Interesting Documentary TV Show: "The Observed Life" about Technology and how it changes our brains... Let the Computer Remember Your Life For You...

What IF You Never Had to Think for Yourself?
Don't Be Concerned About Having an Opinion of Your Own...
Big Brother Will Tell You What to Believe... Just Go Shopping...
Watch Trailer...
The Programmer of the ME.mory APP states his opinion as the movie plays... He is Observing and Documenting...
"The Observed Life" is a fascinating documentary that we had the honor to be involved with at 8i, about society's use of technology and how it affects the way we experience and remember our life. Highly recommend the entire piece, but here's an excerpt about how VR can be used to relive memories.

Ezekiel's Wheel visits the South Jetty of Eureka, California... Silly Art Done in WINPLOT and Paint Dot Net... Like, WOW MOM

This is not a REAL UFO Invasion

Interesting Biography TV Show: Teddy Roosevelt exploring The River of Doubt in The Amazon Jungle of Brazil. Makes me wonder Why anyone would do such a thing...
Into the Amazon tells the remarkable story of the journey taken by President Theodore Roosevelt, His Son Kermit and legendary Brazilian explorer Cândido Rondon into the heart of the South American rainforest to chart an unexplored tributary of the Amazon.

Teddy Almost Died from Malaria and an infected wound... oops, He should have stayed home where it's safe. 

History of Trump's Financial Fraud... "Cooking the Books in the Trump Universe" by Nomi Prins... Who will Pay for His Next Bankruptcy? You? ME?,_cooking_the_books_in_the_trump_universe/

The Donald in Wonderland
Down the Financial Rabbit Hole With President Trump
By Nomi Prins

Once upon a time, there was a little-known energy company called Enron. In its 16-year life, it went from being dubbed America’s most innovative company by Fortune Magazine to being the poster child of American corporate deceit. Using a classic recipe for book-cooking, Enron ended up in bankruptcy with jail time for those involved. Its shareholders lost $74 billion in the four years leading up to its bankruptcy in 2001.

A decade ago, the flameout of my former employer, Lehman Brothers, the global financial firm, proved far more devastating, contributing as it did to a series of events that ignited a global financial meltdown. Americans lost an estimated $12.8 trillion in the havoc.

Despite the differing scales of those disasters, there was a common thread: both companies used financial tricks to make themselves appear so much healthier than they actually were. They both faked the numbers, thanks to off-the-books or offshore mechanisms and eluded investigations... until they collapsed.

Now, here’s a question for you as we head for the November midterm elections, sure to be seen as a referendum on the president: Could Donald Trump be a one-man version of either Enron or Lehman Brothers, someone who cooked “the books” until, well, he imploded?

The Trump Foundation Lawsuit: Donald, Eric, Donald Jr and Ivanka accused of Criminal Fraud, Misuse of Charity Funds and Illegal Conduct.
The New York attorney general on Thursday sued President Donald Trump's charitable foundation along with its directors -- the President, his sons Eric and Donald Jr. and daughter Ivanka -- alleging they violated state and federal charities law.

Attorney General Barbara Underwood alleges a pattern of persistent illegal conduct over more than a decade that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign.
"As our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his business to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality," Underwood said.

The attorney general is asking a court to dissolve the Trump Foundation and wants $2.8 million in restitution plus additional penalties.

She seeks to ban Trump from serving as a director of a New York not-for-profit for 10 years and the remaining board members -- Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric Trump -- from serving for one year, or until they receive fiduciary training.

According to the lawsuit, Trump signed a false filing dated October 20, 2016, saying that the foundation held the fundraiser to raise money for veterans organizations.

"This statement was false because, in reality, the Fundraiser was a Trump Campaign event in which the Foundation participated," the suit said.

The lawsuit also says Trump perjured himself when he signed the foundation's incorporation paperwork because of the IRS prohibition of charities participating in political campaigns.

Underwood says Trump wrote a foundation check for $25,000 that was donated to the political committee for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in September 2013. The contribution was not noted on the foundation's federal tax return.

The suit notes the Trump Organization said the donation was "an inadvertent mistake."

Great Book: "The Soul of America: The Battle for our Better Angels" by Jon Meacham:- Rising Above Corruption - Behaving Morally
Our current climate of partisan fury is not new, and in "The Soul of America" Meacham shows us how what Abraham Lincoln called the “better angels of our nature” have repeatedly won the day.

Great Book:"Leadership: In Turbulent Times" by Doris Kearns Goodwin. What we can learn from Great American Presidents. Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson  Biography
In "Leadership", Goodwin draws upon the four presidents she has studied most closely—Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson (in civil rights)—to show how they recognized leadership qualities within themselves and were recognized as leaders by others. By looking back to their first entries into public life, we encounter them at a time when their paths were filled with confusion, fear, and hope.

Even Now when Everyone Agrees that the War In Iraq was Astonishingly Stupid Idea... Candidates are criticized for Protesting Against The War.

It’s 2018 and Candidates Are Still Running Attack Ads Against Iraq War Protesters...
Perhaps it’s time for a new strategy.

Democrat Kyrsten Sinema and Republican Martha McSally, both current members of Congress, are locked in a tight contest in the race to succeed retiring Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake. McSally, who touts the endorsement of President Donald Trump despite refusing to say whether she voted for him, has represented a Tucson-area seat since 2014, and long before that was the first woman ever to fly combat missions as an Air Force fighter pilot. Sinema has grown increasingly conservative since coming to Congress in 2012, but she got her start in Arizona politics as a Green Party spokesperson and vocal anti-war activist.

Republicans #RunAway from Trump and his Flying Monkeys... Peter Kopf of Delaware resigns from GOP Leadership...
Top Republican in Delaware resigns from party, blasts GOP Senate nominee. Peter Kopf, who has served in the state party's executive committee since last year, explained his decision to resign in a letter to his fellow members last week that was obtained by the news site.

“Mr. Arlett lacks the character and integrity needed to lead our Ticket and receive my support,” wrote Kopf, according to The News Journal.

What if Trump declares himself "Glorious Leader" and stays in the White House as CZAR? Do elections count anymore? He got fewer votes than Hillary in 2016.
Trump’s Final Days: One day, whether next year, or in 2021, or in 2025, he’ll be asked to leave the White House. What if he won’t go?

What if, after having moved into the White House and gotten comfortable, Donald Trump refuses to check out when his term ends?

Preposterous, you say. No president, not even Trump, would dare to defy 200-plus years of political tradition—not to mention the Constitution—to illegally overstay. But how sure can we be that our norm-busting president won’t attempt to shatter this inviolable standard, too? He and his lawyers have already advanced the specious legal idea that the chief executive can’t be charged with obstruction of justice, thereby placing him above the law. Who’s to say that Trump’s legal advisers might construct some pretext—a national security crisis or charges of election fraud—that would place him above the Constitution and cement his place in the Oval Office?

What if Putin Likes Wants him to remain... as a obedient servant?

Republicans are anti-truth. If Republicans Wanted The Truth About Kavanaugh, They Would Subpoena Mark Judge... Written 9/20/2018... and Sadly, It All Came True...

And Brett Cause a Lot of Damage...
He Is Impeached This Year... 
Click on the Link to Take Action!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Original Post from 4 Years Ago...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
But they don't want truth... they just want this anti-choice whackjob confirmed before the Midterm elections... when We The People throw them out of office...

There’s one person Christine Blasey Ford says was in the room when she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh while they were in high school ― and he appears to publicly back Kavanaugh’s denial that any sexual assault took place.

Yet Republicans are adamant about not calling conservative writer Mark Judge to testify at a hearing set for Monday, resisting Democrats’ demands for additional witnesses, beyond Blasey and Kavanaugh ― even though Judge has backed the Supreme Court nominee’s claim that the accusation is false.

Impeach Kavanaugh

#ImpeachAmyBarrett #ImpeachBrettKavanaugh

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL. I know a Woman that threw herself out of a speeding car and landed on her belly in order to Cause a Miscarriage... Really... At that time, Abortion was Illegal and She Really Didn't want to have that Baby... The GOP IS ANTI-CHOICE.

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Police Murder ANOTHER Unarmed Black Man. "I was confused..." says Amber Guyger, Killer Cop

The shooting of Botham Jean, a black man who was killed by an off-duty police officer in his own home in Dallas earlier this month, has made its way to Texas’s Senate race.

Democrat Beto O’Rourke recently agreed with calls by Jean’s family and some in Dallas’s broader community for Dallas officer Amber Guyger to be fired. “There has to be a full accounting for how young black men continue to be killed in this country without accountability, without justice, without these full investigations, without respecting their civil rights,” O’Rourke said during a Friday campaign rally. “This cannot continue.”

Sen. Ted Cruz had a different response, arguing that people were rushing to judgment on the case and that O’Rourke and other Democrats were “quick to always blame the police officer.”

“It may well be that two lives were destroyed that night,” Cruz said. “That obviously the individual that was at home in his apartment and found himself murdered — that is horrific and a nightmare.”

He added, “She may have been in the wrong and if a jury of her peers believes that she behaved wrongly then she’ll face the consequences. But I don’t think we should jump to conclusions.”

my kids playing at the beach in Ocean City

Great Book: "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" by James W. Loewen

It is possible that the History of the USA is incorrect... Written to Promote an Agenda that Favors the Ruling Class...

This updated and revised edition of the American Book Award-winner and national bestseller revitalizes the truth of America’s history, explores how myths continue to be perpetrated, and includes a new chapter on 9/11 and the Iraq War.

Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller could soon be out of Texas classrooms... Moses gets to stay in.
The Texas Board of Education’s vote to revise its curriculum is raising eyebrows.

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