Psychedelic Art Playing Cards for sale. A practical and fun gift that will last for a hundred years... Pass 'em down to your grandchildren... And great-grandchildren...
I gave a deck of playing cards to my brother for him to keep in the family game box... We have a lot of favorite toys in there including a handmade train set made by my grandfather... And it's quite something to see the children play with that same train set that I played with as a child... It's made out of wood and as far as I can tell it will last forever...
Nuclear power causes waste that has to be stored safely for 10,000 years... But that's not my problem... Your children will have to deal with it... And your grandchildren... And your great-grandchildren... But I don't care... Because I'm "Here Now" - and I don't have any children... So I have no investment in the future... I'm a classic childless cat lady... Except I'm a man and I don't have any cats... But I totally go for the concept that I'm the center of the universe... And if you breeders have trouble... Gosh... I hope your kids figure it out...
artificial intelligence takes a lot of power... And air conditioners take a lot of power in the summer... And with everything getting hotter and hotter and hotter we're going to need to crank up the AC!
Question This!
The Sun Appears to be About the Size of a Quarter Held at Arm's Length. -ALSO- The Moon Appears to be the Same Exact Size. -AND- The Shadow of the Earth Cast onto the Moon is The Same Exact Size...
Just Coincidence? Or is the Cosmos Trying to Tell us Something?
Only on Earth do the Three Most Important Objects In the Universe appear to be the same size... Remind me of the Celestine Prophecy... Watch for Amazing Co-incidences...
I started thinking about this while watching the Movie TRON Legacy... and the Digital Woman from inside the computer asked the Man from Earth... "What Does the Sun Look Like?" ...and He Replied... "I'm Not Exactly Sure... Because You Can't Just LOOK AT IT... That Would cause Blindness..."
OK... That's not an Exact Transcription of the Movie... but To Me... That was the Meaning...
and at the end of the Movie he Takes her to Earth and shows her a Sunrise While Riding a Motorcycle...
I started thinking about this while watching the Movie TRON Legacy... and the Digital Woman from inside the computer asked the Man from Earth... "What Does the Sun Look Like?" ...and He Replied... "I'm Not Exactly Sure... Because You Can't Just LOOK AT IT... That Would cause Blindness..."
OK... That's not an Exact Transcription of the Movie... but To Me... That was the Meaning...
and at the end of the Movie he Takes her to Earth and shows her a Sunrise While Riding a Motorcycle...

Let's Suppose That You Truly Believe that Tea Exists... and That Tea Cups Exists... Well, You are Much More Likely to Get a Cup of Tea than Someone who Refuses to Believe in the Possibility of Tea. and...
EVERYTHING IS LIKE THAT... Believe that it's Possible for You to ______________ (fill in the Blank) and you have Started on the Path to Achieving _____________ (fill in the Blank) - Teachings of Sonya Sophia
View a Guided Meditation Here:
Participate in a Tapping Session.
'From Anxious to Ahhhh' Relaxing Nano Tap
(EFT with Sonya Sophia)

How To Forgive: Mini EFT Tapping Session
Where to Live to Avoid Climate Disasters... The West Coast of the USA from San Francisco to Canada. The Land within 5 Miles of the Pacific Ocean is the Best Place to Survive... Low Risk of Wild Fires, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Hail, Super Hot or Super Cold Weather... but We Do Have Earthquakes & Tsunamis...
after looking at the Map I see that the cool and rainy North Coast is a Great Place to Avoid the Coming Climate Disaster... and In General, a Great Place...
and SoCal near the Beach... If you can Afford the Multi Million Dollar Homes there... But Big Sur is in a Danger Zone... Wildfires and Mudslides...
I Live in the Central Valley of California and It is LOW Wildfire Risk, Low Earthquake Risk... a Good Place...
When I Hire a LYFT, I find that Most Drivers use Electric Cars... Because the Dollar Per Mile Cost is MUCH LESS Than a Gasoline Powered Car...
and Sadly, I still see Millions of Cars and Trucks on the Road... and almost all are burning Fossil Fuel... and I see on TV News that in Airports More People Are Flying Than EVER BEFORE! and I'm Certain That People are Continuing to Eat Hamburgers... and Drink Milk... all those Cows are Farting Methane... and I Personally Do Eat the Meat of Cows, Pigs and Chickens... and I'm NOT Stopping...
NO, COVID-19 Was Not a BioWeapon Designed to Kill Republicans... Yes, That's What Happened but It Was Not Intentionally Engineered that Way... We Were Just Fortunate... We Certainly Don't Need People Like That in the Future...
Remember: ANTI-VAX LIES On The Internet Have Killed Off More Republicans Than Democrats. THANK YOU FOR DYING!
More than 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID-19. It Seems that It Wasn't a "Democratic Hoax" After All... Trump Lied, People Died...
"The Path Forward" - 20 Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live... #1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy; Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits...EVERYBODY WINS!

If YOU Have Any Ideas, Tell Me and I'll Include them in this eBook. gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]com
Here is The Path Forward!
1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks will Bubble UP Throughout The Entire Economy. Raise the Minimum Wage to $15.00 and Increase All Social Security Checks by 15% - People WILL Spend that Extra Money at American Businesses Causing Higher Profits... and Increased Hiring to Handle the New Customers. EVERYBODY WINS!
2. Gerrymandering Allows Unpopular Candidates to Serve in Elected Offices. By Drawing Crazy Lines on a Map We Have Insane Monsters Represent Minority Viewpoints. A Tool That Has Allowed the Republican Party to Rule... UNTIL 2020... In That Election Trump Backlash Caused the Democrats to WIN The House, Senate and Presidency. A Total Rejection of Trump AND His Evil Minions!
3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment! Do It For The Children!
4. End Federal Subsidies for Oil and Gas. Start Subsidizing Solar and Wind. Create a "Manhattan Project" to Do Basic Research into Better Batteries... and Solar Powered Desalinization... We Need Clean Drinking Water...
5. Increase Federal Spending on Our Crumbling Infrastructure. We Can Pay For It By Cutting Defense Spending In Half. Remember: Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country. NOT EVEN ONCE. All Those Taxpayer Dollars are Just BOGUS Welfare for The Military Industrial Complex...
6. Start Training Classes For the Police So They Stop Murdering Unarmed Black People. This One Simple Trick Will Save Billions of Dollars Currently Wasted on Rebuilding Cities from Riots! There Simply Will Not BE Riots! and No Million Dollar Settlements With the Family of the Murder Victim. DUH!
$12 Million Awarded to Breonna Taylors Family AND Countless Millions Spent on Riot Control... The Police Don't Work For Free!
7. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. Use the Empty Jail Cells as a Homeless Shelter. Just Remove the Bars and They are Already Set Up With Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Basketball Court! This Would Cause a Massive INCREASE In Voluntary Taxes and a Massive DECREASE in Government Spending... EVERYBODY WINS!
8. Fund Basic Research into Fighting Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome. It's an Epidemic! Destroying The USA By The Blood Sucking Leeches of the Ruling Class... This Mental Health Disease Manifests Itself By The Super Rich Purchasing Senators and Congressmen That Pass Laws Benefitting the Super Rich... at The Expense of 99% of Americans... The only Solution I Can Think of is #FRANCE1789... #OccupyWashingtonDC There is a CrazyLaw® Called Citizens United That Needs to Be Reversed... It Legalizes Bribery of Politicians... WITH NO RECORD of Who Spent What... Enabling Russian Funding of The NRA and the GOP...
9. #ImpeachBrett #ImpeachAmy - Remove Bratt Kava Kava NOOGIE from the Supreme Court. Remove Amy Too... No Reason Needed... Just Have the House File Impeachment Charges and The Senate Convict Them... Before They Do Any More Damage to the USA...
10. Allow ARREST of a Sitting President by the Department of Justice... There is a DOJ OPINION that Says We Cannot Indict a Sitting President... EVEN IF HE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME... That's a Crazy Idea... In Effect, It Made Crime Legal for "HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED" and His Friends... #fuBARR is a Co Conspirator... It's Just an Opinion... The Supreme Court Has NOT Ruled That It's VALID...
11. Overturn Citizens United. Remove Bribery From US Elections...
12. End the Electoral College. Most Americans Prefer Majority Rule... The Electoral College allowed the TWO WORST PRESIDENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY to serve... George Bush The Son and Donald Trump The Insane...
13. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves What Treatment is Best. Get Corrupt Lawmakers OUT of Medicine... They Are Just Puppets of Big Pharma. The GOAL of Pharmaceutical Corporations is PROFIT, NOT HEALTH.
14. We Could Provide Shelter for Homeless People in the Unused Jail Cells that Once Were Used to Incarcerate Cannabis Prisoners... Once you remove the Bars, a Jail Cell has a Bed, Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Exercise... Everything Needed to Rebuild a Life...
15. Get Vaccines for Your Children. They Save Lives. Not Just Your Own Children's Life but Everyone In The Community.
16. End Trump's Trade War With China. That Would Let American Farmers Sell Them More Food...
17. Let's Cut the Budget for NSA Spying on Americans. And CIA, FBI, DIA, DARPA and EIEIO Spying on Americans Programs... Those Program has Proved to be Useless and a Fundamental Invasion of Privacy... a Violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution... Hey, If You're a Freaking NARC, UckFay OuYay...
18. Wear Masks, Practice Social Distancing and Wash Your Hands. It's Not Complicated.

19. It Ought to be Illegal for People to Go on TV and Call for Murdering Other People. Like Steve Bannon, Rude Julie Anna and Trump's Lawyer Joe DiGenova Did.
20. Net Neutrality. Let the Internet be a Level Playing Field.
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many Disclaimers... Was This Written by a Freaking Lawyer? "
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
What IS Bubble UP Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and Raise all Social Security Checks 15%. Then all Those people will spend the extra money in their paychecks at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those businesses will have to hire more people to handle the extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. Everybody WINS! With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children's Brains... Farmers will sell More. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP Economics would reverse that trend... The Money Bubbles UP Through Every Layer of Society... With a rising tide, every boat floats! We Tried Ronald Reagan's "Voodoo" Economics and It Has Failed...
"People" Say That Bubble UP! Economics WILL MAKE Employers LAY OFF Workers... However... Employers HAVE ALREADY LAID OFF EVERYONE THEY POSSIBLY CAN... Have you Ever Seen a Business where People Work There but Have Nothing To DO? Never!
Who Could Possibly be Opposed to the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady...
Awaken Americans! The Talking Heads on TV Keep on Saying that the Economy is "Booming" - BUT - That's only true for the SUPER RICH... We the People are Hurting BAD! Trump-0-Nomics FAILED the 99%
I saw this rant on Faceborg!
If there was some part of you that wanted to give Trump the benefit of the doubt with what he said this past weekend about using the military to go after his enemies. If there was part of you that wonderd if when he said " enemy from within, " maybe he didn't mean literally all people who opposed him, maybe he was hallucinating about imaginary Black Lives Matter people or something like that. Then number one, STOP GIVING HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. Karen Faulkner from Fox so called News asked him directly what he meant by the statement " the enemy within."
In his response, Trump clarified that yes, he means just Democrats in general are who he considers America's enemy. He even named the Pelosis this time.
" It is the enemy from within, and they're very dangerous, they're Marxists and communists and fascists, and they're saying... I use a guy like Adam Schiff because they made up the Russia Russia Russia hoax, it took two years to solve the problem, absolutely nothing was done wrong, etc.etc., they're dangerous for our country. We have China, we have Russia, we have all these countries. If you have a smart president they can all be handled. The more difficult are the Pelosis, these people, they're so sick, and they're so evil. If they would spend their time trying to Make America Great Again, we would have, it would be so easy to make this country great"
Yes, Trump is confirming that anyone who opposes him is the " enemy within " He is demanding that everyone sign on to his Hitler plans, demanding they bend the knee.
That's what he wants.
Sorry, motherfucker, but America will never bend the knee.
Never stop demanding more my brothers and sisters

Elections have consequences

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