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Carlos Castaneda wrote many Great Books about the Brujo Don Juan Mateus, a Yaqui Indian. He taught a different view of the world using medicinal plants and reality-stretching exercises.

The first book is called "The Teachings of Don Juan:  A Yaqui Way of Knowledge". It's a Classic anthropological study of Mexican Indians. Required reading in freshman cultural-anthropology at Chico State in 1973... The people in the book used the teachings to learn how to run thru the desert at full speed it total darkness using power from an "ally" that looked like a moth... Hence the images of men running... and Moths.  They were also able to travel instantly from one place to another... 
Often in these books, Carlos and Juan do things that are absolutely impossible... If you believe the traditional view of reality... However, the first set 
on the path of knowledge is to "question reality".

The book "Tales of Power" has many images in it that I used to make this animation... Like "finding your hands while dreaming": a way to take control of your dreams and use them to learn. 

Carlos Castaneda wrote of "seeing" people as luminous eggs... with bolts of power connecting their midsections to the world around them.
I'm re-reading all those books again... a worthwhile use of my time... The Teachings of Don Juan starts the series... A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, The Eagle's Gift, Tales of Power and The Second Ring of Power... These books document a cultural anthropologist 's study of Mexican Indians, psychedelics and Toltec Warriors.  The first book is about psylocibin, datura and peyote experiences but the author quickly outgrows these and embarks on a magical journey learning the ancient arts of "stalking" and "dreaming".
A complementary author is Don Miguel Ruiz... The Four Agreements... They work well together.

and I remember doing a POWER WALK after a Grateful Dead Concert... I took ONE STEP and Grocked Everything there was to know about That Location... and then I took Another Step... and Grocked THAT Location... and Many Silly Deadheads Mocked Me For Walking SO FAST! "Watch Out Everybody! This Guy is Speeding TOO FAST! Danger Danger!" and I walked that way 
all the way to my car in the parking lot...

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Great Book: "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, a Toltec Brujo from Mexico. (Doctor/Priest/Teacher.)

1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don't take anything personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.

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(1999 Ken Kesey / Merry Pranksters documentary)

Inca Sun God - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

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