Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Trump Is Helping Democrats WIN - The More He Talks, The More Voters #RUNAWAY from Republican Candidates... The Majority of Americans are ANTI-TRUMP.

Remember: Hillary Got More Votes Than Trump. Joe Got More Votes Than Trump. and We Won the HOUSE and The SENATE because of a Backlash Against Trump. We The People Realized That Trump is PURE EVIL and We Banished Him to Mar-A-Loser.

all my liar liar pants on fire merch at zazzle Gregvan

Save America from Mad King Donald the Loser - meme by gvan42

Trump Confessed. Yes, I Took The Top Secret Documents Found at Mar-A-Loser. Patriots Ask: Did He ALREADY SELL The Documents from the Empty Folders? 

Read More:

Will Trump FLEE the Country to Avoid Hanging For Treason? The Rosenbergs Were Executed for Stealing Classified Documents...


Treason - Rubber Stamp meme
Treason is the Reason for the Seizin' 

I Worked With Classified Documents: NEVER TAKE THEM HOME! In My Job, Taking Secret Documents OUT of the Building was a FELONY! and It's a Felony In tRUMP's Former Job Too!

I spent Decades working for the US Military. I was a Draftsman and Drew Secret Drawings all day every day... We had an Office Building with NO WINDOWS and a Marine at the Front Door Inspecting ID Badges and Searching Briefcases... 

Read More:

Proof Trump is GUILTY - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP
Proof Trump is GUILTY
#ArrestTrump #LockHimUP

Remember to Vote for Democrats This Roevember... 

Freedom ROCKS! Monarchy SUXX!

Biden's Top 16 Accomplishments!

1. He Beat Trump in the Presidential Election

2. Signed the Inflation Reduction Act 

3. Improved health care for veterans

4. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act

5. Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic 

6. Restored American leadership on the world stage

7. Ended America’s longest war 

8. Took action to address gender-based violence

9. Passed the American Rescue Plan 

10. Biggest year of job growth in American history

11. Took action to combat COVID-19

12. Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

13. Took action to combat the climate crisis and reduce emissions

14. Expanded health care to millions of Americans

15. Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees 

16. Took big steps toward a future made in America 

and there's MORE to COME!

Way to GO Joe Heart sticker Zazzle Gregvan

tRUMP Swamp Creatures That Got Locked UP! Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty #Vote4Joe He's Not Insane!

#Vote4Joe meme - gvan42

Trump is Anti Choice - Screaming Follower MEME #Vote4Joe - gvan42
tRUMP is Anti-Choice.
We Are Going to Force Girls
to Give Birth to Unwanted Babies!
Screaming Follower MEME 
SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY! Contact Your Senators and Representatives! Email Them or Phone (202)224-3121 Trump's Executive order eliminating the payroll tax will cause Social Security to Run out of Money. --- Is Trump's Attack Legal? Can His Executive Order ACTUALLY HAPPEN?

QAnon: Trump's Coronavirus Is a Bio-Weapon Invented by the US Military and Deployed to Harm China. But It Got Out of Control. BLOWBACK.

When You CLICK on A Trump Ad Online YOU COST THEM MONEY! It's Pay Per Click! Transferring Wealth from Evil Republicriminals to Google or FaceBooB...

#TrumpFailed MEME - Massive Unemployment in the USA - gvan42
Remember: In 2016 The Russians Proved that Campaigning Online Works. Putin's Puppet Won! Please Pirate The MEMEs You Find Here and Post Them Online... We MUST Beat Trump...

#TrumpHasFailed EBOLA, SARS and AIDS Did NOT Cause Massive Unemployment... BUT tRUMP'S CORONAVIRUS DID... Why Didn't Trump Make America Great?

This is What Real Leadership Looks Like...
MEME - Obama War Room - Killing Osama bin Laden - Joe Biden - Hillary Clinton - gvan42
Thank You! President Obama... 
Great Job!
The Hunt for Osama bin Laden.

HEADLINE: Donald Trump destroyed the economy... The relatively strong economy of 2019 is not coming back for a good long while because Donald Trump is an incompetent oaf who has failed spectacularly at his job. 

#Vote4Joe MEME - Like and Share Worldwide - WE Must Beat Trump Like a Pinata!

Republicans are a Minority Group and their Numbers are Getting Smaller Every Day. Made up of Old White People, they are simply Dying... Young People, Minorities, College Graduates and Women tend to Vote Democratic.

and That's Why Republicans are working so very hard to prevent "Certain" people from Voting... That's why Republicans are So interested in Gerrymandering... and The Electoral College... It's a tool for MINORITY RULE... Most People Prefer Majority Rule...

Years ago there was a Group Called "The Silent Majority" that was IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War. Thankfully, most of them are dead now. They were not very smart... in general, The Republican Party is very popular with uneducated people. College Graduates Vote Democratic... I hear "Conservatives" complain that there are not enough Republicans teaching College... Well, Of Course! It Takes some Smarts to Be a Teacher! Republicans use more WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS AND UNEMPLOYMENT... 

and then I saw a HAT with the Slogan: "GREAT AGAIN FOR WHOM?" on Spike Lee... 

Hillary Clinton: STFU. Do Not Give Any Advice to 2020 Candidates. You Found Out in 2016 That Cheating Fails. Your Use of "Super Delegates" Allowed You to Steal the Democratic Nomination... and That Bonehead Move Gave us Trump. Just Be Quiet!

Hillary Clinton has been wearing thick-rimmed eyeglasses since returning to work on Jan. 7 after recovering from a concussion

Remember: In 2012 Hillary Clinton Had to Quit Her Job as Secretary of State DUE TO BRAIN PROBLEMS that Caused her Double Vision... The BRAIN PROBLEMS explain her Really Bizarre Ideas... Concussion Does That... Boxers Call it Being "Punch Drunk."

"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been wearing thick-rimmed eyeglasses since returning to work on Jan. 7 after recovering from a concussion and being treated for a blood clot between her brain and skull."

Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump Are Corrupt. Put Them Both on the Witness Stand in The Impeachment Trial. Also Call Ivanka, Hunter and Jared... They are All Getting Rich by Nepotism.

The aim of this chronology is to provide a useful reference for the context and timeline on Ukraine, the roles of Joe Biden and his son Hunter there, and Trump and Giuliani’s efforts to persuade Ukraine to pursue investigations against them. We attempt to present an accurate picture of events, favorable and unfavorable to the players involved. Our assessments and views of the available public information are reflected in two pieces: Viola Gienger’s “Trump and Giuliani’s Quest for Fake Ukraine ‘Dirt’ on Biden: An Explainer” and our piece “The Swiftboating of Joe Biden.” 

MEME gvan42 Witness Jared, Les and Ivanka at Trump's Impeachment Trial

Bernie 4 Pres cardboard sign. Make one Today! Supplies are UnLimited! It's a Movement! Bernie Sanders For President - Elizabeth Warren for Vice President - AN UNBEATABLE TEAM!

 Peace sign in felt pen on t-shirt pocket too...
Bernie for President Cardboard Sign

Make Your Own Today!

Bernie Sanders for President endorsed by Gregory Vanderlaan vandergreg
Bernie Sanders for President endorsed by Gregory Vanderlaan 


 Maybe the entire process is wrong... Why not an Internet Voting System for Decision Making? Eliminate The Elections for Office of the President Entirely. At the very least, the Electoral College System is ABSURD... and Vast Money for Campaign Advertisements? WTF? 


Album Cover from The Left Blank Intentionally
Album Cover from The Left Blank Intentionally- (anguished poetry and odd synthesizer noises)... A proposal for a new band.

Free Coloring Book - "Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute". Bernie Publishes Great Ideas, Informs Voters and Changes Minds. It Has A WEALTH of Interesting Information.

Black and White -  A Page From a Coloring Book...  Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute by Greg Vanderlaan
Title Page From a Coloring Book...
Connect the Dots at the Sanders Institute
Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour Coloring Book Page
Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour
Coloring Book Page
More art at:

Has tRUMP Lost His Freaking MIND? Increasingly Bizarre Tweets Reveal PANIC... Fear of Prison... Public Display of Madness has Republicriminals Concerned about His Ability to Serve.

Has a 25th Amendment Inquiry Began at The White House? 

MEME - gvan42 - Has tRUMP Lost His Freaking Mind? 25th Amendment
Even With Putin's Help Hillary Got More Votes and That Fact is Driving Mad King Donald INSANE! Plus Endless Impeachment Hearings and His FAILURE in Syria... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

HEADLINE: The madness of King Donald: is Trump really losing his mind?
Yonden Lhatoo writes that the US president’s recent struggles with basic vocabulary and facts have triggered fresh public concerns about his mental health and fitness for office...

Letters to the Editor: Trump has lost his mind. It's time to use The 25th Amendment.

PANIC AT THE WHITE HOUSE! Trump's FRANTIC Tweets Shows that he is TERRIFIED... and... Who ARE The Rats that LEAKED to the Whistle Blower? Trump's Own People Betrayed Czar Donald and Revealed Secrets That Will Take Him Down! Was it Kelly Anne Conway?

The List of Possible People is VERY SHORT!  The Time Has Come to #Runaway from Trump... So that When He GOES TO PRISON, You will be an Observer NOT a Participant in the Trial... SAVE YOURSELF! 

Jail Time for Rude Julie Anna! LOCK HIM UP!

Russian Television News and Trump's Flying Monkeys ALL SING THE SAME SONG... They Repeat the "Totally True Statement" that Russia Did Not Interfere in 2016 Election and Everything is a Conspiracy Led by Hillary, Joe, Larry, Curly, Moe and The Little Rascals! They all Insist that "Trump is a Saint" and "Putin Never Did Anything Wrong EVER!" - It Was The Democrats that Hacked Themselves in order to FRAME PUTIN... and Hillary was the Real Person To Assassinate LINCOLN! 

We should Subpoena The Secret Code Word Server to see what ELSE Trump has Hidden There...

#Impeach tRUMP NOW! Postcard for Sale!
You Could Send this postcard to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 20500 - Or to Your Own Senators and Representatives in Congress... or to your Crazy Tea Party Uncle... That would be fun too! Of Course, Trump COULD RESIGN RIGHT NOW and Save The Country a Lot of Trouble... If we Impeach Mike Pence TOO... Nancy Pelosi would be President! Wonderful!

Great Book: Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President. by Kathleen Hall Jamieson - Hillary Got More Votes. He's a #BOGUSPOTUS.

The question of how Donald Trump won the 2016 election looms over his presidency. In particular, were the 78,000 voters who gave him an Electoral College victory affected by the Russian trolls and hackers? Trump has denied it. So has Vladimir Putin. Others cast the answer as unknowable. In Cyberwar, Kathleen Hall Jamieson marshals the troll posts, unique polling data, analyses of how the press used hacked content, and a synthesis of half a century of media effects literature to argue that, although not certain, it is probable that the Russians helped elect the 45th president of the United States.

Without Russia's Help, Hillary Would be President. THAT'S Why MOSCOW MITCH McConnell refuses to Defend America's 2020 Election. Отвергните путинскую марионетку!

free MEME - Moscow Mitch refuses to defend the USA 2020 Election - It's Turtle Soup Time! - more MEME at google image search keyword gvan42

Take a break from all the Madness!

America's Sweetheart, Samantha BEE Pokes Fun at the Mueller Hearings... Thank YOU! SAM! Too Much Bad News drives us MAD!

MORE of America's Sweetheart, Samantha BEE...
How To Get Away With Widespread Election Interference...Again!

EVEN MORE of America's Sweetheart, Samantha BEE...
A Message to Democratic Presidential Candidates: Run For Senate, Goddammit! Especially that Guy from Colorado who has NO CHANCE AT ALL of being President... BUT, he could be a Democratic Senator... and help get MOSCOW MITCH McConnell OUT! 

I hardly see any Brainwashed TrumpNiks on Facebook anymore... I guess the Algorithm has stopped being fooled into thinking I Am a Republicriminal... Facebook generally shows you only people that agree with you...  It's Programmed to KEEP PEOPLE WATCHING and people stop watching when they see posts that oppose their beliefs... SO, I'm Preaching to the Choir again... 

Are we living in a Teenage Science Fiction Movie? HEADLINE: Brain-eating amoeba kills again—here’s how it kills and how to avoid it...
It kills more than 97% of its victims. Only four people in the US have ever survived it...

MOSCOW MITCH EXPOSED... or is he being Blackmailed by the Chinese? Do THEY hold his wife's Family Hostage?

HEADLINE: Pathetic Loser President Donald Trump Calls For Investigation Into Obama Book Deals... Is this some kind of sick JOKE? Frustrated by continued efforts by the Democratic congress to find a reason to impeach him, President Donald Trump fought back today, saying that an investigation should be mounted on the book deals signed by former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

The $65 million in multiple book deals spawned a best-seller for Michelle Obama, with Barack Obama’s memoir scheduled for some time next year.

Trump, speaking in the White House Oval Office on Friday, also called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and put in a jab against Obama for ruining the White House air conditioning system, which he says can’t maintain a comfortable temperature. WHINER!

HEADLINE: Donald Trump’s Entire Story About the Economy Fell Apart This Week... So Sad... tRUMP makes such a Big Deal about some economic numbers but Ignores the vast majority of the data... 99% of Americans are worse off now than when Obama was President... I feel the REAL WAGES numbers are the important ones... Having a growing GDP doesn't do anything for most people... Of Course, the Super Rich are Very Happy, but, SO WHAT? That Doesn't Feed Families... WAKE UP! It's FUN, It's Free and Everybody's Doing IT!

HEADLINE: US-born high school student detained for weeks by CBP files Lawsuit! GREAT! SUE THEM... EVIL SHOULD BE EXPOSED AND PUNISHED... Customs and Border Patrol chased down a Person because he LOOKED Latino... and then after being in Jail for weeks, It turns out he was BORN IN THE USA! People I Know Look like illegal Aliens... Should they be Hunted by WEIRDOS WITH GUNS?

Find more at Google Image Search
using the Keywords:
gvan42 free coloring book
or click on this link!

PATRIOTS ARISE! Help Campaign for Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch Like a Pinata! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik - Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw all the Corrupt Old White Men OUT. 

The Mainstream Media is Setting us up to be Disappointed by Robert Mueller Again. I can tell you what he will say at this BIG IMPORTANT SIGNIFICANT HEARING... Not Much... That's what he will say... Not Much...

The Mueller Report Itself was Disappointing. I read the Conclusion/Summary written by Robert Mueller and it says: Trump Campaigned Against Hillary. Putin Campaigned Against Hillary. I Campaigned Against Hillary. NONE OF US COORDINATED OUR EFFORTS. No Conspiracy. No Crime by Trump. Plenty of other People were Charged, Many Were Tried and Many Were Convicted and Many are in Prison... but not Trump. and Not Putin. and Not Me. and not the Russians who Hacked the DNC. and Not the Trolls... Trump TRIED but Failed to Obstruct Justice. Well, SO WHAT! So FREAKING WHAT!

The Mainstream Media is whipping up expectations for this show... Like it was the Super Bowl Football Game. It's all a marketing Flim-Flam to get millions of people to watch CNN, MSNBC and FOX... DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

I Campaigned Against Hillary on Social Media in 2016. The Russians did too. Trump did too. I DID NOT CONSPIRE WITH TRUMP OR PUTIN. We all just came to the same conclusion that she was no good ON OUR OWN.

 I Campaigned for Bernie Sanders. Hillary used "Super Delegates" to STEAL the Democratic primary. It was obvious that VOTERS wanted Bernie but Wall Street and Corporations wanted Hillary. I have heard that the "Super Delegates" concept has not been destroyed entirely... The DNC needs to stop that insanity... and the entire election seemed like a tricky way to get BILL CLINTON Elected to a Third Term... He would run the country as "First Man" while she stood in the spotlight and talked to TV News Cameras... Sort of a "Lawyer's Technicality" to do a run around of election laws limiting a President to Eight Years. 
Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

We see in 2020 that ANOTHER CORPORATE STOOGE is leading the race... Sadly, Joe Biden has a History of BEING WRONG ON EVERY ISSUE for his entire LIFE! BUT, Credit Card Companies in Delaware Love Him... and are FUNDING HIM... I like Elizabeth Warren.

I did not Vote in 2016 and my absence did not make any difference at all... Hillary won all the Electoral College Votes in California. The Electoral College System in Insane and Was Intentionally Designed to be Corrupt. In the late 1700s our Founding Fathers wanted to KEEP Power in the hands of Rich White Men. They were afraid that poor people would select someone they didn't like to be President...  

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton MEME for Social Media satire, joke, silly, insult, GTFO, go home grandma!

Hillary Clinton JOKE MEME - satire silly insult - 2016 campaign against her gvan42

Hillary Clinton JOKE MEME - satire silly insult - 2016 campaign against her gvan42

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

PLEASE HELP CAMPAIGN FOR Steven Cox for Senate in Kentucky... A Democrat seeking to Beat Evil Mitch McConnell... Young and Smart an Alternative to Old and Corrupt. LIKE AND SHARE THIS LINK EVERYWHERE! 

Mueller Report Says: Without Russia's Help, Hillary Clinton would be President... Putin was Successful in His Plan to Derail Democracy... And He'll Do It Again in 2020...Trump is Counting on Putin's Help to Win Again....

Putin and Trump worked Separately to Defeat Hillary. They had the same goal but did not coordinate efforts. No Conspiracy... 

That's what the Censored Mueller Report Says... We will find out more when the Entire Report is revealed... However, Today [5/6/2019] We find that AG William Barr REFUSES To Release the Un-Redacted Report to Congress. The House is Charging Barr with CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS. 

The Mueller Report DID Provide an Impeachment Roadmap for Congress to Follow... Detailed Trump/Russia Contacts and Failed Attempts to Obstruct Justice... 

On other News: Little Stevie Munchkin REFUSES to Release Trump's Tax Returns... Obviously Breaking the LAW... 


There is a Law called Inherent Contempt...

Inherent contempt[edit]

Under this process, the procedure for holding a person in contempt involves only the chamber concerned. Following a contempt citation, the person cited is arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House or Senate, brought to the floor of the chamber, held to answer charges by the presiding officer, and then subjected to punishment as the chamber may dictate (usually imprisonment for punishment reasons, imprisonment for coercive effect, or release from the contempt citation). [10]

In other news today: Michael Cohen went to Prison today. 

#MAGAbomber Pleads Guilty. Cesar Sayoc admits to Voting For Trump and Mailing Bombs to Democrats, TV News People...

Headline: MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc pleads guilty. 
Sayoc’s targets included former President Barack Obama, 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and major liberal donor George Soros — each of whom has been the subject of paranoid and sometimes violent commentary by right-wing figures from both the distant fringe and central core of the modern conservative movement. None of the devices detonated as intended.

Soros in particular has been a bugaboo to Fox News hosts and white supremacist rabble-rousers for more than a decade. The wealthy philanthropist and activist is often portrayed in flagrantly anti-Semitic terms by voices on the far right. Barely 24 hours after Sayoc’s arrest in October, another man seemingly involved in those same online anti-Semitic conspiracist circles walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and murdered seven worshipers. The shooter had posted online about his belief that a Jewish cabal was smuggling criminal migrants across the southern U.S. border.

Headline: How Trump's Psychology Of Hate Unleashed The MAGABomber... 

President Trump has, intentionally or not, hit a trifecta of hate that foments terrorism, in this case domestic terrorism. At rallies and speeches his incendiary eloquence identifies opponents as enemies then motivates hatred and sanctions violence against them. Facts no longer matter. Nor do values shared with those he sees as horrible, terrible people. What matters is that it’s us versus them. And we can’t let them win. Never apologize, never back down.

The trifecta is important, central in fact. One or two components and a leader would not be responsible for the violent acts of their supporters. Not all populists incite terrorism. So, when right wing apologists start defending President Trump, as they will, by pointing to sharply critical things people like Maxine Waters or Bernie Sanders may have said they will be missing the point. And if they’ve read this piece they will be willfully trying to deceive. The psychology of hate shows you need Trump’s trifecta to be responsible. So let’s look closer.

Sign the petition: Support National Popular Vote Now. END THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Hillary Got MORE VOTES but we got Trump. Al Gore Got MORE VOTES but we got Bush Jr.

Clearly The Electoral College is a BAD system that Allowed The Two Worst Presidents Ever to be Elected! Write to Your Elected Representative and SIGN THIS PETITION...

It's time to ensure the candidate with popular support is actually elected. How? With the National Popular Vote Compact.

What's required? States just pass a law awarding their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote. Once states that add up to 270 electoral votes join, then we guarantee that the popular vote winner always becomes president!

We're already 60 percent of the way there. Let's up the pressure.

Sign the petition to all 50 state governments: Join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact so that in the United States we can finally elect our presidents by national popular vote.

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Fix the broken Electoral College - pass National Popular Vote - another Online Petition...

The Electoral College was Intentionally Designed to keep the Masses from Selecting the President... The Founding Fathers wanted to Keep Power in their Own Hands... No Votes for Blacks or Women... only rich white men vote...

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Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born in 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We had to move... We went to Los Gatos in 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood... FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.

I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics