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I asked Google: "Is artificial intelligence a danger to humanity?" * AI Overview * YES! artificial intelligence (AI) can be dangerous to humanity if it's not carefully regulated. AI can be used to spread disinformation, undermine democracy, and threaten human existence.

AI can be used to create deepfake videos and online bots that spread fake news.
AI can be used to manipulate public discourse and undermine social trust.
*Threat to democracy:
AI can be used to undermine democracy and become a tool for fascism.
AI can be used to manipulate people for economic gain or political advantage.
*Threat to human existence:
AI could pose an existential threat to humanity if it's able to improve itself.
AI could be used to create lethal weapons that are more powerful and dehumanizing.
*Other risks:
AI can be biased and perpetuate human racial biases.
AI can be misused in financial recommendations, credit checks, and more.
AI can be used to create echo chambers on social media platforms.
AI can be used by criminals to create convincing phone scams.

I use speech to text to write this blog. One thing that the computer cannot figure out is punctuation. In the real world, when typing, when you get to the end of an idea you put a period. In speech to text, it has no idea at all when you have completed a concept. And absurd punctuation marks like commas, semicolons or quotation marks are Way Beyond the abilities of artificial intelligence. I do find that if you say out loud the word period it does put a period at the end of a sentence. 

Free AI chip artwork... Free free free!

Free AI chip artwork... Free free free!

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