Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!


Rumor States That SEAL Team Six took Trump to Guantanamo Bay... However, Amnesty International has found no trace of Trump in Cuba... As a matter of fact, no one knows where he is or if he will attend inauguration... Unsolved Mystery!

<~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~>

Trump's Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts Worldwide! ... 

#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.

#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House. 

#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!

#4 Trump's Trade War With China. That Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Russia Benefited by Selling Soybeans to China.

#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...

#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans... 

#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!

#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History. 

#9 Massive Unemployment

#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries... 

Trump Treason Meme

Remember to Share Anti Trump Memes 
on Social Media. In 2016 Putin Proved
That Campaigning Online Works!
His Puppet Won the Electoral College!

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Anti-GOP Memes to Share Worldwide on Social Media. We MUST Exterminate The Republicriminal Party in 2024... FOREVER into the Dumpster of History... Collection by gvan42

Hi, I’m an American.
Some people may think I hate America, but that’s far from the truth.
"I am proud to be an American, although I recognize and acknowledge the problematic aspects of our history, such as bigotry, religious hypocrisy, and white supremacy.
What concerns me, even more, today is the convergence of religious bigotry and white supremacy in our country.
As a democratic republic, the United States is governed by the Constitution, not a theocracy.
It is important to remember that religious beliefs should guide individuals but should not infringe upon the lives of others or non-believers.
The First Amendment of the Constitution grants us freedom from religion. It is crucial that we uphold the Constitution and cherish the liberties it offers, while also respecting the diverse beliefs and perspectives that make up our society."
“I firmly believe that religion should primarily guide and govern the individual who holds those beliefs, without imposing them on others.
"Religion should never be a tool for discrimination, especially in America. Equality and respect for diverse beliefs should prevail."
I also support initiatives against discrimination and uphold the rights and freedoms of every citizen.
Again it's important to remember that our nation is not a theocracy but a democracy, where equality, rights, and freedoms are upheld for all citizens.

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Another thing I've noticed about right-wingers is the fact that they seem to think everything is part of some sort of "progressive agenda." Like, they can't comprehend the fact that the country is changing, actually, the WORLD is changing, and a lot of the things which are happening are a reflection of that change, NOT some "agenda." As our country becomes more diverse, doesn't it make sense that maybe, just maybe, we should start teaching more history than simply the history which most of us were taught in school, which is essentially WHITE history? Doesn't it make sense that as the country becomes less white, maybe people of other races should also be represented in our history along with white people? How is this an "agenda"? It's a reflection of changes in our demographics. Why do right-wingers feel so threatened by non-white people having equal representation? I've always heard that they somehow feel like their own rights are diminished if everyone else has those same rights. It's the same with LGBTQ rights. Right-wingers feel so threatened by LGBTQ people being able to get married, etc. but WHY? How does it affect the right-wingers if gay people have the same rights as they do?
The left tries to recognize everyone equally, which is the way it's supposed to be. We're all supposed to have equal rights, but it's clear that this is not always the case. The left just wants to protect the rights of EVERYBODY, regardless of their race or sexual orientation. This isn't an "agenda," it's the way it's supposed to work.
You may have seen my recent post about the re-boot of the Wonder Years. I've heard comments from right-wingers who think that show is part of the "progressive agenda" because it happens to be about a black family in the late 1960's instead of a white family. But again, it's not an "agenda." Why NOT be about a black family? Black people lived in this country in the late 1960's too, so why SHOULDN'T there be a show about a black family in that era? I don't understand why right-wingers are so threatened by this kind of thing.

In the 1920's, Germany had a thriving democracy with two parties: right and left, much like we have in the USA. In 1920's Germany, things were progressing forward. Among other things, gay people were finally getting rights. This began to infuriate the right, and they started seeing everything not as a natural and healthy progression, but as some kind of plot by the left to instill some sort of "agenda." The right became obsessed with keeping the left out of power. When Hitler came along, the left could see how dangerous he was, but the right embraced him because all they cared about was keeping the left out of power. They were even willing to trade their democracy for a dictatorship if it meant keeping the left out of power.
The rest is history. We need to pay attention to it and learn from it.

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