A Simple Solution to Funding Social Security Retirement Forever. Massive INCREASE of Immigration by People From Mexico, Central America, The Philippines and The Caribbean. Hire them and Collect SS Taxes. I Know Many Immigrants That Are Delighted to Work Here in the USA AND PAY SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES...

I Live at an Old Folks Home and the Care Givers, Gardeners and Handymen are all From Jamaica, Haiti, The Philippines or are Hispanic... Of Course, When These People Come Here, They Bring Their Failed Culture,  Failed Beliefs, Failed Religion, Failed Economic Systems and Everything Else They Are Fleeing... It's NO SURPRISE that the Countries They Are Escaping From are in Fact, Sh*tHoles... Yes, It's True... They Simply Need To Be Educated to OUR WAY OF LIFE... Taught How To Behave Like Real Americans... EASY! Step One: Learn English!
My Home in California... Vineyards... Near Sacramento. - gvan42
My Home in California... Vineyards... Near Sacramento

TAX THE RICH. CUT TAXES ON EVERYONE ELSE. We ought to Repeal and Replace Trump's "Tax Cut for the Rich Law" - At the Very Least, The Rich Ought To Be Arrested for Income Tax Evasion... Just Like You and I Are... #France1789

Let's CUT Taxes on 99% of Americans and Increase Taxes on the Top 1% - It's Not Complicated. 

Tax the Rich cut taxes on everyone else - free coloring book by gvan42 - make as many copies as you like - give em to friends
Tax the Rich cut taxes on everyone else -
free coloring book ART by gvan42 -
make as many copies as you like -
give 'em to friends

and Now... The DOJ is investigating the REPORTER that Told the Truth... WHY NOT FIX THE ACTUAL PROBLEM? The Super Rich are Cheating on Their Taxes... Mainly by Bribing Lawmakers to Pass LOOPHOLE LAWS That Make it Legal to Avoid Paying Their Fair Share...  

If we simply Taxed the Rich like we Do The Middle Class... We Could Afford Wonderful Things... Like Free College, Medicare For All, a Clean Environment... https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax

Tax the Rich meme for Sharing on Facebook - your story - by gvan42
Tax the Rich meme for
Sharing on Facebook - your story

Tax the Rich cut taxes on everyone else - free coloring book by gvan42 - make as many copies as you like - give em to friends

GOP = Greed Over People

Everyone knows that the Trillion Dollar a Year giveaway to the 1% leaves the Federal Government without Money to Pay for Basic Services...


Racism is Accurate... I Remember when I Lived in Suburban Washington DC During the 1980s... I Lived about 5 Miles from South East DC, The Murder Capital of the USA... but then It Lost That Honor to East Palo Alto... Both Black Neighborhoods... "Just Coincidence?" Then I Moved to Live in Chico, Ca (Mostly White) and Eureka, CA (Mostly White) and the Quality of Life is Better... No Gunshots in the Middle of the Night... THAT'S REALITY...

ALL My Music Videos:


Link to My Psychedelic Art Webstore: https://www.zazzle.com/store/gregvan #TrumpHasFailed and NO Pile of LIES Can Cover Up REALITY... 180,000 Dead Americans from Coronavirus SO FAR! - Massive Unemployment - Endless Business Bankruptcies - Riots in the Streets - Police Murdering Unarmed Black Men - #Vote4Joe End The Madness! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/08/trumphasfailed-and-no-pile-of-lies-can.html

Do You Really Want Another Four Years of FAILURE? #Vote4Joe

How to Prevent Your Own Brainwashing… UNPLUG From the Mind Control TV Networks… 


I went to Humboldt State University. I RECOMMEND IT To All Californians... First of all, You May take out Student Loans and Live WORK FREE for Four Years... FAFSA - The Loans paid enough to Pay rent and Tuition and Food and Gas for my little white truck... ZERO EMPLOYMENT - FREEDOM FROM WAGE SLAVERY

and Then I was Instantly Hired at a Government Job Working for the County of Humboldt.  At The Highest Rate of Pay I Ever Earned. I Put my Student Loans on Automatic Pay from my Paychecks and Was All Paid Off in Six Years... Yep... I Got a Clean Safe Job working in the Welfare Department Determining IF People Should be Paid Welfare, Food Stamps and Medical Benefits... 

Of Course, This Entire System Depends on Graduating in a Practical Major... I Studied Computer Information Systems and There is Plenty of Work for US... I Made Sure that I Didn't Smoke any Marijuana because Doing Homework and Attending Class is Impossible While Stoned.


~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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