The majority of Voters are so brainwashed that they believe lies... The CIA's mind control project called MK Ultra has been Wildly Successful... They trained Millions of MAGA Morons!
And all the
tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Merchandise
Christmas Ornaments Printed With Psychedelic ART
for sale on my Zazzle Webstore...
You May change the Words on many of the ornaments...
and then I read on Faceborg:
When you are finished being shocked, when you have worked through your grief and despair, when you have moved through your sense of resignation, when you have done all you can to accept the unacceptable, then it's time to get angry and resolved. It's time to get committed. It's time to double and redouble yourself in any way you can.This is no time for blame or shame or despair. Those things do not win battles. This is a time for inspiration and commitment and resolve. That is the only thing that will get us through.
No pebble is ever responsible for the whole avalanche, but every pebble is part of it.
We are intelligent. We are resourceful. We have a vision of a better world, one that works for all of us with no one and nothing left out.
We will be a line in the sand -- and if there are enough of us willing to say, "No, you shall not pass," then we shall bring this nightmare to a halt soon enough.
And when our children and grandchildren ask us, "Where were you, what did you do?" we shall not be ashamed to answer. "We didn't surrender. We never surrendered. We did what we had to do."
Whatever it takes.