Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Never Read TwitterX - Too Much CrazyTalk® - I POST every Day but Never READ it... It Has Nothing Worthy of Reading since Elon Musk Bought It...


Monty Python "Dead Parrot" meme mocking Twitter

I Spend a Lot of Time Reading Google News... That's a Page that has Interesting Content...

Their Page Called: FOR YOU is Excellent... Since I've been Using Google For 25 Years they have a Very Good Idea of Who I Am and What I'm Interested In!

and since I Marked 70 Stories "Fewer Stories Like This" I am NO LONGER Shown any Stories about the Kardashians... 

Here's Some Typical News Stories Delivered by Google LONG AGO... 
Recently Musk Bought Twitter and It FAILED... Readership is DOWN... Advertisers are Refusing to BUY ADS... 
Headline: Elon Musk is offering the generous opportunity to invest in Twitter at $54.20 - He's Looking for more investors to ‘obviously’ overpay...

Headline: Musk reinstates suspended journalists after Twitter poll: "The people have spoken," he said after users voted to reinstate the accounts of high-profile journalists who cover the company and its new billionaire owner.

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