Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Please Pirate these Images - Bernie Sanders for President Drawing. ...and... a HOW TO Animation Designed to Cause a Trance - Useful For Washing Your Own Brain!

Hand lettered Bernie Sanders Sign - gvan42 - gregory vanderlaan
Supplies are Unlimited... Make Yours Today!

Then, Use Your Altered State to
Start Post Hypnotic Trance Now
Give Yourself Instructions For a Better LIFE!
"Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life" 
San Francisco Digger Commune Quote
He Got His Wish.
I Was There, Then and Now I'm Here, Now!

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Consider THIS!
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JJ Jim Johnson Said: 
I believe we’ve all been lied to our entire lives.
Everything from politics to mass media, even the education system 
are all a projection of the top 1% of the elites, the way they want the world to be. It’s time for us to dig deep, to wake up, to question everything that doesn’t seem like it should be, and then to realize that we’re pretty much living in the matrix, the matrix of what the 1% want the world to be.  
There’s so many of us and so few of them, why can’t we stop this? Why are we powerless to change it? Why do we have to change it? This is what we elected our politicians to do and in fact they’ve done exactly the opposite, they have catered to the 1%.
Maybe it’s time we figure out how to stop.

Read "The Four Agreements" by don Miguel Ruiz... One of the Things he teaches is that EVERYTHING we have been taught is designed to help the people doing the teaching. Adults, Priests, The Government, Banks... all of them train children with concepts that benefit them... not you... FOR EXAMPLE: God wants you to donate 10% of Your Money to the Church... Who does THAT Benefit? The Priests... who live a WORK FREE LIFE!

OK... Here is a Plan... Psychedelic Regrooving of the 1%... What IF... The CEO of Dow Chemical Took a Cannabis Cookie Trip? Would he still want to Make Napalm and Agent Orange for a Living? NOT LIKELY...

and JJ Stated that Would Not Work... In His Opinion!

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Another Long Facebook Post by JJ JIM Johnson:
My favorite Representative and Staff. 
 Is a lie not a lie until it's told to a judge, jury or FBI?
Is spinning a lie. What the hell is a “mistruth”! 
Misunderstandings happen and are excusable. Repeated misunderstanding indicates either gross incompetence or lies irrespective of personal beliefs or the beliefs of your constituents.
When do all these lies become impeachable offenses?
What exactly is the example and precedence here?
Spin and Lie until you get your way?  Sit and spin? (that was a joke)
In a world and internet full of fake news, opinion, lies and disparaging remarks, it’s just too hard to find the truth anymore. Humans are basically flawed. We lie, cheat, steal, kill, and countless other basic flaws in our mental ability to do the right thing. This is why there are laws. Because of the basic human inability to be honest, be basically, trustworthy and good, we find that lying is really acceptable collateral damage, if it’s for the greater good, or to get something good done or to beat the opposition and win at all costs (like it is a cutthroat business situation)
But really, if any of us lied and spun as much as congress we'd be fired or in jail by now. Maybe that's where some of your peers should be.  How can we ever trust our elected officials with so much lying going on? But when it’s a government official, a judge, a lawyer, it’s not negotiating if you’re lying. 
But how can I tell if you’re lying to get your way? I can’t. Which is why it’s so important to be able to trust you without reservation. And that’s why I am writing this letter. 
My question to you… I’ve told the truth, defended you to my republican friends countless times. Each time I told them, “look at the facts”, look at who is lying, who is telling the truth before you make a decision. They still don’t agree with me, but they admitted who was not being truthful. 
I feel strongly that the time for the government’s habitual lying is over. 
My friends won’t lie to me. My enemies may. But I hold my Congress to a higher standard than most other people. A lie from a congressman, a governor, a president, a mayor, is never acceptable and should never be tolerated by anyone. 
I propose a bill that requires the truth. One that describes knowingly and repeatedly spreading of “untruths”, lies, misconceptions, deceptions, spinning and twisting of facts intended to be lies, be considered lies and be acted upon as such, through legal means and as a potential reason for recall and or impeachment or any other remedy and cause removal from office.
What do you think?  Hard to enforce. Maybe and Independent, non partisan panel that refers to a justice for reference and decision? Something that has enough teeth to put the fear of truth in a liars heart.

I think it was Corey Lewandowsky that said there is NO REASON to tell the Truth on TV NEWS... Only tell the truth when Under Oath...

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Here's my script. I'll be offline for a while making calls to the Republican Senators listed below... 
My name is Sharon Carpenter and I am an American citizen and very proud of my country. I am absolutely convinced Donald J. Trump deliberately incited insurrection against our government and attempted to bring it down over a narcissistic need to win at any cost. Now is the time to buck up, be brave, and vote your conscience.
Thank You
It's easy! Call a number, read YOUR script, hang up and go to the next number. S/B able to finish in half an hour. Isn't our country worth it?Anybody up for phone calls? List of 20 Republican Senators who possibly indicated they would CONVICT Donald Trump.  #ConvictTrump
Get to work! 
1. Mitch McConnell,  202-224-2541
2. Lisa Murkowski,  202-224-6665
3. Susan Collins, 202-224-2523
4. Mitt Romney, 202-224-5251
5. Pat Toomey, 202-224-4254
6. Ben Sasse, 202-224-4224
7. Rob Portman, 202-224-3353
8. Roy Blunt, 202-224-5721
9. Todd Young, 202-224-5623
10. Shelley Moore Capito, 202-224-6472
11. Richard Burr, 202-224-3154
12. Mike Lee, 202-224-5444
13. Jerry Moran, 202-224-6521
14. Mike Rounds, 202-224-5842
15. Bill Cassidy, 202-224-5824
16. Thom Tillis, 202-224-6342
17. Chuck Grassley, 202-224-3744
18. Joni Ernst, 202-224-3254
19. Tom Cotton, 202-224-2353
20. John Thune, 202-224-2321

The GQP's New Theme Song! LUNATIC FRINGE!

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Here is a reply to my Facebook Post: "Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended the USA. NOT EVEN ONCE. It's All Marketing for the Military Industrial Complex.

Pete Simon Said: 
please excuse the length; I've been thinking a lot about this today. .... When you look at the tri-lateral alliance that formed in 1945 between the United States, Western Europe and Japan, to “preserve order and peace”, thet statement about our military industrial complex being useless is wrong in one sense, and spot-on in another. The show of force up until the end of the Soviet Union was necessary to contain Soviet expansionism. Or so the argument goes. --- Where that argument falls down is outside the immediate theater of containment in Africa and South America, where the “cold war” was very hot, where the rules of engagement and public awareness domestically was wanting --- including a lack of knowledge in our mainstream “peace” movement, which turned its back on people struggling for independence against colonialism and apartheid across Southern Africa. .. The geopolitical realities of that were too uncomfortable for some of us to confront, i.e. the alliance between apartheid South Africa and Israel (culminating on September 22, 1979 with a joint nuclear bomb test conducted on Prince Edward Island off the coast of South Africa by the Israeli and South African governments).
… And therein lies the crux of the complexity of all of this. As far as U.S. activity, our military industrial complex is mostly for show; an expensive one. But a lot of the money spent is never seen because it goes to client states around the world (see: The Kissinger Doctrine) to preserve an undemocratic order (Iran under the Shah, Apartheid South Africa through third party Israel, the right wing military coup thuggery in Brazil, the police state atmosphere on Taiwan, and right wing death squads across Latin America).
… So don’t say our military industrial complex “wasted money”. It was spent in hidden ways that are quite effective to keep order in a brutal world. Every once in awhile there is a rupture in that order (see Iran, 1979). Probably the most miraculous event of our lifetime in a humanitarian sense was how a bloodbath was avoided in South Africa, made possible by the temperament of just two people: Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela. They filled a leadership vacuum in a country that was ready to explode after decades of legalized racist dogma. .. Kudos to those two men, and kudos to, of all people, Fidel Castro.
… Fidel outlived the Soviet Union as our country’s number one boogeyman. He lived up to that distinction by playing a key role in unraveling the Apartheid South African military in a fateful 1988 battle in southern Angola during that country’s 25 year civil war. In the late 1980s the Soviet Union, which had supported Angola’s MPLA government, fell into rapid decline and was negotiating with the United States for an end to their “evil empire”. The United States supported MPLA foe Jonas Savimbi and his UNITA army, also backed by Apartheid South African troops. U.S. support for the Apartheid South African military consisted of monetary and military assistance, but that support waned as tensions with Moscow subsided. It left South African military leaders with long-running concerns over their own border security to make one last push into Southern Angola, to destroy not only MPLA bases but any support they could find for ANC training camps and related activities.
… MPLA troops were holding a key high ground position at Cuito Cuanavale in Southern Angola, near the home base of Jonas Savimbi. It was a strategic as well as psychological plum for both sides during the war. South African and UNITA forces moved on the MPLA post and were close to taking it, when Fidel Castro ordered an airlift of forty thousand of his troops to the action. It enabled the MPLA to thwart the advances by South African and UNITA forces. Without additional support from Washington, South African forces withdrew from Angola and neighboring Namibia. That action resulted in South Africa granting independence to Namibia in the process. Negotiations began with an imprisoned Nelson Mandela for his release. It was the beginning of the end for Apartheid.
… For decades, the United States spoke against Apartheid, but did nothing to curtail corporate investment in the country. Perhaps the most shocking development of the “cold war” was our lack of action when Castro sent his troops to that pivotal battle at Cuito Cuanavale. Over the years, our most hawkish military and Congressional leaders were most outspoken over Castro’s adventurism across Latin America and Africa. But they sat back and watched events from Angola and said nothing, because the bigger prize of Soviet destruction was at hand. In the end the MPLA held on to power in Luanda, poorly with endless corruption fueled by their oil economy. The irony for the United States: after all the upset over the MPLA and future control of oil resources,

and Then I Said:
GV: Thanks for the reply... "There was a NEED to defend the USA on 9/11/2001 but the Military Failed Completely... Civilians took down the airplane in Pennsylvania... What IF WE CUT THE PENTAGON BUDGET IN HALF AND REFUNDED THE MONEY TO THE TAXPAYERS?"

Pete Simon
Can we simply cut the military budget to make the world a better place? Not when this country depends so heavily on natural resources from Africa and other parts of the world. The first thing you learn at Navy boot camp is: .. a strong Navy keeps vital shipping lanes open around the world to keep natural resources and commerce coming our way. .. But a lot of money for defense could be redirected to build stability and peaceful solutions abroad. ... Imagine a wing at the Pentagon devoted to Peace and International Development. There would be a whole lot of people signing up for that who would normally shy away from anything inside of that building. ... I just wrote the following to another Facebook friend today who posted something about JFK and RFK. >>>>>>>>>>>> When JFK was taken out, this country lost all hope of leaving Vietnam (before 1964) and having a new Department of Peace started at the Pentagon -- one that would have placed an enhanced Peace Corp on equal footing with the other branches of military service (perhaps having the Navy Seabees Construction Battalion as a template organization for the new Peace and Development Department). It would have given millions of young men and women like me a place to truly fit in, to serve our country with true meaning abroad in the name of peace, development, and constructive dialogue with people in emerging nations -- to win over young nationalistic leaders in a friendly way, instead of painting them as our adversaries, which is what the Dulles Brothers cabal did in places all around the world. ---- This would have been a logical step for people like me, raised in Methodist Sunday School at a young age during the 1950s and early 60s, when I was taught about emerging independent African nations, aspiring to be free. ....
You must ask yourself why our education system never taught us the difference between Pan Africanism and Communism; about the great transition Jomo Kenyatta went through in the 1950s while leading the Mau Mau movement in Kenya against British colonialism. He started his effort as a staunch Communist, until he was wined and dined in Moscow in 1955, where he ran smack dab into the Russian brand of racism. He returned from his visit a very changed man who picked up the Pan Africanist theme like other emerging African leaders around the continent. When Kenya became an independent country in 1964, Kenyatta steered the country into the pro-western orbit in the British Commonwealth of Nations.
We were never taught about Kenyatta and this crucial piece of history because it runs counter to what the Dulles Brothers cabal wanted uninformed people in this country to believe about liberation movements sweeping the African continent. JFK was the ONLY President who was bold enough to speak on behalf of those new forces on the African continent and challenged the power elite in this country to wake up and “smell the coffee”. He did it during his debates with Richard Nixon in 1960 and he did it by starting the Peace Corp, a dream that was only partly realized. If only JFK had lived.
National defense spending for the southern hemisphere would have been well spent if efforts to build new nations had persisted, instead of allowing indifference, explosives, or covert operations to rule our policies. The boys from Langley were able to slap labels like "subversive" and "Communist insurgent" on people like they did not like, like Nkrumah and Lumumba. With JFK gone, that type of intolerance stuck. As a result, people died and lives were ruined, when different approaches would have kept everyone happy. alive and well.

Frank Carlucci had a long career with the State Department and C.I.A. including his work in The Congo and Angola in the early 60s, Brazil (during the military coup in 1964), ambassador to Portugal following the 1974 "Revolution of the Carnations" which ended the 48 year old fascist dictatorship and the colonial occupation of 3 African colonies --- and then as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan.

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and here are some MEMES I Made for the 2016 Presidential Election: I Refused to Vote That Time Because Both Trump and Clinton were Bad Quality... I Campaigned Against Them Online and In Favor Of Bernie Sanders... Sadly, Hillary Stole the Nomination Using "Superdelegates" - People That were NOT Selected by The Voters... 

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Type Your Answer in The Comments Section Below!

Satire Memes about the 2016 Election - I Did Not Like Hillary or Trump and so I Did Not Vote at All... gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan


Photos: "Wish You Were Here" - Graffiti Joke at the Mad River Bridge. Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes... Abandoned Atomic Power Plant. Take Action to Legalize Cannabis Nationwide!

"Wish you were here" sign vandalism joke on the Mad River Bridge in Arcata, CA
Pink Floyd Joke... 
In Fact, He Got His Wish Because...
I Was There! and Here is The
Photographic Proof! 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics meme by gvan42

Abandoned Atomic Power Plant in Eureka, CA - PG&E Gave Up On NUKES...
Abandoned Atomic Power Plant in Eureka

Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes on Highway 101 near Oregon
Sculpture made of welded shoes

Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes on Highway 101 near Oregon

Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes on Highway 101 near Oregon

CALTRANS at work on Highway 101

Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes on Highway 101 near Oregon

Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes on Highway 101 near Oregon
Sculpture made out of welded shoes. Horses and Carriage. 

Horse Sculptures Made out of Horse Shoes on Highway 101 near Oregon

Beach near the Oregon Border in Northern California on Highway 101

Please Email Your Senators and Say: "Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All The Cannabis Prisoners." End CrazyLaws®

More Money Going Into the Government from VOLUNTARY Taxes, Less Wasted on Law Enforcement and Incarceration. I Wouldn't Pay a Penny because I Don't Smoke... I Sure Am Tired of Paying $40,000 a Year Per Prisoner to Lock 'em UP for WEED...


Let's Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide For Themselves. Obviously Magic Mushrooms Have Therapeutic Effects. No One Benefits from the CrazyLaws® Outlawing Psychedelic Drugs. Why NOT Behave Smart? Repeal and Replace The Laws That Made Psychedelic Drugs Illegal... STAND UP FOR PATIENTS RIGHTS!

Legalize Marijuana meme gvan42

Shared Root Systems Experiment: What if we planted Cannabis in the same dirt as Psilocybin? Would a new life form evolve? Place a Beehive nearby. Biology Project for 3 Units Undergraduate College Credit. Graphs, Charts, Photos, Seeds, Spores and Interviews with Human Test Subjects required. Contact NIDA. Keywords: cannabis, psilocybin, cross breeding, college credit, undergraduate, research, Stanford University, Bebop, Cubist, Goofball, shared root system, biology, evolve, JOKE! It's a Freaking JOKE!

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