Group" (Feb. 27). It is an accurate and distilled reflection of the healthcare crisis in the nation as a whole. The school districts' employees, however, are clearly suffering at the forefront when "(m)any already have to give half of the annual wage for a good health plan." The problem in "Quandary" is virtually unsolvable and reminiscent of people between a rock and a hard place, trapped in a dark room, protesting, arguing and brainstorming about dealing with the darkness when a simple solution is to turn on the light of improved Medicare for all.

 For some 70 years, people have understood health care as a human right that we can and should deliver to everyone in this, the richest country in the world. It was demonstrated in 1965 when Lyndon B. Johnson, with his genius for political half nelsons, ushered in Medicare — despite huge resistance.

 Understanding the obstacles to Medicare in 1965 clarifies our challenge today: the ever-more powerful corporate health insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Only an informed, grassroots demand for equitable, universal and affordable access to health care can meet this challenge, especially when so many of our lawmakers are beholden to those very interests.

 The combined Humboldt Chapters of Health Care for All-CA and Physicians for a National Health Program, along with Black Humboldt, are sponsoring the screening of an informative, powerful documentary, The Power to Heal, about the coming of Medicare that effectively desegregated hospitals across the nation, a first step in dispelling the quandaries of darkness.

The public is invited to The Power to Heal, Saturday, March 7, at the Minor Theatre in Arcata at 11 a.m. followed by a Q&A panel. A $5 donation is suggested. Info:

Patty Harvey, Willow Creek

Be Aware that Some of the Posts on Facebook are Written by Russian Trolls... Specifically designed to make Americans Hate Each Other... Question IF something you read here is really the opinion of a REAL Human or is it Sputnik Propaganda...

Learn to Think For Yourself and Question the Screens...

and... I Post a Lot of Stuff that People Call Trolling... Mostly, FACTS that "They" Don't Like... Inconvenient Truths... Since "They" Can't Dispute WHAT I SAY, they Resort To Name Calling... Pathetic... 

MEME - Trump Stating a Blatant Lie by gvan42

Free Coloring Book Art. Find MORE at Google Image Search using the Words: "gvan42 Coloring Book" - Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Friends... <--- Click Here

Creepy Eye Wall Dark Side of the Moon Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
That Creepy Masonic Eye from the Back of the Dollar Bill - and Pink Floyd's Wall - Dark Side of the Moon Prism
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

All of a Sudden NO ONE IS FLYING IN JET AIRPLANES. That's GREAT because Jets POLLUTE The AIR Causing Global Warming... Remember Greta Thunberg's Sailboat Ride to New York? She Refuses to Fly and Now... EVERYBODY REFUSES TO FLY.

Headline: Airlines could lose up to $113 billion in passenger revenue due to coronavirus, IATA says.

Photo Greta Thunberg - Protest Sign

It seems like Everything about the Culture of the Internal Combustion Engine is Going Crazy these Days. Notice a TREND? Consider:
1. Global Climate Strike 9/20 and Shutdown Washington DC 9/23 Civil Disobedience - Traffic Block.  
2. Saudi Arabian Oil Refinery on Fire - Price of Oil Goes UP! 
3. UAW Labor Union Strike. 
4. Oil Tanker Hijacking in the Middle East. 
5. New Car Sales Down Nationwide. 
6. Global Warming Causes Wildfires in Alaska, Siberia, Brazil and Indonesia. 
7. Climate Change Causes Massive Hurricanes... Now Spawning Tornadoes! 
8. Endless Traffic Jams in Every City... Gridlock All Day Long... 
9. Gas Powered Leaf Blowers Outlawed in Many Cities... GET A Freaking RAKE! No Gas Required! 
10. Construction of the "BIG U" Dike in Manhattan, NYC to Prevent Flooding Due to Rising Sea Level. Real Estate becomes Worthless when the Streets are Under Water... 

Remember: When You Drive a Car, You Choke Greta Thunberg...

LSD animated gif by gvan42

Joe Biden Voted in Favor of the War in Iraq. Millions of Us Marched in the Streets in Protest Before the War Started... But Not Gullible Joe. He Believed George W Bush's LIES. What A Freaking Chump.

Bernie Sanders REFUSED to be Suckered by The Bush Lies and He Voted Against the War in Iraq. NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO CANDIDATES. PAY ATTENTION TO REALITY!

Obviously, Iraq Had NO Weapons of Mass Destruction, NO Ties to Al-Qaeda and Nothing at All to do with 9/11... Anyone with Half a Brain Knew That... 

****** (~);-} ******

Photographs from an Anti Iraq War Protest March in Eureka, California. We had MANY protest Marches and History Has Proved Bush was Totally Wrong. Dumb as a Rock!

anti war protest march in eureka, ca - Iraq War was an Idiot Action by Bush, Cheney and Dumbsfield
Impeach Sign and Political Theater Actors posing as a Widow with a Baby Buggy and a Gitmo Prisoner... at a Peace March in Eureka, CA... The Iraq War was an IDIOT Action by G W Bush (the son) and his evil henchmen Cheney and Dumbsfeld...

anti war protest march in eureka, ca - Iraq War was an Idiot Action by Bush, Cheney and Dumbsfield

anti war protest march in eureka, ca - Iraq War was an Idiot Action by Bush, Cheney and Dumbsfield

Anti Iraq War Protest in Eureka California 

The Punk Rock Band that played at the end of the protest march called for a moment of silence for the Soldiers that lost their lives in the Iraq War...
Then they asked for a MOMENT OF NOISE for those same soldiers...
and played random angry sounds!

Deadheads for Obama

Now, ALL Presidential Candidates Are Old White Men. While "Women and Minorities Are Encouraged To Apply" NO ONE WOULD ACTUALLY VOTE FOR THEM.

Both Trump and Biden are Obviously Corrupt. What do Ivanka and Jared ACTUALLY DO to Justify Their Paychecks? Why was Hunter/Gatherer Biden Paid $50,000 a Month to Be on the Board of Directors of Burisma When He Had No Knowledge Of Their Business? Go Ahead, Explain THAT!

I believe Elizabeth Warren Would Make a Great Secretary of the Treasury. AND... Every other Candidate Ought to get a Cabinet Job. Jay Inslee - Head of the EPA, Pete Buttigieg - Secretary of Defense, Kamala Harris - Attorney General, Corey Booker - Head of DEA... There is an AMAZING AMOUNT OF TALENT and The USA Will Need The Best and Brightest to Undo the Damage tRUMP Has Done. 

Vote For Bernie Sanders For President 2020. 
Get on The Bernie Bus - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Get on the Bernie Bus!

American History: The Humboldt County Timber Wars... A Hostile Takeover of Pacific Lumber Company and The Extreme Logging of Old Growth Redwoods in Northern California. MAXXAM SUXX

In 1985 Charles Hurwitz borrowed money (Junk Bonds) from Michael Milken and bought the company Pacific Lumber, located near Eureka, California. Then Hurwitz increased the rate of logging in the Redwood Forest and cut down all the highly profitable trees. Then he split his corporation MAXXAM into two divisions. One division was used to do actual logging and sawing of boards and the other division was used to hide the profits. When the bill came due on the Junk Bonds, Hurwitz declared bankruptcy and took the money back to Texas. Including the pension funds that paid retirement benefits for employees...

Photo of a Car in front of a Giant Pile Of Redwood Logs at A Lumber mill in Eureka CA - EARTH FIRST!
Photo of a Car in front of a Giant Pile Of Redwood Logs at A Lumber mill in Eureka CA - EARTH FIRST

Then the Pacific Lumber Company was purchased at a foreclosure sale by The Fisher Family. They had made a fortune selling clothes at a chain of stores called "The Gap". They reintroduced the business plan called "sustainable logging" where the Lumberjacks would only cut down as many trees as grew during the year. This plan was invented by the original owner of Pacific Lumber, Simon J. Murphy... The concept was to cut 1% of the forest every year and plant new trees so that in a hundred years the new trees would have grown big enough to harvest.

Earth First!

During this time there were many ecology protests in Humboldt County. Including "Tree Sits" where forest protectors would build a treehouse in the upper branches of a giant Redwood in order to prevent Lumberjacks from Chainsawing the tree down. It would be possibly fatal for a tree sitter to be in a tree that was falling and the corporations were not willing to risk actual Human Life for profit. (Bad Publicity)... At the Tree Sit I attended MAXXAM Hired a Local man to "Evict" the Tree Sitters by climbing the tree and wrestling with the people... eventually carrying them to the ground where the Police arrested them.

Others committed "Tree Spiking" where large metal nails were driven into the wood of a tree and then the heads of the nails were clipped off. That way, if a tree was at the sawmill and the blade hit the metal, the blade would explode killing millworkers. Once again the corporation was not willing to risk people's lives and so trees that were spiked, were not cut down. The Forest Protectors spray painted the spiked trees so that the Lumberjacks would be aware of the danger.

Still others went to the Offices of Political Leaders and staged "Sit-Ins" where they would handcuff themselves to each other and chant/sing songs while being filmed by TV Cameras... At one of these events the local police used pepper spray on the protestors who were young women. The young women screamed loudly... and it was filmed by TV Stations. When this was broadcast on the TV News it outrages the citizens of California... There is a biological reaction to young women being harmed... This Media Event lead to a massive protest Statewide and the California Legislature Bought a Large Tract of Land and created the Headwaters Forest Park... The park protecting a stand of Old Growth Redwoods near Fortuna, California. It is a pretty park with a paved trail that is popular with people that have wheeled vehicles like bicycles, wheelchairs, skateboards and baby buggies. The hike from the parking lot to the Giant Redwood Trees is about five miles and simply too far for most people to walk but it's easy for people on wheels.

Another technique used to stop the logging was Scientific Ecology Studies that concluded that the Spotted Owl was losing it's habitat and it was in danger of going extinct. See Illustration below...

Two members of the Ecology Group Earth First! were bombed by the FBI in Oakland. There was a Trial and the FBI agreed to award the Survivor a large cash settlement but denied doing anything wrong. Judi Beri died and  Darryl Cherney Survived. He has retired from Activism but still performs as the leader of a musical group. They sing satire protest songs...

Interesting Movie: Who Bombed Judi Bari?
Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were falsely arrested for car-bombing themselves on May 24, 1990 while on an Earth First! musical organizing tour for Redwood Summer. They sued the FBI for violations of the First Amendment, claiming the FBI knew they were innocent but arrested them to try to silence them. Having survived the bomb but now stricken by cancer, Judi Bari, a leader of the movement to save California's old growth redwoods, gives her on-camera, deathbed testimony about the attempt on her life and her colorful organizing history with the radical environmental movement Earth First.


Who Bombed Judi Bari? is an American historical documentary about an assassination attempt on the life of Judi Bari, an American environmental and labor activist, which occurred on May 24, 1990.[1]
While driving through Oakland, California on their way to a benefit concert for the Redwood Summer campaign to save California's coast redwood trees, Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were injured when a pipe bomb detonated under the driver's seat of their car.[2] Bari, who was driving, was critically injured. Oakland police and the FBI approached the explosion as a terrorist incident, arrested Bari and Cherney, and tried to prove that they were transporting their own explosive device which accidentally detonated. The two were never charged with a crime. In 2002 they won a lawsuit and were awarded $4.4 million for civil rights violations by the FBI and Oakland Police Department.[3] The authorities allegedly did not investigate any other suspects.[1] Discovery during the lawsuit revealed crime scene photos that clearly showed the bomb was located under Bari's seat, not in the back seat as investigators had alleged.[1]
In 2012, a federal judge ordered the FBI not to destroy another pipe bomb that had only partially detonated at a lumber mill about a week before the car bombing, which investigators agreed had been built by the same bomber. Attorney for Darryl Cherney, Ben Rosenfeld, had requested that an outside lab perform DNA testing on the Cloverdale bomb, which the FBI claimed it had never performed, a request which the judge upheld.[4]

Full Text of a Newspaper Article I wrote for The Humboldt State University Lumberjack Newspaper about a Tree Sit in Freshwater, California
Link to the Headwaters Forest Coloring Book.
Photographs and Description of events at the Dedication Ceremony of the Mill Creek Park with the Save the Redwoods League.
Photographs of a Hike in the Headwaters Forest.
Photographs of Clearcut Logging in Arcata, California on Fickle Hill Road up in the mountains behind town...

Photo of a Clearcut a couple of years later. Once You Cut Down the Redwood Trees, It's Sunny and the Pampas Grass Thrives... Greenwood Heights, CA Near Arcata
Photo of a Clearcut a couple of years later. Once You Cut Down the Redwood Trees, It's Sunny and the Pampas Grass Thrives... Greenwood Heights, CA Near Arcata

****** (~);-} ******

A Newspaper Article: American History: Junk Bonds and Redwood Trees in Humboldt County

Milken's Unpardonable Redwood Felonies - 
Some crimes cannot be forgiven. There's Harvey Weinstein's sexual assaults, the Sackler family's (alleged) opioid proliferation and, for Humboldt County, Michael Milken's junk bonds.

So when President Trump pardoned "Junk Bond King" Milken for his criminal offenses last week, the message to Humboldt was clear: No matter how many ancient forests you plunder, it's an admirable undertaking — as long as it makes money.

Milken's felonious financing was a primary cause for Maxxam's massive clearcutting of big redwoods in the 1980s. Maxxam used Milken's junk bonds to leverage a hostile takeover of Pacific Lumber Co. But junk bonds have huge interest rates because they're deemed risky investments and the exhausting interest on those takeover bonds was repaid with the hard currency of ancient trees.

When Milken started using investment bank Drexel Burnham Lambert to create the financial underpinnings for forest destruction, Humboldt was already reeling from nearly a decade of Enviro v. Logger politics. The attitude toward forests was tearing apart the social fabric of Humboldt County at the time. It was a one-industry economy, logging, and it was tanking. Jobs were scarce. The community grew polarized. The factions got violent. It got bloody. Entire watersheds were denuded.

Enviromentalists were in fist fights with loggers in Eureka's streets. The timber industry, backed by Humboldt State University and the Times-Standard, was promoting giant clearcuts. In the name of "silviculture," clearcuts were followed by dropping napalm for controlled burns after logging, then helicopters spraying the components of Agent Orange – 2,4,5-T (until it was banned) and 2,4-D. The herbicides' aim was to kill all wide-leaved vegetation before it could compete with the next softwood cash crop.

Humboldt's reality in the early 1980s sounds like the plot to a horror film or perhaps, an insufferable documentary. But that wasn't bad enough. No, Michael Milken's junk bonds entered the scene and made it much, much worse.

Until Milken premiered his rapacious financing scheme in Humboldt, junk bonds had been a finance mechanism of last resort. His criminal actions changed the industry to parlay those bonds into huge investment opportunities and enormous profits. Through the investment firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, Milken's junk bonds were specifically channeled by the newly formed Maxxam corporation to Pacific Lumber's 1985-1986 takeover. Until then, Pacific Lumber was a family-run business that cut and milled redwoods in relative sustainability.

As a result of Milken's maneuvering, vast swaths of ancient trees were clearcut in order to pay off debt. To service junk bonds' enormous interest rate, Maxxam immediately doubled or tripled (depending on which data to believe) Pacific Lumber's previous rate of cutting down ancient forests. For those of you who can translate, that was 285 million board feet a year to pay off $900 million in debt, with much of that in Milken's junk bonds.

Repaying the enormous interest rates on Milken's junk bonds led to the devastating of entire watersheds. Ancient redwoods, once cut and milled, could wholesale for $100,000. And that, according to the former chief executive officer of Maxxam, Charles Hurwitz, was the reason behind Pacific Lumber's acquisition.

After Maxxam started paying off Milken's junk bonds with ancient forests, tree-sitters moved in to offer redwoods their personal protection. Julia Butterfly Hill was the most well known but forests were secretly scattered with dozens like her. Conflict escalated with the deaths of forests activists like Judi Bari (car bomb) and David Gypsy Chain (felled tree).

"It led to many years of timber wars," Sharon Duggan, the Environmental Protection and Resource Center's attorney during that time, said in retrospect.

While "wars" is military glib, those facing down a phalanx of Milken-financed Maxxam D9 Caterpillars could understandably describe it as one.

The "wars" only lasted a few years before the trees, and their profitability, were plundered and Humboldt reeled. The rapacious harvesting left Humboldt's economy a wreck. Maxxam was facing bankruptcy. Milken and his ilk started being picked off by prosecutors for violations of all sorts of financials laws enforced, at the time, by the federal government. Humboldt's tree-sitters wobbled back to earth.

It was 1990 when Milken pleaded guilty to six felonies. That was on the heels of the federal government's 1988 takeover of Maxxam, at a cost of $1.6 billion. (A resulting deal created the Headwaters Forest Reserve.) To round off the failures surrounding Milken, illegal activities forced Drexel Burnham Lambert, Milken's junk bond bank, into bankruptcy in 1990.

Milken suffered just a little for the criminal behavior. Trump's pardon last week wasn't necessary to get him out of prison — he's been out for a long time. He only served two years of a 10-year sentence for his criminal activities surrounding junk bonds. He is still a wheeler-dealer, hosting international conferences for capitalists. He's the kind of man who networks openly at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. His net worth was $3.8 billion as of the day of his pardon, according to Forbes.

When the White House announced Milken's pardon, it defended him as "one of America's greatest financiers. [He] pioneered the use of high-yield bonds in corporate finance. His innovative work greatly expanded access to capital for emerging companies."

J.A. Savage witnessed forest destruction as USFS Six Rivers post-clearcut crewmember, a forest firefighter and an Los Angeles Times stringer. She prefers she/her pronouns.

Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

The Stock Market Crash of 2008 was George W Bush's FAILURE... But Obama Rescued the USA in Less Than Two Months after Taking Office... FACT...

Just Like if Bush was Driving a Car at 100 Miles Per Hour Towards a Cliff, and Suddenly a NEW DRIVER Slams on the Brakes... It Takes Time to Stop The Car... In This Case, 42 Days... and Miraculously, Obama Saved the USA from Global Economic Collapse... Thank You, President Obama!

MEME - American Idiot George Bush The Son - gvan42
American Idiot, George Bush The Son
MEME - Bush's Baked Family - gvan42

MEME - Bush and Mission Accomplished - TOTAL FAILURE - gvan42
Bush and Mission Accomplished Sign = TOTAL FAILURE

Looking at the table below of total returns for the S&P 500 during presidencies since 1929, it is clear that U.S. stock returns have been much better when a Democrat was the president...

Democrats have been better for the stock market
Since 1945, the average annual gain under a Democratic president is 9.7%. Under a Republican president, it's only been 6.7%, according to Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ.

A striking feature of the U.S. stock market is that it persistently does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones. 

Anybody out there read Cyrillic script? I found this inscription in a book that my mother had, but I struggle with reading printed Russian, let alone handwriting.

 The writer's name is M. Kolosova (that much I was able to figure out), but the rest of the Russian is Greek to me 🙂. Can someone out there help? Thanks in advance!

Trump is Causing Global Economic Collapse... If We Survive This, Remember The Crash of 2020 when You Vote in November. This DID NOT HAPPEN with Ebola or SARS... What's Different? Obama was President then... Now we Have the #BillionDollarLoser

CDC WARNING about Coronavirus: For Safety's Sake... DO NOT ATTEND LARGE PUBLIC GATHERINGS Like Trump Rallies... Lollapalooza... Bonnaroo... Anti-Trump Protest Marches Encircling the White House Demanding Resignation... Football Games, Basketball Games, CHURCH... JUST DON'T GO!
MEME Stock Market Crash of 2020 - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
MEME - Mike Pence is an Idiot - gvan42
Mikey Recommends Prayer to Cure the Coronavirus... Just Because Prayer Has always FAILED in the Past is NO REASON to Lose Your FAITH in MAGIC!

The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus" Poster
by gregvan

MEME - The Stock Market Crash of 2008  George W Bush's FAILURE - gvan42
The Stock Market Crash of 2008
 George W Bush's FAILURE

CDC Coronavirus WARNING: Do Not Attend Mass Gatherings. - MEME - gvan42
Coronavirus: For Safety's Sake...

Trump is a Pathetic Joke... Everyone Laughs at His Statements... "Rake the Forests of California to Prevent Forest Fires." Like the One He Said Happened in PLEASURE, CA... No Such Town... He was Standing in PARADISE, CA... OOPS, Brain Fart!

Parade in Arcata, CA - gvan42

Gavin Newsom is doing a Great Job fighting the Coronavirus... Trump IMPORTED Infected People to Travis Air Force Base and Then... SOMEHOW... a Person Got it in Vacaville ( ten miles away)... and they Moved her to Sacramento... I LIVE IN Sacramento and DO NOT THINK TRUMP'S BONEHEAD ACTIONS ARE FUNNY. Gavin and Jennifer for President 2024.

Patriots: Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide! --- When He CAUSES Global Economic Collapse, You Won't Be Having Fun Either!

Trump is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER WITH TRUMP.



Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law #MAGAKillers MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Really! I'm Not Making This UP!
Trump Signed the 
"Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law" 
H.J.Res 40

MEME - gvan42 - GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. PROTEST Gregory Vanderlaan
GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. Reject The Boogaloo...

Pete trumps Rush

As one might expect, Rush Limbaugh is no supporter of gay Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. He has attacked him on air saying, “America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage.” 

Similarly he’s said, “OK, how’s this going to look? Thirty-seven-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage, next to Mr. Man, Donald Trump.”

Let’s examine this. Limbaugh is a man who has been spewing invective for decades, been married four times with three divorces, and been arrested for prescription drug charges though eventually dismissed through rehab.

Then there’s Trump. He’s been divorced twice, had six corporations go bankrupt, had over another dozen Trump-named businesses fail, and brags about how he’s able to grope women.

So we have a less than moral talk show host criticizing a gay man for kissing his spouse on stage who also asks how would this look happening next to Trump, our equally immoral president?

Given a moral compass, I think an impartial voter would conclude that Buttigieg stands far above both men. And if Buttigieg does get the nomination, we may get to learn if there’s any truth in what Limbaugh thinks at all.

Sherman Schapiro, Eureka

****** (~);-} ******

‘Donald O.J. Trump’

Senate Republicans openly admit
To Traitor Trump’s obvious guilt.
But no witnesses, no documents,
And no real trial was allowed?
No profiles in courage amongst
This cowardly conservative crowd!
Except for Utah’s Mitt Romney and
Alabama Democrat Doug Jones.
Trump’s half of the U.S. Senate
Might as well quit and go home.
Blue Tidal Wave on the way in Nov.
GOP goes home return to sender!
No coincidence that Donald Trump,
Jeffrey Epstein’s partner in crime,
Hired Epstein’s defense attorneys
Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr
To spin, obfuscate and lie, lie, lie!
Even if Pres. Orange Julius Caesar
Got in a white Ford Bronco
With Al Cowlings & fled the cops
Headed straight towards Mexico,
The GOP-controlled U.S. Senate
Would simply refuse to convict.
Donald Trump’s gloves did not fit,
So Senate jurors must acquit?
Where have I heard this all before?
Anyone else remember 1994?
Then O.J. Simpson’s trial in 1995?
Forever hereafter he’ll be known as
Putin’s puppet Donald O.J. Trump
The guiltiest unjailed criminal alive!

Jake Pickering, Arcata