CDC WARNING about Coronavirus: For Safety's Sake... DO NOT ATTEND LARGE PUBLIC GATHERINGS Like Trump Rallies... Lollapalooza... Bonnaroo... Anti-Trump Protest Marches Encircling the White House Demanding Resignation... Football Games, Basketball Games, CHURCH... JUST DON'T GO!
Trump is a Pathetic Joke... Everyone Laughs at His Statements... "Rake the Forests of California to Prevent Forest Fires." Like the One He Said Happened in PLEASURE, CA... No Such Town... He was Standing in PARADISE, CA... OOPS, Brain Fart!
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Mikey Recommends Prayer to Cure the Coronavirus... Just Because Prayer Has always FAILED in the Past is NO REASON to Lose Your FAITH in MAGIC!
The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER! ![]() "Art in the Time of Coronavirus" Poster by gregvan
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Coronavirus: For Safety's Sake... DO NOT ATTEND LARGE PUBLIC GATHERINGS |
Trump is a Pathetic Joke... Everyone Laughs at His Statements... "Rake the Forests of California to Prevent Forest Fires." Like the One He Said Happened in PLEASURE, CA... No Such Town... He was Standing in PARADISE, CA... OOPS, Brain Fart!
Gavin Newsom is doing a Great Job fighting the Coronavirus... Trump IMPORTED Infected People to Travis Air Force Base and Then... SOMEHOW... a Person Got it in Vacaville ( ten miles away)... and they Moved her to Sacramento... I LIVE IN Sacramento and DO NOT THINK TRUMP'S BONEHEAD ACTIONS ARE FUNNY. Gavin and Jennifer for President 2024.
Patriots: Help Us BEAT tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide! --- When He CAUSES Global Economic Collapse, You Won't Be Having Fun Either!
Trump is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER WITH TRUMP.
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Really! I'm Not Making This UP! Trump Signed the "Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law" H.J.Res 40 |
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GO to the White House and Blow a Real Whistle. Reject The Boogaloo... |
Pete trumps Rush
As one might expect, Rush Limbaugh is no supporter of gay Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. He has attacked him on air saying, “America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage.”
Similarly he’s said, “OK, how’s this going to look? Thirty-seven-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage, next to Mr. Man, Donald Trump.”
Let’s examine this. Limbaugh is a man who has been spewing invective for decades, been married four times with three divorces, and been arrested for prescription drug charges though eventually dismissed through rehab.
Then there’s Trump. He’s been divorced twice, had six corporations go bankrupt, had over another dozen Trump-named businesses fail, and brags about how he’s able to grope women.
So we have a less than moral talk show host criticizing a gay man for kissing his spouse on stage who also asks how would this look happening next to Trump, our equally immoral president?
Given a moral compass, I think an impartial voter would conclude that Buttigieg stands far above both men. And if Buttigieg does get the nomination, we may get to learn if there’s any truth in what Limbaugh thinks at all.
Sherman Schapiro, Eureka
****** (~);-} ******
‘Donald O.J. Trump’
Senate Republicans openly admit
To Traitor Trump’s obvious guilt.
But no witnesses, no documents,
And no real trial was allowed?
No profiles in courage amongst
This cowardly conservative crowd!
Except for Utah’s Mitt Romney and
Alabama Democrat Doug Jones.
Trump’s half of the U.S. Senate
Might as well quit and go home.
Blue Tidal Wave on the way in Nov.
GOP goes home return to sender!
No coincidence that Donald Trump,
Jeffrey Epstein’s partner in crime,
Hired Epstein’s defense attorneys
Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr
To spin, obfuscate and lie, lie, lie!
Even if Pres. Orange Julius Caesar
Got in a white Ford Bronco
With Al Cowlings & fled the cops
Headed straight towards Mexico,
The GOP-controlled U.S. Senate
Would simply refuse to convict.
Donald Trump’s gloves did not fit,
So Senate jurors must acquit?
Where have I heard this all before?
Anyone else remember 1994?
Then O.J. Simpson’s trial in 1995?
Forever hereafter he’ll be known as
Putin’s puppet Donald O.J. Trump
The guiltiest unjailed criminal alive!
Jake Pickering, Arcata