#StreetDrugsKill. Learn more about the dangers of fentanyl, what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones and seek treatment if you are suffering from substance use. Visit www.safersacramento.com/fentanyl-facts.
How long will you stay silent? How long will you allow activist district attorneys and judges to coddle criminals? How many more criminals out on bond or probation have to hurt someone until you get angry and demand change? What will it take? YOUR family member in the news, killed by a person who belonged behind bars? Then will you stop being “silent”? Then will you VOTE in your local elections “like your life depends on it” as the woke who are ruining our institutions like to claim? Just a few questions I have, as I’ve grown tired of seeing citizens and officers alike, killed by violent criminals that should not have been roaming our streets, but leniency in the name of “progress” or “criminal justice reform” allowed it.
and SG Replied:
Your MEME IS FALSE... In 2021, the most recent year with available data, there were 16.5 violent crimes for every 1,000 Americans ages 12 and older. That was statistically unchanged from the year before, below pre-pandemic levels and far below the rates recorded in the 1990s, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey.Oct 31, 2022
What are the BLM False Narratives? That Cop was CONVICTED FOR KILLING GEORGE FLOYD... Yes... Memes do not Change Reality...
Short Answer: I simply tried to take a social media break over Memorial Day weekend.
Long answer: As we all know, on May 24th the Uvalde school shooting occurred - just a few days before Memorial Day weekend. The initial reports were awful and in the almost 2 months since, the details about what took place have come out and quite frankly disgust me even more. (More on that topic soon - a perfect illustration of why it’s important to wait for the ALL of the FACTS before reacting in haste and emotion)
As Memorial Day weekend approached, I decided I wanted a break from social media and deactivated my personal account. In doing so, Facebook also deactivates any pages connected to your profile. Naturally, that meant this page went offline for the weekend too. No big deal, when you reactivate your personal profile, your page typically comes back as well.
Well, this time, for reasons I’ll never know, that wasn’t the case this time.
Over the last month, I probably clicked on the “reactivate page” button a thousand times.
As some of you may know, Facebook doesn’t exactly have a “customer service line” to call and take care of issues or glitches. So, I was stuck and basically came to terms with the fact I may never get the page back.
Today, I just so happened to notice the Facebook app had an update to be installed. I was hoping one of these updates would fix the glitch. Lo and behold, it did! Or that’s my best guess at least.
So that’s it.
That’s the story and reason for my almost 2 month hiatus from Facebook as “The Officer Next Door”.
In some ways, it was kind of nice. In other ways, it pissed me off I couldn’t get the page back and at least leave on my own terms - if that was what I wanted to do.
It appears I’ve lost a few hundred followers and apparently follow a lot less people and pages myself. Not sure what that’s all about, but whatever. Facebook is always wonky and glitchy behind the scenes. What can ya do?
I’ll resume my normal rambling and maybe work on getting that podcast up and running. Guess we’ll see!
So yeah, I’m back…

I missed (most) of you.
- The Officer Next Door