Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Great Book: "1984" by George Orwell. Very Important Novel because so much has Come True. Endless War, DoubleSpeak, Government Surveillance, GroupThink, Thought Police.

With Trump stating that what we see and read is not what is really happening... Only "Our Glorious Leader" can state what is real...

We already have "Endless War" in Afghanistan... 

SmartPhones, Facebook and Google keep people under surveillance... Big Brother is Watching... 

Trump's Campaign Rallies are the classic Group Hate...

Rachel Maddow shows how the White House transcript and video of the Trump Putin press conference in Helsinki has been edited to remove the question asking Putin if he wanted Trump to win the election, part of a broader campaign of information warfare the Trump administration is waging with Russia against the American people.

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