Car Races are as Crazy as the "Trucker's Convoy" driving Across Country to Drive around and around and around the Washington DC Beltway protesting Wearing Masks To Prevent Disease... and then they were Surprised to see Endless Drivers Flipping them the Bird as They Drove By... HONK HONK! uckFay ouYay ruckerTay uckersFay Shouted The Average Joe!
This Photo shows the Old Executive Office Building on Pennsylvania Ave Right Next to the White House... Washington DC... The Tourists were Impressed... "Look Mom! There's a Protest Going On!" and Little Sally asked "What are they Protesting?" and Dad Said: "I Don't Know But... I Support The Troops!"
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
That Entire Era of Celebrating Car Culture is Fading Away... and Flying in Jet Airplanes TOO...
During the Sixties it was Quite Fashionable to be Part of the "Jet Set" - I flew with my Parents on Family Vacations... Hawaii, Washington DC, New England... However, I Have not Flown in over 20 Years. The Last time was a "Meet the Inlaws" Trip when I first got Married to my Second Ex-Wife.
2001? It was Fun because we went to the Original DuPont Factory where they Ground Gunpowder... and the Franklin Museum in Philadelphia...
and People "Went on Tour with The Grateful Dead" - Really! - I personally Have driven from Washington DC to Pittsburgh or New York City just to Go to a Concert... and Other People Drove all over the Country in Old Hippie Buses That got terrible gas mileage... Remember Ken Kesey and The Magic Bus named Further?
Car Races on Saturday Night at The Fairgrounds? Tractor Pulls? Drag Races? The Movie "Easy Rider?"(celebrating the Freedom of Smuggling Illegal Drugs and Having Money and Taking a Bike Ride Across Country and Hiring Hookers and Eating LSD) "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac? Cruising on Main Street to Meet Other Teenagers?
"Paradise by the Dashboard Light" a song by Meatloaf... about Sex in a Car... Taking a Sunday Drive with the Family... all of that is in the Rear View Mirror and is Fading Away...
Believe it or Not: The STURGIS Motorcycle Rally is ON for this Summer... Last Year it was a superspreader event and thousands of bikers got Coronavirus There and then Spread it to their Friends and Family... FUN!
Car Culture Has Pretty Much defined the USA in the Last Hundred Years... Did you know that there were Trolley Cars in Los Angeles a Long Time Ago? That way people could travel all over town without taking their own Horse... All the Trolley Car tracks were removed to make room for automobiles...
and now there is an Insane Traffic Jam Everywhere all the time! Is That Progress? Or Just Profit for Corporations that Sell Cars and Gasoline?
The way it works is Super Rich people own those Corporations and they Buy Politicians that write Friendly Laws... That Benefits those Rich People...
Did you ever hear of FRACKING? That's a way to get oil out of the ground by forcing water deep into the Earth... anyway... It costs more to extract Oil using that process than the Company Can Sell the Oil For... They Lose a Little Bit of Money on Every Barrel... But they Get a Government Subsidy that Allows them To Make a Profit... Fundamentally, the Fracking Technique is a Tool to EXTRACT MONEY FROM THE US GOVERNMENT!
and Oil gets into the drinking water of the people that live near a fracking well... and those people also shower in poison... so just buying bottled water is only partially effective... because the toxic waste seeps into your body thru the skin... CRAZY!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
"I blame the internal combustion engine for the warming up of our atmosphere." - Said JH -
I Replied: Methane is a Serious Problem Too:
Cow farts... Pig Farts too... Really... Eating Meat Causes Global Warming... The Farming of Meat Causes More Greenhouse Gasses than All Cars and Trucks COMBINED... HOWEVER... I'm going to Continue to Eat Meat... and Cheese... and Ice Cream... Maybe Switch to Impossible Burgers or Beyond Meat... But I'm Keeping the Ice Cream and Cheese...
JH SAID: Greenhouse gasses yes, but the internal combustion engine takes in cool air mixes it with fuel and dumps hot air out the exhaust, and there are millions and millions of them running 24/7 365 days a year.
My little white truck with an original painting on the hood... an American Flag Heart by gvan42 |
I replied: I Have Driven a Car Just for Fun... a LOT... Often We would from Washington DC Travel to New York City Just for Something to Do on a Friday Night...
NOW... I Don't Own a Car... and I only go to Doctor's Appointments Via LYFT... At 67 Years of age I'm Not Motivated to Travel... BUT...
Millions of People Drive Every Freaking Day to Get to Work... Sometimes Huge Distances... People Drive from Sacramento to a Job in San Francisco... CRAZY... But People Have to Work and The Jobs are NOT Located Near Homes... and YET... We Have Abandoned Shopping Malls near Homes... and Tech Companies COULD Relocate to an Empty Store...
RB Said: Airplanes and coal fired power plants have gigantic carbon footprints 🙄
I Replied: I have not Flown in a Jet Airplane in Over 20 Years... I Had to Meet my In-laws soon after I Married their Daughter... I was Living in Eureka, CA and They Were in Delaware... I can't Think of ANY VALID EXCUSE NOW for Flying in a Jet Airplane... ZOOM is Good Enough for me...
I Believe We Will FAIL to Avoid Climate Change and Temperatures of 130 Degrees Will Become Common in The Western USA... and Our Climate Will become Similar to Saudi Arabia... after all the Trees Burn... Sorry to be "Debbie Downer" but MY PLAN is to Move to The Coast of NorCal or Oregon... or Canada... or Alaska... It's Cool and Rainy There... Arcata and Eureka Have the Best Chances of Avoiding Wildfires That will Burn the Rest of the State... Maybe Not This Year but Certainly During My Lifetime...
Just Fleeing North is a Great Plan Until... WE RUN OUT OF NORTH! Eventually, The Only Place to Live Will Be The North Pole AND THEN WHAT?
Bicycle 12 volt DC Generator Arcata, CA CCAT HSU
CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO ELECTRICITY With an Exercise Bicycle Power Generator. ZERO POLLUTION. Simply Use the Bicycle to Drive an Automobile Alternator with a Belt... Store Electricity in a Car Battery...
Hundreds of Thousands of exercise Bicycles
ALREADY EXIST and they Create ZERO Electricity...
Let's All Email PELOTON and ask them to
Build USEFUL Power Generator Bicycles!
Bicycle power generator. HSU CCAT |
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