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#TrumpHasFailed and NO Pile of LIES Can Cover Up REALITY... 202,000 Dead Americans from tRUMP'S Coronavirus SO FAR! - Massive Unemployment - Endless Business Bankruptcies - Riots in the Streets - Police Murdering Unarmed Black Men - #Vote4Joe End The Madness!

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In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts! Another Trump Failed Meme - gvan42 - Like and Share Worldwide!
In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts! Another Trump Failed Meme - gvan42 - Like and Share Worldwide!

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TrumpWorld's Reality is not so great. While drug overdose deaths did dip from a record high from 2017 (when Trump Was President) to 2018, preliminary federal data shows overdose deaths increased in 2019, and local and state data suggests that 2020 will be even worse due to problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the continued spread of fentanyl, a dangerous synthetic opioid, in illegal drug markets.

In fact, experts broadly agree that Trump and the federal government simply haven’t done anywhere near enough to address the opioid crisis. 

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and Then a Guy on Facebook Said:
An outbreak hit the 2020 Republican National Convention this week as hundreds of attendees 
tested positive for delusion.

While public-health experts have yet to determine the extent of the outbreak, the episodes of attendees exhibiting magical thinking bordering on the hallucinatory appear to be widespread.
Davis Logsdon, who studies delusional epidemics at the University of Minnesota’s School of Medicine, said that multiple R.N.C. participants professed to see things “that are not actually there,” such as a strong economy, a successful coronavirus response, and an immigration policy brimming with kindness.
In another worrying symptom, Logsdon said that attendees who tested positive were unable to see things that were clearly in their line of vision. “One participant on Monday was shouting for more than six minutes despite the presence of a microphone inches away from her,” he said.
While scientists tried to get their arms around the extent of the outbreak, containing the spread of delusion at the R.N.C. will be “challenging,” Logsdon warned.
“The most successful treatment for delusion is facts, and these patients have built up an immunity to those over the course of many years,” he said.

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It’s gotten to where we need two countries. One demo and the other rep.
After this year, I see that reps are corrupt cults that support racism, classism, ignoring morality, willing to lie cheat forge fuck and steal.
The dems aren’t perfect. But holy shit, did you see the insanity of the rep convention.

The electoral college was implemented for a reason, and the primary reason was because it was impossible to collect the votes in real time. So they had this selected, excuse me, party selected delegates that would bring the collective vote to DC. Even to this day those delegates are not actually required to pass the vote on as they collect is it, they could in fact, say that they vote for someone else.
That is not a good system.
Today the electoral college is good if you’re a Republican. Vote by mail is good if you’re a Democrat. But if you look at things like individual peoples votes counting for something, the electoral college disregards that.

Oh for gods sake. Founding fathers didn’t even want to allow non-property owners to vote. That meant that regular every day people could not vote, only the wealthier people with large plots of land had the right to vote. Of course that’s not the way it ended up but, hold off putting them in this high revered position for a minute.
Many had slaves of their own.
They ignored women. They didn’t put any safe guards in place for corruption and subsequent leaders did not either. They did a decent job but they weren’t perfect or even right all the time.

The founding fathers, not black fathers, not the founding mothers.

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Here's the Republican party's call to arms:
"The democrats will kill you in you houses, they will raise your taxes...."
wait a minute, if you're already dead, do taxes matter?
back to it...

"they will take your guns. use that tax money to fill the swamp, Joe Biden is the Loch Ness monster of the swamp, you're all going to die and the best is yet to come, trump is like rocket fuel, they want to destroy this country, goodbye manufacturing jobs they want to steal your liberty, crime violence mob rule, the American way is being dismantled, call 911 and get a busy signal, it's like horror film, don't let them step on you, they will destroy your families, your lives, they'll disarm you empty the prisons, lock you in your home and let MS13 live next door, no matter where you live your family will not be safe, don't let them kill future generations because they told you and brainwashed you and fed you lies that you were not good enough, and while they're doing all this, they're trying to take away your guns. The best... is yet.... to come!"
"the dems have never built anything in their lives",
I hate to say it but if this is actually the way the republicans feel, we're going to have to pass laws that every democrat must be armed with bazookas, rocket launchers, ARs, mines, laser guided cruise missiles, rat poison and covid infected American flags because we're going to have to kill them all. Fucking ZOMBIES. Who would have guessed that the real zombie apocalypse was the republican party!

Seriously, these are excerpts from the speakers at the republican convention. What is wrong with them, what is wrong with America, sounds like republicans have become the real danger in America.
Let's vote them out and never let them back in. destroy the republican party by voting democratic, take the senate, the house and implement new laws regarding candidate vetting to ensure that immoral, corrupt, insane people cannot run for office, run corporations or pretend to lead.

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