Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Brief Autobiography of Gregory Vanderlaan - Photos of ME & My Family... My Best Blog Posts... My most Insightful Writing AND What the People Want! Both!

I've had many jobs, schools and wives that have a major influence on what my life was like... First, I cut apricots at a farm in Los Gatos... That was horrible low-paid work... Then I bagged groceries and pushed shopping carts One Summer while I was in high school... I spent three years working as a clerk in an art supply store and I also unloaded trucks and moved merchandise onto the shelves... I spent 12 years working as a designer draftsman in many different computer companies... I spent five years delivering pizza for Domino's... I spent 6 years selling electronic equipment at Radio Shack... I spent one year making plastic parts at a factory... And I spent 7 years working as an eligibility worker at the welfare office in Eureka... At that job I interviewed people to find out if they were eligible to get benefits like food stamps, Medical and help with rent... 

And I lived in many different locations... I was Born in San Jose, California and then moved to Los Gatos when I was six... When I was 18 I went to Chico State College... Flunked out after 2 years went back to San Jose... Got married and then we moved to Columbia, Maryland and then Oxon Hill, Maryland and then Falls Church, Virginia... Then I moved back to San Jose after I got divorced... Then I moved back to Chico when I got fired at work for drinking... Got into AA... Got married again and moved to Eureka, California so I could go to college at Humboldt State University... Got divorced again and moved to an old folks home in Sacramento California... 

Main Videos Page: Chords and Lyrics Provided so You Can Learn Them and Make a Hit Record!

10,000 people chant on at the rainbow gathering in California...

my little white truck with a painting that I did in acrylics...
When I drove by people would smile and wave
and some would salute!

family Christmas party...

my cousins Jill, Robin, Me,
my brother Martin and the dog Prince

I also built a gift shop on the internet at Zazzle... Where I sell hats and with slogans on them, t-shirts, Christmas ornaments and buttons... Many had psychedelic art... Many with slogans that I wrote myself... What's cool about this business is I can sell stuff worldwide... I sold 50 buttons in New Zealand one time... And I just sold a hat saying that Greenland is not for sale to a guy who lives in Denmark...

Slogan hat for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

I went to college many times... The most successful time was at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California where I graduated with the bachelor's degree in computer information systems... It's very similar to computer science except less calculus... I spent two years at Chico State... And one year and Howard Community College studying programming... And one year at West Valley Junior College studying electronic drafting... That worked out great because immediately after the year was over I got a job as an Electronics draftsman in Silicon Valley!

I've been married twice, no kids... And that's all I'm going to say about that!

I play the guitar and sing and it made a many YouTube videos...

I've been posting my opinions on the internet on websites and blogs ever since 1997...

Grateful Dead... My Story... American History... and Original Deadhead ART... Comic Tales & Poetry...


My Sugar Cube Painting... like the cover of
"The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe.

~~~~~~~~~~my Gr8ful story~~~~~~~~~

I first noticed the Grateful Dead in 1968 in English class at junior high school. Our teacher had put up posters on the wall of the classroom and we wrote essays about them. He was attempting to stimulate creative WRITING but more importantly, creative THINKING.

One was an American flag made out of swastikas and another was a solarized/negative photo of 5 hairy men standing in front of "LITTLE BOXES" type suburban tract homes.

Our English teacher stopped working for the school system that year and has never been heard of since. That has happened often to people that go to see the Dead... They change their lifestyle and start associating with a different set of people...

I've always been really interested in math... Did you know?

Numbers have Cultural Meanings... A list from Zero to Infinity and Beyond... For example: 007 Means James Bond. 420 Means Marijuana. 5150 means Insane... and... 420 + 5150 = REEFER MADNESS! 5570

"Conspiracy Theories" that are ACTUALLY TRUE. MKULTRA, Cointelpro, CIA-Contra-Cocaine, Donald Rumsfeld Selling Weapons to Saddam Hussein, UFOs are Real... Sometimes people dismiss Truth as "Just a Conspiracy Theory" because they Don't LIKE THE TRUTH.

In addition to the Five Factual Events listed above... What Ever Happened to these Other Unsolved Mysteries?

Why are there NO PHOTOGRAPHS of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001? Where's The Plane? Many Security Cameras near the Pentagon had their Video Tapes Confiscated by FBI... Never to be Released...

1967: The Summer of Love... San Francisco, Hippies, Flower Power, Peace, The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. One thing is for certain... The culture of the United States was radically different After the 1960's... 

Fun Things to do in Eureka and Arcata California - The Tallest Trees, The Finest Weed, Humboldt State University and SIX, Count 'em SIX Rivers... On Highway 101 Near Oregon... SAMBA!

Samba Parade at Humboldt State University

Brief History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" I did not go because I was too young by one year.

While the Vietnam War did involve a draft, the majority of soldiers who served in Vietnam were volunteers, with estimates suggesting around two-thirds of service members were volunteers rather than draftees. Evidence that the brainwashing program of the 1950s was successful... Because you would have to be crazy to think that going to Vietnam was a good idea... MK Ultra...


Radio Shack Memories Club: Former Employees and Customers Talk About the Good Old Days... and Vote on the Best Product Ever! The Winner? The 130 in One Electronic Project Kit.

Scott Said: Another gem from my childhood. 150 in one Electronic Project Kit...

I replied: I Had a 130 in One Kit... I built an oscillator that modulated another oscillator that modulated a third oscillator and took the output and plugged it into the Control Voltage Input of my KORG POLY 6 Analog Synthesizer... Turned up the Resonance and I made Crazy "Forbidden Planet" Sounds... You Know... the "Spaceship Taking Off" Sound Effect


AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once. Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.


What Did I Learn from My Near Death Experience? I've Always Had a Feeling that I Had Some Important Goal to Accomplish. Then I realized...

It wasn't so much of a BIG Goal that was Needed to Be Done but Helping People Daily Thru My Entire Life. Simply Making the World a Better Place To Live. That Was The Lesson.

Since I Did Not Die at Age 19... I've held Many Jobs that Made a Difference... and I Joined AA where the Opportunity Arose to Do 12th Step Service... and Now that I'm Retired, I Can Write my Blog to Help People Learn How to Live... and Learn History... and Have Fun Printing Drawings to Color... It's a Wonderful World...


Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics - make as many prints as you like! Color with felt pens, pencils, crayons, potatoshop... go wild!

Feel Free to Copy and Paste these Images into Your Own Blog, Webpage or Social Media Post... OR... Use this art to Manufacture Decorated Gifts... Like Coffee Cups, T-Shirts or Buttons! I DID:

Add THIS to Your Bucket List: Swimming at Bear Hole in Upper Bidwell Park, Chico, California. Crystallized Black Lava Rocks - Basalt from the Eruption of Mount Lassen.

Driving Directions: Go North on Highway #5 From Sacramento, California. Take a Right at Highway #32 (Orland) and Drive Thru Chico. Take a Left on Bruce Road. It Becomes Manzanita Ave. Take a Right on Wildwood Ave and Enter Upper Bidwell Park. Stop at Bear Hole and Walk...


Welcome to Freshwater, California USA. Location of a year long tree-sit Protesting Logging of the Redwood Forest. The people living in the trees were evicted by Eric Schatz... A Sub contractor working for MAXXAM Corporation.

View from the top of Freshwater Valley near Eureka, California. Looking at the Ocean... Now that MAXXAM has cut down all the trees, it's easy to get a fine view of the valley below.

We went to a tree-sit/ecology action where 9 Earth First!ers were arrested. (full text of newspaper article I wrote below) It Happened on Greenwood Heights road. That road goes very far up into the hills of the Trinity Alps near the area called Kneeland. It's a totally different climate up there in comparison to Eureka. It's hot grassland with cattle ranches.


For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own! - "Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial, Error and Survival Yielded These Words of Wisdom...

Overnight Camping Prohibited Sign UPROOTED by Vandals.
No Camping Where Posted... Well it's Not Posted Now!
Power to the People Right On - John Lnnon

Intentionally Seek Beauty.
I Like to Take a Walk In the Garden
and Photograph Wonderful Things...
That Focuses My Attention on The Positive...


Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT THE SAME TIME. A Solar Powered Desalinization Plant Would Convert Seawater into Energy, Pure H2O and NaCl. Please Pass this Idea on to Your Elected officials... Massive Funding Needed.

Link to Your US Senators:

Link to Your US House Representative:

Diagram of How to Build a
Solar Powered Desalinization Factory


Was "The Sixties" Really the Deployment of the CIA's Brainwashing Weapon, LSD? Project MK Ultra: The CIA Mind Control Experiment That Escaped The Laboratory and Got Out Onto The Dance Floor!

At First, The CIA Allowed Millions of Doses of LSD to be Distributed at Grateful Dead Concerts JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE CURIOUS... and then Later, The CIA Deployed All Those Vendors BECAUSE IT WORKED!

Many People Who Took LSD Became "NOT A THREAT" To The Ruling Class. People Became interested in Learning How to Play Guitar instead of Being Interested in The Violet Overgrow of the US Government... People Became interested in Organic Farming... Again, Remote Marijuana Farmers and Organic Vegetable Growers


The Best Five Restaurants Near Eureka, California - Eat a Fish, Watch the Boats... Reviews... I've Been To All Five... Many Times! FOOD NEAR ME

LET'S KEEP RAINWATER IN CALIFORNIA... Don't Let it Flow into the Ocean at the Golden Gate Bridge. START FILLING THE SITES RESERVOIR NOW!
 could simply pump water out of the Sacramento River onto farmland and grow food... The San Joaquin River as well... But for some strange reason we allow the water to flow into the San Francisco Bay and then the ocean... Madness!

BUY AMERICAN = Shop at a Thrift Store. Here's a Guide to The Best Values in the USA. Remember: REFUSE TO BUY CHINESE JUNK.

The Profits are Donated to Charity... Fixing Broken American Lives!

Let's Convert Empty Office Space into Apartments. In San Francisco, Some People Commute Long Distances from Affordable Housing In the Central Valley to Their Jobs in the City. Stop That! Waste of Gasoline!

BUBBLE UP Economics. Raise All Wages, Social Security Checks and LOWER Taxes on 99% of Americans. Actually Collect Taxes on the Top 1%... We The People Will Spend that Extra Money in Our Paychecks and it will BUBBLE UP Throughout The Entire Economy...

FREE Chart of Where the Notes Are on the Guitar and Piano. Print As Many Copies as You Like and Give 'em to Friends... and... many other Free Coloring Book Drawings...

Download the Art!

Texas Being Their Own Country Would Be Great... They are a FAILED STATE and the USA Spends a Lot of Money Solving Their Problems. FEMA, Welfare, Food Stamps, Border Security... If They were a Separate Country We Could Simply IGNORE THEM!

Make Washington DC and "Jefferson" into States... We Can Keep the 50 Star Flag if we Simply Threw Texas and Florida OUT!

State of Jefferson and Washington DC
Added - Texas and Florida GTFO!
- New map of the USA

NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THIS! - "When You Leave a Room, Turn Out the Light." STICKERS for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - You Can Stick It Right Next to the Light Switch!

The only people that would have this knowledge are people that have actually paid an electric bill... If you think that electricity is magic... And don't know that it costs money... This would be new information! AWAKEN!
LINK to Buy these Stickers!

"When You Leave a Room, Turn Out the Light."
Classic Round Sticker - Sheet of 20 Small or 6 Large!
You may change to the words if you want to...
But I guess this slogan is perfect for a sticker as it is...
You can stick it right next to the light switch!

We Need to Buy 500 More Firefighting Helicopters... Simply Dip a Bucket in a Lake, River or Ocean, Dump Water on the Fire. Tell Your Elected Officials That We Want Them to Take Action!

California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, New York, New Jersey AND CANADA Have Massive Wildfire Problems... Let's Buy Helicopters! Employ Pilots and Mechanics!
Email Governor of California Gavin Newsom

Find their Email Form
and Tell 'em what you think!

The Entire West is Burning... Every Year there will be MORE MORE MORE fires... If we Owned Helicopters We Could Get Water from Lakes and PUT OUT the Fires.

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