Showing posts with label fired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fired. Show all posts

A Better Way to Live: DON'T DO EVIL. The NYPD Fired Daniel Pantaleo for Murdering "I Can't Breathe" Eric Garner. It Seems Like a Lot of Bad People are Being Punished these Days.

The Bureau of Prisons Chief, Hugh Hurwitz, that Allowed Jeffrey Epstein to Supposedly "Commit Suicide" got DEMOTED. NOT Fired, Just Demoted to assistant director of department's Reentry Services Division. 

Sure, Daniel Pantaleo Got Away With Murder, but he won't be getting his pension and he will have a difficult time getting a Job... Who would employ him? He is Obviously STUPID and is Likely to cause Disaster Wherever he Works... 

Some "Pigs" Do Get Away With Murder... Like in Sacramento, California two "Porkers" shot Stephon Clark, an Unarmed Black Man in the Back. No Charges Filed against Terrance Mercadal or Jared Robinet... So Murder is Legal in Sacramento, CA... FUN! Say OINK! OINK!

MEME - Free all the Cannabis Prisoners - gvan42

What I say at Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings. My "Share." ---> Hi, I'm Greg and I'm and Alcoholic... and then I say...

I got into AA in the year 2000. I was living in Chico, CA at a Motel after getting fired from my job and getting evicted in San Jose. On New Years Eve, I was drinking heavily and watching VH1 Behind the Music for hours. There seemed to be a standard story... The Band practices for years, has a hit song, becomes Rich and Famous, Starts Drinking and Using Drugs, Some Members Die, others get Clean and Sober... So, I thought, maybe I should stop drinking before I die. I started going to three meetings a day. I ran out of money and had to go live in Bidwell Park. I ate at the Jesus Center Free Meal and rode my bicycle all over town. I sold my Stock that I had bought while working but it took months to actually get paid. Eventually I did get paid just before Winter... and I moved back in to a Cheap Motel. 

I met many interesting people at those meetings. Some had very worthwhile advice. I found that by Listening to the G. O. D. (Group of Drunks) my life became much better. They suggested I move into an apartment that a member of the group had a spare bedroom. They Suggested that I Get a Job at the Factory where a member of the group was supervisor. They suggested that I Take a student loan from FAFSA and go to college, In Arcata, California. They Suggested that I quit smoking Marijuana, do my homework and attend class every time. They Suggested taking a Job after Graduation at the Welfare Office as an Eligibility Worker... So I worked there for 7 years and Paid off my student loan. When my father died, I quit work. He and I had become friends after I sobered UP. One of the reasons I continued working while he was alive was to make him proud of me. I remember one time we were driving around the neighborhood and he pointed at a house and said... "See, I Raised You Boys Right, That Man's Son Became a Merry Prankster." (A reference to Ken Kesey's Band of Merry Pranksters - who promoted the use of LSD Nationwide.) My Father was proud that I had a Good Job Doing Useful Work. We sold his house in San Jose for a Fortune. I was given a Trust Fund because my family was afraid that I would Smoke My Inheritance...   

I retired and had the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do. My "roommate" is self-supporting and she wanted to stay at home, play with her cats, go on the internet, talk on the phone, take photographs etc etc etc. For a decade I have been traveling by myself and taking photographs, then showing them to her when I got home... I was her eyes... That allowed her to go visit events without leaving home. I drove over to Chico and found my friend Mike. We went to the Rainbow Gathering in Utah. We had a wonderful time. I met a woman who was selling Self Help Seminars on the Internet. I Bought Admission for $5.00 a Week for a year. By that time I had learned Everything She Had to Teach. 

I spent the next couple of years traveling and publishing my photographs on a Blog. I wanted to provide Driving Directions to interesting places and events so people could go visit... and if they couldn't go visit (because they lived in Australia or something) they could see what I saw online. 

When the State of Oregon Legalized Recreational Marijuana I drove North 112 Miles and Bought some. I spent the next 8 months stoned 100% of the time. I used my Crazy Mind to write Absurdist Fiction... It was very popular on the internet and My Blog started to have 1,000 visitors a day... I believed that the increase in traffic was because I was doing interesting art and fiction... What I have come to realize is that My Success was mostly because I had FOOLED THE GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE to display my webpage for almost any search term. GOOGLE NOTICED MY TRICK AND CHANGED THE ALGORITHM. It is true that I thought up the idea while stoned... Marijuana DID allow me to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. and fool myself into believing that my fiction writing was wonderful. 

In Alcoholics Anonymous There are Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Tradition TEN states that AA has no opinion on "Outside Issues." For Example: AA has no opinion about Smoking Marijuana. That's an "Outside Issue." I have attended countless meetings while stoned. HOWEVER, I Personally May Have an Opinion, and I Personally Can USE the Twelve Steps to Quit Smoking Tobacco, Marijuana and Sugar.... 

That's all for now... Thanks for Listening.   

I learned a LOT by Listening to my G.O.D. Group Of Drunks. 

VOTERS REJECT TRUMP. Democrats gain +40 House Seats +7 Governors -2 Senate Seats = +45 IT'S A BLUE WAVE... Wild Cheering!

In a rare vote of Sanity, People across the USA tell Trump and His Flying Monkeys to GTFO. 

Now there is a Nationwide protest march about the New Attorney General. Obvious Obstruction of Justice... He has JUMPED to a conclusion that Trump did no wrong before knowing the facts...

Thousands Protest To Protect Mueller Investigation After DOJ Shakeup

The demonstrations follow President Donald Trump’s appointment of 
Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general who may seek to end 
the special counsel’s Russia probe.

Corruption? Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is the subject of 14 separate government investigations. Then he Fired Annoying Inspector General
Zinke just fired the Department of the Interior’s acting inspector general.
The news doesn’t stop there. Not only did Mary Kendall, the acting inspector general, not learn she was being replaced until The Hill broke the news this morning, but her replacement will likely be able to fill the role without needing to go through Senate confirmation.

(~);-} and now for something completely different. {-:(~) 

corruption, fired, general, inspector, interior, republican, Zinke, absurdist, fiction, Al-Bundy, 42 shoes, relax, enjoy, (~);-}
Overnight Camping Prohibited Sign Uprooted by Vandals.
No Parking/Camping where Posted...Well, it's Not Posted NOW!
"OMG!" Said Susan, "I'm Talking as if I was Texting! WTF!!!!" - "Relax" said Bob "It's only the lingering effects of your (~);-} training. - "Wow," said Susan "I never heard (~);-} pronounced before... It reminds me of a Story... " and then she told the Tale of "Al-Bundy and the 42 Shoes."

Chapter One: The scene: A Jamaican Resort. While sipping ice cold fruity beverages they surfed the internet... "I see that our bank robbery has caused a global economic collapse." said Bob. "Whatever." said Betty. "Hand me the bong. So What if all the Money has vanished? Our Neighbors here on the Island have been living without Money for Generations... Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of 'Electric Avenue by Ed Grant' - He says he can't afford a single thing they show on TV. What about Saint Francis of Assisi? He got by without a Billion Dollars in the bank... Whatever... And I Mean That In The Most Sincere Way... or something... Hey! I see that the Gotterdammerung Market in Walla-Walla Washington is having a Sale! Let's GO! Half Off Women's Clothes... I wonder which half? Topless or Bottomless? I need some GNU Clothes... Sure, I spend most days in a Bikini Atoll but at Knight it Getz Chili. Please? Pretty Please? You could buy some of that 'Dutch Queen' Cannabis [over 30% THC] and some Cookies... Cookies! Open Sesame Street and Delete some Cookies, restart Browser. " Bob thought for a moment, What If they took some of those stolen Millions of Dollars and took a Vacation to Space Needle Park in Seattle? The Experience Music Project is Calling... Can You Hear IT? The Jimi Hendrix Experience Music Project That Is... Swimming Pools, Movie Stars. Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named JIMI... "Jose. Can You See? Byda Dawnz Earl E. Light" - Star SpangleDangled BannerAdvertisementForRainbowGlassesClickHereForFun Who Are You? a fan website for Russians who like Pete Townshend? KNOW The truth and it will set you free... CIA Motto. From Zugzwang to Zeitgeist.

Bob & Betty dunked Their Cookies at the Zeitgeist Coffee Shop located where the AMTRAK Train crosses the Monorail in Seattle. Then... They walked out onto the street where it was Friday Night at 5:00 PM on the First Hot Day of Spring. The office workers were exploding out of the buildings and making dates to go to the WATER. Boating, Swimming, Dancing Nude around a Campfire... Puget Sound Bound. An electric guitar player was shredding NERVE ANNA... and then... Bob had to pee... No place to go so he simply pissed in his pants... All "Public" restrooms closed... Members Only! However, on Two Cannabis Cookies, Who Cares! Soon to be a Major Motion Picture. Starring Abbot Hoffman as Al-Bundy [Shoe Salesman and Father of the Sons of Anarchy] and his P.A.L. from U.N.C.L.E. - S.A.M. 

If you know the tune to "Moss Cow Knights" sing along now... "Knee Slishna Sfazadu Da Zhaw Shar A Hee. Fszo Dezzz Da Utra, Da Mer Lo, Da Zhugh Gsnaleevwee, Par Moscow Der a Gee. Tzar Utrah Zemer SMERSH Babaloo." - Translated from the original Russian by Professional employee of the DoD. 

Workingman's Greens by the Grateful Dead. What If they bought a boat and sailed out beyond the 12 mile limit? Do Pirates Have Laws? No Thank You. Mr Lawman! When Peter Fonda bought a Ruby Yacht from the son of Boeing [he builds airplanes] he became El Capitan... Different rules... Everybody Sing... "Yo no soy marinero, soy un sauce that is very handy for removing Red Wine Stains from a Party Dress." George Thoroughly Modern Millie. A Modem Mystery Munch-a-Buncha Silly Con Chips. "Attention" How to build an Aldous Huxley Utopia. Did you know that the WORD Database in Arabic Language is Al-Qaeda? They had a list of names and phone numbers for all the members stored on a computer. in a DaDa Bass Fishing in America by Trout Mask Replica Captain "Trips" Beefheart and Frankly Scarlett I don't Give A Dam Zappa, Moon Unit and her Nanny All Natural Pam went down the road from Laurel Canyon and came out on a street in Laurel Maryland at the shopping center an instant before George Wallace was shot. Did you ever Notice that Andy Roonie starts of all his TV Shows with the words "Did you ever notice." Zapatistas, Freeway Rick, Gary Webb, Dark Alliance, Cocaine Import Agency, Los Angeles, 1942 UFO Battle - Overwhelming force shot down what looked like an Unidentified Flying Object. Taking no chances the US Military fired Thousands of Artillery Shells at the UFO. No Trace Was Found. Yabba Dabba DU - Depleted Uranium, Not Jest 4 Break Fast NE More. Doobie Brothers and Sisters, Embrace Rainbow Spiralism or... Don't... It's Your Choice... Rare, medium, well done or Tofu Mike the Sound Man in Arcata, CA.(Lila Nelson's Brother) [2B or Not2B Continued - CLICK HERE - The Peasants Have No Bread to Eat, so LET'S BAKE 'EM A CAKE!]

Even though his Own Children Breathe, Trump Plans to relax Air Pollution Laws on Coal Fired Power Plants Allowing more Poison into the Air.

One "Feature" of Trump's Plan is to allow individual states to write their own air pollution laws... However, the wind blows air pollution across state borders... and across national borders... and across oceans... we are all one beneath the infinite sun.

The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday is expected to formally announce its replacement for the Clean Power Plan, a signature policy designed to fight climate change that was supported by President Barack Obama.

The new plan will include measures aimed at making it easier for electricity produced from coal to compete with natural gas and renewable sources, such as eliminating rules that would require coal plants to install pollution-reducing technology, according to The Wall Street Journal, which received an advance copy of the plan.

Trump’s remarks came amid new plans to replace Obama-era climate policies with new regulations devised to ensure coal-burning plants run harder and operate for longer, leading to more harmful emissions.


Let's close all Coal Fired Power Plants and all Coal Mines. Burning Coal Causes Air Pollution and Global Warming... Even when we sell the Coal to Foreign Countries.

Attention Stock Market Investors: Sell All your Stock in Fossil Fuel Corporations and Buy Solar/ Wind Power. All of us can see the end of Oil, Gas and Coal... Get Out NOW!

Wildfires in the American West are Caused by Global Warming... Global Warming is Caused by Burning Oil, Gas and Coal... Energy Secretary Rick Perry wants to bail out coal and nuclear plants. He says the US energy grid is experiencing an urgent crisis — that its reliability and resilience are in immediate danger unless those power plants are saved.

There is no evidence to support this position, though Perry and his allies in the coal and nuclear industries repeat it like a mantra.

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Trump fires 57 scientists at EPA. Promises to remove Regulations on Energy Companies. The Plan is More Profit with More Pollution.

By reducing the number of scientists at EPA he paves the way for legislation that removes Environmental Pollution Protection in favor of corporate profits. Like DOW chemical's ruling that their pesticide is safe... or Monsanto's Roundup that causes cancer but is legal to sell.

More fracking will cause more pollution of drinking water.

Now we have the Dakota pipeline which allows Canadian tar sands to be shipped to New Orleans to be sold to foreign countries... At risk of pipeline leakage in the USA for another countries energy needs.

EPA just gave notice to dozens of scientific advisory board members that their time is up.

The Environmental Protection Agency has given notice to dozens of scientists that they will not be renewed in their roles in advising the agency, continuing a scientific shake-up that has already triggered resignations and charges from some researchers that the administration is politicizing the agency.
Members of the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) whose terms end in August will not see them renewed, according to an email sent to members and obtained by The Washington Post, though they can reapply for their posts. Moreover, five meetings of subcommittees of the board, planned for the late summer and the fall, will now be canceled because of lack of membership. They will be held once the board is reconstituted, according to EPA officials.
“It effectively wipes out the BOSC and leaves it free for a complete reappointment,” said Deborah Swackhamer, the current chair of the board’s executive committee and an emeritus professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Minnesota.


Trump EPA's slash of drinking water protections trickles down to N.J.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt formally initiated the repeal of the agency's Obama-era "Waters of the United States" rule that expanded federal protection of 20 million acres of wetlands and 2 million miles of streams.
In February, the president signed an executive order demanding the EPA "review and reconsider" the EPA's Clean Water Rule, to which agribusiness and fossil fuel companies alike objected and against which some 16 mostly rural states had filed suit in federal appeals court to block in 2015.

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