Trump and the Republicrimes FAIL TO REUNITE MIGRANT CHILDREN. Problem they caused still unsolved...

Hundreds of migrant children remain in custody.

At the expiration of a court deadline to reunite migrant families separated during its "zero tolerance" border crackdown, the Trump administration said Thursday that it has delivered 1,442 children to parents detained in immigration custody, and is on track to return all of those deemed eligible for reunification.

Secretary of Interior Zinke is Opposed to Protecting Land and in Favor of Corporate Profits. He Reduced the size of National Monuments in order to Enable Logging, Oil Drilling and Mining.

Secretary Zinke decided the Department of Interior should do away with a policy called “compensatory mitigation.” It was introduced to act as a give and take between extraction industries and environmentalists by asking companies to offset damage in one spot by funding conservation in another. For example, if a company wanted to expand its operation on public lands in one area where unavoidable damage to a stream was likely, the company might back a wetland restoration project in another area. 

Zinke's announcement came just a few days after the Trump administration said it wants to overhaul the Endangered Species Act (primarily to make it easier for companies to work in protected habitats), and environmentalists saw this as another move to hack away at protections in favor of industry. 

EPA (Enable Polluters Agency) tries to Change Fuel Efficiency Standards to allow More Pollution, More Profits for Corporations.

Opposing California, New EPA Head Calls for Single U.S. Fuel Efficiency Standard. 

In General, California has stricter standards and car makers comply to California Requirements instead of designing two different styles of cars, one for California and One for the other states. 

Vote Democratic and Throw OUT the Senile Old Men... Ditch Mitch... Trump and the Republicrimes may Cause Global Economic Collapse and the End of Civilization... Trade War is Bad For Everyone.

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Or Print it out and Use it as Toilet Paper.

Trump plans to Drill for Oil in Alaskan Wilderness Endangering Animals, People. EPA encourages Corporations to Pollute Water and Air. Interior shrinks National Monuments to allow Mining, Logging and Oil Drilling.

Unmistakable Trend, Up with Corporations, Down with People... AND WHY NOT? Corporations donate vast quantity of money to Trump and Republican Campaigns... and they are getting an EXCELLENT RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Corruption is Worse Than Ever... Swamp Creatures Thrive...

Vote Democratic and Throw OUT Trump's Swamp Creatures...

Quality of life declines under Republicrime rule... Still no Construction on Infrastructure... Wages decline, Costs Increase... Tax Cut for the Rich Law FAILS to help Middle Class and Poor People.

Americans all across the USA are Waking Up. It's all part of the Global Dump Trump Movement. Did you notice that we are moving towards a Monarchy with Czar Donald the First leading the way?
Yes, the Republican Party has become pathological. But why?
We’re not going to fix American democracy until we can explain why the GOP went crazy.

One reason Trump Loves Putin and Everything Russian is that he Owes Them The Election. They Teamed up to Defeat Hillary. Without Putin Helping, Trump would have lost.

Great Book: "1984" by George Orwell. Very Important Novel because so much has Come True. Endless War, DoubleSpeak, Government Surveillance, GroupThink, Thought Police.

With Trump stating that what we see and read is not what is really happening... Only "Our Glorious Leader" can state what is real...

We already have "Endless War" in Afghanistan... 

SmartPhones, Facebook and Google keep people under surveillance... Big Brother is Watching... 

Trump's Campaign Rallies are the classic Group Hate...

Rachel Maddow shows how the White House transcript and video of the Trump Putin press conference in Helsinki has been edited to remove the question asking Putin if he wanted Trump to win the election, part of a broader campaign of information warfare the Trump administration is waging with Russia against the American people.

"Just remember, what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening," President Trump said... Like "1984" by George Orwell a backwards world novel...

President Donald Trump has an Orwellian warning for his supporters as crises batter his White House three-and-a-half months before the midterm elections: Don't believe your eyes.
As the risks of his trade war become apparent in key electoral battlegrounds, his low-yield summits with the leaders of Russia and North Korea are lampooned and the Russia investigation threatens, the President is trying to do what he does best -- bend political reality.

1984, is a dystopian novel published in 1949 by English author George Orwell.[2][3] The novel is set in the year 1984 when most of the world population have become victims of perpetual waromnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation.

Trump's Trade War CAUSES Economic Disaster for American Farmers... Now he wants to pay 12 BILLION Dollars in Welfare to the Harmed Farmers... "Bonehead Economics"

Republican Senators: Trump’s Farmer ‘Welfare’ Won’t Work...
GOP senators are furious about the Trump administration’s plan to give $12 billion to farmers hurt by Trump’s own trade war.

Republicans and DJ Trump CAUSED the migrant children to be separated from their parents and then LOST in Secret Prison Camps... Vote Democrat... Republicans are EVIL...

Republicans are EVIL.

Great Book: Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever. by Rick Wilson 

In Everything Trump Touches Dies, political campaign strategist and commentator Rick Wilson brings his darkly funny humor and biting analysis to the absurdity of American politics in the age of Trump. Wilson mercilessly exposes the damage Trump has done to the country, to the Republican Party he served for decades, and to the conservative movement that has abandoned its principles for the worst President in American history.

No left-winger, Wilson is a lifelong conservative who delivers his withering critique of Trump from the right. A leader of the Never Trump movement, he warns his own party of the political catastrophe that leaves everyone involved with Trump with reputations destroyed and lives in tatters.

Great Book: "Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself" by Amanda Marcotte 

In Troll Nation, journalist Amanda Marcotte outlines how Trump was the inevitable result of American conservatism’s degradation into an ideology of blind resentment. For years now, the purpose of right wing media, particularly Fox News, has not been to argue for traditional conservative ideals, such as small government or even family values, so much as to stoke bitterness and paranoia in its audience. Traditionalist white people have lost control over the culture, and they know it, and the only option they feel they have left is to rage at a broad swath of supposed enemies ― journalists, activists, feminists, city dwellers, college professors ― that they blame for stealing “their” country from them. 

Conservative pundits, politicians, and activists have abandoned any hope of winning the argument through reasoned discourse, and instead have adopted a series of bad faith claims, conspiracy theories, and culture war hysterics. Decades of these antics created a conservative voting base that was ready to elect a mindless bully like Donald Trump.

Great Book: "Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America" - KKK to Charlottesville - The Turner Diaries - WACO, Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City Bombing.

The white power movement in America wants a revolution. Its soldiers are not lone wolves but highly organized cadres motivated by a coherent and deeply troubling worldview made up of white supremacy, virulent anticommunism, and apocalyptic faith. In Bring the War Home, Kathleen Belew gives us the history of a movement that consolidated in the 1970s and 1980s around a potent sense of betrayal in the Vietnam War and made tragic headlines in Waco and Ruby Ridge and with the Oklahoma City bombing and is resurgent under President Trump.

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