Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Why Did Millions Of Republicans #RUNAWAY From The GOP after Trump's 2020 Failure? Do They Know Something?

 Could it Be That ENDLESS FAILURE and LYING made Reasonable People Join the Democratic Party?

The Vaccine is Working - Thank You Joe - meme gvan42
Or maybe it's The Successes of Joe Biden
That Caused the Massive Switch.

In An Amazingly Positive And Encouraging March Employment Report, 916,000 Americans Found New Jobs.

For Easter: I knew a Man that Rose from the Dad after Three Days... He was in a Coma from a Methamphetamine Overdose... but then he got better... He Worked as a Bicycle Mechanic/Test Pilot in San Jose... I Rode With him on a Tandem Recumbent Bicycle Once... Never again! Too Crazy Dangerous! He Is Risen TOO!


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