Showing posts with label crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crisis. Show all posts

WALL STREET REJECTS tRUMP. "He's Just Too Damn Stupid." - and That's Why There Are So Few TV Advertisements For Trump... NO ONE IS DONATING MONEY TO THE CAMPAIGN and tRUMP Has No Money of His Own...

Headline: Dow closes 375 points lower as Trump calls end to fiscal stimulus talks...

Trump's Pale Fail - He Announced - No Stimulus Check For You - and Then The Stock Market Crashed
Trump's Pale Fail
He Announced - No Stimulus Check For You 
and Then The Stock Market Crashed

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

The Stock Market Had an Awful September.

So... The Possibility of Republicans Doing Anything To Help The American People Is Ended... 

tRUMP CAUSED Massive Unemployment and Business Bankruptcies... Now... We The People are In DEEP Trouble... Starvation, Eviction, Violet Overgrow... 

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Charles Koch was responsible for Flint Michigan Water Crisis. It's cheaper to let people drink from the poisoned river... Great Book: Democracy in Chains" by Nancy Maclean

According to Nancy Maclean's Book, "Democracy in Chains" Charles Koch selected to change the source of drinking water in Flint to the river... sadly the river is heavily polluted and people got sick from drinking it. However, it was cheaper than the previous source and so it cost the corporation less money to provide.

"What happened in Flint was not a natural disaster. Nor a case of government incompetence. What happened there was directly attributable to the prodding of the Mackinac Center, one of the first Koch funded - and in this case Koch -staffed -state level "think and do" tanks that now exist in all fifty states and are affiliated with the State Policy Network (SPN), also Koch-concocted, to coordinate efforts to prevent state governments from responding to the demands of the "takers." - page 214


"[A] remarkably important book...this book is a superb contribution to our understanding of the rise of libertarian notions and right-wing political power in the US. If you wonder how the Supreme Court came to define speech as money or corporations as people, this volume will help you to figure it out...The melting ice caps, if nothing else, stand as testament to the folly of listening mainly to the rich and powerful."Bill McKibben, The Times Literary Supplement

Whose Idea Was It to Switch the Water?

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, elected in 2011 and a former CEO of a computer company with little governing experience, had tapped several “emergency financial managers” across the state in cities that had no money, including Flint.
As a way to save money, one of the managers in 2014 chose to switch Flint’s water from Detroit’s source of Lake Huron to the Flint River. To ensure that this switch would not poison people and forever change the lives of thousands of children, a system to sanitize the water would need to be in place. It was not. The “emergency managers” appointed by Governor Snyder made the switch anyway, opening spigots of poisonous water across the city like some alternate plot in a Batman movie. In this version, however, the villains are not masked lunatics and dark-alley criminals, but those in charge of managing a city.
The switch was supposed to save $1 million. If trading the health and safety of children to save money seems like a deal with the devil, it’s pretty close.
The infamous Koch brothers are not the only family that has used its gargantuan fortune to impact policy for the worse. In Michigan, another family has been throwing its money around to support an ideological agenda that led to the Flint water crisis.

OIL on the WATER - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42

Bubble UP Economics - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42

Repeal and Replace tRUMP'S Tax Cut for the Rich Law. It's Bankrupting America. Tax Cuts for the 99% would Stimulate Our Economy. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WOULD WORK

If the Majority of people paid less taxes, we would spend that Extra Money at American Businesses... Increasing Profits for the Stockholders, Creating Jobs, Cutting Unemployment Payments, Cutting Welfare Payments... Everybody Wins.

It's Called BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS and a Proven Success.

See? There IS a Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... 

What IS Bubble UP! Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and that Money will Bubble UP! Throughout all levels of Society!

Everyone Who gets a Raise will spend the extra money at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those Businesses will have to Hire More People to Handle the Extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. 

People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children or Other Living Things... Farmers will sell More Food. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. 

Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP! Economics would reverse that trend... With a Rising Tide, Every Boat Floats! 

With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... Everybody WINS!

"Some People" say that Businesses will have to let people go if they have to pay $15/hour. OBVIOUSLY FALSE. Businesses have ALREADY let everyone go that they possibly can. What! You think there are EXTRA Employees Sitting Around Doing Nothing? ABSURD!

Satire MEME - Fight for the Cure - COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME is an epidemic - Joke - silly- fake disease - OR IS IT?
Are You an OUT Of Control GREED FREAK? Get Help NOW!

So, Who Could Possibly be Opposed to all the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady or People that save thousands of newspapers until their house is a maze of paths thru stacks of papers that they never read. People with CHOMS want more, more, more money even though they cannot possibly spend what they already have. Think about it, Once someone owns five mansions, what is the motivation to buy a SIXTH Mansion?  OH! That's right, it's a disease! COMPULSIVE HOARDING, of Money! However, We can Help these people... If you meet them, have a talk, explain that doing evil for money is not the best way to live life. Simple Conversations Can Have an Effect. Repetitive Conversations... It May Take Many, Many, Many Explanations because PEER Pressure is REAL... Currently, people with CHOMS are surrounded by Other Greed Freaks... Encouraging Evil Behavior as a Sick Game. I remember that Michael Milkin and Ivan Boesky competed to see who could win the most money on the stock market and they used DOLLARS AS A WAY TO KEEP SCORE. Then they went to prison... Well, Maybe we could talk to CHOMS Victims before they Get Arrested. And if not, maybe we can expose them in the press or online and help them by PUTTING THEM IN JAIL.  

For Example: The CEO of Dow Chemical makes a Pesticide (sulfoxaflor) that is Killing BEES. The EPA just ruled that they can continue to sell the pesticide if they just put a warning label on the side of the barrel... BUT BEES CAN'T READ! It is possible to GOOGLE Dow Chemical and find out Who the CEO is and Where He Lives... Maybe a person could get a Job as a Waiter at the Catering Company that serves his Mansion... Maybe they could ask him to stop Killing Bees? Tell Him: NO BEES, NO FOOD. MASS STARVATION... and even You Can't Eat Money...

BUT... There is Hope for the Future! Hey, If Katy Perry and Taylor Swift can bury the Hatchet and become friends, then anything is Possible. Maybe the 1% and the 99% Could stop fighting... Lions laying down with Lambs... It's All Possible... All you need is LOVE, La, la la la lah... 

WAKE UP! It's Fun, It's FREE and Everybody's Doing IT!
Ask Yourself, Is this Statement TRUE? 
Are they Telling Me This In Order to USE ME?

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Why not Learn How to Do a FACT CHECK on Google? 
Go to and type in the words 
FACT CHECK and the Statement you are Questioning... 
Press Enter and READ The Results! 

OR... Continue to Be a Gullible Fool...

Free Coloring Book Art. Find MORE at Google Image Search using the Words: "gvan42 Coloring Book" - Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Friends... <--- Click Here

Creepy Eye Wall Dark Side of the Moon Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
That Creepy Masonic Eye from the Back of the Dollar Bill - and Pink Floyd's Wall - Dark Side of the Moon Prism
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

People That Have Had The Psychedelic Experience Are, In General, Nice. It’s The “Straights” That Are Destroying the World…

OVERPOPULATION Is THE Major Problem Today. It Causes Traffic Jams, High Food Prices, High Housing Prices, Plagues and Global Warming.

Thankfully, Mother Nature is Inventing New Diseases To Reduce Overpopulation. tRUMP's Coronavirus Is Just The First of Many Plagues to Come...

I Believe the Needs of The Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few or the Stockholders. 

I Question the Validity of the Entire Profession of Medicine. People are Living Longer, Thanks to the "Wonders" of Modern Medicine. A Classic Example of the Needs of the ONE Outweighing the Needs of the Many. Old People are Refusing to Die and We Consume Housing, Food, Air, Drinking Water, Plastic, Computers and Electricity. 

The Polluting Actions of ONE Billion People Did NOT Cause Global Warming. HOWEVER, When that Same Actions are Done by SEVEN Billion People... The Temperature Goes UP!

Recommended Action: Make Birth Control and Abortion FREE and LEGAL All Over the World. Did You Notice that in Catholic Countries Like Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras the QUALITY OF LIFE is so bad that they are Walking North to the USA to Escape Their FAILED CULTURE... Really! I'm Not Making This UP!

Border Wall USA Mexico Overpopulation Problems - gvan42
Massive Overpopulation in Mexico where Birth Control is Prohibited by the Catholic Church. 

I Do Not Remember the 1973 Oil Crisis... I didn't own a car... On TV History Shows They Report That There was a Major Problem in the USA with Long Lines at Gas Stations.

You could only buy gas on odd dates or even dates depending on the last digit of your license plate... I rode my Bicycle in Chico, California at the College... I Totally Missed this Event.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and then there were 106 comments
on my Facebook Group about 
Growing Up in Los Gatos...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ 

The Conclusion was The "Oil Crisis" Was Fake. 
Designed to Increase Prices and Profits.
Many People Spoke With Insider Knowledge.
Like, Their Dad Owned a Gas Station... 
Classic Example of #Runaway Corporate Greed.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ 

I remember it well -- I'm a tad older than you, Gregory Laan! I recall one occasion specifically; the gas station across from my workplace allowed us to park our car in the line, which was visible out the window of my office, and retrieve it once fueled up. On one particular occasion, I was informed the "line ended at the car just ahead of me." Ouch! Locking gas caps became popular during the "gas shortage."

In 1973 I was the most junior person in the small electronics company I worked at (Apple), so was sent to sit in line to fill the gas tanks for more senior people. ...paid the same, I suppose.

The trick was to have two cars in the household. One with even, one with odd! I’m not sure what the answer was for all letter vanity plates.

My folks had gas stations...I used to sew the red, yellow and green flags to hang our front. Red was no gas, yellow I think was emergency only and green was open for the odd or even plate for the day. Lines were outrageous.

We had a truck with commercial license plates so we could go on any day! Then we would go home and siphon gas to the other cars.

Gregory Laan: I DO Remember the 1979 Gas Crisis... I was Living in Maryland and the GIANT BOATS that deliver gasoline were just parked in the Chesapeake Bay... waiting for no reason to unload in Baltimore... a Totally Contrived Crisis... there was plenty of gas, they just were not unloading it...

 I was working at Lark Avenue carwash and you could get gas either day if you bought a carwash. Record breaking days.

My friend and I were in San Francisco for an AMD Christmas party, and I realized I was low on gas, my plate was wrong number, so we ran out of gas on 101 somewhere past Eastside San Jose, we were hitchhiking in our disco dresses at like 3:30am and got picked up by CHP who took us to next exit and dropped us at Jack in the box. We hitched a ride from there

They implemented odd and even license plates to get gas. I had to get up at O dark thirty and take my parent's cars and wait in those damn lines. It was all a sham to enrich oil executives. Never was a shortage. I remarked that they let the oil companies get away with it, everything goes up. For example a box of cereal was .50 cents. Now the same box is about five dollars.

My Dad's Chevron was on the odd-even system. He always maintained that there was never really a gas shortage. He was never low on gas and continued to receive regular deliveries. The rationing was mandated by Chevron/Standard Oil corporate.

Just a Pretty Mandala by gvan42

Headline: Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response. The United States has never been less prepared for a pandemic. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command...

including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion.

Headline: Under Trump, America is less prepared for a coronavirus outbreak.
The Trump administration is chronically inept at, and seemingly uninterested in, any type of long-term planning, given the numerous positions in government that remain vacant as well as the constant rotation of key cabinet positions and the ad hoc decisions made on the basis of a conversation or Fox News clip.

Headline: Worried about Coronavirus? Tell Trump to reverse cuts to critical US agencies. As we scramble to contain Coronavirus and similar diseases in the future, it will become clear that cuts made over the last three years by the Trump administration and proposed reductions in health care funding will seriously hamper basic efforts to battle public health emergencies.

Trump’s flailing incompetence makes coronavirus even scarier. America’s pandemic response capabilities have been systematically dismantled.
Trump is the CEO of Corruption R US - MEME gvan42
Trump is the CEO of Corruption "R" US 

Believing Lies is Not a Great Way To Live - MEME -gvan42
Believing Lies is Not a Great Way To Live

Low Coffee Prices CAUSE Farmers to Leave Central America and Walk to Texas... or Switch Crops to Cocaine... Yet, NO PRICE Discount to Consumers... Just The Rich Owners of Corporations Benefit...

The low prices have led to coffee growers abandoning their farms in Guatemala while Colombian farmers turned to coca, which is processed into cocaine.

The lowest international coffee prices in a decade are leading many despairing farmers in Central and South America to abandon their farms, fueling fears of an industry crisis. “The volatility is destroying livelihoods,” said John Steel, chief executive of Cafédirect, one of the UK’s first coffee roasters to offer producers Fair Trade pricing which counts Peruvian coffee co-operatives as among its main suppliers. Mr Steel added that farmers were joining migration caravans while elsewhere younger generations were opting out of coffee production in many countries. “If you’re a parent and making a living from coffee, seeing the way [low prices] are impacting the market, it’s not what you want for [your children],” he said. 

The REASON we have a DEBT CRISIS is That Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law Has FAILED to Collect as much Money as the Government Spends. Promises Made, Promises Broken.

HEADLINE: Mnuchin warns US could hit debt ceiling in early September.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is warning that the United States could run out of money in early September unless Congress votes to raise the debt ceiling before leaving for the August recess.

FREE MEME - More #DumpTrump pictures at Have Fun! Thanks for Sharing - Gregory Vanderlaan

HEADLINE: Mnuchin, Pelosi Keep Communications Going on Debt Ceiling Deal.

President Donald Trump on Friday said he thinks negotiations to lift U.S. borrowing authority were in “good shape,” despite Pelosi having rejected a White House demand for $150 billion in spending cuts.

We Need Immigrants to Do the Jobs Americans Refuse. We Need Care Givers to Work at Old Folks Homes. We Simply Did Not Have Enough Children to Take Care of the Aging Baby Boomers. We Need Servants... Maids, Gardeners, Carpenters, Farm Workers, Drivers and...

...There are NOT ENOUGH Young People. In the USA, Japan and Europe there is a NEED and That's WHY we have so much Immigration. Everyone moves to where the Jobs are. When I was a Child, we had Braceros that came from Mexico to harvest the crops. California's central valley grows a vast quantity of America's food. I remember that at "Sun Valley Farms" (the flower growers) they all of a sudden had to check green cards for Illegal Aliens. Sun Valley is currently having difficulty finding people to do the work. Young White people take a job and then quit because the work is back breaking labor... and Other employers (like Taco Bell) have better conditions. 

John Carlos Frey book: "Sand and Blood" is about the history of building the wall during the Clinton Presidency. Douglas Hunter (Congressman from San Diego) was a big proponent of Building the Wall. Construction the Wall near Tijuana caused increase of deaths in the desert East of San Diego... Hunter's Brother felt guilty about his action and now places gallons of water in the desert in order to save lives of people walking across the Desert.

Carmalita Torres is the "Rosa Parks" of Mexican Immigration. She Walked across the border every day to work as a maid in Texas. Then the Border Guards started mandatory DE-LOUSING. People were stripped naked and washed with kerosene. EVERY DAY. Carmalita Refused and started a Protest that Closed the Border for a Day. The final effect was that people no longer lived in Mexico and worked in the USA. NOW, once they get over the border, they stay permanently... and their children are Born in the USA... Just like Bruce Springsteen... and are Automatically Citizens. 

John Carlos's Mother was arrested and deported because she did not have her Green Card on her when she was stopped by The Border Patrol. The next day, her husband went to the Tijuana Jail with the Green Card and she was released. All this happened while her young children were watching. "Bad Man Taking Mommy Away." It was a traumatic experience for a child to witness his mother being Kidnapped.

Corporations are making a vast profit housing children in Concentration Camps near the border. $750.00 a Day per child... The Businessmen want more immigrants so they can make more profit. John (the former White House Chief of Staff) is now on the Board of Directors of a Florida Concentration Camp. 

FREE COLORING BOOK ; The Usa Needs Immigrants to DO the Jobs Americans Refuse to DO! by Greg Vanderlaan
 The USA Needs Immigrants
to DO the Jobs Americans Refuse to DO!

Mom's Clean Air Force... A Citizens Group Dedicated to Closing Coal Fired Power Plants and Fighting Air Pollution in Every Way. End Fracking... Please Share This Information with Trump Supporters... Their Children BREATHE! and Trump is In Favor of Coal and Rolling Back Automobile Emission Standards... Increasing Air Pollution...
Moms Clean Air Force is a community of moms and dads united against air pollution – including the urgent crisis of our changing climate – to protect our children’s health. We arm members with reliable information and solutions through online resources, articles, action tools and on-the-ground events... a special project of Environmental Defense Fund.
The 1948 Donora smog was a historic air inversion that resulted in a wall of smog that killed 20 people and caused respiratory problems for 6,000 people of the 14,000 population of Donora, Pennsylvania,[2] a mill town on the Monongahela River 24 miles (39 km) southeast of Pittsburgh. The event is commemorated by the Donora Smog Museum.

An Air Inversion Traps Pollution in a Bubble... Killing People... Like the London Fog that Killed 12,000 People... Remember, The Entire Earth is a Bubble... When we Burn Coal and Gas and Oil the Air Pollution STAYS HERE until Rain washes the smog out of the sky and INTO THE CREEKS...
TELL CONGRESS: SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE TRUMP EPA POISONING OUR BABIES’ BRAINS. Trump’s EPA — under the leadership of acting head, Andrew Wheeler — has hit its lowest, most cynical level in its radical agenda to destroy protections against pollution.

EPA has launched a process to sabotage and ultimately destroy our Mercury and Air Toxics Standards. These are protections that keep a terrible poison from harming our babies' brains. This is a terrifying development because of what it means for our health. It’s also terrifying because it shows that Trump's EPA will stop at nothing to protect polluter profits.

This is an outrage — urge your representatives to speak out against EPA's attack on the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.

ANOTHER Corrupt Republican: Election Fraud in North Carolina... Mark Harris requests election board to hold a new vote... ahhh... That's Sweet... What About JAIL TIME?

The irony is pretty rich. For years, and with ever-increasing intensity, Republicans have claimed with virtually no evidence that our democracy is menaced by election fraud. It has been their all-purpose excuse for voter suppression tactics, their rationalization for election defeats, and a central element of a Big Conspiracy Theory alleging that Democrats want open borders so they can drown good white taxpaying citizens in a sea of illegal voting by immigrants and other minorities seeking to give themselves welfare benefits.

Asked about N.C. ballot scandal, Trump condemns all voting fraud, especially by Democrats... Cites IMAGINARY CRISIS in California... Ignores Proven Republican Fraud in North Carolina...

Great Book: "Noncompliant: A Lone Whistleblower Exposes the Giants of Wall Street" by Carmen Segarra
A first-hand account of the oversight of the big banks in the wake of the financial crisis, from the Federal Reserve examiner who refused to be silenced

In 2011, Carmen Segarra took a job as at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York supervising for Goldman Sachs. It was an opportunity, she believed, to monitor the big bank's behavior in order to avoid another financial crisis.

Segarra was shocked to discover, however, the full extent of the relationship between Goldman and the Fed. She began making secret recordings that later became the basis of a This American Life episode that exposed the Fed's ineffectiveness in holding banks accountable.

In Noncompliant, Segarra chronicles her experience blowing open the doors on the relationship between the big banks and the government bodies set up to regulate them.

As we mark the tenth anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, Noncompliant shows us how little has changed, and offers an urgent call for real reforms.

What if Trump declares himself "Glorious Leader" and stays in the White House as CZAR? Do elections count anymore? He got fewer votes than Hillary in 2016.
Trump’s Final Days: One day, whether next year, or in 2021, or in 2025, he’ll be asked to leave the White House. What if he won’t go?

What if, after having moved into the White House and gotten comfortable, Donald Trump refuses to check out when his term ends?

Preposterous, you say. No president, not even Trump, would dare to defy 200-plus years of political tradition—not to mention the Constitution—to illegally overstay. But how sure can we be that our norm-busting president won’t attempt to shatter this inviolable standard, too? He and his lawyers have already advanced the specious legal idea that the chief executive can’t be charged with obstruction of justice, thereby placing him above the law. Who’s to say that Trump’s legal advisers might construct some pretext—a national security crisis or charges of election fraud—that would place him above the Constitution and cement his place in the Oval Office?

What if Putin Likes Wants him to remain... as a obedient servant?

WHY? NO Actual Jail Time for any of the Wall Street Banksters that Decimated the World's Economy in 2008... Costing US Taxpayers $623 Billion Dollars...

When poor people engage in such activity, we call it looting. But for the princes of American capital and their lieutenants at the Fed and the Treasury, this was pure crisis management.

Today, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson and Timothy Geithner insist they did what they had to under conditions of extreme duress. Mistakes were made, the government’s former top financial overseers acknowledge in a recent piece for The New York Times, but they did ultimately “prevent the collapse of the financial system and avoid another Great Depression.”

Except they didn’t really rescue the banking system. They transformed it into an unaccountable criminal syndicate. In the years since the crash, the biggest Wall Street banks have been caught laundering drug money, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran and Cuba, bribing foreign government officials, making illegal campaign contributions to a state regulator and manipulating the market for U.S. government debt. Citibank, JPMorgan, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and UBS even pleaded guilty to felonies for manipulating currency markets.

Not a single human being has served a day in jail for any of it.
Opinion | What We Need to Fight the Next Financial Crisis...
We do not call lightly for revolution. Insurrection is traumatic. It requires great sacrifice. And if there were any other way to avert USA’s coming catastrophe, it would be a moral obligation to advocate it.

However, as American denizens, we are justifiably afraid for our nation and our neighbors. The president is a traitor: weak, fearful, illegitimate. Now our government cannot be trusted to protect us from foreign invasion, deep state coup, military defeat or internal disunion. Supreme Court appointees dream of granting unprecedented presidential powers and immunity from criminal prosecution, forever perverting the checks and balances of our democracy. The putinphillic’s every deed and tweet is totally inconsistent with a just regard for our innate natural rights, the doctrine of popular sovereignty, the Declaration of American Independence and the spirit of the Constitution of the United States. Under these conditions, revolution is not only justified. It is our collective duty.

And yet, since the inauguration all conventional attempts to dislodge the enemy within have failed. On the contrary, it has shown itself to be teflon when attacked directly.
Goldman would get in big trouble for its dodging. In a five-billion-dollar settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, nine years later, it confessed that it knew about the problems with toxic mortgage products, avoided them itself, and sold them to investors anyway. “If they only knew . . .” Goldman’s head of due diligence had written to a colleague in 2006. And yet none of the firm’s senior leaders went to prison for malfeasance, and neither did any of the complicit chiefs of Wall Street’s other biggest banks.

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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics